Race Reports/Kudos/Encouragement - January 9 - 11

Goofy Half Full
OH, JEFF 42 M 7:10:27 2:24:35 4:45:52 HONOLULU, HI
Just got home, quick signature update to add a pic, report will come later. :upsidedow

You were a total inspiration at the Half when you were standing on the overpass before heading back to EPCOT!!! It was SOOOOOOO great to see a wisher up there as I came by!!! Not sure why you would finish and then go back out there and then come back?? But I am so glad you did. It was awesome!!!:cool1: :thumbsup2 :thumbsup2 :cool1:

racey Tracy
Matt, when did you have a chance to run???? It seemed like you were EVERYWHERE!!!! I swear I saw you in a half a dozen places during the half. How did you do that? Either I am really slow or your extremely fast (or a combination of both). You were awesome out there. Seeing you in the Mickey Hat and hands, cheering everyone on was very inspiring. Thanks for what you did out there!!!

Goofy Half Full
OH, JEFF 42 M 7:10:27 2:24:35 4:45:52 HONOLULU, HI

Way to go, Jeff! But what's really funny is that your total Goofy time is only a little bit more than my time for the full alone! (6:47) :worship: :worship: :worship:

Maura:How could i forget you in my list of thank-yous?!? Good grief, you should be right on top! Visiting the Test Track VIP lounge was definitely one of the highlights of our weekend. You made John and me feel so "special" and we appreciate it sincerely.

Bubba: So great to finally meet you......it's so good to know you finally "get it"! I was the one who called out to you at the water stop, but you were so busy pouring drinks I don't know if you saw me zoom by (yeah, right........I never zoom, only plod!)

Matt: You were truly the marathon angel this year.....hope your upcoming race goes well this weekend.
Exactly what Tracy said!!! I so needed to see you at the overpass (and every other time we saw you! A breath of fresh air! I have a pic I will post as soon as my computer at home starts working again!!! Thank you so much for all the cheering!!!

Speaking of pics... I have a few pics from the Half and also towards the end of the Marathon pack of WISHers and Disney running folks I will post...maybe in the next few days.


You were a total inspiration at the Half when you were standing on the overpass before heading back to EPCOT!!! It was SOOOOOOO great to see a wisher up there as I came by!!! Not sure why you would finish and then go back out there and then come back?? But I am so glad you did. It was awesome!!!:cool1: :thumbsup2 :thumbsup2 :cool1:

racey Tracy
Hey Matt Great new pic in your siggie. It was great to meet you--you were a relaxing presence at the start of the half. How could I possibly have missed you on the overpass? Everyone else saw you but me, it seems.:sad2:

I didn't miss you Matt! :yay: I heard a voice from above... "Is that Judy I see?" I looked up and saw you with that hat! :laughing: Thanks so much for being there! It REALLY helped! I need all the handsome men I can get calling my name. It keeps me going! :laughing:
Matt- Thanks so much for being out there cheering. I was wearing an orange DR shirt, and remember you calling out to me from the overpass. Really gave me a boost! Thanks so much and congrats on your race:thumbsup2
You know what. All year long, I didn't get it. During all of the training, my one lone 5k before going to WDW or even when I actually signed up. I didn't get it. Why would so many people want to go outside and actually run or walk? This doesn't make sense. It just takes too long. But now, I feel like I am beginning to get it. I was the one that was told that I would never be able to do anything like this and now I have. I have been told since I have been back that I must have gotten that out of my system so I won't be doing that again. I haven't stopped thinking about it or stopped wanting to go back there and do it again. I had an incredible time and want to go back so I can do it again.

Thank you to all of you who helped me get it!!!

WAY TO GO, BRYAN!!!!!!!!!!! Do not let others tell you you cannot do what you know you can do.

By the way my results for Goofy part Deux- I am not sure I will be doing a full report but will try later - are as follows:

Half - 1:54 (felt great and was holding back the entire way)
Full - 4:26 (with 11 miles of left legged muscle cramps slowing me down)

Mike "GG" B
Checking in. It has been crazy ever since we got back home! pirate:

I enjoyed meeting some of you. Wish I could have meet all of you, I felt like I missed so many people. Funny, I felt shy at the WISH meet and I am so not shy! :confused3

DH ran the half with me and our chip time ended up being 2:26:57, a small improvement over my Atlanta ING time by exactly three minutes.

