Share your thoughts - Internal Struggle for Next Contract Purchase

We are sort of in the same boat. We bought at BWV bc we love it there and I wanted SV studios. That said, we are looking at adding on a chunk of SAPs so that we can upgrade to 1BRs sometimes. We are looking to be local to Orlando in a few years so we will likely be doing a lot more last minute reservations so we want the points to be able to accommodate that.

As for your comment about RIV, it sounds like you haven't stayed there yet? Before buying direct, I would stay there. Make sure you like it. Good thing is that you could use those direct points anywhere but if you're going to do that AKV probably makes the most sense right now... I'm hoping the AKV sale is just the start of a direct-point fire-sale as I'm like you, I would also like to add on 150 direct to get the membership extras.
Well, since you bought resale, your options are still open. You want the new resort in 5 years, sell and buy that.
We are sort of in the same boat. We bought at BWV bc we love it there and I wanted SV studios. That said, we are looking at adding on a chunk of SAPs so that we can upgrade to 1BRs sometimes. We are looking to be local to Orlando in a few years so we will likely be doing a lot more last minute reservations so we want the points to be able to accommodate that.

As for your comment about RIV, it sounds like you haven't stayed there yet? Before buying direct, I would stay there. Make sure you like it. Good thing is that you could use those direct points anywhere but if you're going to do that AKV probably makes the most sense right now... I'm hoping the AKV sale is just the start of a direct-point fire-sale as I'm like you, I would also like to add on 150 direct to get the membership extras.

I haven't stayed at Riviera but it looks pretty from all the photos and resort tours I've viewed.

I will likely not buy at Riviera if I go direct and definitely wouldn't buy them resale.
I'm really hoping VDH has 25-50 point add on minimum when it opens but I'm thinking realistically it may not because it's a brand new resort and they are going to want to draw in those brand people who'd have to buy the 150 point minimum.

My only reason for buying a smaller direct contract is to have the option to stay at Riviera, VDH and whatever new resorts open up. VDH being specifically enticing as I'm DLR local.
I'm really hoping VDH has 25-50 point add on minimum when it opens but I'm thinking realistically it may not because it's a brand new resort and they are going to want to draw in those brand people who'd have to buy the 150 point minimum.
It should, VGF did and still does. They could even lower the 150 to something like 100 for DL. I think existing members should be able to buy the 25-50. They have for every other resort.
The key with using SSR points as SAP (Sleep Around Points) is flexibility. In the time of the year, resort and view.
If staying in a BW view villa in October is so important that your vacation would be ruined otherwise, then you have to buy BWV, no point in spending a lot of money in a second SSR contract and be unhappy.
But for example, you can easily book every resort in August, you might even luck out on some special or cheap category. If you can travel between January and September and willing to go with what's available and play with the WL and you're not unhappy to stay at SSR, then I would buy there.
There is also the option of purchasing not the cheapest resort, but a cheap-ish one giving an option at 11 months that you like more. AKV is a decent option for a highly themed resort and give you a shot at value and consierge; BLT is good being at walking distance from MK. SSR is cheaper, but those two are currently not far behind.
Thank you so much for this perspective. I’ve done a tonne of research the last 2 months and have narrowed my choices to these exact resorts via resale for these exact reasons. With my work schedule, we prefer mid to late August as our planned travel time. I’ll be retiring in about 7 years and then I’ll have far more flexibility with dates. I am really worried about 7 month availability at this time (my goal is to try as many of the different resorts as I can) and that’s why I haven’t yet committed. I’m not opposed to SSR at all or OKW which I tend to think of as back ups - I appreciate you sharing your advice and experience!
I like SSR too and I'm happy to stay there when nothing else is not available. But until now it has happened only when I traveled during the marathon week end in January and the first two weeks of December, which are the busiest times for DVC. When I go in Smptember or later in January I have always been able to switch resort.
This year September was more difficult than it used to be, possibly because the reallocation that made it the cheapest reason raised interest and/or because there is still a glut of points due to Covid. However August was very open, with difficult to get resorts open way into the 7 months windows. I'm thinking of going in August next year for this very reason.
Thank you so much for this perspective. I’ve done a tonne of research the last 2 months and have narrowed my choices to these exact resorts via resale for these exact reasons. With my work schedule, we prefer mid to late August as our planned travel time. I’ll be retiring in about 7 years and then I’ll have far more flexibility with dates. I am really worried about 7 month availability at this time (my goal is to try as many of the different resorts as I can) and that’s why I haven’t yet committed. I’m not opposed to SSR at all or OKW which I tend to think of as back ups - I appreciate you sharing your advice and experience!
To add to @zavandor's post:

SSR as SAP (Sleep-Around Points) makes a LOT of sense if you are going to be booking mostly 1 bedrooms. Those have been pretty much open everywhere at 7 months, for all times of the year. If you plan on spending more than a week or so at WDW after you are retire, the extra space and amenities of a 1 bedroom will be much appreciated.

