Standard view DOES NOT mean noisy view!

I do think that Disney can come up with an alternate location. If all the owners who stay in standard expressed dissatisfaction with present circumstances, it would be changed, I do believe that. I suppose it does depend on how important an issue it is to owners.

I was never woken at 5:30, in fact the carts never woke me, but they were noisy during the day. I accepted what we had, but I am going to ask that something be done about the present situation.

We'll see what comes of it. How many will write? The styrofoam cups in studios brought DVC people together, this may not have the same sort of loyal opposition feeling as that generated!

Wasn't the RAC desk inside originally? The carts would still be outside but at least you would not hear people talking at the desk.

CM's do need to learn to be more considerate. I remember one time we had a boardwalk view and were woken up early by cm's squirting down the boardwalk and having a conversation like it was the middle of the afternoon.
No guest should be subjected to loud noise at 5:30am every morning. Based on the reports I've read here in the past this situation is exceptional and BWI/BWV management needs to do something. OP, please contact DVC Member Satisfaction about this. If enough people complain about it, something may finally be done about it. I agree the solution isn't obvious but then again, it's not our job to figure this out, it's the resort management's job. Whoever decided to put the luggage handling in that location created this problem in the first place.
I have no idea what the answer is to these type of rooms, every hotel has them, not just Disney.

Many times traveling we have gotten the room that faced the building next door which was an all night bakery, trucks coming and going at all hours.

Or the room next to the laundry, or the room even next to an elevator, or maintenance room.

I will add to the Disney ones the room next to the Cast Member service rooms where they keep all the housekeeping carts and equipment.

I know no one wants them but truly not sure how they avoid them.

This is why we love SSR, quietest resort on property.
I do think that Disney can come up with an alternate location.
I've stayed there a couple times now, and honestly I have no idea where that would be, given that it has to be somewhere on the parking-lot side of the building so that the cages can be loaded/unloaded. The design of the building doesn't really leave you a lot of options beyond enclosing some more of the space not currently covered by the porte cochere. Perhaps you could put it over by the convention center, but that's not exactly a short walk from the entrance of the resort.
I stay in the standard rooms alot and this is always the one area I try hard to avoid. I always ask for a room far, far away from the elevator. I often ask for a room near the tennis court. I would rather climb the stairs than to be in these rooms. I've been there. I need to call and make a room request today after reading this tread. My favorite location is near the exit door at the end of the resort that heads out to the Studios.
I'm not suggesting that the noise isn't loud. I'm asking what you would do to fix it. As near as I can tell, the two options are: never use those rooms (which is a problem, because the points backing them are already sold) or not have RAC.

There's no where to put RAC where it isn't under *someone's* room because of the way that the front of the resort is designed---it's a flat front surface from top to bottom. It's not like e.g. VWL/WL where there is an overhang under which you can put the carts to reflect the noise down. The BWI/BWV porte cochere is too small to do that. I suppose that could be extended, and that would help some.

I think the RAC could be relocated to the opposite side of the entry - the side next to the convention center and the skybridge between the villas wing and the Inn wing.

It would cost some money and perhaps require a bit of creativity to manage the traffic, but it could be done and would be worth it, IMHO.

We don't mind the walk to the lobby and so request away from the elevators. (Less hallway noise, too). We/re here now and have really lucked out. For the first time in over 13 years, we have one of the xx23 rooms. They are HUGE and have a very large wrap around balcony!

OP - Sorry for your experience. I hope you will send a letter or email to member satisfaction suggesting they move the RAC.
Yeah, I was thinking about that space too---but you'd need to go all the way to the convention center, otherwise you're just moving the problem from the BWV rooms to the BWI rooms---and potentially creating congestion on the bus/convention center walkway. As I wrote above, that's not a short walk for those with luggage, etc.
Yeah, I was thinking about that space too---but you'd need to go all the way to the convention center, otherwise you're just moving the problem from the BWV rooms to the BWI rooms---and potentially creating congestion on the bus/convention center walkway. As I wrote above, that's not a short walk for those with luggage, etc.

I do not think they would have to go so far down.

I'm here now and do not see why they can't use the space now occupied by the valet kiosk. The valet station could be moved across the entrance area in front of the luggage storage area. I'm sure they could build something to service both valet and the Bell Services luggage room on that side of the entrance.

I do not think they will do anything about this issue unless & until they regularly get tons of complaints. It took years for them to even try to manage parking so that BWV/BWI guests don't get shut out by those coming to visit EPCOT.
I have no idea what the answer is to these type of rooms, every hotel has them, not just Disney.

