Team Focker Watch: Lucky Number 13!

Morning all.

Janet - I saw that accident on the news this morning. It looked Like a bad one. Traffic was tied up into NJ and up my way too. Thankfully I don't use highways during the day.

I might be up for a NY meet. Depends on when and if my family will let me. :confused3 They all think I am to old to travel alone.

Not much going on here. I am cosidering brain surgery on my DD to see if she actually has one. I told her 2 weeks ago that we cannot be the driver to school. She never bothered to work it out so Crystal was almost a half hour late. I cannot get Crystal to school, Mikey in his bus, wait for Anthony and get DD to work in the morning. Crystal has to be in at 8:35, Anthony gets dropped off at 8:40. Mikey's bus comes at 8:50 and she has to be in work at 8:55. I am not a miracle worker. Even if she took the bus to work, my mom's suggestion, I would have a problem.

Is it October? I need my vacation and school has been back for 3 full days now. :scared1:

I mde Jim his surprise dinner last night. Yeah, he never came home he went staright to my son's house for wings and football. My grandson ate the dinner. The boy eats as if he will never see food again. :lmao: He is 12 and growing.

It has been a really quiet morning. Two of the kids are in school and Anthony didn't come over because his dad was off today. I only had Ella and she was very happy with the Disney channel. I did apply for the mom's panel but I won't make it. It was fun applying though.

Not much going on here. Have a good day all.
Crap! I don't know what happened to all my quotes! :headache:

Anyway.... just a quick pop-in to say "Hey!" :wave:

We had a nice weekend. The Walking with the Dinosaur thing was really fun. I thought it would be too baby-ish for my kids, but they really enjoyed it. :thumbsup2 Yesterday we closed up the pool for the winter and just had a total PJ day - it was great!

Hit the trails today for my run/walk - that was nice and tiring, but I'm feeling good about it, so I'm happy. I'm off to do some grocery shopping and then a Target run.

Hope you all had a great weekend! Hey! Who's trying out for the Mom's Panel? Good luck! Anyway, I'm over it. :lmao: From looking at the past panels, I'm sooo not "their type".pirate: Now if they ever do a DisneyLAND Mom's panel, I'd be alllllll over that one. ;)
Hi, all!

Jo, I'd love to try and come see you - shoot me an e-mail with dates, and I'll see what I can do! I love the train. ;) Congrats on the golf tournament, too - are the girls ticked, or pleased for you? :hug:

Hi, T! Sounds like a great weekend!

Hi, V! Glad Leo's still doing good at school. :goodvibes

Hi, Mel!

Taz, glad you had a better day.

Janet, sorry about the traffic. And good luck with the mammo. :hug:

Dawn, good luck to Kirt with the elbow.

I'm sure there's more - Hi, Kat, Hi, Rosie!

Ugh. It's been a blah day - cloudy and cool (which I don't mind) but with nothing much at all going on. D went to the office, as he's off tomorrow and Wed., then should (there's now some question) leave Thursday for the 2 week long trip.

I just called the school to get my name on their mind again - this is at the superintendent's office, my kids' school, where the secretaries like me, can't do anything if they don't get my name from the main office.

I got so bored I mopped. :rotfl2: I do need to go change some laundry, too. Woohoo.
Definitely consider Mandalay Bay. They are rare in that you don't have to traverse their casino to get to check in. It's separate from the hotel areas. You will have to walk through to get eat... However, having said that, you will notice that it's not that bad. The best on the strip, IMHO, because they have the best air system, and the highest ceilings.

We'll only be there one night, maybe 2 if T can meet us there, so it'll pretty much be sleeping and washing off the road dust in Vegas, lol! But I'm sure we'll peek around a couple of the biggies, just to see it. Gramma's been before and insists on showing us the Venetian and Bellaggio.

