Sticking to weight loss at WDW

The biggest issue is resuming your healthy eating plan when you get home. And yes the scale will go up due to water retention from travel and eating so much sodium , but drinking a lot of water helps.

But for me I weigh (no pun intended!) the value of each treat to myself. The churro or sickly sweet pina colada from the pool bar doesn't tempt me at all, but splitting a hot fudge sundae does the trick. I don't waste calories on soda, but will have wine with dinner. I skip the bread basket and don't waste calories on breakfast pastries, but will have the eggs benedict or other savory options. I almost always split desserts instead of eating the whole thing.
Congrats to your progress.

If possible, bring a set of collapsible measuring cups and see if you can't split an entree with someone and measure out your portions. They're ~HUGE~ at some restaurants.

Buffets will probably not be your friend, but you can make some smart choices with fresh fruit, eggs and maybe a slice of toast.
Last two trips I was in the DDP. Stayed 6-8 nights. Ate at buffets, TS places, QS, etc.

A fter eating healthy carbs bother my stomach and I crave vegetables. I actually like veggies! So I would either do carbs for lunch or dinner. So if I had fries at lunch I would limit potatoes, rice or fries at dinner.

Other than that I ate...a lot.

I gained 3 pounds both trips. And after 2-3 days of drinking a lot of water and doing some cardio it was gone.
Walking even 10 miles a day at Disney World will not be enough to offset the typical Disney food unless you are smart about what you eat (and how much you eat). There is a reason why Disney does not post nutritional information anywhere. ;)

My suggestion is to look at menus ahead of your trip so you know the best restaurants (both CS and TS) to visit that won't sabotage your goal of staying on track. You don't have to opt for salads everywhere (dressings can really be a killer anyway), but try to make some smart choices. For instance, maybe you really want chicken strips but will select broccoli as the side (Columbia Harbour House) instead of fries. Or, maybe you'll opt to have a splurge meal of chicken strips and fries, but make your next meal better by ordering salmon and broccoli (again, Columbia Harbour House for example). Maybe it would be easy for you to allow yourself a special dessert every X-days...maybe every 2 days, or every 4 days, or your first and last day...whatever you decide. Consider sharing desserts with someone also. Sodium is a big cause for weight gain on vacation

My top three tips are to:
1) Drink at least 64oz of water daily (this excludes soda, chemical-filled "flavor" packets, etc)...but with all of the walking, I'd aim closer to 80-100oz.
2) Avoid alcohol
3)Ensure you're eating a lot of vegetables daily(potatoes and corn do not count).
It's really, really tough to eat healthy at Disney, so I've gone into the trips I've been on since losing 40+ pounds with a "Hippocratic oath" type mentality...above all else, do no harm. LOL. Try to overcompensate in some areas so that you can "afford" the treats you want, but also really think about what you're putting into your mouth before it goes there. I've managed two Disney trips with zero weight gain, even temporarily, but I've also become pretty picky about Disney food and I refuse to eat anything that doesn't taste good. I don't put in any "fillers"...absolutely no pasta (too easy to over-indulge so I stay away completely), no potatoes (I've lost my taste for them anyway), only one piece of bread, but it has to be a good bread otherwise it gets skipped. Any sandwich I have is cut in half, half the bread/bun thrown away, and all the "inside stuff" is put into the other half. Absolutely no French fries or fried sides...I substitute in a veggie or salad if they don't have veggies. Even then, the veggies and salads are fairly meager. If I find a restaurant that actually offers a good salad option, I order that no matter what, because they're pretty hard to come by. In return, I can eat any dessert I long as it's really good...and I can have all the coffee drinks I want. I try to keep my meals to protein and veggies only, saving all the carbs for the sweet treats I like more.

So I guess it's about setting priorities. You can't have everything so you need to decide what you really, really, really love, and then cut out stuff that is on your "just like" list.

And finally...water. Even the more healthy options at Disney have tons of sodium. In addition to being in the heat, you have to drink extra water just to compensate for that. I drink a minimum of two glasses of water for each meal (one before, one at the end), in addition to the water I drink throughout the day. If I'm not stopping for a bathroom break at least once an hour, I know I'm not drinking enough water.

ETA: And I carry packets of almonds to help me between meals. There are almost no snacks that have any sort of protein, so you really need to have a supply of your own.
So if you've been eating healthy, if you suddenly switch it up and eat crap all week, you're going to feel awful. Disney is a vacation where you do not want to feel awful. Yes, it's vacation - have some treats - but remember that suddenly overindulging all the time will have it's effects, very quickly and very unpleasantly.

Agree. This was me on the first 2 days of my honeymoon.

