Spending my first Mother's Day in Disney Baby's First Trip! May 2013 PTR Updated 5/18

I'm glad you got the reservation for T-Rex. I called direct too, and they were wide open with reservations, so we have a 6 PM.

I read that there is a 10% discount at T-Rex if you show your AAA card. I plan on trying that for our trip.

Did you book your airfare yet? Yikes, I can't believe how much it has gone up to fly in the past few years!
Bringing the Kindle is a great idea! I'm so happy we have the iPad now for Paxton when we travel, it has been a life saver. He can watch movies, play learning games, etc. and keep him busy for the flights. Since we started bringing that on our flights, he has been a dream traveler! We are taking a long road trip next month, so we actually found a tablet mount that clips onto the headrest of the front seat to use in our vehicles, so we can put the iPad in there and he can watch movies when we drive back and forth to New Orleans. It has made those 2 hour trips SO much easier!

Again, so glad I was able to help with your T-Rex reservation! 5:30 is a perfect dinner time!!

DH really wanted to buy me an iPad for Christmas but I talked him out of it. I still want one but just don't *need* one. I'm hoping that since Disney has wifi now we'll be able to use the netflix app on the kindle, there are a ton of Disney movies on there! I definitely plan on getting an ipad though for the same reason you use yours - as a distraction in the car and in lines! I'm sure that has made your car trips so much easier. Gavin hates the car and I plan to keep him rear facing as long as possible so as he gets older he is going to hate it more and more.

So excited to be eating dinner that night at dinner time, lol. We ate dinner one night later than that on DH's bday at Teppan Edo and we were so tired and over it by the time we rolled out of there it wasn't worth it.

I'm glad you got the reservation for T-Rex. I called direct too, and they were wide open with reservations, so we have a 6 PM.

I read that there is a 10% discount at T-Rex if you show your AAA card. I plan on trying that for our trip.

Did you book your airfare yet? Yikes, I can't believe how much it has gone up to fly in the past few years!

So glad you got your T-Rex reservation too. We're so excited to try there. The menu is so huge, it will probably take me forever to decide. I already know about dessert though... We're on the dining plan, but thanks for the tip about AAA, I didn't know that!

We just booked our airfare a few days ago. It was steep - 1155.xx for 4 round trip tickets. Plus another $215 really if you count the ticket I bought for my other brother that he didn't use. Hopefully he will get to use it before it expires in October though. Airfare has really gone up. Our fares are astronomical compared to what we have paid the past 4 times we have flown to Disney.
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Last week I booked our airfare and called and updated Disney...hopefully it was not too late to get our Magical Express luggage tags before we leave.

I got our reservation booked for the dessert party on Mother's Day! I am SO excited! We also moved our Garden Grill ADR up to 430 that day to make sure our bellies aren't going to be too full. We're just going to have to make sure to eat at Pizza Planet right at 11am so we're not too full to eat dinner. Oh the vicious full stomach circle at Disney, LOL. We love the dining plan though.

We also got all of our ADRs sorted out with adding Gavin. For some of them I only booked it as 3 adults so we had the infant added so they know we need a high chair. The only one the CM couldn't change was our Ohana ADR because it would've changed the time, so hopefully it will not be an issue.

I am having serious issues getting pictures to post and getting my avatar changed. I hate having that default castle picture but its better than it being blank.
The dessert party will be a great way to cap off your first Mother's Day in WDW! :goodvibes

I'm sure you won't have a problem with your 'Ohana ADR and Gavin not being added on there. :thumbsup2 Since you are three adults, you have to be at a 4-top table anyway, so what's the difference if it's another adult in a chair or a baby in a highchair, right? At least, that's how I see it! :rotfl:

Hopefully you can get your avatar fixed. The size has to be SO small, I had a hard time finding on that fit the requirements too!
The dessert party will be a great way to cap off your first Mother's Day in WDW! :goodvibes

I'm sure you won't have a problem with your 'Ohana ADR and Gavin not being added on there. :thumbsup2 Since you are three adults, you have to be at a 4-top table anyway, so what's the difference if it's another adult in a chair or a baby in a highchair, right? At least, that's how I see it! :rotfl:

Hopefully you can get your avatar fixed. The size has to be SO small, I had a hard time finding on that fit the requirements too!