Is it October? I need my vacation and school has been back for 3 full days now. :scared1:
Ugh, too much to deal with! :hug:

Yesterday we closed up the pool for the winter and just had a total PJ day - it was great!
Say what?!?! Didn't it just finally get warm there?
Who's trying out for the Mom's Panel?
Not me! We all KNOW they don't want me, lol! :rotfl:

I do need to go change some laundry, too. Woohoo.
Ooo, wanna trade - I looooove laundry! :love: (And I'm sick of my current project... don't tell! ;)
LOL, she's obsessed with me. :lmao:

No kidding! :lmao:

When I first read this, I panicked a little and thought, "Oh, we'd don't HIKE, hike..."
Then I saw we have the same defintion! :thumbsup2

This is what I noticed. They have a welcome center as you drive in from town (which, incidently was really nice and had some very sweet shops to browse). They gave us a map of the park, and the trails were marked with distance and difficulty, along with the type of path (paved, dirt, loose gravel). I think that might be the most important part to pay attention to. The type of terrain matters, when you are coming down a smallish incline and you hit pebbles, it's a bit like being on bb's. :scared1:
Having said that, we just went up the paths to a comfortable distance, then returned down again. I had just had spinal surgery about 5 months prior to the trip, so you know I wasn't moving too fast. It's a gorgeous park, and you'll definitely enjoy it even if you don't do hardcore hiking. My boys would have gladly done much more hiking if we'd had time and ability. The drive out from Vegas is a good one, but that road is HARROWING! You are driving through switch backs and in between huge rock walls. Pretty but stressful driving, with the semi's bearing down on you. Where are you staying in Vegas? We visit about twice a year, though not this year, and we love Mandalay Bay. They have the best pool on the strip (IMHO) which is imperative if you're visiting during summer. Monte Carlo has just recently re-done their pool and now looks to be a fierce contender with Mandalay for best pool. Their prices are a bit better, too. Please feel free to ask any questions about activities with kids. We love to bring the boys with us! :)

Never that

Our high tomorrow is 64. I'm actually a little glad. The summer was too hot. Maybe not for CA peeps....:rotfl:

My baby is 5 foot 2 also! He's just gotten new jeans at Gap. NOT Gap kids. So sad....

So glad to hear that, about both Nana's. :hug:

Yeah. SD is 6 foot 4 inches tall. I get the "short mama" alot.....

You too.

Sorry for the girls, Rosie.

Not bloody likely.

Eh, they'll be upset temporarily, but they'll be proud of you!!!

You too, Janet. Hope the weekend is going well.

This sounds eerily like MY weekend, lol. Including the wine. ;)

Hello everyone!
Off to walk while Gus and NotBob bike. SD is NOT happy that I'm making him walk 3 miles on his day off tennis. He'll get over it though.
Making enchiladas for dinner tonight. YUM!!!

NotBob leaves Tues for Chicago. I am actually sort of looking forward to the peace and quiet. The beginning of the school year is always nuts and he's just not that "aware" of what I've been doing, the kids have been doing, all that it takes to get everyone where they need to be with WHAT they need to have. I need a break!

It's sunny and 62 degrees out. So nice!!!

Have a great Sunday girls. Talk to you soon!

wow---6 foot 4! that's pretty tall!

LOL--I like the "hiking" definition too! :thumbsup2


so...sigh...True Blood is gone till next summer--why oh why if it's so successful can they not make it last more than 12 weeks?? Soap operas go every day for a whole year!


Going to a school board meeting---Abby is presenting a concern to the school board---parents picking up K-2 grade are blocking the senior parking lot and they cannot get out for over 30 minutes---this is making them late for work, picking up younger siblings (my concern), etc. She and fellow friends talked to the principal who blew them off "it's always been like that"---so they are taking it to the school board! I'm proud of her.....will be shocked if they do anything...but still proud!:thumbsup2
Hello Focker Friends!

MEL - Says Dawn's itinerary was lame. If you have any questions about Vegas, ask Mel.

(I disagree with you on the Excalibur show - I love it! But I'm a Redneck and enjoy fighting and pounding on the table! Just like home! :rotfl2:)

JANET - Had to be the bad guy and suspend someone in the office for bad behavior. They had fun at the park with photos this weekend.

DAWN - I don't know how Mel thought the plan was lame when Mel's name showed up in every bit of it. Dawn had drama at the church with the director being fired. This weekend was full of church and Chinese fire drills.

ROSIE - Girls had cheerleading comps this weekend. They didn't place. She is actually off work today - so far.

V - Ragin' on ragweed. Pic of her and Mo at post #2177.

(The farmers are in the fields around here for harvest. It is awful.)