I shared literally everything with my husband. Even if it was a snack, I'd take a few bites and he would have a few bites. Not only did that help with portion control, but it helped us be able to try lots of different things :drinking1

if you get something and you have a few bites of it and are satisfied, throw it out - I know when we pay WDW prices, it's hard to justify throwing something away but if you don't want the rest of something, don't make yourself sick by finishing it - just have the server clear the plate or drop that snack in the nearest trash can

These are great tips. Share and/or get rid of the food after you have had a couple of bites. Sometimes that's all you need to satisfy the craving. I plan to share treats with my DH or DS (esp since we are going during F&WF). It's great having a little one to pinch a bite or two of 'bad' food from, you get the taste without the big portion, and (usually) they don't notice the bite missing!
My BFF lost 120 pounds over 18 months, which included 5 WDW trips. She was determined not to derail her hard fought progress. Her Dr. Supervised weight loss plan was 300 calories every 3 hours for a max of 1500 calories per day. During F&G and F&W we split everything she tried. We ONLY ate CS--and we both survived quite nicely! She drank lots of water and carried a piece of fruit and protein bar with her. Breakfasts were the hardest for her to stay within the eating plan, so she brought her own Yogurt (low sugar, low fat) and granola. We found the best eating options BY FAR at Epcot: Sunshine Seasons and Japan's CS excelled. The value resort food courts also did well with huge build-your-own-salad. We also found several kids' meals (baked chicken leg in particular) that offered good options in small portions.
Congratulations! You must feel great! Remember how great you feel and don't focus so much on food. I've always been able to find really healthy snacks at WDW and as a previous post said - if you eat a lot of junk you will feel awful. You don't want to wake up with 'leadbelly' and have your day ruined. Just a suggestion - don't think of food as a 'treat'. Your treat should be jewelry or a great bag to remember your vacation... eat to live, don't live to eat :)
There are so many great tips on here! My greatest difficulties at WDW are finding breakfasts and snacks that are weight conscious friendly. If I eat too much sugar or exclusively carbs (a piece of bread without a fat and/or protein), I feel sluggish and shaky. For breakfast, we typically eat in our room and I will either have a piece of fruit and a handful of almonds or, if I can find it (or order it from room service), a cup of plain yogurt with nuts and berries. I'm always looking for protein and fresh fruits or veggies and ways to cut down on the processed carbs and sugars. I may bring along one of the Kind bars that only has 5g of sugar in them. Buy a piece of fresh fruit at one of the food stands. Get some string cheese from the resort store. Drink a lot of water! Avoid soda, diet sodas, lemonades and all sugary (and fake sugary) drinks. When eating CS or TS, I try to order lean proteins that aren't fried or have a lot of sauces on them. I get a lot of salads, but always ask for the dressing on the side and seldom use it. That all being said, I do allow myself one treat a day and it's always a dessert - love hot fudge sundaes! I typically lose about 2 lbs. on our WDW vacations!

That being said, we went on a Disney cruise this summer and I did not exercise as much as I do at home or walk as much as I do at WDW. I ended up gaining 3 lbs., but I quickly got back into my regular diet and exercise routines and it dropped back off in about two weeks.

I wouldn't worry too much! You've already lost 40 lbs. (Congrats!), so you definitely know what you are doing. Just stay food aware and enjoy a little here and there and you will be fine!
I've lost 28 just so I can eat horribly on vacation. Eating is a big part of it. And cheesecake at midnight is daily. I will low carb again after I get back.
Congrats on the weight loss! I know from experience how good that can feel. Last year I went to Disney, ate what I wanted for the most part, was on the dining plan and had dessert 2 times a day, and somehow lost 0.5 pounds. Not sure how I managed that other than the sheer amount of walking I guess.

You might be surprised how it all works for you.
I used this VERY successfully at my last trip. I used an App (Loseit, but there are several others) and tracked everything I ate and also tracked the miles I walked. The app adds the calories for the food and credits calories for miles walked. This put a psychological pressure on I (and no..... not enough to ruin my vacation) to choose meals carefully. If I overate, I chose to walk more (eg, walked from Epcot to HS, rather than take a ferry).

Congrats on starting your journey to a healthier lifestyle. HAVE FUN at Disney and do enjoy yourself. If you gain weight, take that as a catalyst to lose even more when you get back.

My "bad" day was Victoria & Alberts. Super awesome food. I walked away stuffed.......
First off congrats on the weight loss so far; it is quite an accomplishment and you should be very proud of it. :thumbsup2

I have been to Disney three times since I lost over 115 pounds on Weight Watchers and have come back home with very little weight gain at all; and what weight I did gain, I lost in only a few days upon my return. My advice for you would be too continue eating and doing the things you normally do. If you deviate from what you have been use to doing your body is going to react and your going to feel tired, sluggish and perhaps even feeling ill. I myself have eliminated fast foods, fried foods, most breads just to name a few, and if I were to eat them now or while at Disney I know I would get sick.

