Thanksgiving AND New Year's?! Whew! - Update 3/12 Pg. 17

Wow I'm so jealous you're going again so soon!!! I have to wait practically a whole year til I get to go again. :sad: I really need to win the lottery so I can buy DVC and AP's!!!:woohoo:
Wow I'm so jealous you're going again so soon!!! I have to wait practically a whole year til I get to go again. :sad: I really need to win the lottery so I can buy DVC and AP's!!!:woohoo:

I seriously can't believe that I'm going! Having an AP makes such a huge difference, and it kind of makes me try my best to get my money's worth out of it!

Having DVC is a goal of mine. My parents are so awesome to let me use it frequently, but I want to buy in myself too!
Yup, I'm flying out of Milwaukee again! Got a great deal on a flight from Southwest. I can leave room in my suitcase.....:rotfl:

Excellent...when do we leave? :laughing::laughing::laughing:

I agree about having an AP. It is so nice (as is DVC!). I actually got it because I opened a Disney Visa account and got $200 in Disney reward dollars to put toward it. I'll have to renew it after our trip. That way I'll have an excuse to go a couple more times...gotta get that money's worth out of the AP!
Having DVC is a goal of mine. My parents are so awesome to let me use it frequently, but I want to buy in myself too!

When you do buy into the DVC will you let dad and I use it:laughing:
You are awesome yourself you have done so much for us too. You are a gift and blessing to us both :hug::grouphug:
Excellent...when do we leave? :laughing::laughing::laughing:

I agree about having an AP. It is so nice (as is DVC!). I actually got it because I opened a Disney Visa account and got $200 in Disney reward dollars to put toward it. I'll have to renew it after our trip. That way I'll have an excuse to go a couple more times...gotta get that money's worth out of the AP!

That's totally awesome thought that you got that big of a reward! Did you get the premium annual or the regular? I got the premium because we're going in the summer and early fall, so I want to take advantage of the water parks. I agree, you have to do all you can to get your money's worth out of the AP!

When you do buy into the DVC will you let dad and I use it:laughing:
You are awesome yourself you have done so much for us too. You are a gift and blessing to us both :hug::grouphug:

Awww, mom.....:lovestruc
So I mentioned before that I'm not a morning person, right? So it was pretty much a miracle that I was able to get up at 6:45am with no questions asked. Why? Because I'm in Disney, that's why!

I didn't want to dilly dally too much, because I had a mission, dangit! :lmao: Ride Toy Story Mania twice!

I hopped in the shower right away, and my goal was to be out of the room by about 7:45am. The shower was so warm, and I was actually a little bit cold because of our very efficient air conditioner! I spent a little longer in the shower then intended because it was so cozy! (Can a shower be cozy?)

The night was pretty good overall, and we both slept pretty decently. I had heard that some problems with POP Century was noise or flushing toilets, but we had none of those problems....or it could have been that I was so tired that I passed out!

We made it through the rest of our morning routine (straighten hair, do makeup, spackle, paint, etc.), and we were out the door by 7:50am. Only 5 minutes late, nice!

We headed over to Everything POP, but mom forgot her camera. So we went back to get that. Then I forgot my LGMH, so had to go back for that. Mind you, we never actually made it past our front door in all of this. It was go outside, turn around, insert key, lather, rinse, repeat. In the meantime, I did manage to snap some pictures.

Our room number - If you ever stay POP preferred, ask for this room! 60's, building five, 1st floor. Primo location!

Our towel animal perched in the window

We finally made it to everything POP for breakfast. I got: breakfast pizza, apple juice, sweet iced tea. Mom got: POP waffle, coffee, and apple/cranberry juice.




Hi mom!

I don't think I look too tired....

Then it was back to the room AGAIN! Well, really it was to drop off our refillable mugs. But it was a good thing that we did go back, because mom had forgotten our annual pass vouchers in the room. Whoops! :scared1: We kinda need those!

We were right by this little baby

This is literally right out of our room, and that's Classic Hall in the background. So close!

Our first stop was....

Self portrait

A nice man took our picture

We had a bus ride with no issues, and were at Hollywood Studios in no time

Goal number one? Get our annual passes!



Our first goal was to find a photopass photographer. Since I prepurchased the photopass CD, I wanted to make sure that I took plenty of pictures. I will post PP pics in an individual post when I complete a day. Stay tuned!


Our first goal was to get to Toy Story Mania. We headed straight over there with a goal of getting fastpasses and getting into line. Well, that plan went out the window. It was only 9:10 in the morning, and the line for fastpasses was ALL THE WAY BACK TO VOYAGE OF THE LITTLE MERMAID! :scared1:

We had a strict goal of being out of the park by no later then 4pm, because we had to have dinner and get to the fireworks dessert party. I didn't want to wait 30 minutes in a fastpass line, and get an undesirable return time. So, mom and I breezed past, and made a simple decision to just hope in line.