Yes, a nice present to myself LOL. I don't think so either, if they are out of high chairs then maybe we can bring the stroller in, or he can sit in our laps - although that is fun because he grabs EVERYTHING.

I finally got one uploaded but it wasn't the one I wanted. Oh well. I wish I had not deleted the last one even though the picture was 4 years old!
This week we got some Mickey Mail. We got our packet from Disney with DME luggage tags and new Mickey luggage tags for all of us. Plus we called to inquire about DVC and got a free $25 gift card that came this week too!

Day 6
Okay I am FINALLY getting around to this. Then I plan on breaking down each day, hopefully I will be able to post those. I have bought almost everything we need for the trip with the exception of a few things like sunscreen and snacks. I bought Gavin's sunscreen this week. It was $15 for a 3 oz tube. I bought 4, hopefully that is enough. We plan to keep him as covered as possible. He has a bunch of cute sun hats! I also washed all of his clothes in the next size as the current size he is wearing is all winter stuff for the most part, and is getting too small. Spring finally came to Maryland! His chubby little legs look so cute in his rompers and shorts. Wait til you see him in his swim trunks... anyway *gushing*

We have an 8:15am ADR at Crystal Palace for breakfast. This will be our first time getting into the MK before it opens. I am SO excited! Empty park pictures :cool1: I'm hoping it will not take a long time so we can get a head start on our morning at MK. What we do today depends on what we have done on previous days here so it's up in the air. I'm thinking this might be a good time to head over to new Fantasyland and check it out. If we have not gotten a chance to ride any of the "big" rides then it might be a good time for someone to go get us FP for Space Mountain or Splash. For lunch we are definitely having CS at Be Our Guest!!! After that if we're tired, we'll be heading back to AoA for one last afternoon swim and a nap. After that, I have no clue where we are headed! Since our ADR is for breakfast, we are out of meal credits. I thought about booking an OOP ADR for that night, but I kind of like that we have the freedom to do whatever we want. I don't know where we will end up! I'm hoping my brother will have some input. I'm not against doing TS for this night, but I honestly can't think of where I would want to go especially since we do not know which park we will be at. If there happens to be a restaurant that we discover during the week we wished we would've booked, then I will try to get a last minute ADR for there or try to get in without it. So that was rather anti-climatic HAHA. We like to begin and end our trips at the MK so I wouldn't be surprised if that is where we go.
One of my FAVORITE things is getting into MK before the park opens and having breakfast at CP!
Congrats on booking the dessert party for Mother's Day!!! That will be awesome.

This year Mother's Day falls on my son Ben's 12th BD. He is NOT happy about the prospect of sharing his special day with me!

We will try to book the dessert party for the last night of our trip in July- which happens to be our 27th wedding anniversary.

You made a comment about your dinner at T-Rex and being on the Dining Plan. Do you know when it got added to the DP? I saw in another thread that it is now an eligible restaurant, but it wasn't on our two previous trips there, when we were on the DP.

I am also jealous of your early morning CP reservation! That is on my Disney bucket list- Main Street pictures before opening!

Hope I will have a chance to check back with you before you leave for your trip!
One of my FAVORITE things is getting into MK before the park opens and having breakfast at CP!

I think this might be a tradition... I can't wait!

Congrats on booking the dessert party for Mother's Day!!! That will be awesome.

This year Mother's Day falls on my son Ben's 12th BD. He is NOT happy about the prospect of sharing his special day with me!

We will try to book the dessert party for the last night of our trip in July- which happens to be our 27th wedding anniversary.

You made a comment about your dinner at T-Rex and being on the Dining Plan. Do you know when it got added to the DP? I saw in another thread that it is now an eligible restaurant, but it wasn't on our two previous trips there, when we were on the DP.

I am also jealous of your early morning CP reservation! That is on my Disney bucket list- Main Street pictures before opening!

Hope I will have a chance to check back with you before you leave for your trip!

Happy Mother's Day to me, lol. What a wonderful way to celebrate your anniversary! Our 5th anniversary is coming up in May.

I don't know when it got added. We when went in 2011 I know it wasn't on there, so it was either added for 2012 or starting this year.