T - Thinks scouts this year will be much better. She's been walking a lot. They walked with dinos this weekend.

TAZ - Kyle's are is OK after all. He'll miss his cast. There was a plant shooting close to where she lives.

CE - A weekend with wine and kids. D is still gone.

TE - Casual Friday at work. Nana is doing better! She will be 92 next week.

JO - In the finals for golf which messes up their holiday plans. She will be in NYC early Dec.

KAT - Will be going to New Orleans in Dec. She is helping some friends with Disney plans.

Is it Monday already??
Back to work tonight for me.

We had a good dinner on Saturday evening. I pretty much was lazy the rest of the weekend. I did clean house a little.

Gotta run.
That's because MEL is the important part! :lmao::lmao::lmao:

Too lazy to quote everyone. Sorry. :sad2:
The last two weeks have been so nuts. Why am I so busy, when the kids are finally back in school? Tomorrow is an away game, so I'll be driving the tennis team off to that and then home again, in rush hour traffic. Fun. :rolleyes:

JO: You like that, huh? I was being all British and whatnot....LOL

TE: ITA with you on True Blood. It's been a weird season too. I loved some and hated some. Usually I at least LIKE most of them. :confused3 And I'm furious that Eric cut his hair. Ugh. :headache: They brought the fairie stuff in fairly quick though, considering that it's not really discussed until the later books. :confused:

Mo: Loved the pic with V. You guys look like summertime gals. :love:

CE: So bored you mopped? That's terrible. :hug::lmao:

T: Target must have a parking spot out front just for you. :rotfl:

Kristel, Rosie, Taz, Kat, etc. etc. :wave2:

Well, I paid the bills, organized my Disney stuff, ordered yearbooks for SD and Gus, got the insurance straightened out on the new car, did dishes, made dinner and talked to Dawn twice. :laughing: Can I please have a cold beer and lie down now?
Well I survided my UN day Offf !!!The Turkey was delish!!! I finished up all my errands !! Painted shamrocks on rocks for a Work thingie on Friday !!I am in charge of the Scavenger Hunt and the theme is holidays !!I had to find 12 freaking holiday thingies to hide !!!!:scared1:I finally got the ones for are ya ready "Cincode Maya day " Found seeds for Earth day!!!!I don't know how I get myself into this stuff :rotfl2:Okay now I am OFF Thursday too ssshhhhhhh!!!I do have a yucky appointment with the OB?GYN oncologist though sooo not exactly a fun day!!Hopefully that awful 3 month treatment she had me do has worked !!:worship:Of course it will be a couple of weeks before I know !! If not I guess it's Laser Surgery :scared1::scared1: But it ain;t interfering with Disney!!!!;):rotfl2:

I am looking at options for NYC in December !!!One thing for sure I am NOt staying in NY it is waaaay to expensive I could catch Amtrak to either Penn station or Newark !! But I don't know how to get from Newark to NYC!! Kat help!!!!!
Good morning, Fockers! :wave2:

NotBob leaves today but apparently, first that involves staying home till noon and getting under-foot. :rolleyes:
I guess TOMORROW will be my day to rest. :sad2:

Taking 6 boys to tennis this afternoon. Save me! LOL Just wrote out 2 more checks, totalling $125 for yearbooks. Have one more today for $50 for a parking spot at the high school. I'm shocked at how expensive it is senior year. Today's seniors have some cool stuff to look forward to, but it's ridiculous how much it all costs.

Good morning, Fockers! :wave2:

NotBob leaves today but apparently, first that involves staying home till noon and getting under-foot. :rolleyes:
I guess TOMORROW will be my day to rest. :sad2:

Oh, I hear that. I don't ALWAYS want him to go, but if he's going, get gone already! :rotfl2:

LOL Just wrote out 2 more checks, totalling $125 for yearbooks. Have one more today for $50 for a parking spot at the high school. I'm shocked at how expensive it is senior year. Today's seniors have some cool stuff to look forward to, but it's ridiculous how much it all costs.


::yes:: I don't know if you saw, but TE said something very similar last week. You guys are scaring me - double it! :faint: I have 9 years, better start saving now! ;)

Having our first day of "team drills" this morning - for this team that's not official until January, and which I probably won't be allowed to be on. But, it's the only class I'm in this week, so...

