Practical Tips for funding your DVC purchase


Disney Honorary Bus Driver since 2009
Aug 13, 2020

Eating 2-3 pounds of liver per week for 50 years would cost you $23,000-$35,000 (not accounting for inflation). I gave that up to cover the cost of my last DVC contract. Fifty years of vacations, just by giving up one thing.

BEEF LIVER $4.49 /lb​

Beef Liver

What other practical suggestions can you share to fund a DVC purchase?
My coffee habit costs at least $5 a day. If I keep the liver dinners and give up the coffee, I could save enough in a lot less time than 50 years. :teeth:
I'll go for the unpopular choice: Quit drinking.

You can't imagine how many thousands of dollars that saves, in and out of Disney.

Time to buy some more points!
Give up anything over minimum liability auto insurance for my family, and buy 150pts direct within 3 yrs. 🤑

Drive VERY carefully lol.

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