Scooter Mom - The Final Chapter - Day 4-Part Four - Complete!!

Well, I'll have to come back and catch up later, but I thought I'd better get a reply in so it will at least show up!:lmao:
Your room at the Boardwalk looks so nice!!

Oh boy...I can't even imagine pushing one of the scooters down that hallway!!
Well, I'll have to come back and catch up later, but I thought I'd better get a reply in so it will at least show up!:lmao:

Hey Andy !!! I am so glad you stopped by !! Thanks for following along. I am loving your TR !!!

Your room at the Boardwalk looks so nice!!

Oh boy...I can't even imagine pushing one of the scooters down that hallway!!

I love the Boardwalk rooms. I decided I was going to paint my bathroom at home the same color as the bathroom at BW. I still might.

Yeah, that scooter crapped out halfway and we had to push it back. DD helped me though and there is this brake thingy you can release that makes it roll easier.
WOW I am jeolous you get to so often we are lucky to go every year or trwo....course we have to fly etc. Anyway BW looks great
WOW I am jeolous you get to so often we are lucky to go every year or trwo....course we have to fly etc. Anyway BW looks great

It is really nice to get to go several times a year. And we only live about 6-7 hours away, to that makes it much more economical. BW is the best !!! Thanks for taking the time to say hello !!
Day 1 – Part Three

When we checked in, it was nice and warm outside. In the mid 70’s. Just a gorgeous day. DD was hungry and wanted some nachos from the Mexico CS, so we got unpacked and head over towards Epcot.




This is me probably checking wait times on my phone.



ESPN had a corn hole game set up outside and DD, DS and DH had some fun with it.



I was probably telling DS to pull his pants up. No one wants to see your underwear. Now now – not ever. I will never understand why young men find this is a good look. Because it just isn’t and it makes you look like a moron. This trend has stuck around FAR too long.


International Gateway




Although the day started out warm and sunny, it was quickly turning cold and windy. And we were all regretting leaving our jackets back in the room. Instead of going all of the way back, we continued towards Mexico – and some food !!



OH !! I have to tell you about this. Disney’s promotion this year is Limited Time Magic. And for the week we were there it was:

For one week only, January 14-20, there will be a magical Winter Wonderland location with falling snow where you and your family can meet and take photos with some of your favorite Disney characters. It’s an all new character greeting location in the Canada Pavilion. Times for the Winter Wonderland location at Epcot are: 10:30 a.m. – 2:10 p.m. 3:05 p.m. – 5:45 p.m.

Here’s a photo.


I know it isn’t a great photo, but I thought this was really lame. Just Chip and Dale, Daisy and Donald dressed up in their winter outfits. I guess if you are really into the characters and their different outfits, it would be exciting. But we didn’t think it was all that magical. Just a backdrop and characters. The line was pretty long for it though, so we didn’t bother. DS took that photo and these as well




DH had run to get fast passes for the new Test Track while the kids and I went here:


To get some lunch.

The park was really crowded and it stayed crowded our whole trip. So I guess the MLK weekend is another popular time to visit WDW. It didn’t bother us too much though. We know how to work the crowds. Anyway, back to the food.

The kids snagged a table while I ordered.



We were on the Disney Dining Plan and for this meal we just used 2 counter service credits. DH got back with Test Track FP’s just in time to eat.

He and I shared the nachos.

Nachos - corn tortilla chips with ground beef, nacho cheese, fresh tomatoes, jalapenos, black beans, and sour cream $9.99


We really enjoyed these. They had some spice to them and lots of flavor.

And we had plenty to eat.

The kids shared the nachos with just cheese


We had two orders of churros for dessert.

Churritos - Churritos with milk caramel $3.99


We enjoyed our meal here and it was everything we expected it to be. I may have needed a zantac later on in the day because of the nachos but they were worth it.
MMmmmmm...Nachos and churros. *drool*

How funny that you had to confiscate the key to the scooter! I saw the pic of your DD on the scooter, and thought to myself, oh she is going to be the scooter stealer this time. Then I read the bit a bout the keys. LOL!

I will agree, the Limited Time Magic was lame. Selfishly I am happy that this one and the Lost Friends one were not any better than they were. I was sad I was missing out.

The scooter came in handy for transporting stuff. :moped:
I know how handy our double stroller was for that task, so I can only imagine how nice it would be to have a motorized method of transport! :moped: :rotfl:

I eventually had to hide the key from them. They kept playing with it and taking off down the hallway on it. So every time I wasnt using it, I took the key with me.
When I was that age, I guarantee I'd have been doing the same thing!!!