Many times traveling we have gotten the room that faced the building next door which was an all night bakery, trucks coming and going at all hours.

Or the room next to the laundry, or the room even next to an elevator, or maintenance room.

I will add to the Disney ones the room next to the Cast Member service rooms where they keep all the housekeeping carts and equipment.

I know no one wants them but truly not sure how they avoid them.

This is why we love SSR, quietest resort on property.
I agree that there are other noisy rooms. We've had them a couple of times (next to the elevator, next to the room with the housekeeping carts) and we did hear noise through the wall or across the hall but it wasn't that loud. We have also had the occasional loud family run past our door early in the morning but it was brief and then it was quiet again (and it wasn't 5:30am).

I haven't had one of the rooms being discussed here but I have walked by the luggage handling areas when the trucks were being loaded or unloaded and it is LOUD. Having that kind of noise going on right under your room would be hard to ignore.

The only thing similar to this that I've experienced was at a non-Disney hotel when I had a room right over the delivery area. There were large trucks backing up very early in the morning ("beep, beep, beep, beep"). It was not possible to sleep past 6am. Fortunately they had another room available in a quieter area. Otherwise I would have checked out and found another place to stay. Anyway, my point is that there is noise and then there is NOISE. You can get used to the former but it's hard to ignore the latter, especially when your sleep is being interrupted.
We've stayed in a standard view BWV 2br many times and "thankfully" have never encountered anything like you describe. Honestly, should people be expected to put up with this. So, DVC puts people in those rooms hoping they won't complain or asked to be moved. And what about those people who never complain?

Those rooms in my opinion should have their own catergory, 1/2 points due to noise and you know in advance what you're up against, bring your earplugs. At least in a value room you know it's going to be a bit tighter, why not a category for less desirable rooms!

Let me tell you I would not go down quietly if expected to pay for a room change fee if I were given that villa, it's simply not acceptable. And frankly, monetary compensation doesn't make up for it either! DanenRox, you should have been moved!

The standard view we've had 3 times, was of the wide expansive lawn, to the right of the main entrance. Some have stated ebing afraid of bus noises, never had a problem. I seldomly make requests but at some resorts I think it's a must!
From many posts (including Bobbi's) it's easy to learn that some of the Standard view rooms at BWV are in that location and are noisy. And that is part of the chance you take when booking that category.

So, what are you saying? If you want an acceptable vacation, you should pay the highest rate that Disney has to avoid unnecessary situations that could ruin a vacation? Standard view to me does not mean substandard service or accomodations.
Those rooms in my opinion should have their own catergory, 1/2 points due to noise and you know in advance what you're up against, bring your earplugs. At least in a value room you know it's going to be a bit tighter, why not a category for less desirable rooms!

I completely agree with this! :thumbsup2 Sure, there are going to be awkward room locations everywhere you go - why not make them another special "value" category? There will be people who find them worth the trade off for the fewer point count, and others who can avoid them like the plague. Doesn't seem hard - is this really so different than, say, cruise categories where they discount partially blocked verandah views? Yes I realize the point balancing takes effort, but once it's done it makes a huge difference (similar to the BLT rebalancing for MK views on lower floors, yes?)
Everyone who has had a problem needs to write to member satisfaction. Better to let them know with lots of messages and resolve the problem than just letting others get the noisy rooms.
Everyone who has had a problem needs to write to member satisfaction. Better to let them know with lots of messages and resolve the problem than just letting others get the noisy rooms.

Everyone who has had a problem needs to write to member satisfaction. Better to let them know with lots of messages and resolve the problem than just letting others get the noisy rooms.

Is there a specific email address for member satisfaction?
Is there a specific email address for member satisfaction?

See post #2.

As I posted, most resorts have rooms next to or above service areas. I just don't see Disney making major changes because of the noise.

:earsboy: Bill
Is there a specific email address for member satisfaction?

I use the Contact Us on the Member site, that way you do not have to enter your Member ID number and info since you are signed into your account.
I use the Contact Us on the Member site, that way you do not have to enter your Member ID number and info since you are signed into your account.

FYI - The contact form will be answered by Member Services and my not get forwarded.

The email address that I provided is for Member Satisfaction. Just include your member ID and phone number and they will call you back to discuss.

:earsboy: Bill
FYI - The contact form will be answered by Member Services and my not get forwarded.

The email address that I provided is for Member Satisfaction. Just include your member ID and phone number and they will call you back to discuss.

:earsboy: Bill

Not according to what a Member Satisfaction manager told me. They all go to the same department and then are sorted into different areas such as Complaints, Complimentary comments, booking questions etc. etc.

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