With all that said though, I allow myself a little wiggle room(once a week), even away from Disney. I love desserts and have learned that depriving yourself of them (or what you like) will lead to binge eating. So when I'm in Disney, I still won't eat those things I have eliminated and still eat plenty of healthy vegetables, lean proteins such as chicken, and fish dishes and pass on the bread baskets. I will eat beef, but usually a 7 oz filet. If you continue to use portion control, eat most of what you have become use to, allow some indulging, I am very confident you will come home, step on the scale and be pleased with yourself.
Thank you everyone for the responses. Y'all have given me a lot of good advice. I don't drink soda anymore, just water. I did stray from my plan on Sunday and ate Sweet and Sour Chicken (half of it so I thought I was doing right) and felt so sick all night long. I usually eat kids meals at Disney because they are cheaper. We always eat breakfast in the room. My issue will be the Food and Wine and alcohol. I don't drink it at home just on vacation.
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This trip I am going on in October is a reward for my losing weight. I was at 307 pounds in March and decided it had to change. I have at this point lost 40 pounds. My question is what can I eat and still have fun while rewarding myself for doing something that needed to be done. I know I will walk a lot each day so it will burn the calories off. Don't want to come home and worry about gaining. TIA.

I generally find that I'm able to eat healthier around breakfast time. So have you thought about eating a healthy but substantial breakfast and then instead of having a lunch AND a dinner, just maybe do a late lunch around 3pm or so. Then you can eat whatever you want (within reason). I might still skip the desserts or maybe get a small dessert late in the evening if I'm a little hungry.
Thank you everyone for the responses. Y'all have given me a lot of good advice. I don't drink soda anymore, just water. I did stray from my plan on Sunday and ate Sweet and Sour Chicken (half of it so I thought I was doing right) and felt so sick all night long. I usually eat kids meals at Disney because they are cheaper. We always eat breakfast in the room. My issue will be the Food and Wine and alcohol. I don't drink it at home just on vacation.

The good thing is the servings are smaller so you can enjoy a few drinks but they won't be all that large.

I also like a comment on a previous post about taking small bags of a good snack you like. And there are lots of fruit single servings at fruit market places in each park. So, you can pick up a small bag of grapes as a snack.
I have a problem with overindulging if I don't have a plan, so I like to pick out my splurges, then plan my meals around them. For instance, I will not visit Disney world without at least one mickey bar and I will get a wine flight in epcot. On those days, I eat a little lighter. I try to look for healthy meals throughout the parks. the rotisserie chicken at cosmic ray's really is tasty, and I love the vegetarian chilli and the salmon at Columbia harbour house. Ordering the kids meals instead of adult meals will also save on calories and limit portions. At Pecos bill's I get the kids bbq sandwich meal, it comes with grapes. I get 2 orders of grapes instead of fries. I don't eat the bun.

Buffets are hard and if you have self control problems like I do, then it is best to avoid the buffets.

I also eat all breakfasts in my room. Usually steel cut oatmeal and a banana and coffee. Or a protein shake. And I bring some fruit with me to have on hand as a snack.
I also recommend finding a reward that isn't food. Try to change the relationship. Food is a tool to fuel your body through the day. For me, I get a new dress, expensive shoes, a massage, a weekend getaway to reward myself. I try hard to keep food from being a treat.
I have a problem with overindulging if I don't have a plan, so I like to pick out my splurges, then plan my meals around them. For instance, I will not visit Disney world without at least one mickey bar and I will get a wine flight in epcot. On those days, I eat a little lighter. I try to look for healthy meals throughout the parks. the rotisserie chicken at cosmic ray's really is tasty, and I love the vegetarian chilli and the salmon at Columbia harbour house. Ordering the kids meals instead of adult meals will also save on calories and limit portions. At Pecos bill's I get the kids bbq sandwich meal, it comes with grapes. I get 2 orders of grapes instead of fries. I don't eat the bun.

Buffets are hard and if you have self control problems like I do, then it is best to avoid the buffets.

I also eat all breakfasts in my room. Usually steel cut oatmeal and a banana and coffee. Or a protein shake. And I bring some fruit with me to have on hand as a snack.

I do the same thing with eating in the room. I always have since it is so much cheaper. I usually never go to the buffets. We did that in 2012 and it was a disaster. I plan on two table service meals one is my friends request of 50's prime time and the other is my favorite meal at WDW which is Teppan Edo. That will be my splurge of the trip. I usually have a tradition of eating at Casey's Corner (my dad took me to MK when I was a kid and we ate there and he passed away in 2004) but I am not sure how my stomach will handle the corn dog nuggets after not eating fried foods in so long. May have to skip it this time :*(
Congrats on your weight loss!!!
Perhaps you can look at the menus at the places you are planning on going to- if your undecided, plug the meals into a calorie tracker and see what would be the best choice. (But don't forget that your on vacation!).
If there is a healthy snack that you like (I heart Luna or Kind bars), pack some so that you have a good go to!
And have fun!!!!


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