There's a good chance the scooter might have been confiscated by Disney security or something. :rotfl2::lmao::rotfl:

DD was hungry and wanted some nachos from the Mexico CS, so we got unpacked and head over towards Epcot.
After reading your highly accurate description, I'm craving some nachos from the Mexico CS. The nachos and churritos are always a nice meal and/or snack! :thumbsup2

I know it isnt a great photo, but I thought this was really lame.
I kind of feel that way about most of the Limited Time Magic stuff I've seen. None of it has really just made me feel excited and seemed like something that just isn't a "can't miss." It all seems just a little bit forced, like they're trying too hard, but can't come up with anything any better.
MMmmmmm...Nachos and churros. *drool*

How funny that you had to confiscate the key to the scooter! I saw the pic of your DD on the scooter, and thought to myself, oh she is going to be the scooter stealer this time. Then I read the bit a bout the keys. LOL!

I will agree, the Limited Time Magic was lame. Selfishly I am happy that this one and the Lost Friends one were not any better than they were. I was sad I was missing out.

Those nachos were good !! If it wasn't so chilly that day, I would have had a margarita to go with it.

Seriously, it was their favorite ride. Every time I got OUT of the scooter, they were on it. I was afraid they were going to hurt someone.

It was lame. You didn't miss a thing. I might have done it if the line wasn't so long. It was crazy busy that weekend. A solid 8-9 on crowds. Seriously, it was nuts.
I know how handy our double stroller was for that task, so I can only imagine how nice it would be to have a motorized method of transport! :moped: :rotfl:

It really was handy. DH made good use of it.

When I was that age, I guarantee I'd have been doing the same thing!!!

Those little stinkers, I was constantly fussing at them to get off that scooter.

There's a good chance the scooter might have been confiscated by Disney security or something. :rotfl2::lmao::rotfl:

That would have been tragic for sure.

After reading your highly accurate description, I'm craving some nachos from the Mexico CS. The nachos and churritos are always a nice meal and/or snack! :thumbsup2

They were !!

I kind of feel that way about most of the Limited Time Magic stuff I've seen. None of it has really just made me feel excited and seemed like something that just isn't a "can't miss." It all seems just a little bit forced, like they're trying too hard, but can't come up with anything any better.

Yeah, it was kinda lame. I guess budget is a factor. They need to step up their game with that stuff.
Day One – Part Four

After eating, it was starting to get really chilly so we headed to Mouse Gear to see if they had anything warm.



They had lots of warm stuff to wear, but the only bad part was everything was $60. I decided I wasn’t THAT cold. DD wanted to ride Figment, so we went over to do that.




Then we went over to ride Spaceship Earth


As we were coming out of that ride, it had started raining and of course I left the ponchos back in the room. I did not earn any Girl Scout honors on this day, that was for sure. So we ducked into Innoventions.

The kids saw Sum of all Thrills and had to do it.




After that, it was time for our Test Track fast passes. It was even colder once we got back outside. We headed over to Test Track. The new and improved Test Track.


DD loves this ride and she was so excited to ride it after it had been down for refurb for so long.

Even in the fast pass line, you had the chance to design your own vehicle.



We moved through there pretty fast and it was great not having the preshow. In no time we were boarding our car.



And we were off ……

A lot of Disney purists hate the change. But we really liked it. It was very sleek and fun. Is it better that the old ride ??? Not really. But it is just as fun and it isn’t any worse in my opinion. We rode again in the single rider line. DD LOVED it !!

They had some fun photos you could take and e-mail to yourself.





After Test Track, we headed back towards the Boardwalk. We saw the Tremaines with NO line.


DD didn’t want to see them, so we just snapped a photo as we walked by.

Back at the Boardwalk


We headed up to the room and back down the LONG hallway.

We could see Tower of Terror from our balcony.


We all got dressed in some warmer clothes and headed over to Beaches and Cream to have dinner.
I am here! We have to make a plan to be there at the same time sometime this year. We're always missing one another by a day or two. I'm seriously looking into that cruise too. We are taking out the calendar later tonight (yeah, we stay up really late) and we're going to plan out the year. I hope it will include cross country to Dland with a day in Las Vegas. A cruise on DCL (maybe two 4 and 7 night if possible), and a few trips to WDW. I have one booked with free dining, but I'm not sure if I'm gonna keep it.

Anyway, the Boardwalk is one place I've never stayed. I'd like to try it, at least for a couple of days on a shorter trip. I love the location and the look of the place. The lamps are so cute. My mom would love those. (She collects tea cups) The furniture detail is cute too. A kitchen is a nice thing to have at WDW!

Test Track ~ I'm one of the Disney purists. (Is that the word you used?) I liked the old ride better. I like a couple of things about the new one, but overall the ride and the stuff seen on the ride I liked better before.

Oh gosh. You told me it was busy while you were there. Now I believe you because I see people ON Figment. :rotfl2:

Can't wait to
I am here! We have to make a plan to be there at the same time sometime this year. We're always missing one another by a day or two. I'm seriously looking into that cruise too. We are taking out the calendar later tonight (yeah, we stay up really late) and we're going to plan out the year. I hope it will include cross country to Dland with a day in Las Vegas. A cruise on DCL (maybe two 4 and 7 night if possible), and a few trips to WDW. I have one booked with free dining, but I'm not sure if I'm gonna keep it.