A thank you to Jeff (He helped me with several things!), but really he kept popping up around us during the half and I must have looked bad cause he asked me several times if I was doing OK. :lmao:

Actually, my bad knee starting hurting around mile 9 I think (It was around the Grand Floridian.) and I struggled with it for a bit, finally having to do a couple walking breaks near the end. DH had been trying to keep me at a pace that was right under 11:00, but it just didn't happen. I picked it up at Epcot simply because I knew I was close to beating my ING time.

Ya, totally got a kick out of Matt at the overpass. That rocked!

DH and I enjoyed our quick trip, as some of you know my oldest got sick literally a few hours before we were to drive out of Atlanta, but everything worked out OK and she was better later that day so we managed to arrive Thursday night.

Did the Backstage Magic tour on Friday (That was pretty interesting.) and was able to hit Epcot Saturday. Sunday we cheered for a little while at the BC after breakfast at Cape May Cafe and then we drove back home around lunch.

Now I've got the marathon bug and DH wants a Goofy medal. :rotfl2: It will have to be 2011, though. Next year we promised the girls NYE at WDW. I think we're gonna go down for the TOT 13K in October, though. DH is running his first full this March in Atlanta!

Now that I'm home I'm having some major motivation issues. I'll be having more surgery in February so it is not like I have a race to train for right now. And I know I'll be in for starting all over AGAIN. I got out for the first time today and ran 3 miles. It is bitter cold here for Atlanta standards and it took all my will power to get out. Felt good, though - ran a 10:35 pace and started breaking in my new shoes. (I had to return the pair I bought for the race, wore them twice and they killed!) So I'm back with Saucony. If it's not broke I guess don't fix it! At the running store I signed up for a women's group they're trying to start up. Hopefully that will help my motivation.

Got a bunch of pics to go thru, we walked thru Epcot after the half to go back to BCV. We got some awesome Photopass pics in front of the Epcot ball and then we went into the character spot and literally had the characters all to ourselves! I was happy to see we got at least one ASI pic in front of the castle. It is very dark, though. I also got an Epcot pic that was too light. :confused3 We held our hands up at the end, but none of those are too great.

I must say I loved wearing my medal at Epcot later that day. Ya know, when I did the ING it was kinda this huge letdown - no congrats. But at WDW - WOW! I loved everyone congratulating each other and it was just such a great feeling. It also helped the weather was PERFECT.

OK, I need to get off this computer.

Hello, WISH friends!

I'm trying to catch up on life here, but I wanted to give a race-report shout out!

I'm going to go in chronological order here on the highlights/memorable moments:

1. I thought I was doomed for sure when the clif bar I ate on the way to the airport upset my stomach. All I could think was that I had come so far, but in the end, I didn't get sick. Probably nerves!

2. I recall a conversation with DH that started with, "If we fall asleep right now, we'll get five hours of sleep" on Thursday night/Friday morning at Pop. Of course, we didn't fall asleep right then, but the energy and excitement of race weekend kept us going through (most of) the weekend.

3. Seeing our friends Liz and Patrick again was so wonderful! I can't believe it had been so many months! It was cool, like last year's 5K at the Minnie, only this time i knew what to expect (and I didn't have to be a dork and ask Patrick to help me figure out how to attach my chip!).

4. ALOHA JEFF IS REAL, PEOPLE! I probably scared him with my screaming (I greeted him like a 12-year-old girl spotting a Jonas brother, for crying out loud!) but I was so excited! Since he is always online regardless of when I log on, I had become convinced that the Aloha Jeff online was a sign on shared by five people, with hired models playing the parts of his beautiful girls. A great way to start the 5K!

5. Racy Tracy and her mom were there, too! I promised Tracy I would return her mother to the finish line in the condition she left her in with me, and with the exception of a scary moment when a small child stopped abruptly in front of her, we had no incidents. Our fingers were so cold that we couldn't use our cameras, though. I think DH has some photos on his computer....

6. It was fantastic seeing so many of my WISH friends at the 5K. And I got to meet Panda Dave and Erica! Woohoo!

7. My inadvertant porn film I made in the back of the rental car. :eek: I left the video camera on after the finish of the 5K and realized I had continued filming with the camera in my lap--nice crotch shot of myself on video. :rolleyes: Patrick complained about us shooting porn in the rental car, but it's not like we didn't let Liz and him hang out with us while we did it! [NOTE: DH had NOTHING to do with this. Don't be mad, honey!]

