Panama Canal vs. Hawaii


Mar 12, 2012
I'm hoping to get feedback from someone who may have been on both the PC and a Hawaii cruise. We had planned on booking PC, but the possibility of Hawaii in 2015 has us thinking of a possible switch. My DH is lukewarm on cruising in general, but loves Hawaii (we have visited 5 times). However, we now have a 2 year old, so I have ruled out flying to the islands for a few years. A Hawaii cruise would be a way we could both possibly be happy. I have heard about rough waters in the Pacific, and my DH has been prone to sickness on our past cruises (Dream and Fantasy), so I'm worried it would be worse, especially on a smaller ship. Are there about the same amount of kids on the Hawaii cruises as on the PC ones? Both fall during the school year, so I would think so. Any feedback on either cruise is welcome!
I'm hoping to get feedback from someone who may have been on both the PC and a Hawaii cruise. We had planned on booking PC, but the possibility of Hawaii in 2015 has us thinking of a possible switch. My DH is lukewarm on cruising in general, but loves Hawaii (we have visited 5 times). However, we now have a 2 year old, so I have ruled out flying to the islands for a few years. A Hawaii cruise would be a way we could both possibly be happy. I have heard about rough waters in the Pacific, and my DH has been prone to sickness on our past cruises (Dream and Fantasy), so I'm worried it would be worse, especially on a smaller ship. Are there about the same amount of kids on the Hawaii cruises as on the PC ones? Both fall during the school year, so I would think so. Any feedback on either cruise is welcome!

We've done both. IMO, I think the PC cruise would be a smoother ride. Hawaii is really nice, but there area lot of sea days getting there and coming back. Generally, on the PC cruises you will have more spread out port stops, so not so many days in a row onboard.

We did the Oct Hawaii cruise, and we only had one really rocky day the day before we got to Ensenada. We did the PC in May and the weather was pretty hot and sticky. Of course, we also did the PC in Oct (different cruiseline) and it was very hot and sticky then also.

Both of our cruises had a minimal amount of kids onboard, but I've read that at least one of the PC cruises had a bunch of kids onboard.

I can't really tell you which is "better", as we'd do both over again.
I have done both and would do both again! I'll be taking my second PC cruise this May!!

That being said, I prefer the PC cruises over the Hawaii one for mainly one reason, the weather. Born and raised in So CA, I love the sun. I love laying in the sun, reading my kindle or listening to music while drinking a BBC. On the EBPC in Dec 2012, we had beautiful sunny weather every single day of the cruise. Pure bliss. Smooth sailing as well.

The May 2012 Hawaii cruise had the opposite weather. It was pretty rocky for the first few sea days. I don't get sea sick but I know many did not feel well and it's the only cruise where I saw barf bags in all the restrooms. It was also cloudy and very cool out on deck. We didn't get sunshine until the day before we hit the islands. Had very similar weather on the way back. Not sure if the Oct Hawaii cruise had similar conditions. My friend and I still had a great time though and I'd do this cruise again if the timing was right. A cruise is what you make it!!

There was very few kids on both cruises! I didn't have the kids with me on the Hawaii cruise but did on the PC cruise. They loved all the extra attention they got from CMs over the course of the 2 weeks. Princesses remembering dd's name just half way through the cruise was just magical for her!
We enjoyed both. The Canal was an amazing experience. Our cruise stopped at Costa Rica which was even more lush and tropical (hot/humid) than anywhere we visited in Hawaii. The other Canal ports were underwhelming. There's a lot of poverty in those ports; not nearly as upscale as Hawaii.

Meanwhile, there's always something to do in Hawaii, but DH started to get restless toward the end of all the sea days. As a PP mentioned, the sea days on the Canal cruise were interspersed with enough port days that the sea days didn't get so monotonous.

We didn't pay too much attention to the motion of the ocean -- it didn't seem as bad as other cruises we've been on. Or maybe we're just used to it.

Anyway, I guess what it boils down to is whether you're willing to endure all the sea days (and the very real possibility of your DH's sea sickness) to go back to Hawaii, or cruise through the Canal. You didn't mention where you're flying from/to but a Canal cruise usually involves a long flight at one end of the cruise or the other.
Get your husband some Bonine-I use it every night. Thanks to all the posters that told me about it and not to chew it even though the package says they are chewable!
I did R/T Hawaii in Sept of 2007 on RCI best cruise ever we had 2 over nights. You got to love sea days as we had 41/2 each way. We did got to both ports on big island. We rented cars in all ports did everything indep. I am looking to go to Aulani in 2015 or 2016. The PC will be hot but every few days is a port day. I think we are gearing toward the PC too.
. . . We had planned on booking PC, but the possibility of Hawaii in 2015 has us thinking

. . . My DH is lukewarm on cruising in general, but loves Hawaii (we have visited 5 times).

. . . I have heard about rough waters in the Pacific, and my DH has been prone to sickness on our past cruises
I've been on 4 PC cruises and 3 Hawaii cruises (DCL and other lines).

We had rough waters on all 3 Hawaii cruises.

If you've been to Hawaii five times, I'd recommend PC.

Even though there are only 3 port days on the PC cruises, you have the canal transit day which is a "free" shore excursion day. You don't leave the ship, the scenery "floats" by and you experience a unique trip. Have had 2 transits and the second one was more interesting for me than the first.
We have done both and really had a good time. I think that if I had to choose one it would be the PC cruise as there is a lot more chance of good weather.
I've been on 3 PC cruises, a transatlantic and one Hawaii, all 14-15 night cruises. I will not cruise to Hawaii again. Fly yes. Cruise not a chance. Hawaii the destination was wonderful, as you know. The cruise part, not so much. It was rough, it was cold. There were not sufficient indoor spaces for the number of people who wanted to occupy them.
When I first saw the Wonder listed I had mixed feelings. I think depending on what else they realease that I would be the canal or somethig else. RCI had a much butter Hawaii and have not offered a great one like that since. We want to go to Aulani or do the canal.
Thanks, everyone! I appreciate the help. Looks like we will stick with our PC plan. We now resume our regularly scheduled waiting for the remainder of 2015 to be released......
Thanks, everyone! I appreciate the help. Looks like we will stick with our PC plan. We now resume our regularly scheduled waiting for the remainder of 2015 to be released......

We were in the same position. We had planned on PC until the chance of Hawaii had come out. However, I have a little girl that has been waiting for Hawaiian cruise. So if Hawaii come to fruition, I will book that. Otherwise, I will be on the PC as well :) Hopefully, there will be more than just my 3 kids on either cruise ;)
I have done both the PC and the Hawaii cruise on DCL. If I had to choose between one, I'd do the PC...and I even surprise myself saying that! I always wanted to go to Hawaii...I never thought about Panama Canal - we did the Hawaii cruise in 2012 and the PC in 2013. I enjoyed the PC cruise more! I loved the PC cruise for the sea days and the thrill of going through the Canal (which I wasn't expecting to be thrilling/exciting). The Hawaii cruise itself was fun, awesome and I had a great time but I just didn't feel that I had enough time in Hawaii to thoroughly enjoy Hawaii. That said, if money was no object I'd travel directly to Hawaii but cruise PC. And to contradict all that, if I had the chance to do the Hawaii cruise again, yeah, I would. :flower3:


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