Summer trip when you HATE the heat or no trip?

i HATE the heat. We went late September this year. It was awful. It was an adult only trip, the heat & humidity definitely put a damper on my trip. One of the people we were traveling with was used to the heat. He wanted to do & see a lot more then i was interested in....because i was miserable. I was sweating profusely everywhere. yuck! So i'll be the realistic Debbie Downer. If you truly hate the heat. don't go. After this trip, I have decided that this Chicago girl- will only be visiting disney Late October- thru march/early april.
Now on the flip side, I also went to New Orleans a couple years ago, again at the end of september. It was also very hot & humid, however, my travel mates also felt that way. So we traveled & toured much slower. It was a very enjoyable trip because of the slower pace and like minded heat haters LOL

Fellow Chicagoan!! I. Cannot. Stand. The. Heat.

Really, it's the humidity I can't stand. I know exactly how you feel - I went on a girls trip to Cape Cod in July 2 years ago and the cottage we stayed in didn't have AC. Most of the restaurants didn't have AC either. It was in the mid 90's and had to have been 80-100%. Not being able to get out of the heat totally ruined my trip. I wasn't myself - couldn't be happy or was awful. Awful awful awful.

We are going the first week of June and I am terrified. It is truly the #1 concern for me. Our plans are to hit it hard the first 2 hours of the day and then take it a lot more slowly - so hopefully we can duck into indoor attractions and shops and use FPs efficiently so we're not standing in the sun in lines.

Just ordered one of those Frogg Togg Chilly Pads. Hopeful that those will be my saving grace!
Are you sure you can't go in April sans college kid? And U.S. college kid working in the summer? Can they even go then?

No, I don't want to go without him. He can request time off of work in the summer.
Just ordered one of those Frogg Togg Chilly Pads. Hopeful that those will be my saving grace!

If we decide to go, I'm also getting everyone hand-held fans and bringing lots of extra batteries!
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We are going in July for our next trip and have only been in the winter months in the past. I decided that if this was our only option this year, i will suck it up (because i generally get cranky in the humidity). I purchased cooling towels, as recommended here. Lots of posts about how great they are. Supposedly makes you feel like it is 20 degrees cooler than the outside temp. We shall see!
How about going to Disneyland instead? Anaheim doesn't tend to be AS HOT in the summer. Don't get me wrong - it can be. But my guess is that it will be more tolerable than Orlando.
No way would I go in mid summer heat. I just can't justify spending thousands of dollars to be sweaty, hot, and miserable during most waking hours. There's so many other places to go and see besides Disney with kids your ages.
We are going in July, with college, school, work and holidays it really was the only time that we could all go (There are 7 of us). % of us used to Live in India so what we don't know about humidity, high temps and monsson rains cannot be written. We will be having fun and sweating our butts off with the rest of the summer crowd.

Would love to start early, I am an early riser, but I have a feeling that I may be alone. One of the resons to pick the Wilderness Lodge was the walking trail, it should be very peaceful early in the morning so I will enjoy that. Once we finally get the teen and early twenties out of bed I am sure that the sun will be high in the sky. Will it be hot, you bet, will we enjoy it, of course.

Dirnk lots (of water), take a few breaks, dont run around, accept that you may miss a couple of things, but it is sometimes the break that creates the memory. When we went to Seaworld, the yougest was 2 years old. I took the older ones on the Krakken. Wife and little one sat beside the fountain, he was running in and out, absolutely soaked and the happiest hour of his trip. He loved it.
We went in early August, 2013. We live in California and are self-proclaimed weather wimps. We don't like being hot! We still had an enjoyable trip, but we were definitely affected by the heat. The minute you step outside, you start dripping with sweat. My sister and I ended up buying Disney washcloths and keeping them in baggies in our purses. We pulled them out often to wipe down our faces. We would get extra ice from restaurants and dump it into the baggies to keep the wash cloths cool. We also had portable fans that we kept blowing on our necks while in lines. My older son, who was 18 at the time, really hated the heat. My younger one, who was 15 at the time, said he didn't really mind it. DH didn't like it, but didn't complain as much as my sister and I did! We pretty much decided we wouldn't go again in the summer. We live much closer to Disneyland and tend to go there a lot more often, so we'll take our summer trips there.
We went at the end of June once and I will never do it again. It wasn't the heat, it was the humidity. You will walk outside at 8-9 am and be covered in sweat within 10 minutes. Not just a little sweat, your undergarments will be soaked, your shirt will be soaked, your shorts will be soaked. We are the type of family that stays in the parks from 8 am until midnight in February (President's Week) and last week we were in the parks from 9 am-midnight, but in June we left the parks by noon or 1:00 and went back to the villa until 4 or 5 pm. I didn't feel like I got my money's worth in June at all and I hated feeling sweaty... Luckily, our villa had a washer and dryer and we could wash clothes. We were constantly putting on fresh clothes. My mother in law started to bring a full set of clothes to the parks so after an hour or two, she could change. We were just there last week and there were days in the high 80's and low 90's but we didn't complain at all because it wasn't anything like the summer humidity.
Do you mean not go to Disney or not go anyplace? I would definitely schedule something! I had one in medical school, one in college and one in elementary, when you get a week that works-do it!