8. Breakfast at Kona--our tradition made sweeter this year with Tracy and Judy. Although once again I went for the Tonga Toast, I had the macadamia-pineapple pancakes again. No regrets! What a great meal with amazing company! I sat through the meal thinking how lucky I am to have made such wonderful friends here. :)

9. My first "real" expo--including the purchase of disposable pants for the cold, a new SPIbelt for DH (I got us an extension on the WISH discount, BTW), and more Feetures socks for me (I love them--no blisters!).

10. Sorry we missed the cool upstairs part of the TT meet--it took forever to get to Epcot from the Expo. We could have made it had the bus driver not gotten off the bus to get the Mears girl's phone number! And we got to spend time with our special friend Maura (woohoo!) and Jeff and Mooshu/Marcia and her mom and Wendy... and whoever else I may be missing. What a great time--thanks, Maura!

11. A super lunch at Sunshine Seasons--I love that warm beet and goat cheese salad!

12. Off to the Pop meet--wow, we saw so many WISHers there! Karen and John, whom we really need to see for a training walk one of these days, Kira and Tom, Deb and Dood (it was so great to meet the DOOD!), Mel, Anne, Maura, Liz, Patrick, Jen, Jenn, Laurie, Matt, Dave and Erica, Tracy and Judy, Jeff and Marcia, Wendy, and a bunch of other people who I can't remember right now--sorry for those I have overlooked! I had such a good time chatting with everyone. :-) I also noticed the Disney Dead had centerpieces--next time we'll have centerpieces, people! I'll make sure of it!

13. Maura--thanks for the ride back to the Beach Club. :-) DH and I had a great dinner at the Cape May Cafe clambake. Then, off to bed because the next morning was....

14. RACE DAY! It was so cool to ride the bus with Liz (Tootoohappy) and her friend. I wish we could have taken her up on her invite to Jellyrolls, but we crashed out later that night. I looked ridiculous in my disposable pants under my running skirt, and I had my big WISH sweatshirt over my other shirts so I was hard to miss, I'm sure. I said hey to my friend from work who recruited me to do the race in the first place. Her family was racing with her and they are so cool. We saw Panda Dave and Erica and Spaceranger John saw us off (Karen did the half with us) and Matt was there and a squillion other WISHers. It was so exciting. Thanks, Liz, for seeing us all off, too! And of course, I had to slip and call my disposable pants "disposable panties," which sounded like part of the video we made the day before! I'm such a goof!

15. OMG, what a walk! Special shout outs to: Tracy, who let me hang with her for several miles (my fastest 5k split, btw). And she took pictures because I was convinced no one would believe that I got to walk with THE RACY TRACY! :worship: She is my hero--she is supah-fast and gives me hope to get faster some day. And she is supah-fun, too. :) Liz, who was there on Main Street cheering us on! Judy, who was also on Main St cheering. Spaceranger John, who appeared all over the course cheering us all. Woohoo! Kira and Tom, Lily, and the squillion other WISHers we walked with along the way. And a SUPER SPECIAL shout out to MATT, also my hero, for cheering us on from the overpass at the moment I was thinking, "What was I thinking?"

16. I discovered that after 8 miles and several hours, it is hard to figure out how the running skirt works when in a portapotty. :rolleyes: I thought I could hold it--next time I'll pee in Frontierland!

17. A shout out to all the volunteers at the water stops--I tried to thank as many as I could. And I tried to make sure that everyone around knew that I KNOW DEB and that she wasn't giving special treatment cheering on WISHers. :)

18. Woohoo! I finished my first half in 3:16, a 15-minute mile pace. :) I met my goal!

19. Thank you to all the WISHers who recommended the Beach Club so we could walk back to the room!


21. I AM SO THANKFUL FOR ICE BATHS. As much as it hurt, I was up and around so much sooner.

22. Sorry to Liz and Patrick who we missed because we slept through the mini golf game while napping. :(

23. When I lost my pedometer in MK during Wishes, it said I had walked 19 miles that day. And burned 1000 calories. Which I blew on a Dole Whip. :)

24. We woke up Sunday morning to seeing the early finishers running past the BC at 8 am. Go them! We made it over the AK once we pulled ourselves together. Cheering on our WISH teammates and all the racers felt every bit as good as finishing my own race. So cool to hang with Patrick and Kim and Judy and Tracy... and it was wonderful to see all the WISHers out there.