We leave in less than 2 weeks and I am STRESSED OUT about this.
Less than 2 weeks to go, oh my goodness. I've been obsessively in my very little free time trying to pack, get everything organize, and plan each day. I even bought a subscription to touring plans! Then I had a light bulb last night. Obsessively planning every detail of every day of our vacation is not fun for me. So, we have loose plans and we'll wing it and I feel less stressed already. Still worried we're going to have a terrible time, that the baby won't sleep, and we'll all be tired and cranky. I'm still excited though. I think once we get on the plane I will relax. Getting to that point I'll probably be a mess. ;)
I think this might be a tradition... I can't wait!

It's become tradition for us since taking Paxton, and I love it! :goodvibes

Less than 2 weeks to go, oh my goodness. I've been obsessively in my very little free time trying to pack, get everything organize, and plan each day. I even bought a subscription to touring plans! Then I had a light bulb last night. Obsessively planning every detail of every day of our vacation is not fun for me. So, we have loose plans and we'll wing it and I feel less stressed already. Still worried we're going to have a terrible time, that the baby won't sleep, and we'll all be tired and cranky. I'm still excited though. I think once we get on the plane I will relax. Getting to that point I'll probably be a mess. ;)

Don't stress yourself out! The best thing about Touring Plans is their new optimizer on the app that you can use in the parks. Set up everything you hope to accomplish in a touring plan. But if something changes (Gavin is napping/nursing at a different time than expected, a line is too long, etc.) just re-optimize when you are ready to get going again! I had a lot of fun playing around with it, and it still helps you get done what you want to without the stress of having to stay "on schedule" with your touring plan.

I had nightmares of what our first trip with Paxton would be like, mostly because I had NO idea what his routine would be by the time we went and if we would be able to keep up with it once we were there. Not everything went as perfect as I had hoped, but we still had a great time! And looking back, I only remember the good stuff that stood out.

You will have a GREAT time!!!
Okay here are the loose plans for our vacation...

Day 0 – be packed and ready to go on Thursday morning. Drive to Hilton Garden Inn and check in. Dinner at Red Robin. Turn in early, showers?

Day 1 – Up around 6, breakfast at 630 at hotel then shuttle to airport. Flight leaves at 10:35am, lands in Orlando at 10:35. Head to DME and bus to AoA.
Check in and lunch at AoA. Get settled in room, explore resort, nap for baby. Change/shower for MK and dinner. Head to MK. Pictures on Main St. USA. Possibly try to get POTC, Jungle Cruise, Tiki Room. Walk to Frontierland and ride train to front. Monorail to Poly. 6:50 ADR at O’hana. Back to AoA to turn in for the night.

Day 2 – Breakfast at AoA/in room. Daniel and Brandan to Blizzard Beach for 10am opening. Mommy & baby walk to Pop (tie dye cheesecake!) and to walk around. Then head to DD for lunch at EoS and some shopping. Back to AoA for swimming & break. When boys are done at BB get ready for dinner and head to Epcot. 6:15 ADR at Coral Reef. Try for The Seas, Nemo ride, Turtle Talk, and walk around WS. Head out International Gateway to Boardwalk, ice cream at Beaches and Cream.

Day 3 – Breakfast at AoA/in room. Head to HS for rope drop at 9am. Morning snack from Starring Rolls. Plan – TSM, RnRC, ToT, drawing class, 1:20pm LMA! Show, possibly Indiana Jones? Gavin and I can try for VOTLM, B&B, Disney Jr. while daddy and uncle are doing RnRC & ToT. Lunch at Pizza Planet. Break at AoA.

Head to Epcot for dinner at Garden Grill, ADR 5:45. Try for possible Soarin, Livin’ with the Land ride.

Then head to MK. Dessert Party 9pm. Plan – watch MSEP and Wishes. Rides – try for Space Mountain, Haunted Mansion, Hall of Presidents, Splash, BTMRR.

Day 4 – Breakfast at AoA/in room. Head to AK for 8am EMH. Plan – Safari, EE, Dinosaur, Kali, ITTBAB, FOTLK, Finding Nemo the Musical, Jungle Trek. Lunch at either Flame Tree or Yak & Yeti. Head back to AoA for break.
Head to Downtown Disney for 5:30ADR at T-Rex. Then? Possibly to MK. Or I take Gavin back to AoA for an early night, and Daniel and Brandan head out.
Day 5 –bus to MK, monorail to Polynesian for breakfast at Captain Cooks! Then monorail to TTC/Epcot for 8am EMH. Plan – Future World attractions. Then possibly head to WS and have CS lunch there. Disney Visa Meet & Greet at 1:30, then break back to AoA.

