
Saw it and loved it! I love the wizard of oz so I was really excited about this movie being made. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that Epcot will keep the oz area after the flower festival so I can see it when I'm there this fall.
Went last night and my wife and I both liked it a lot! I don't get Michelle Williams at all though...she was the only part of the movie that bothered me. I just think she's kind of flat and emotionless.
We saw it and loved it, but I would recommend NOT seeing it in 3D. There are many bright and vibrant colors that get muted in 3D and I think this is a major problem. Yes, we saw it in 3D, only because we got to see it for free and that is what was offered. We will go to see it again, but definitely in 2D.
Saw it last night and we really liked it. The only thing I'd really complain about is that for a Disney movie - there was NOTHING at the end of the movie! So disappointing!

I agree they didn't really stay consistent with the real movie - there were scenery things they should have researched and didn't. This generation probably won't notice.
Saw it last night and we really liked it. The only thing I'd really complain about is that for a Disney movie - there was NOTHING at the end of the movie! So disappointing!

I agree they didn't really stay consistent with the real movie - there were scenery things they should have researched and didn't. This generation probably won't notice.

There was a lot of stuff that they couldn't duplicate due to copyright issues related to the 1939 movie. They had to go back to the books themselves for source material instead. I've heard a lot of people complaining that, for example, there is no reference to the ruby slippers. The ruby slippers were not in the original books - they were strictly a product of the creative process in 1939. So Disney couldn't reference them in the new movie. Disney wanted to be very careful that there wouldn't be anything they could get sued over in regards to Oz.
I thought it was great!! I didn't think the idea was to redo the movie but to sort of back story how oz came to be, in a 2013 form!! A must see!!
rebeccalb10 said:
Did everyone spot the "new" ride if the movie goes well?

No...because Disney does not plan on building rides off it's movies.

Maybe if it makes 2 billion and spawns sequels - perhaps.
But not until then
I enjoyed it. I had an issue with Mila Kunis for the 2nd part of the movie. I thought she was great in the beginning but lacked something that I just could not put my finger on for the 2nd half of the movie. The scenery was beautiful. Loved the poppy fields. Costuming was beautiful too!
My DDs and I saw it yesterday, it was a sold-out show! I loved it. The scenery is just wonderful, I'm so glad that I got to see it on the big screen. We saw the 2D version. We always feel that WDW and Universal have spoiled us for seeing 3D movies...they are never as good as the 3D rides and shows at the theme parks.
My DD 6 DD 8 DW and I saw it lastnight. We loved it. The original is one of my all time favorites, and I thought this was great on its own merit. The beginning was a bit slow but necessary in hindsight to tell the story. 140 million worldwide in its first weekend would indicate many were interested in seeing it.
Our family saw it today in IMAX 3D. It was AMAZING. I really loved it and thought it had something for everyone. I was also impressed that it was the first movie I've seen in a long time that every aspect of the movie was in 3D, not just little bits and pieces flying at you every now and then.

Since we actually live in Kansas, the tornado scene was a bit intense for my son, so he covered his eyes until that was over. We have the sirens go off and have had to take cover more than once in his life, so to him that was just a bit TOO realistic.

I liked the cast, loved the costuming. (Hello halloween costume merchandising!)
We really enjoyed it. Got a little slow 1/3 of the way in. I would give it a B+ and consider purchasing it when it comes out on DVD.
We saw it Friday and the theater was not quite sold-out, but close! We thought it was great! There were a few moments that were a little intense for the kids, but nothing that kept them scared once the scene was over. I'll buy it on DVD when it comes out.


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