25. A SUPER BIG THANKS to Liz for organizing the brownie bar and best viewing of Illuminations I've ever experienced. :-) So wonderful to spend that last evening with all our WISH friends. Hugs to all our buddies who picnicked with us in Italy!

26. Monday as we were walking around the World Showcase before our flight home, we ran into our WISH buds, Liz and Patrick! :cool1: Woohoo! We grabbed a quick snack in Mexico and enjoyed our final hour in WDW together--can't wait to go back!

I hope I didn't forget anyone. Thanks, WISHers, for making my first half-marathon and first marathon weekend such an amazing experience. Only 356 days until Marathon weekend!

OMG, I have a fan club of one! Love you Jen!

Some quick responses, but no RR from me.

Zela: Sorry about your getting swept. It is a bummer. But 37 miles in 2 days. :worship: You accomplished what so many, many people could not. Not just on race days, but in your dedication to your training and your perseverance. I will be proud to be going Goofy with you next year. (I'd answer your question about blisters, but I'm still seeking the answers myself--I reapplied Vaseline several times on the course--so thanks for asking.)

Liz: Congrats on your first marathon! You were looking great!

Corrina: Admit it, I was the dream part of your weekend! ;) :lmao: Your happy pace on the 1/2 looked really, really good.

Bryan: Sooo good to meet you at POP and then see you at the water stop. I didn't realize you were struggling, so you were definitely doing awesome "big man!" Oh, and you do realize how much you give to WISH don't you?

Tracy: Dang, we all look good, don't we? :goodvibes Your mom looked so fresh after her first 5K. Tell her we're proud of her. And woo hoo for your 1/2 PR! I envy you your cool volunteer jackets... Aloha Jeff--Hah!

Lily: I'm sorry I didn't come over and congratulate you on your full after I came in (well after you)! I sat down to introduce myself to Matt and, well, that was the mistake; I sat down. I just want you to know that knowing you were digging deep gave both me and Jackie strength when it came to those "miles of despair." Thanks for the inspiration you always provide!

Maura: Test Track was a highlight for me and my ILs, and helped make the family trip memorable! My FIL was quite taken with you--in a good way, not a creepy old man way. You looked great on the 1/2 course, strong and healthy. You looked even better on the full, where I really appreciated you doing double duty with volunteering and cheering! P.S. Mr. Marathoner?

Jim: Alarm clock snafu? Talk about getting the adrenaline rush you need...only a few hours early and in a bad way. :hug: Congrats on your first and only Goofy. (If indeed it it that....can't you hear the sweet siren song?) I agree with you about the med tent volunteers being angels. I stopped twice for ice (my hands swell in the heat) and Jackie's DH had severe leg cramps. Everyone in the tents--and the med biker who asked if he was okay along the sidewalk between DHS and Epcot--deserve their own medals! :thumbsup2

Wendy: I missed seeing you by just a few minutes several times: on the course (okay, by more than a few minutes), at Boardwalk, even at POP where I saw you walking after the 1/2. You finished a 1/2 and I couldn't catch up to you from across the pool! :lmao: You're my hero. 30 marathons! You so deserve to be interviewed many, many times. And you're on my A-list to meet for next year.

Jeff: You social butterfly, you! Everywhere I turned, there you were, makign the rounds, documenting the events, smiling and partying. THAT's how you do a WISH event (and DR and Disney Dead). I don't know how you had the energy to go Goofy. But congrats to you and Marcia. Next time, I want formal introductions to Mushu, 'kay? (What is this Deb post of which you speak?)

Rspemont Anne: Congrats on your 1/2, especially with overcoming those last-minute details that tend to throw us all off. 12 hours of touring post-race. :worship: Hopefully that alcohol helped take the edge off. Wow. And super glad to hear you may be back, cheering or racing. Give it a couple of days, you'll be checking the registration information for 2010; after all you're already considering ToT!