D's home still today and tomorrow, though he's got to go up to the marina one of these days, get stuff off the boat, talk about the winterizing, etc.

I need to hit up Target and the grocery after tennis, and the boys will go to karate. Then, my neighbor's h.s. freshman has open house tonight, so I think their 4th grader (Woody's good friend - he did the sleepover here last weekend) is hanging with us after dinner for a couple of hours.

I don't think I'll be bored today. :rolleyes1 :rotfl2:

Have a good one - I'll likely be back later! :grouphug:
The meeting went really well yesterday. I'm feeling much better about the year. I'm dreading the parents finding out today, though. Luckily, I can just refer them to the interim director and pastor. Since I'm new, they won't want to gossip with me about it, I hope.

Yesterday Aiden got a note home that the school thinks he would benefit from being in the talented and gifted program. I'm so excited, because his teacher last was such a hormonal pill, that she would tell him he couldn't read harder books because he wasn't ready. :mad:
You know momma bear wasn't having it, so I gave him Magic Treehouse books and he's been reading those all summer. He's a smart kid. All he needed was someone to believe in him. :lovestruc

Since Mel said it would be terribly wrong, I won't make a copy of the note, shove it in his first grade teacher's face and say, "In your face!!!" :rolleyes1

Happy Tuesday all! :cutie:
Dawn - let me knwo if Kirt needs cortisone in the elbo, I have a few words of warning. If it's just one or 2 shots ok, but if more watch out.

V - Saturday did rock!:goodvibes

Rosie - you are better off in NYC, stay far away from Newark, far away.

TE - good for Abs

Sounds like teens are expensive, yikes:eek: Glad I have pugs.;) Though they ain't exactly cheap.:rolleyes:

Ok, off for puffy goodness.

Dawn - let me knwo if Kirt needs cortisone in the elbow, I have a few words of warning. If it's just one or 2 shots ok, but if more watch out.
Yeah, I worry about it too. I told him this is the only body he has and he's just 35, so I really think surgery is the better way to go. Putting a bandaid on the problem isn't a good choice, in my opinion.
Morning all!:goodvibes

Taz - He would have been eating every bit of that dinner when he got home...hungry or not:lmao:

T - I thought the kids would like Walking with DInosaurs...Jimmy did too!:thumbsup2

V- I will fly you up every weekend if you want to do my laundry:rolleyes1:lmao:

TE - How did Ab make out with her presentation to the School Board?

Kristel - Great update as usual. Have a good week at work!

Mel - I know how much Jimmy is costing me now, I can't imagine senior year :faint: Please after a presentation byt the Boy Scouts last year he wanted to to know when he would get to go to Lundon for the World Jamboree :faint:

Dawn - Glad the meeting went well. Good plan just telling people to see the interim director or the pastor. Just stay out of it, KWIM?

CE - Have fun at tennis. DId you get my email?


Well the ultra sound was fine and all is well!:thumbsup2 No more B00b squishing until next year:woohoo:

Jim has an MRI on his shoulder tonight, so it will probably be pizza or Burger King for dinner tonight:sick:

The scout camp out is on Saturday and I am trying to decide what to do with 15 straight hours ALL BY MYSELF! Any suggestions:rolleyes1
Knowing me, I will probably do laundry (Hi V :wave2::rotfl:)

Other than that not much happening. Happy Tuesday!:goodvibes
Yesterday Aiden got a note home that the school thinks he would benefit from being in the talented and gifted program. I'm so excited, because his teacher last was such a hormonal pill, that she would tell him he couldn't read harder books because he wasn't ready. :mad:
You know momma bear wasn't having it, so I gave him Magic Treehouse books and he's been reading those all summer. He's a smart kid. All he needed was someone to believe in him. :lovestruc
Dawn, thank you - I'm sitting here in tears reading this! We're going through "stuff" with Leo and school. Again. And I needed that reminder. :hug: I'm so glad for Aiden - he must be feeling really good! :goodvibes

V- I will fly you up every weekend if you want to do my laundry:rolleyes1:lmao:
Don't tempt me Janet - I'd do nearly anything to get away right now, lol!
Well the ultra sound was fine and all is well!:thumbsup2 No more B00b squishing until next year:woohoo:
Yay! :hug:

Why Mo??????
I can answer that - because Newark is the 10th Circle of Hell. :rotfl: I've avoided Newark for years, it really is a nasty place where no flight arrives or departs on time.


