Thank you for info-came in handy while booking today!


DIS Legend
Mar 5, 2007
This (long-winded note) is for alllll the regulars who have talked about that period of time when you manage to "lock up" a room you're trying to book and can't get back to it.

I'm finishing up my Princess stay (last minute!). I had a studio at SSR booked the very last night, and had a waistlist for the night before. Today I started wandering around the website and saw Kidani, savannah view studio open up for both nights.

Now I'm not the biggest AKV fan. In fact I think I've stated I won't stay there again. But 2 nights when I need 2 nights? I'm not turning my back on that. And for a totally solo stay, I think it'll be OK.

But I had to drop that one night first so those points could be used. (otherwise I'd have points sitting in holding)

And that's where I made my mistake. I opened a new tab, navigated there, cancelled it. Then *refreshed* the other tab. UGH. Room was "gone".

After about 10 minutes of thinking "ohhhh noooo, now I have nothing at all for those 2 nights", but clicking around trying to make the nights come back, and logging out, clearing cookies, etc, I thought "Dis people, and the popup window as I was making that reservation, tell me that it'll hold for me for 20 maybe I should just wait for that 20 minutes."

And so I did. And it's amazing how much housework can be done when you're not sitting with a laptop on your lap!

20 minutes later, I went back, did my search again, and there were my two nights, sitting there again.

So thank you, fellow Dis people, for that tidbit I've seen mentioned so many many times, for keeping me OK and preventing me from giving up. :)

(and yes I cancelled the waitlist)
Happy it worked out for you - thanks for sharing your experience. :)
So you're the one that got those nights! lol I was just looking and thinking how interesting it is that things can change fast. I head down on the 19th and have 2 moves in the first 2 nights so I've been keeping a close eye on that timeframe trying to get 2 nights in the same accommodations so I just have 1 move. The Kidani didn't cover the exact nights I needed but I had seen them and then they were gone 30 minutes or so later!

For what you were doing I learned to use 2 separate devices. Some say a different browser will work but since I know the 2 devices will work I'm just sticking with that. 2 tabs will not keep the room held though, as you discovered. Glad you got it back!
Kathy that is crazy that you were looking at them at the same time! Sorry if you were trying to snag them even though they weren't perfect. I'll try to have a really nice time and not complain in honor of the fact that there are people who weren't looking for just *anything*.

This is a low stakes 2 nights though. Solo trips are always so much more relaxed than a family stay.
Kathy that is crazy that you were looking at them at the same time! Sorry if you were trying to snag them even though they weren't perfect. I'll try to have a really nice time and not complain in honor of the fact that there are people who weren't looking for just *anything*.

This is a low stakes 2 nights though. Solo trips are always so much more relaxed than a family stay.

It was funny to come over and read this because I really had just been thinking of how fast the nights disappeared! Have fun and enjoy the race!

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