Head to HS for character palooza and 5:45pm ADR at Sci-Fi for dinner. Plan – Star Tours, Muppet Vision, Great Movie Ride. If Daniel and Brandan want to see Fantasmic, head back to AoA with Gavin. If not we all head back to AoA when park closes at 9 or sooner if we’re “done”

Last day! Head to MK for 8:15 ADR at CP for breakfast. Head to new Fantasyland to see ETWB, plan is to do all of old and new Fantasyland. CS Lunch at BOG. Head back to AoA for a break.

Rest of the evening? My guess is we will be at MK… after that pack everything up.

Day 7 – get on DME, back to airport. Flight leaves at 11am.

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DH & I played the "what do you think you will eat in Disney" game today. We're also going to try to guess what my brother (Brandan) is going to pick. This is just for fun. Only this would be fun to a Disney World freak LOL. We'll compare when we get back to see if we were right about what we would want!

Day 1
CS Lunch at AoA - I believe I will have the surf & turf burger. DH thinks he wants the Tandoori Portuguese Sausage depending on what it looks like. DH & I both guess that Brandan will have the create your own pasta.

Dinner is at O'hana so no picking there!

Day 2 - DH and Brandan are going to Blizzard Beach and will be eating at Lottawatta Lodge for lunch. DH thinks the stacked deli sandwich with apple slices, lemonade, and a chocolate chip cookie sounds good. DH is guessing chicken nuggets for Brandan, and I'm guessing the grilled chicken sandwich with fries, a bottled water and a chocolate chip cookie. How's that for specific LOL.

Gavin and I are headed to Downtown Disney for lunch at Earl of Sandwich. I'm leaning towards the tuna melt. For my side/dessert I'm hoping to get some fruit to share with Gavin. To drink will unsweet tea or a bottled water.

For dinner we're headed to Coral Reef. For me I guess I'll be having the mahi mahi, with the chocolate wave for dessert. DH picked the sustainable catch of the day with the Baileys and Jack Daniel's mousse for dessert. I'm guessing the steak with the Baileys and Jack Daniel's mousse for Brandan. DH thinks he will pick the salmon and the Baileys and Jack Daniel's mousse for dessert.

Day 3 - CS lunch at Pizza Planet. Not much to mull over here, we're all going to have pizza :thumbsup2 I'm going to guess the boys with have chocolate chip cookies and I'll have the cappuccino cupcake.

Dinner is at Garden Grill so nothing to pick there. Same with the dessert party - I'll be having one of each please :cloud9:

Day 4 - CS lunch at AK. We don't know exactly where we are eating. If I had to pick it would be Yak & Yeti CS and I'd have the honey chicken & frozen lemonade. DH would have the sweet and sour chicken and frozen lemonade. We both think Brandan will have sweet and sour chicken and frozen lemonade. Another option is Flame Tree BBQ. If we eat there, DH and I will likely split a CS meal and have the Ribs & chicken meal because it's so much food. Dessert would be chocolate mousse. I guess the ribs for Brandan and DH guesses the chicken for him. We both guess chocolate mousse for him for dessert (theres only one other option so it was easy LOL)

Dinner is at T-Rex. I'm so glad we decided to look at menus because I am seriously overwhelmed at the size of the menu and the options. I really don't know what I'm going to pick. Right at this moment the steak & cheese sandwich looks yummy. But so does the shrimp options... I am sure of what I want for dessert. I want us to get the Meteor Bites for 2, and the chocolate extinction for the 3 of us to split. Hopefully it's not hard to convince the others, I think DH is game :cool1: DH is also having a hard time deciding what he wants here, he thinks ribs because they sound yummy. But if we eat at Flame Tree then he will have ribs there. If he doesn't have the ribs he thinks he will have the new york strip steak. It's hard to guess for Brandan but I'd have to say the boneyard buffet (ribs and chicken). DH guesses the t-bone steak for him.