YAY, you are here !! Hey Tammy !!! I would love it if you guys were on that cruise. It would be so nice to have other adults to hang with and my kids would be in heaven with yours since they are the same age. I really want to go to Disneyland and so does DD. DH wants to do the Alaska cruise, so maybe we can combine those in a trip someday.

Anyway, the Boardwalk is one place I've never stayed. I'd like to try it, at least for a couple of days on a shorter trip. I love the location and the look of the place. The lamps are so cute. My mom would love those. (She collects tea cups) The furniture detail is cute too. A kitchen is a nice thing to have at WDW!

I really LOVE the Boardwalk. I just love anything from the turn of the century to 1920's. I find that era so appealing. We have stayed there twice and we have absolutely loved it both times. It is so amazing being so close to Epcot. I am going to try to snag a summer trip and get into Beach Club if I can. Got to make good use of the unlimited water park option we have on our annual passes this year, so we NEED a summer trip !!

Test Track ~ I'm one of the Disney purists. (Is that the word you used?) I liked the old ride better. I like a couple of things about the new one, but overall the ride and the stuff seen on the ride I liked better before.

Yes, that was the word I used and I thought about you when I typed it. My bestie from high school (Pixie Princess here on the Dis) falls into the category, too. Disney purist. Which is fine, I understand it. There are things I miss from old ride, but the one thing I don't miss is the pre-show. That one and the one on Dinosaur are just sooo boring to me.

Oh gosh. You told me it was busy while you were there. Now I believe you because I see people ON Figment. :rotfl2:

LOL. I "borrowed" that photo from the internet. But it was crazy busy. Much more crowded than we expected. We manage the crowds pretty well though, so it didn't bother us.

Can't wait to

More coming up !!
Day 1 – Part Five

When I last left off, we were headed to Beaches and Cream at the Beach Club for dinner. I had not planned on this table service because I didn’t know when we would arrive on this day, but we definitely got to Disney early enough to get some meals in. So we were trying to stretch out our credits the best we could. I had planned on us eating breakfast at Kouzzina the next morning, but because the kids wanted to eat at Beaches and Cream so bad, I ended up cancelling it.

So, we bundled up and headed over to Beach Club.








There was a cold front coming in with a vengeance and the wind was really cold.

We finally arrived at our destination and checked in at the podium. Beaches and Cream is a table service restaurant, but does not take reservations. We were there about 5:30 PM, so we were seated right away. I understand that the wait can get quite long if you don’t get there early.



Some menu photos






DS ordered a root beer float.


A burger


Since DD is allergic to nuts, we had the manager come out and talk to us. He was very kind and accommodating. DD wanted mac and cheese and I swear they went over to Cape May to get it because DD said it tasted exactly like Cape May’s mac and cheese.


She loved this !!

DH and I split a burger


It came out already cut in half for us. It was a good burger.

For dessert, DD had the kids sundae.


They had to open a new bucket of ice cream and use a clean scoop to avoid any cross contamination with nuts. We really appreciated this effort on their part.

DH and I split the Milky Way Sundae


This was sooooooo good. The combination of the chocolate, white chocolate and caramel was so amazing. And it came with a snack size Milky Way bar in it.

Someone ordered the kitchen sink.


Our service here was outstanding. Our waitress only charged us for the child’s portion of the macaroni, so she let us know that it would be a better value if we paid OOP for her meal and saved a TS credit for later. We saw the wisdom in this and did exactly that. We tipped well and went over the Beach Club Marketplace to look around.

I just love all of these old outfits they have framed here.



We didn’t buy anything and headed back to the Boardwalk and looked through their gift shop there. DD traded vinylmations and got a much coveted Dug one.


And then we headed back up the elevator and down the long hallway to the room. We settled in for bed and everyone was pretty much out by 9 PM.
Caught up! What a great view from your balcony! And I love all of your pictures around the Boardwalk. Thanks for sharing everything from the new TT! It is nice to read a positive review from it.
Hey now, you were supposed to tell me when you started this thing! :flower3:

Hey Marissa !!! Thanks so much for coming on over !! I was pretty slack about send PM's for this. Maybe I should do that. I am so happy you are here though !!

Caught up! What a great view from your balcony! And I love all of your pictures around the Boardwalk. Thanks for sharing everything from the new TT! It is nice to read a positive review from it.

The Boardwalk is such and amazing place to stay. I was super pumped that it was available for us when I booked this trip.

We really liked the new Test Track. But I understand the ones that don't. We rode it as much as we could while we were there.
I keep waiting to hear about the new fantasyland .... Did you dine @ BOG ... I guess I will have to wait and see.....


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