Our Honeymoon Redo - Trip Report 11/14-11/20! Final Update 4/4/16


Disney Darling
Jul 24, 2012
Honeymoon Redo Trip Report!!

Hello All! I’m looking forward to reliving this trip through this trip report! If you are following from my Pre-Trip Report…WELCOME, and thanks for following along! If you are new joiner to this journey…WELCOME to the craziness!! If you feel like a roller coaster ride of changes, please feel free to check out my Pre-Trip Report (link is in my signature).

So, let me start with a little background for anyone that didn’t follow along in the PTR. This trip was a Honeymoon Redo for me and my husband. We attempted a Disneymoon when we were first married, but my husband cracked his tooth and was in a lot of pain the entire trip. We have been back to Disney with the kids in November 2012 and with the Kids and Grandmas in April 2014. It was during a date night on the April trip that Keith and I decided we should try to come back just the 2 of us, and do a Honeymoon Redo.

After a bunch of decisions and changes we had our Honeymoon #2 from 11/14-11/20! J It was a very different trip just the 2 of us, we missed the kids but we also had a blast and the pace of the trip was very different! I hope you enjoy this report, and thanks for following along!

Let’s get started!!!! Let’s get the boring travel day out of the way and onto the good stuff!

11/14/15 – Departure Day

This day involved a morning of a lot of running around and getting all the final things taken care of because Keith and I hit the road! My Mom arrived around 11am and watched the kids while Keith took me over to the Rental Car place to pick up our rental car for the trip. Luckily, everything went really smooth with the car pick up (that has not always been the case in the past). I headed back to the house and a bit later I took my Step-daughter over to her Mommy’s place.

Keith packed up the car, we said out good byes to my Mom and Son and we were on the road from NC around 3pm (an hour earlier than originally planned!).

The plan was to stay overnight at about the ½ way point near Savannah, GA. We had originally thought about finding something to eat once checked into the hotel, but we both ended up getting hungry before that time. We stopped around 6:30 at an Arby’s for dinner…exciting huh? LOL

We got back on the road and arrived at our hotel about 8pm. Our good friend Billie lined up a stay for us at the Sleep Inn in Port Wentworth, GA...it was perfect! Clean, quiet and comfy bed. :)

We crashed pretty early, but neither of us slept too well that night....we were just so excited to get to Disney.

My goal was to be on the road by 6am the next morning…did we do it??

11/15/15 – Disney Day!!!

I can’t do an update without it actually involving some Disney! My alarm went off at 5am, and Keith actually got up and started getting ready…I think he was excited too! Not to mention I told him he can sleep in the car while I drove.

Packing up was super easy since I had just packed an overnight bag to bring in for this quick overnight stay. We both ate a quick breakfast of some items we had brought with us, and headed out to the car. So, did we hit my goal of being on the road at 6am?

YAY!!! We succeeded! After a little battle with the Map App on my phone we were on our way! The remaining trip was uneventful. We made a couple of stops, and Keith took over the driving for the last stretch. I had not received the “your room is ready” text, but I decided to check my email and lo and behold I had an email stating the room was ready!!! We were in Ranchos 6330. I of course then jumped on the TP website to find out exactly where the room was and discovered we had a corner room!!!! YAY!!!

Before we knew it we were seeing this wonderful sight!!


Then we followed the signs to our home for the next 5 nights!

We saw our first view of the resort and it was so beautiful! We made our way around to our room. Keith and I were able to bring in all the stuff in one trip…that was new. We ran into a bit of problem with the elevators though. A CM was cleaning the one elevator and since he had the door open the other elevator would not come down. I tried to explain this to him, but he insisted I was wrong. We tried to find another elevator bank but that was the only one we could find. I asked the CM if he could close the door of the elevator or make sure it was switched “off” which would allow the other elevator to come down. He again insisted I was wrong, but he began pushing some buttons in the elevator and whatever he did it allowed the 2nd elevator to come down and get us!

Our room was not far from the elevator at all. I was super happy with the corner room…which means we have 2 windows.

I unpacked everything and we headed over to Disney Springs. We decided to drive the car so I was a bit worried about all the horror stories I had heard about the parking, but we did not have any issue at all! There were plenty of spots available in the parking deck.

Our first mission was to find something to eat, we were starving! I went and got in line at Bongo’s Cuban Café Express and Keith went down to The Smokehouse. We met back up at Bongo’s and ate our lunch. I got the Cuban Sandwich with fries and a cookie. Keith got a BBQ sandwich. The line at Bongo's was pretty long, so by the time I got back over to Keith he was pretty much done with this meal. I remembered to take a picture of my lunch.