I love these little touches..


One potato, two potato, three potato, four!

Continued in next post (stupid picture limits!)
Well our deciding to stand in line was worth it, because the wait was only 30 minutes, when it was posted at 90. Score! We were on the ride, and I was on my way to kicking mom's butt! :lmao:

My score is on the left (woot woot!)

Yup, I beat mom, and I was best in vehicle (yee haw!)

Once off the ride it was not yet 10am, so we decided to hop back in line again! We ended up waiting in line with a really nice lady and her adoptive daughter, so we were able to spend the wait time talking about everything and nothing. I love finding people like this in Disney. This was their first time ever on TSM, and they were leaving HS around 2pm to head down to Fort Lauderdale. We ended up parting ways when we boarded the ride, but it was nice to spend the time with them. The wait time this time around ended up being about 1 hour.



I beat mom again (say what?!)

And I was best in car again (you know it!)

However, I thought my score was a little iffy.

Mom was terrified of hers....

Once we were all done with our two obligatory TSM rides, we were ready to have some lunch. All of that trigger pulling made us hungry! HS is not my favorite place for CS, so I really didn't know where we were going to eat. I did know that I wanted to eat early, because if you can eat between 11 and 11:30, you'll miss the crowd. We were around the Backlot area, so we headed over to Backlot Express to check it out. We had checked out Studio Catering, but the menu was all sandwiches, and I kind of wanted something hot.

There was no one at Backlot Express (score! Actually, using the early eating method worked really well the entire trip), so we placed our order in no time. I got: angus avocado cheeseburger with carrots, sweet tea, and swirl cheesecake. Mom got: vegetable sandwich with carrots, sweet tea, and strawberry parfait.





We were both really satisfied with this choice, and it's on my list to return again. The burger and sandwich were really fresh and tasty. :thumbsup2

I loved the signs

Had to take this picture. Totally used to watch this movie all the time when I was younger.

That's it for now folks.

Next update: Does Lottso really smell like strawberries?
I'm the same way; always forgetting something. lol! Always!! Glad your first wait wasn't as long as posted. That is such a nice surprise. It's fun to chat with friendly people in line. :) Great update!
I'm the same way; always forgetting something. lol! Always!! Glad your first wait wasn't as long as posted. That is such a nice surprise. It's fun to chat with friendly people in line. :) Great update!

Yeah, it always feels inevitably like you're going to forget something. I've even been in a group where a certain person (DAD!), left his annual pass in the room and didn't figure it out until we were all the way to the park! LOL. Fortunately it wasn't that bad.
Hello readers!

If we were in the Laugh Floor, I would ask you to go AAAHHHHHH in response to that! :goodvibes

Since I am making this a two for one trip report now, I figured that I would report on some of the plans that I have for my trip that is coming up over New Years. :banana:

Me and Dad

POP Century

December 30 - January 4

Because we like to!

We will be arriving in Florida on 12/30. I got a great deal on a flight out of Milwaukee again via Southwest. The flight departs Milwaukee at 7:25pm and arrives at 11:15pm. We are booked on the Magical Express. We also will be utilizing the quick service dining plan this time as well, because my mom and I liked it so much when we had done it in November.

Day 1 Potential Itinerary -
Hollywood Studios @8am
Back to room @5pm
Back to Hollywood Studios @10pm (open until 3am!)

Our flight gets in late, so I'm hoping that I'll be able to get myself up early enough to get to Hollywood Studios at 8am. Hopefully I won't be too tired. ;)

Dining will be:
Everything POP - breakfast
Backlot Express - lunch
Everything POP - dinner

Dad likes to ride everything, so we will have a full plate on this day. We have to see how we can fit everything in, but I think the midday break will make things much better. And of course, Toy Story Mania at least twice is on the agenda! :3dglasses

Up Next: More TR and more PTR!

Thanks for reading everyone! :thumbsup2
So jealous you are going back so soon! Isn't Pop the best? It's our fav too. Congrats on TSM 2 x in a row.

I can't wait to read more!
So jealous you are going back so soon! Isn't Pop the best? It's our fav too. Congrats on TSM 2 x in a row.

I can't wait to read more!

I like POP very much. We normally don't get the chance to stay there because we stay at the DVC resorts normally on points, but I really enjoyed our time there, and it's a great option when we don't want to use the timeshare. :cutie:
Pop looks so cute, I'd like to stay there one day! :thumbsup2

I can't believe the TSM FP's go so quickly and the line gets SO long SO fast...I don't know if I'm ever going to be able to deal with that stampede in the morning, I think I'd rather just wait in line for an hour!