Morning! I spoke too soon about Leo doing well with school. :headache: I'm hoping last night's 2.25 hours of homework and tears was just a bump in the road. Because we sure as heck can't continue like that! :sad2: Tonight's his karate night, so I'm hoping that'll help him feel better about himself.
Yeah, I worry about it too. I told him this is the only body he has and he's just 35, so I really think surgery is the better way to go. Putting a bandaid on the problem isn't a good choice, in my opinion.

I agree. Shots are great short term but don't usually cure the problem.

Morning all!:goodvibes

Taz - He would have been eating every bit of that dinner when he got home...hungry or not:lmao:

I found it still sitting in the microwave last night after he went to bed. He will hear about it today when he gets home. I told him that I made him a plate.

Well the ultra sound was fine and all is well!:thumbsup2 No more B00b squishing until next year:woohoo:
:yay: Always good news.

Jim has an MRI on his shoulder tonight,

Hope everything is OK.

Morning all.

Not a whole lot here. I have 3 kids today so decidedly noisier than yesterday.

Went through a lot of paperwork to prepare for Mikey's IEP next week. All of his BIG improvements were normal developmental stuff. The kid is 4 1/2, I would hope he knows body parts by now. :confused3 He does not know colors or shapes and still doesn't talk well. He is taken for 3 all of the time. There is no way they are cutting him out of the program unless they have a better alternative in place.

I heard from my ortho last night. he got the MRI results and I will be heading under the knife when I get back from Disney just in time for the holidays. I have torn cartilage and a Baker's cyst, which is basically the inflamation causing fluid to build up on the knee. The only down side is that it's my driving leg so that should be fun. My dr does surgery on thursday so I will at least have a 4 day weekend to recuperate. I have had the same surgery on my left knee 5 times so I know what to expect. I could try having the fluid drained but it will only build up again and I can't do cortisone fro other reasons. It only masks the pain anyway. My dr said that he knew we would just schedule everything for early november because he knows I want the problem fixed not just alleviated.

Oh well, I am off to see what pics I have uploaded to discs so I can clean out my computer some and more importantly free up my memory cards. My Disney trip is 37 days away. :yay: I'm counting the days. I need to get away.

Have a good day.
Hi again! :wave2:

CE: I knew you'd understand. :goodvibes

Dawn: Yay!!!!! :woohoo:

Mo: mmmmm, tasty puffy french toast!

Janet: Yay, no more squishy. :thumbsup2

Not sure who else I missed:

V: What's going on with Leo? Anything we can help with? I'm no expert but having had kids in public school for many, many years I can say I've pretty much seen it all. :sad2:
If you don't want to share, just know that you ARE doing the right thing. You are supportive, loving and encouraging. That's the best possible thing you can do and it counteracts ANY bad teachers. Always. :hug:

(who is OUTTA here, now that NB is gone! )
You didn't tell us they were opening a new one! Where? When? Details woman!s

Nov 2nd. Times Square. it's a Disney Store, not a World of Disney like the last store. I know a bunch of people going to work there and I plan to apply when it opens up. It's supposed to be ridiculous with a movie theater and a life size caslt play area!?!

V- I agree with Mel on all counts Vegas. I lived there for a while a bunch of years back. The only other thing I'd say is the Duece bus was great, it had an unlimited pass and we used it like crazy, and it runs up and down the strip, even goes all the way to Freemont ST, which has a huge awesome light show type thingie that we loved!


These kitties are killin' me today! They run around and around...loudly...and then jump on us and scratch us in our sleep! Thats not the way to wake up!

We are clipping their nails today- For Sure!

We are off to Costco this afternoon with one of our friends who just moved into the neighborhood- and they have a car! Usually we take the bus there (45 min) and a cab back ($15-$20). So we are excited to have the transportation!

Tonight is laundry and thats about it. KC will probably be playing on his newly hacked PS3. I will probably be surfing the internet's for recipes. LOL. Such is life.

Tomorrow we are supposed to have a cheap date day. We are going to make sammies to take with us, use some movie passes we have and hang out in the park in the city.

Have a great week everyone!!!!!!!


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