Rumor: No Free Dining at Values this fall...

for us it would actually be great. I have several sets of tickets (probably 3 or 4) that we've acquired during FD (when we had APs) that I've been saving. We need to start using them up!
Thanks for the info. And I'm kind of happy to hear this.

We have ONLY stayed onsite with Free Dining...We have done so 10 or so times since they first offered it. I have to disagree with some pp's - I think that 9 times out of 10, Free Dining (esp. when it was prior to the QSDP) in a Value room with 2 or more people was a HUGE deal. Considering the 'discount' on a value room is usually not more than $15-$40 per night and getting the regular dining plan was HUGE! We did stay at a MOD once since they changed it to QSDP for Values - but it was still $200 more than the upgrade cost would have been. AND - back several years ago - got a FREE UPGRADE to Old Key West from All Star Movies. So my family and 2 other families we were traveling with got to stay at Old Key West for $100 per night with all our food included too - Now THAT was a deal of a lifetime!

We are a family that has gotten a HUGE advantage from the free dining promotion. And we have saved hundreds of dollars and done way more character meals than we ever would have without it. But with all the changes and the QSDP, etc. at the values I have been planning our August 2013 trip a bit differently. We want to try staying at the Beach Club. AND the kids are really into Harry Potter now. So we'll stay a couple/few nights offsite and do US and WWOHP and then head to WDW and stay at the Beach Club. To keep costs down since it's an expensive place, I decided to use some of our non-expiring tickets that we have (usually only use when we stay offsite). So I was not going to participate in Free Dining this year anyway.

I've been trying to rack up points on my Visa Rewards card and my intent is to go to all the same WDW restaurants that I would have with Free Dining - but instead just use rewards points for them - so that it still 'feels' free to me. :)
It won't affect me at all.

I don't do the dining plans, I'm a room only person with an AP and normally have the TIW card. I prefer a room only discount.

Although with the price increase on TIW, I'll have to really take a look at the numbers and see if it's worth getting it for me. I don't do TS everyday.
Our last trip free dining worked fine as it was the only discount for the time we were traveling. I liked the concept but like many, I'll go for the deal that saves me the most money and I know free dining isn't always the best deal.

But since then I've been earning Starwood points so we'll be staying free at Swan/Dolphin from now on, so free dining was not going to be an option for us anyway. But free hotel beats free food any day of the week so it's all good! :)
I think that getting free dining at a moderate is a big deal for our family of 4. We love the buffets and character meals and even though we pay full price for our room, the buffets alone set us back $140.00 + per meal without tip. Our room doesn't cost us $140.00 more paying rack rate at a mod. Then add QS dining which even without dessert can set us back $50.00 per meal. The snack is also beneficial to us. We often use our snack credit to pick up a breakfast-y type snack in the park (bagel/cream cheese at the bakery) etc. Add in the refillable mug and it's great for us.

I know that we save some on our meals if we were not on free dining (less character meals, breakfast in the room, sharing meals at TS restaurants) but we really love the character meals and honestly to do not want to do without them. We always bought the refillable mug even before it was included in the dining plan so that's a savings. We're fine sharing TS meals and sometimes do that even when we're on the dining plan to make our credits go further but for us it works.

I didn't intend on turning this thread into "is free dining a good deal" because I know that's not what the OP was asking. But the background information leads to my vote on the topic. Yes, if free dining isn't offered, we'd be less likely to travel. We weren't going to WDW in 2012 but when free dining was offered clear through 12/20, we hopped on that very quickly.
I could understand Disney doing this if the economy was improving. But that's not the case so it has me scratching my head in wonder. I'm sure there is an economical reason for it, but as a little fish in a very big pond, I don't see it. :rotfl:
IMHO the DDP was great when my kids were all kids in "Disney eyes" and it included gratuity. Now it's just not worth my time keeping track of credits or the expense for tweenagers that are charged at adult rates.
I hate relying solely on disney transportation, and always have a car, which enables us to save $ on eat off site or grab pizza!

This was another reason we bought DVC: the savings that WDW is offering lately are becoming not worth it to us!
It means we probably won't stay onsite.

I think I want to do a cruise instead for my 21st if Disney are cutting incentives to stay onsite.
I think it is too early to say one way or the other. As I remember a couple years back them saying they were not going to offer any discounts like we had become use to getting. A few months later they rolled out free dining for the rest of the year and into the next one. If what I saw the two weeks we were there in Dec is any indication they are going to have to offer some sort of discount because it was no where near as busy as other years we had travelled during the same time.. The last day to book free dining for Dec I checked the website and they still had many room choices left for our dates.. Also if I recall correctly free dining was offered for the values already as a bounceback offer.. Also if the same economist that predicted the last recession are right we are going to be right back in what could be an even worst one this year.
Don't believe it for one minute. Doesn't matter though....I have one starting college in the fall and Disney is no longer in my budget. :worried: Need to get him and the next one and the next one through school with the least amount of debt possible.
We were thinking of doing a trip in late September/early October and staying at either AOA in a little mermaid room or POR. Without either free dining (we would upgrade to TS at AOA) or a good room only code, we will probably look at Bonnet Creek instead.
I think it is too early to say one way or the other. As I remember a couple years back them saying they were not going to offer any discounts like we had become use to getting. A few months later they rolled out free dining for the rest of the year and into the next one. If what I saw the two weeks we were there in Dec is any indication they are going to have to offer some sort of discount because it was no where near as busy as other years we had travelled during the same time.. The last day to book free dining for Dec I checked the website and they still had many room choices left for our dates.. Also if I recall correctly free dining was offered for the values already as a bounceback offer.. Also if the same economist that predicted the last recession are right we are going to be right back in what could be an even worst one this year.