Once we were both full, we decided to look around at the shops. It was at this time I got a message from Wendy (AKA: @teekathepony ) who was also at Disney Springs with her husband. So, we scheduled to meet up.

Wendy and I found each other, and it was so great to meet her! We had great little chat and Keith wanted to hear all about where she lived. Wendy and I remembered to grab a picture.

After a wonderful dismeet with Wendy, Keith and checked out some more shops.

We bought a few things for the kids and then decided it was time to head over to our next destination.

I think this will be a good stopping place for now. Thanks again for following along!
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I'm in, of course! Not first, but I made it into the first update so I can't complain!

:welcome: You made it in the first update. ;)

I'm so glad that you had a good trip! Exciting to meet up with a buddy right away as well! The hotel looks lovely, and the weather looks great considering we got our first dump of snow tonight!

:welcome: The weather was VERY warm....unseasonably so!
I'm here too! Looking forward to hearing all about a kid-free Disney trip! I can't even imagine how awesome that must have been lol
I'm here too! Looking forward to hearing all about a kid-free Disney trip! I can't even imagine how awesome that must have been lol

:welcome: So glad to have you along...the trip was great! We missed the kids, but it was nice to have that 1:1 time with the Hubby!
11/15/15 – Part 2: Hollywood Studios!

Keith and I headed back to the car and made our way over to Hollywood Studios. We parked the car and headed to the park entrance via tram. What a difference it is getting on the tram without having to worry about folding up strollers and making sure the kids are safely seated. I’m here, Keith’s here…good to go!

On our way in we saw this beauty!!

It was the first time using our Magic Bands to enter a park so I was hoping all would go smoothly…and it did. The lovely green Mickey Head lit up and we were on our way. It was the first time entering without the Hat at the other end. I have to say I like the view without the hat.

We slowly made our way down the street and stopped for a few MM pics.

The wait times for all the rides were pretty lengthy which I wasn’t too surprised about since it was EMH evening hours that night. We headed over to One Man’s Dream. I had never walked through here and I was heartbroken when I heard it was closing, but luckily for whatever reason it was still open so we took a look. The Walt Disney movie wasn’t playing (they were showing a sneak peek for The Good Dinosaur…which we skipped) which was a bit disappointing, but it was still interesting to walk through and see the other displays.





Once we had spent time at One Man’s Dream we decided to head over to Star Tours via the Streets of America (we had some extra time to burn before our FP). I had to make sure I made a stop at Mr. Gold’s Pawn Shop…I love they have this set up like this. It was great to see people’s reactions to it when they realized what it was!



[URL='https://flic.kr/p/Byrn54']From there we made our way to our 1st FP of the trip…Star Tours. Pretty appropriate since Keith loves Star Wars. To be honest this is not one of my favorites…it makes me a bit oozy, but it was still fun. Of course Keith had to provide me commentary through the ride since I had no idea which movie it was from…LOL.

Decided to check out the Great Movie Ride but the wait was about 40 minutes and we were getting kind of hungry. We decided to grab some dinner at ABC Commissary. I had the grilled chicken sandwich with fries, chocolate mousse and a drink. Keith got the burger, fries, seasonal cupcake and a drink.


As we ate we discussed our plan of attack. We had a FP for Tower of Terror but to be honest I did not like the idea of going on it after eating. We decided to walk around a bit and then find a quiet spot to just chill out until our FP for Fantasmic. We stopped and called the kids.

We decided to go over and see what the FP entry to see if they were letting people in even though it was still an hour before show time. We figured since we were looking for a place to sit and take it easy…why not find a seat for the show if possible. Luckily, they were letting FP people in! I was super excited about the show! We headed down and found the FP section and found a seat about 5-6 rows back from the front and right in the middle!!



It was so nice just sit and relax, especially since we had been up since 5am and neither of us had slept that well. I enjoyed watching the kids that were waiting for the show, but it did make me miss my little nuggets (and it was only the first day). Keith and I would remind ourselves we would be back in March with them!

The show began I got instant goosebumps!!!! To say I loved this show would be a complete understatement! Every element was amazing I loved every minute. I may or may not have gotten a bit teary eyed at the end…just saying. I captured a few pictures, not the greatest but I will share any way.





Continued in next post
11/15/15 - Part 2 Continued

Once the show was over, we waited a bit for the crowds to leave and then we headed out and made our way to the Osborne Lights. I was so sad knowing this would be the last year, but so very grateful I was getting a chance to see them again.

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What a difference it is getting on the tram without having to worry about folding up strollers and making sure the kids are safely seated.

Isn't it amazing how easy it seems to go anywhere when you don't have to do all that? I know..sometimes you miss them...but I sure wouldn't miss all that STUFF!

Love your TR so far...the lights looked amazing and Fantasmic too!


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