I can't believe DHS is open til 3am on your next trip, that's going to be so much fun! :banana: I love being there late at night, but i'm never there when it's open later than 10. :confused3
Pop looks so cute, I'd like to stay there one day! :thumbsup2

I can't believe the TSM FP's go so quickly and the line gets SO long SO fast...I don't know if I'm ever going to be able to deal with that stampede in the morning, I think I'd rather just wait in line for an hour!

I can't believe DHS is open til 3am on your next trip, that's going to be so much fun! :banana: I love being there late at night, but i'm never there when it's open later than 10. :confused3

I had never seen TSM's fastpass line that long before. It was absolutely insane! :scared1:

I am so excited about DHS being open so late! I'm normally not there when it's open so late either. I don't recall any of the parks being open that late when I was there over last New Years.
I have some good news to share. My parents 40th wedding anniversary is coming up next year, and to celebrate my mom wanted to go with the whole family to the world. They have been saving their vacation points for this, and we just hit the seven month window to make our reservations.

I called on Thursday right when DVC member services opened. Our goal was simple. Try to get Bay Lake Tower at the Contemporary. We were trying to be optimistic, but realistic at the same time, because we know that Bay Lake Tower fills up quickly.

So I called. It was a long process, but I managed to get us three studios for our entire trip! I am sooooo excited, because we have not stayed at BLT, I've only seen it on a DVC tour. It will be really nice to be at a convenient resort. I will have to start a PTR for that soon, but right now I need to finish all of my others! :lmao:

The cast is:

Mom and Dad - Awesome parents celebrating 40 years married. I think it's an amazing accomplishment that deserves celebration!

Myself - That's a given! LOL

Brother Jason and Nephew Joaquin - Joaquin is going to be 3 1/2 by the time we go. You'll want to hop on board for that TR, because he is just a ham and a 1/2!

Brother Chris, SIL Sara, Niece Riley - Riley will be about 6 when we go. She doesn't like to ride much and is very picky, but hopefully we can change that!

Potentially my cousin Michelle, her husband Brian, and their son Grant (will be about 2 1/2) will be coming along. She will book separately through their timeshare!

When? July 9 - July 15
I have some good news to share. My parents 40th wedding anniversary is coming up next year, and to celebrate my mom wanted to go with the whole family to the world. They have been saving their vacation points for this, and we just hit the seven month window to make our reservations.

I called on Thursday right when DVC member services opened. Our goal was simple. Try to get Bay Lake Tower at the Contemporary. We were trying to be optimistic, but realistic at the same time, because we know that Bay Lake Tower fills up quickly.

So I called. It was a long process, but I managed to get us three studios for our entire trip! I am sooooo excited, because we have not stayed at BLT, I've only seen it on a DVC tour. It will be really nice to be at a convenient resort. I will have to start a PTR for that soon, but right now I need to finish all of my others! :lmao:

The cast is:

Mom and Dad - Awesome parents celebrating 40 years married. I think it's an amazing accomplishment that deserves celebration!

Myself - That's a given! LOL

Brother Jason and Nephew Joaquin - Joaquin is going to be 3 1/2 by the time we go. You'll want to hop on board for that TR, because he is just a ham and a 1/2!

Brother Chris, SIL Sara, Niece Riley - Riley will be about 6 when we go. She doesn't like to ride much and is very picky, but hopefully we can change that!

Potentially my cousin Michelle, her husband Brian, and their son Grant (will be about 2 1/2) will be coming along. She will book separately through their timeshare!

When? July 9 - July 15

We are so excited to be staying at BLT. I know we will all have an awesome time:banana:
So we left off just having finished lunch at Backlot Express. Lunch was very good, and hit the spot for us.

One our way out, our first stop was Tatooine Traders. We wanted to look for something for my nephew Joaquin. Right now, at the age of 3, he is obsessed with the Clone Wars, so we figured that getting him something Star Wars would be appropriate. Funny note on Joaquin. He loves Star Wars, but he can't say Lightsaber to save his life. It always sounds like 'ight-yaver. It's too cute. We went out to dinner not too long ago with Jason and Joaquin, and we made him a lightsaber out of straws. So he kept talking about it, and my mom asks him "what is it?" "A 'ight-yaver". She asked him three times, because it was so cute, and the last time he says "'s.....a......'IGHT-YAVER!" He was getting so annoyed!

I wanted to get him a lightsaber, but didn't want to get him a big one, because he's 3, and can't be trusted with that stuff right now! LOL. So, I got him a small one attached to a keychain.


I got this for me. Hello, I love Donald!


Mom got Joaquin the little collection. I can't believe I didn't take a picture. You know, the ones that are a little squeezy plastic, look like bath toys? They come in a round carry all and make them for most of the Disney characters.

After this, we were off to:





I love Muppetvision! I know this show is old, but I love going and can watch this all the time. The Muppets are awesome and I love Jim Hensen in general.

