Tasty Planning Time with ZeBrook! A 2 for 1 PTR - 12/24 - All our bags are packed

As I mentioned in my last update, yesterday we celebrated Christmas with Joe's immediate family.

It was a great day! Disney talk was done, everyone is loving the new plans. :thumbsup2

Henry got some wonderful gifts...here is one of his favorite:


:rotfl: Auntie KK got him this little apron, hat and oven mit so he can help me in the kitchen. He LOVED it and insisted on wearing it all for quite a while. The hat was also worn to church this morning...he took it off for Sunday School, but it was back on after service!

And you might note his new slippers, yep, that's McQueen!! The box he is holding are train cookie cutters.

I also got an apron :thumbsup2


You can't quite see the print, but it's coffee themed. Very appropriate. :goodvibes

While at my MIL's house last night I fixed my PassPorter. It is full of Wite-Out. :rotfl: So that means NO MORE CHANGES!

Except one.


As you may have noted in my replies above, I have switched our 50's ressie! I really didn't think it would be possible! We are now booked at 50's on our DHS day (Sunday, December 27, one week from today!), at 11:05 am. Not a perfect lunch time, but it will work. ::yes::

Since our ADR has moved, that means we won't have to leave MK early on the 28th, which is the primary reason we attempted to move it. I hope we can catch the 12:00 parade.

Thank you again to Flossbolna for the encouragement to try to change it! :goodvibes

I have decided not to ship a box to the resort. I am pretty sure it would end up being quite expensive, and since I haven't sent it yet, with the holidays coming, I don't want to risk it not showing up on time. So...I'm just going to pack a suitcase full of the food and check-it. We are flying Southwest (bags fly free) to New Orleans, and back home, so we will only have to pay for it once. :thumbsup2 Plus, that buys me more time to get the food. Whew!

Nothing has gotten done on the To Do list since my last update. BUT, I do have an addition. :laughing: I have a couple tweaks for the WeGoShop list. Just a quick email to Marge and that will be done.

We are working on the list though, I'm doing laundry right now, and Joe is cleaning. I like that. ;)

And we can finally play my favorite game:

One week from today...
We'll be relaxing at AKV! :yay: Or, if the crowds aren't too nutty, we'll be adventuring around AKV!


Henry has the makings of a great chef in his new apron and hat!!! :thumbsup2

Woo hoo for one week from today being at Kidani!!! I can't believe it is almost that time! :eek:
I know I haven't been on the DIS much lately, Brook. But just wanted to wish you all a magical trip and a wonderful holiday. Can't wait to hear all about it. We just got back and had a completely magical time!

And that little Henry is still just so stinking cute!!!!!!!!
That's great that you were able to get your ADR switched. Henry is so cute in his apron.

Have a great trip! I can't wait to read the trip report.
Henry has the makings of a great chef in his new apron and hat!!! :thumbsup2

Woo hoo for one week from today being at Kidani!!! I can't believe it is almost that time! :eek:

I can't hardly believe it's almost time either...it seems surreal!

I know I haven't been on the DIS much lately, Brook. But just wanted to wish you all a magical trip and a wonderful holiday. Can't wait to hear all about it. We just got back and had a completely magical time!

And that little Henry is still just so stinking cute!!!!!!!!

Hey Cammie!!! It's so good to "see" you! Thank you for the well wishes on the trip. And I'm happy to hear you just had a great one!!! Are you going to write a TR?

Have a great Christmas! :goodvibes

That's great that you were able to get your ADR switched. Henry is so cute in his apron.

Have a great trip! I can't wait to read the trip report.

I was so surprised I could switch the ADR! :yay:

Thank you! In a way, I very much look forward to writing it all...but in another, I want it all to go veryyyyy slowly. :laughing:
Awww, look at Henry in his apron! So cute!

YAY for only one week! :cool1:
Wonderful aprons!

Wow - I am amazed that you got the ADR! :woohoo: I just thought it wouzld be worth having tried it at least, but never really expected success (but hoped for it)! I think the new online system is really good. :thumbsup2
Brook - link to my new TR is in my siggie!

(look who we saw down there!)

Shut up!!!!!!!!! :rotfl: They are going to know Lauren on a first name basis pretty soon!!! :lmao:

I have your TR in my list now, will catch up ASAP! :goodvibes

Awww, look at Henry in his apron! So cute!

YAY for only one week! :cool1:

This morning he was playing with his oven mit and asked where his apron was, it was so cute!

Wonderful aprons!

Wow - I am amazed that you got the ADR! :woohoo: I just thought it wouzld be worth having tried it at least, but never really expected success (but hoped for it)! I think the new online system is really good. :thumbsup2

I never expected it either! I was thrilled, and shocked! Disney's website really bugs me with how slow and clunky it is, and even the online system is that way, but overall, it works - and is quicker than calling and waiting on hold forever! :laughing: I haven't figure out if I can bring up my booked reservations now to cancel the other 50's...do you know?