Matt: So sorry not to have had the opportunity to walk with you. What, was I too slow for you? :confused3 :rotfl2: Hey, I made it official! Seriously, it was great to see you, even from a distance, and I love, love, loved what you did for the team. You're an inspiration. Seriously. DOOD said, "I want to do that next year." So thanks, mentor. (I'd do it, but, well, I'm too slow.) Oh, and lest I forget: GOOD LUCK IN HOUSTON!

Jeanne: I loved spending time with you, Jeanne. It was great. I even loved the fact that you continued to pass me again and again and again. You are a walking queen--you were moving so quickly and lightly, in fact, that I should call you a dancing queen! And big congrats to your DH, DD, and the Greek, too! Many obstacles were overcome to make this a successful family event!

Stacie: Darling, you looked good on the course--and good the day after. That's training for you!

Mike GG: Fabulous times!

Shan: So good to know that you had a great time and will be coming back repeatedly, especially after all the challenges you've had this year. More surgery--yeesh! At least you'll have TOT (and Goofy 2011) as a reward!

Ms. Ducky: Great to meet you and Noah (I see he's posting now). I wanna see the porn film, please. And if I can't have that, I want Tonga Toast with you next year. No ice baths, though, even though I think it's also an annual tradition. (And there might have been a little special treatment of WISHers at the water stop--it's the lime green color, I swear.)

One last thought: Who's up for NEXT YEAR??? :cheer2:
I will get to a full race report in a few days, just gotta find the time to do it, but I needed to give a HUGE thank you to Matt!!!!

Thank you so much for running with me for a bit just before the MK parking lot. I was going strong with my run/walk intervals at that point, and felt great. After you stopped off in MK lot, I stopped off to see my fiance a little further up, then I just took off running the whole time (well at least until mile 24!). I don't think I would have done that if you hadn't run with me a bit and given me that boost that I needed. I ended up getting a PR by 16 min, and I truly don't believe I would have if I didn't get that boost from you. You are AWESOME!!!!!!! For someone to do what you did for all of us running, is just truly amazing, and that is what makes the WISH team so great! So Thanks again!!!
Yes Deb, you haven't kept your promise, and I knew you wouldn't.

What, I didn't introduce you to Marcia. Why didn't you say something? We'll either you come back in 2010, or we find something to run in Pittsburgh.

Three groups, one location, phew, lots of walking and talking. Too many names and faces to remember. Even harder when seeing everyone in their shirts and hats, but dark and can't remember who was who.

Why in the world didn't we have a Scotch together?

BTW, thanks for the shirt, I am so honored that you wanted me to have it. It's your first ever 5K, and you part with it. Can I tell you, I'm wearing it right now as I am typing this?

See you soon buddy.
Woohoo! Proof that I met THE ALOHA JEFF! :worship:

That's DH next to me trying to figure out what is wrong with his wife... ;)

Debra, there's always room for more at the Kona table. :) We had a blast! Definitely join us! And I have to get a hold of the video--it's uploaded onto DH's laptop so I have to check it out (but I'm sure it's funny--I'm such a dork--who films their own lap?).

And DH has already declared himself IN for next year (which means I can go, too!). he was thinking Goofy but Liz texted him and said maybe try the Mickey first (Liz, he was on shift and didn't get to text you back, he said--poor guy doesn't know if he's coming or going, and tonight they switched him from 3p-3a to 7p-7a. :eek: I haven't seen him for more than a few minutes since we got back....

I'm deciding whether to do the Mickey (I really want a Mickey medal, but I am worried that it's too far, I might overheat since I'm slow, and I won't have enough hours in December to do the big mile days) or the Donald again.... My coworker is doing Donald again (she had a medical issue with her meds and had to pull herself out before the end of mile 1--I feel so bad because she trained all year and finished the donald the last two years). We are starting a walking club with our coworkers to get more people up and moving. :)
Some of the memorable meetings with the gang.




(that's Chris poking around in the background)


(that's Chris poking around in the background again)


Hey, look, it's Chris!









Just in case you haven't figured out how Jeff does all the meets at once - WISH, DisRunning and Disney Deads??????? Think about it. He carries around a backpack right??

He keeps a shirt for everygroup in there and when it comes time to take a photo or hang with that group, he just pulls the matching shirt out!!

Now you know his secret. (I've seen him do this) :rotfl:

JEFF!!! I loved the photo and then one of all of us at lunch is great!!!! Thanks.



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