The show was funny (as always!), and what was really awesome was that the theater was a little more on the full side. This made it lots of fun, because the kids were just having such a good time! It always makes these movies more enjoyable.



After our obligatory trip to see the Muppets, it was on to the Backlot Tour. I have not done the Backlot Tour for quite a number of years, and after reading Rosie's (englishrose) trip report, I wanted to make sure it was on my list.




The people that were selected for Harbor Attack were really great sports, and they made the first part of the show very enjoyable.

We had a slight delay once we made it to the tram vehicles, but only for about 10 minutes. I'm always amazed that as soon as someone says "slight delay", they want out and off. I understand if someone has a dining reservation, but seriously, tons of people hopped off the tram. We were actually on in no time and were on our way. I ended up sitting next to a guy that decided the backlot tour was prime time for sleeping! :lmao:

These guys were having so much fun! I didn't realize the backlot tour shows the "dump" site for LMA.







Good thing my mom was sitting on the edge! :laughing:

This picture doesn't show it, but this guy was a cutie!

Hey look, the sleeper's awake......wait, no he isn't! He's sleeping behind his glasses!

Continued in next post:





After we were done, I wanted to head over to One Man's Dream because I had heard that they had refurbed it, and that there were new displays. But that wasn't before I had to stop and get a frozen coke!


I love frozen coke, but I don't allow myself to have it too often. They don't allow food or drink in One Man's Dream, so mom and I took up residence on a bench right outside and shared the frozen coke. Once we were done, it was time to go in.

Mom was funny here, because this played into the trend of my mom not hearing me over the crowds. She started heading in where people were going out (Narnia walkthrough). I was like: "Mom.........Mom!.......MOM!" before she turned around to see why I was calling her. Priceless.

Honestly, I only saw a few things in there that seemed to be new. I did like this though:


Veggie fruit fruit, veggie veggie fruit fruit! *sigh* I miss that show

We stayed for the movie, because mom and I are both sentimental fools. After, we wanted to head over the the Animation area to meet Lottso. At first, we were going to go through the entire tour, but then noticed that you can skip the tour and go in to meet the characters instead (as much as I know about Disney, this kind of stuff is new to me because normally we don't do character meets).

It was 3pm when we got there, and Lottso wasn't going to be back until 3:45pm. At first I said that we could just go, because I didn't want to wait around for 45 minutes. However, on our way out, we got distracted (isn't that what always happens?).

The parade was going on


We also went into the candy store, and bought jelly beans (can't forget those!), and by the time we were done, it was 3:30pm. Mom made the executive decision at this time to go back to the Animation tour to see Lottso. We got there and only a small line had begun to form. We had met a really nice photopass photographer in the Animation Courtyard and we got our picture taken. I don't know what we did, but he said that we had made his day by visiting with him. It was so nice.




After about 15 minutes we were let into the queue area. We waited about 10 minutes, and it was our turn. Lo and behold, it was our nice photopass guy that was there taking the pictures. He said that he was so happy to see us again. I love moments like this. It makes you feel so familiar. I got my picture with Lottso, which made me happy (I will post photopass pictures shortly). It was nice to do something different then we normally do, which for me is a meet and greet.

At that time, we were ready to leave the park. We had done what we intended to do. I think that if you're able to do TSM twice, it's a success! Plus, we were already starting to get hungry. We had to make sure we ate early, because we were doing the fireworks dessert party that night. Had to make sure we had room for that! We got on a POP bus at about 4:15pm and were on our way.

First stop was the front desk. I wanted to request a fridge, which I had forgotten to do. Lickity split, the cast member said they'd take care of it. Then it was off to Everything POP. Mom bought me an awesome iPhone case (Kermit!), a deck of Uno cards, and a POP pin for herself. Thanks mom!

After she made her purchases, we were heading into the food area to purchase dinner. Since it was Thanksgiving, they were offering a platter with turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, green beans, a roll, and pie for $14.99. Pretty good deal if I do say so myself. We both opted for this.



It was really tasty, and I was happy with it.

Back in the room, this was waiting for us.

And we got to survey our purchases



The fridge was already in the room when we got there, which was handy, because we were able to stick the pie (that we didn't eat), in there for later. Too bad inevitably we would forget to eat it!

It was about 5:30pm when we got back to the room. We did a few things, mostly me writing about the trip. I also had to do a little bit of homework. That's one of the downfalls of attending the University of Phoenix online. I still had to post for participation, even though it was Thanksgiving. Oh well. We relaxed until about 7pm. We changed, and then were off.

Up next: The fireworks dessert party!
Hooray for getting BLT! We haven't stayed there yet either but last summer when me, my dad and sister went we went over there to see what it was like. It looked really cool!

Great day at DHS! Nothing beats starting your day off with TSM and it looks like you got a lot of other things accomplished too. That is so cool you spotted Figment!


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