Don't believe it for one minute. Doesn't matter though....I have one starting college in the fall and Disney is no longer in my budget. :worried: Need to get him and the next one and the next one through school with the least amount of debt possible.
I'm usually one to be skeptical of rumors as well. And if it weren't coming from Danny25, I wouldn't put much faith it this one. But he's a pretty reliable source when it comes to pending discounts. Since British posters on other boards are already corroborating that their fall discounts are not including free dining at value resorts (and smaller room discounts), I would not be surprised to see that this rumor turns out to be true.
It won't affect us. We rented DVC points last year and stayed in a villa - that's the way I'm going from here on out! Total bliss.

We did purchase the DDP on our last trip; for us it was worth the expense. If they still offer it for purchase, I'll do it again.
No free dining at value resorts Will affect our family. It was going to be real tight going back in 2013 anyway. Without it we probably will not get to go. Still going to hope !!!!
...and the free dining at the mods and deluxes will be the QSDP.

That's the latest on the Codes and Rates subforum of the Resorts Board. FWIW, Danny25 is usually right on the money with his advance info.

So, how will this affect your vacation plans for next fall? Will you still go to Disney if there is no free dining at the Values? Is it worth it to you to pay rack rates at a moderate or deluxe resort if the free dining plan is just the QSDP?

For me, it makes no difference and in fact, it may make me more likely to travel to Disney in the fall if there are fewer "free diners" crowding the TS restaurants. I haven't thought that the dining plans were any kind of value since they did away with the gratuity and appetizers. Free DDP for my family of 5 never made up for paying rack rate at a deluxe. So the QSDP makes it even less appealing now that the kids are grown.

I'm just interested in hearing what other Dis-ers think.

I really hope that this rumor is true. Maybe the TS restaurants will get back to *normal* (whatever that will be now). The free DDP has never been free, and would never work for us anyway. We don't drink sodas, and never eat desserts at meal time, so we always spend about half of what a dining plan would cost us (and that's eating when & where we want).

For the few that will now book offsite (if this rumor is true) there are thousands more that will still stay onsite no matter, so will be no loss to Disney. Also, I would think the restaurants will still be just as booked.
We had used the Free Dining Plan in 2005, when tax and tip were included, and we only had 3 kids that were under 9. Fantastic Deal!

In August 2012, we went and did the Free Dining, but we now have 5 kids and 3 are over 9, and 2 under 9. I tried every scenario about room discounts (we needed 2) or paying Rack and getting Free Dining. We eat a sit down every night, we enjoy it, gives us a chance to relax and get served. So Free Dining for us, is absolutely totally worth it.
We haven't used the DDP ("free" or paid for) the past few trips anyway. We have found that it's less expensive to pay OOP, we don't have any restrictions as to what we order (meaning we can share several apps instead of entrees, or get an app instead of dessert, whatever), and we really don't want or need a TS meal every day. I've been loading up the first part of our trip with TS meals, because it's easier to know which park we'll be in each day. Then for the last third or so of the trip I don't schedule any so we can be a lot more flexible as to where we go and when. :goodvibes
I'm usually one to be skeptical of rumors as well. And if it weren't coming from Danny25, I wouldn't put much faith it this one. But he's a pretty reliable source when it comes to pending discounts. Since British posters on other boards are already corroborating that their fall discounts are not including free dining at value resorts (and smaller room discounts), I would not be surprised to see that this rumor turns out to be true.

Maybe so but Disney can always change their mind the closer we get to it. Danny might be hearing that now but once they see that rooms are not booking up they may find they need to offer free dining or something better. Just like before when they announced no more discounts and than turned around and offered free dining with dates well in advance of ever before. I myself would not go back without a discount at least equal to what we saved with free dining. I have found that over our 6 total trips a lot has changed and not for the better. At the same time prices are going up every year the quality of what you are receiving for that money is going down imo. The New Fantasyland is nice but is not enough to justify the price increase for this year imo.
You have a very valid point about people responding like Pavlov's dog to the word "free". But I also think that Free Dining has become less profitable at the Value resorts over the past few years. I don't think there's as big a profit margin at the Value level as there is at the Moderate and Deluxes, which is why they stopped offering free DDP at the Values and replaced it with just QSDP over the past couple of years. Perhaps, in an effort to keep the rack rate of the Values more affordable (not that I think they are a great value for what you get), they've shaved the profit margin too thin to be able to absorb the cost of the QSDP. I've also noticed that the room-only offers at the Values have a very low percentage off, too. The most recent ones have only been in the range of 15% off the rack rate.

They are not losing money at the values by offering free dining. The price of a room at a value is well above what you would spend outside of Disney with more amenities. Our trip home we stopped at a very nice Day's Inn Hotel and Suites and stayed in a King Suite for less than one night would cost us at a value resort even in value seaon. We had a fridge,microwave, and coffee maker. They also included breakfast the next morning. They offered waffles, sausage, biscuits and gravy, cereal, coffee, juice, toast, bagels, donuts and fruit. Also for those that wanted it a free newspaper. Also the rooms at Pop are starting to show their age despite a renovation not that long ago. Our room had a musty smell to it and didn't seem to be kept as clean as in the past. Perhaps the musty smell was from something being spilt or even from the A/C vent or filter needing cleaned. All 6 trips we have stayed at Pop and I started noticing a decline in housekeeping on our trip last Oct. My inlaws were with us and also noticed a difference compared to their past trips. This year was better overall housekeeping wise than last year though.
Another thought- Maybe they are trying a new strategy. Maybe they are trying to fill up the Deluxe and Moderates first since they cost more before offering free dining to the values. Or perhaps they will not offer it to the values this year in the hopes that those that wanted free dining will upgrade and not want to go back to a value. Brilliant marketing if you think about it. Get people to fall in love with a moderate or deluxe so that they pay more for their future vacations.

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