That said, we go every August. You will have to get up early and I have been drenched waiting to get in at rope drop. You can separate a few hours each day to allow yourself longer periods of down time, but I am sure everyone will enjoy a cool break at a pool. Or with the age of your kids, think about swimming, late lunch/early dinner, parks until close and then sleep in and repeat. You won't be in the sun as long and still get great park times.
We have gone the last 3 years in late August and are going back for 17 days this year again at the end of August. We leave the room by 7:30am and don't come back until the park of the day closes! I look at it this way a hot/moist day started WDW is better than ANY day at work and we are from Seattle so you know heat of Orlando kind is not our norm! there are lots of cool, AC infused things to do in the afternoon, an early "linner" in lieu of lunch/dinner, lots of water (then potty breaks, hey it is a free rest if ur a girl!:rotfl2:) just have fun it is what you make of it!
We went the first week of June last year and I've been in August before too. I also do not deal well with the heat. But, the morning and then evening/night were awesome! We had a small child with us which forced us back to the resort for her nap but we were all grateful for the break. We went back feeling rejuvenated after cooling off but because she goes to bed early we were back in the park in the heat of the afternoon and that was the only time I struggled. I used my cooling towel and did my best to stay out of the sun. After she went to bed a few of us went back to the parks and I had a great time without the sun beating down on us. So with older kids and less of a rush to get back to the parks before bedtime I think its completely doable. The best part is that first thing in the morning and then evening/night isn't just the coolest time, the lines are also at their shortest! So if you feel like you're missing out by spending 12-5pm at the resort, just take a look at the wait times on the app and realize that even if you were suffering through the heat you'd only have made it on a few rides anyway!
You said December was an option? It's usually not that cold in December. It can get cold, but usually not like you see in Feb. Maybe look up the weather historically and see if it's worth the chance to you. Plus, you'd get to see the Christmas decorations and shows.

If not, if WDW is going to be your vacation of choice, you need to get used to the heat.
HUGE plus is your kid's ages. I loved when my kids got older, changed everything. Plan your days to fully utilize the evening and late closing hours. You can do mornings while it's cool, return to resort for swimming and naps, and return later. Also we book our table service at lunch hours or mid afternoon to escape the heat. Sitting, being served and taking our time to cool off is very energizing. And of course the obvious really do help, light colors and fabrics, hats, drinking lots of water, hand held fans that can clip to backpack ....

I also have zero tolerance of heat. If summer is the only time you can go as a family, then I would suck it up and work around it.
We went last year in August. We usually go in early November, during Jersey Week, when the weather is beautiful. But, we wanted to go for a longer trip without worrying about missing school. Well, it was the hottest week of the year in Orlando and I will admit that when we were in AK and it was 97 feels like 107 we totally bailed. What saved me was keeping a mini umbrella in my bag for instant shade and a folding paper hand fan. These two items made me the envy of many a people while standing in hot lines.
We are going in August again this year, getting one last trip on our DVC PAPs. So, couldn't have been that bad!
We go the last week in Aug before school starts here in the northeast. It's very hot and humid but we take midday breaks to swim. We also try to alternate a.c. shows with outdoor shows/rides. Not ideal but it helps! I bring a water bottle and squirt into my grandsons' baseball caps! lol! When it rains it's kinda refreshing. My desire to go outweighs the heat I'll be facing! Gotta love the mouse and his magic!!
As a teacher, I can only travel during school breaks, so it's either really hot, really crowded, or really expensive. Everyone from the northeast has vacations at similar times, so Presidents' week is usually busy and expensive, and April vacation is over Patriots Day, and that's also busy and expensive. That leaves us summer, when we can get there pretty cheaply and find bargains on lodging. Christmas week is too packed and pricey for us to even consider a trip then.

My husband and I both hate the heat, but we usually only travel south every 4 years or so, so we tough it out. We have been to Florida in January and February before, but I had to use my personal days to go, and they were not Disney trips. If I ever leave public education, the first thing I'm doing is planning a Disney vacation for a slow, comfortable time!
I went in September one year. The humidity killed me. I LOVE the heat, but could not stand it that trip. I remember leaving the room in the morning and feeling wet within minutes from the muggy weather.

We had an amazing trip but I don't think I could do again.
I'm a pale Irish redhead from the Midwest who definitely can't take the heat. We went last summer and had no real issues with the heat at all. There are so many places to get out of the weather that it was never a problem. Just take breaks and stay hydrated. You'll be glad you went.
We had a similar situation and just waited until both were in college. A January trip was much better (for me) than a July or August trip. I hate the summer crowds and heat!


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