You may be interested in this history of availability:
DVC Field Guide's Availability Tables

Good luck with your decision.
To add to @zavandor's post:

SSR as SAP (Sleep-Around Points) makes a LOT of sense if you are going to be booking mostly 1 bedrooms. Those have been pretty much open everywhere at 7 months, for all times of the year. If you plan on spending more than a week or so at WDW after you are retire, the extra space and amenities of a 1 bedroom will be much appreciated.

You may be interested in this history of availability:
DVC Field Guide's Availability Tables

Good luck with your decision.
I purchased the DVC Field Guide. He did a great job on that.

It must have been a lot of work
buy direct to eventually reach the 150 pt threshold
other side, my frugal

For me I did the math and figured out what the real price difference was in the end. Then you can decide is it worth it.

One of the challenges right now is that direct doesn't get AP discounts which can rack up the cost avoidance lowering the total cost of your trips long term.

If you are never booking during the home booking period I honestly don't really see as DVC being for you to start with but at that point if you are buying direct you buy it where the total cost is going to be lowest both upfront but also the MFs long term. Plus don't forget a place like BCV is going to expire in 2042 while a place like VGF is going until like 2062.
I'd have a difficult time buying direct right now. No ROFR, no floor. Who knows when (if??!) Disney will start buying back contracts... It was only last summer they were buying back SSR in the $130s... that's nuts when you see SSR contracts going in the ROFR thread for as little as $75 (outlier for sure, but maybe not in a few months if Disney stays on the sideline)

Good Luck!

Have Fun!
To add to @zavandor's post:

SSR as SAP (Sleep-Around Points) makes a LOT of sense if you are going to be booking mostly 1 bedrooms. Those have been pretty much open everywhere at 7 months, for all times of the year. If you plan on spending more than a week or so at WDW after you are retire, the extra space and amenities of a 1 bedroom will be much appreciated.

You may be interested in this history of availability:
DVC Field Guide's Availability Tables

Good luck with your decision.
Thank you, this is definitely something I need to consider. I’m very much looking forward into digging into this field guide!
To add to @zavandor's post:

SSR as SAP (Sleep-Around Points) makes a LOT of sense if you are going to be booking mostly 1 bedrooms. Those have been pretty much open everywhere at 7 months, for all times of the year. If you plan on spending more than a week or so at WDW after you are retire, the extra space and amenities of a 1 bedroom will be much appreciated.

You may be interested in this history of availability:
DVC Field Guide's Availability Tables

Good luck with your decision.
Thanks for this guide - super informative!
Hi everyone,
I'm probably jumping the gun because my first DVC purchase is in ROFR but I'm already planning on my next contract.

I have plenty of time to mull this over but I would like other people's perspectives.

I have two conflicting thoughts when it comes to DVC:

One side of me is wanting to buy at resorts like VGF, VPB, and BCV because they're so beautiful and are close to the parks. This side also wants me to buy direct to eventually reach the 150 pt threshold and be a full fledged blue card member. FOMO plays a big part, obviously :rolleyes:.

The other side, my frugal, loving-to-have money side points out I don't always know my plans 11 months out. So why buy at a higher priced resort if I can't take advantage of the home resort booking period? Also, if the points are expensive, I can't buy as many. This side says let's just buy a bunch of SSR points for dirt cheap (comparatively) on the resale market.

I don't want to own too many points because I want manageable yearly dues.
Buy the SSR points for dirt cheap. We have a variety of contracts and end up using the points all over. We try to book things early but plans usually get shifted. Don’t bother with direct. The benefits are completely not worth it. You feel like a superstar the first year you own direct. After that you feel like an idiot. Moonlight madness and the lounge are both meh. And look at how they treat dvc members concerning annual passes. It’s a big game called you got played. Now you see ‘em, now you don’t.
Buy the SSR points for dirt cheap. We have a variety of contracts and end up using the points all over. We try to book things early but plans usually get shifted. Don’t bother with direct. The benefits are completely not worth it. You feel like a superstar the first year you own direct. After that you feel like an idiot. Moonlight madness and the lounge are both meh. And look at how they treat dvc members concerning annual passes. It’s a big game called you got played. Now you see ‘em, now you don’t.
I ended up buying SSR. The lower upfront cost and lower dues clinched it for me.
I ended up buying SSR. The lower upfront cost and lower dues clinched it for me.

I have found this thread really helpful. BCV was where I always dreamed of staying as a kid and now I’ve taken my kids there and they love Stormalong Bay…but it’s REALLY hard to justify paying 30-50% more than AKL when I will have about 2x as long to use the AKL points. I love BCV but I also like staying at BWV, PVB, AKL, and I suspect I would love GFV also. I even hope to try out the Treehouses at some point! The excellent field guide suggests that with some flexibility we should be able to squeeze in some stays at all of the above places.
We love SSR, and I realize it's the less expensive membership choice, but for most availability I would choose to purchase somewhere that is harder to get into at 7 months like BWV, BCV, GFV, RIV or CCV. This way there's a chance at one of them. At 7 months we have had no trouble finding something at AKL, BLT, PVB, SSR, OKW. Last year we were able to get SSR, preferred, over July 4 two months out.

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