WOOHOO for one more week!!!!!!!!!!!:yay::yay::yay::yay:

Can you believe it?! :faint:

Yeah, only 5 more days!! :cool1: :woohoo: :cool1:

It's unreal, isn't it!!! Last night I was getting really excited when I was trying to sleep! LOL!
although not optimal eating time, an early ADR means you are getting in right at opening. Also if you have an ADR that night or really any meal, you won't still be full and will be able to enjoy both meals.

excited for you!
Last night I pulled out the...


*note the laundry basket in the background there too! Speaking of which...I should really be doing some right now! :laughing:


Henry found great fun in the suitcases being out...


Those are his sunglasses, the little green things he's holding in his hands flip down over the glasses.


What a great hiding spot :rotfl:

Today I went grocery shopping and have almost everything that we need to bring down - a few things I need to get at a different store, so we'll finish those up tonight. Here is the pile on my kitchen table:


Famous Dave's Rich & Sassy BBQ Sauce towering above all....GB if you are still reading this, I stuck that up nice and high for you! ;)

Also, I will be Tweeting again this trip! I am horrible at text messaging; however, I will be using Joe's Blackberry with a FULL keyboard :woohoo:, and I think I can Tweet pictures too! I have to figure that out. There will be updates of some sort posted regularly here: http://twitter.com/joebrookhenry

I have it currently hooked to my Facebook, but, I am going to remove that because much of my Tweeting will be with DIS friendly acronyms, and the majority of my friends on Facebook won't know what the stink I'm talking about! :rotfl: However, I do plan to post pictures/updates to Facebook during the trip. PM me with your name if you'd like to be my friend on Facebook and I'll add you! :goodvibes

Now I'm off to do laundry! :laundy:

ETA: I just figured out how to configure the Twitter/Facebook setting so my Tweets will only show to certain friends...i.e. DIS friends. :thumbsup2 Now I can do that, keep ya'll updated and not bombard other friends with random acronyms like "DHS RD, TSM FP!" :laughing:

E(again)TA: One week from today I'll be shooting up Zurg in attempts to keep him from capturing Henry!!
although not optimal eating time, an early ADR means you are getting in right at opening. Also if you have an ADR that night or really any meal, you won't still be full and will be able to enjoy both meals.

excited for you!

That makes a LOT of sense! So we won't have to wait due to them being behind on tables, and we will be able to fully enjoy California Grill that night.....and perhaps a Butterfinger Cupcake from Starring Rolls as a snack between meals. :rolleyes1 Have you seen those things?! :faint:
That makes a LOT of sense! So we won't have to wait due to them being behind on tables, and we will be able to fully enjoy California Grill that night.....and perhaps a Butterfinger Cupcake from Starring Rolls as a snack between meals. :rolleyes1 Have you seen those things?! :faint:

No I have not seen those cupcakes...I now have to!

Oh Calif Grill:thumbsup2

Yes, you do definitely want the earliest ADR then.

Famous Dave's Rich & Sassy BBQ Sauce towering above all....GB if you are still reading this, I stuck that up nice and high for you! ;)
:lmao: I actually saw that first before I scrolled down and read the next sentence! My inlaws came down from the Twin Cities for Christmas for an un-announced surprise visit. (There's a story there...O MYLANTIS is there a story :sad2:. ) They want me to make smoked brisket for Christmas dinner so I guess I'll be breaking out my precious stash of Rich & Sassy.
No I have not seen those cupcakes...I now have to!

Oh Calif Grill:thumbsup2

Yes, you do definitely want the earliest ADR then.

Food Porn thread got me last night....!

:lmao: I actually saw that first before I scrolled down and read the next sentence! My inlaws came down from the Twin Cities for Christmas for an un-announced surprise visit. (There's a story there...O MYLANTIS is there a story :sad2:. ) They want me to make smoked brisket for Christmas dinner so I guess I'll be breaking out my precious stash of Rich & Sassy.

:rotfl: that's awesome! Well, the un-announced surprise visit thing isn't so much...but the fact that you spied the Famous Dave's instantly cracks me up!

If you are so inclined, PM me your address and I'll send you some to build your supply back up! It's sold on the grocery store shelves around here, it's all we buy. That huge 'ol bottle was only like 2 bucks, I'll send you a few bottles, no prob. :thumbsup2 (package will be sent AFTER january 5 :rolleyes1)

Okay, I've been playing with Twitter/Facebook settings for 25 minutes. MUST GO DO LAUNDRY!
Sent you a pm... so excited for you all. Henry is just to stinkin' cute!


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