Tax Refund, Disney Fund?


DIS Veteran
Jun 8, 2000
Everyone have their taxes done? It's so much fun isn't it? ;) :D

I suppose if you're getting a refund it refund here. :rolleyes:

Those of you that are expecting an influx of funds, is any of that earmarked for your vacation account?

Do you have a vacation account? We do (got to love banking online), and it's nicknamed "Holiday".....pretty straightforward. ;) :D

Kim :)
:faint: :faint:

Which won't leave that much!

Normally, we pay for our spring vacation with our tax refund. I have kids in daycare so we usually get a nice refund. This year however, once we had calculated our refund we decided to buy DVC.:Pinkbounc :bounce: :Pinkbounc

We had enough for our downpayment and a little left over to put into our US account. It's financially unreasonable to be still listed as "single" status but it is forced savings. You don't get interest in your bank account so this way we aren't tempted to use it before April. I also buy payroll savings bonds for the same reason. If I had to set aside vacation money every pay myself I can assure you that it wouldn't be there at vacation time.

Have a great weekend!!
I was hoping to use my refund to pay off my visa and use it @ Disney in May.
I usually NETFILE but this year the government of Canada had decided to stop allowing anyone with a disability claim do anything but paper file! My DD is disabled so we claim it for her.
I sent in it Feb 27/ 04 and it still doesn't come up on the computer... and we are at 6 weeks!
I was told to call back next wek to see if they have recieved it yet!
GRRRRRR this is frustrating!
Ours is going towards our trip last month and related car repairs! :( Still waiting for the cc bills for that. I guess I should go and see if it's been deposited into our account yet. ;)

That's frustrating, Suzanne. :( Hope you find out soon!

Kim, my vacation account has sort of become a combo "trip/car repair" account lately. Now MY car needs some costly repairs! :(
Got our tax refund the middle of March and it was gone by the end of March.I hope my Pontiac dealership is enjoying it after having to get our car fixed.:rolleyes: Although I was able to get my youngest son all of his soccer stuff with the little bit that was left.
My refund is going to pay for Lisa as she had to pay as being on maternity didn't get the job done and they didn't take enough tax off her.
Normally yes ... but for some reason my employer didn't take enough in taxes for a refund. There were lots of unhappy people at my office when they realized that :p
Originally posted by tigger2on
I was hoping to use my refund to pay off my visa and use it @ Disney in May.
I usually NETFILE but this year the government of Canada had decided to stop allowing anyone with a disability claim do anything but paper file! My DD is disabled so we claim it for her.
I sent in it Feb 27/ 04 and it still doesn't come up on the computer... and we are at 6 weeks!
I was told to call back next wek to see if they have recieved it yet!
GRRRRRR this is frustrating!

Know the feeling!!

Keep calling, and get them to put a"trace" on your file...because the next thing they tell you is that you have to re-file for your disability judgement!!

...which is what happened to us:mad: We had to re-send the acceptance letter 4 TIMES!!! We claim for our two boys, they're twins, and they thought we were "incorrect" about having two children with the same disability, with the same birthdate. The different name thing didn't matter, I guess! And it still took until OCTOBER to get our refund!! It starts all over again next year, as we have to re-apply for the credit...which I don't mind to do - just please don't give me the same hassle with the twin thing!

Keep calling, and keep calling...and get everyone's name that you speak with...

Good luck!!
I file on the last day and write my check the next. I have to dip into my vacation fund to pay my taxes:mad:
Awww...Suzanne and mbb, how frustrating that must be!! :( :( I hope your cheques show up soon!

Congratulations Susan, that's wonderful!!! :sunny:

I hear you hockey mom, we're waiting till the last possible minute to send ours in too.....and it's going to hurt...ouch!!! :( At least I was prepared for it...but still.

I think I need to visit Julie's "Deleted" thread, and order myself a double of ::yes::
My tax refund is paying for my family's three week trip to Great Britain in September. I know it's bad tax planning -- National Post article the other day reminds us, "Best tax refund is no refund at all." My tax refund means that my employer held back about $740/month too much -- but my tax situation is sufficiently complicated and convulated that it really isn't worth the bother to file with CRA to have the deductions changed.
Originally posted by Snowwark

I think I need to visit Julie's "Deleted" thread, and order myself a double of ::yes::


Come and join the fun!!:)

I love your signature line...:):)

Our tax refunds have gone into the "fun fund" account....which we will use to pay for vacations of course!!!
Ours was going to fun things but after our March Break car incident(blown engine) it will help pay for the new car-not to mention Ds's tuition next year-somehow, I don't think the government is going to give us enough back. yikes!!!!
Unfortunately I owe this year :( but DH gets a whole $54 back :eek: ...wonder what that will buy me in WDW this summer. ;)
Getting a little bit of a refund this year ... and I'm pretty excited 'cause I haven't had a refund in a lot of years :p It is definitely going into the Disney trip fund ... won't pay for much, but it's better than nothing. My DH was a little unhappy that his refund is only $5.00. I did tell him that he could spend the whole thing himself :p

Darren, I hear you about the maternity leave thing. I only ever had 6 months off with my kids, and I paid big time. I think they only took off about $48/week in income tax. It's nice at the time, but come April .... :mad:

Mary Liz
We found out the middle of March that I didn't have to pay any taxes and we had put away more than twice what we would have needed needed for it. So.... the original "tax" fund is now the "Disneyland Vacation fund".:hyper: We booked our trip a couple of days after the letter from the government - after I called and double checked that it was right. The "tax" fund will pretty much pay for the entire trip - we've just putting away a little more to make sure we're well covered.

Question about the comment re: disability. I am on CPP Disability and Netfiled my taxes no problem. It accepted my return the first time, and I had the letter in two weeks. Is it just if you're claiming for someone else that you can't Netfile?

I wasn't expecting to be able to Netfile this year since I just (finally) got on disability last May with a lump sum payment that covered more than one year, but it went the first time dh tried.
Our kids are now out of daycare but into braces. We paid for both of them within the same 12-month period and so got a healthy medical deduction for them. Alas, I have now also used up all my unused RRSP contribution space which means no big tax deductions (and refunds) after this year.

We are using this year's refund to put an addition on to the cottage (which we share with DW's siblings). It should be ready to go by the Victoria Day weekend. :tongue:

- Mike


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