Day 5 - We will be at Epcot for CS. I don't know where we are going to eat. For here instead of guessing what we will eat, DH and I are going to guess where we are going to eat LOL. I vote for making a CS meal at the new French Bakery that I cannot spell without looking it up. If the Liberty Inn still has the steak I'll be pushing for that. Definitely want to try that with the s'mores mousse brownie. DH thinks we will eat fish & chips in the UK.

Dinner is at Sci-Fi Diner in Hollywood Studios. We've heard the burgers are good here so that is what we are going for. I want the picnic burger. DH wants the build your own angus chuck burger. DH and I both guess Brandan will do the build your own burger since we told him the burgers were supposedly good here. For dessert it will be the peanut butter chocolate cake and the hot fudge sundae for DH. We both think Brandan will have the peanut butter cake.

Last day. CS lunch at BoG in the MK. CANNOT WAIT! I'm guessing I will want the croque monsieur and the strawberry cream cheese cupcake. DH picked the carved turkey sandwich and the chocolate cupcake. For Brandan I'm guessing steak sandwich and chocolate cream puff. DH is guessing Brandan will have the quinoa salad and the chocolate cupcake.

For dinner we really have no clue where we are going to eat! I'm throwing out a few guesses - Contempo Cafe at the Contemporary, the CS at the Grand Floridian, Cosmic Ray's, or AoA. DH is throwing out guesses of Pinocchio Villiage Haus, Columbia Harbor House, Tony's, or Casey's all at the MK. It will be interesting to see what park and restaurant we end up at that night! I like the unknown!

As for snacks, here is what is on my list of things to eat. Obviously I won't be able to have them all but a girl can dream!

The Everything Brownie at AoA
Tie Dye Cheesecake from Pop
Ice Cream Cookie Sandwich (various locations)
Jungle Juice at AK
cupcakes from Starring Rolls
Dole Whip
Mickey bar
school bread in Norway
a delicious caramel treat in Germany
a yummy treat from Les Halles in France (hey I did it without looking it up!)
gelato in Italy
ice cream from Ghiradelli in DD
the kitchen sink from Beaches and Cream
something yummy from the Boardwalk Bakery
if we make it to AKL for some reason, zebra domes
The American Dream from The American Adventure in Epcot
Mickey Pretzel

....and now I'm hungry :lmao:
It's become tradition for us since taking Paxton, and I love it! :goodvibes

Don't stress yourself out! The best thing about Touring Plans is their new optimizer on the app that you can use in the parks. Set up everything you hope to accomplish in a touring plan. But if something changes (Gavin is napping/nursing at a different time than expected, a line is too long, etc.) just re-optimize when you are ready to get going again! I had a lot of fun playing around with it, and it still helps you get done what you want to without the stress of having to stay "on schedule" with your touring plan.

I had nightmares of what our first trip with Paxton would be like, mostly because I had NO idea what his routine would be by the time we went and if we would be able to keep up with it once we were there. Not everything went as perfect as I had hoped, but we still had a great time! And looking back, I only remember the good stuff that stood out.

You will have a GREAT time!!!

I hated Touring Plans until I downloaded the App. Now I'm really excited! I made plans for each day and I like we can make changes along the way. I think knowing before we even get to a park what the wait times are and fast pass return times are will make our trip so much easier.

I agree it's hard to plan a trip in advance not knowing what the baby will be doing. Gavin changes seriously every day so I don't even know what next week will be like LOL. We're going to be flexible though and I think we'll all have a good time. I'm still nervous but today I have been in the "AHH IM GOING TO DISNEY WORLD NEXT WEEK! mode" haha
Hubby is in the ER right now, his foot might be broken. Please pray it's not so we can leave in 5 days as planned! I knew I should have gotten trip insurance, possibly 5g down the drain. Poor hubby :(

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In a boot and on crutches and unable to do anything at this point. He sees the orthopedic surgeon Wednesday afternoon. I'm overwhelmed and cranky.

I still don't know if we're going. Is it terrible that I don't want to go? This trip has been a disaster from the beginning. I'm just so exhausted and I can't see how this trip could possibly be any fun. It just seems like even more work.

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Walking boot, allowed to put weight on it. Minimal pain. Not packed leaving in like 14 hours Ahhhhh! This will all come together, right? Need to rent wheel chair and call airline and um, pack?

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