Our 15 day summer adventure to WDW! NEW TR LINK 11/6 pg. 49!!

So sorry I didn't see your post asking me about the postcard before I mentioned it myself. :) Thank you SO much! I had forgotten about this and Amelia was just beyond thrilled over it. You really made her day!
Great update Diane! Can't wait to see the shirts the boys made. Too funny about the birds. :goodvibes
Hi Diane,
Loved the update. Looks like you had a great morning at Epcot! The pics are great too. I guess Matthew didn't like Beverly :sick:. So did you like R&C? Looking at the pics probably not my cup of tea.

Hi Nichole! I did like the Rose and Crown! It would be GREAT for dinner and Illuminations!

That design a tee shop looks great! We have to visit there on our next trip.

Ok the attack birds...I would have done the exact same thing if it was one of my kids. :lmao:I believe I may have done something similar once or twice already:rotfl2: We have to get our laughs anyway we can, right:confused3

The boys had so much fun designing their T-shirts! Yes, sometimes it is necessary to laugh AT our children!!

Enjoying your update

Poor Eric with the birds :goodvibes

Design your tee looks like fun. Will have to check that out for sure :thumbsup2

I can't believe that bus driver waved and then drove off...I would have ran after it too, saying a few choice words :laughing:

Glad you had a nice dinner at Kona

Is that cotton candy in that ice cream cone? That looks so good :goodvibes

Hi Kelly! The whole bird thing was SO FUNNY! Yes, that is cotton candy in the cone!

Your EPCOT day sounds like it went great! How crazy about your DTD to SSR transportation. To the resort RIGHT next to DTD. Looking forward to finding out if you ever did find that path.

Cute that your boys tshirts are enemys. NY Yankees & NY Mets. Talk about a house divided. :)

Yes, we are a house divided when it come to baseball, makes for some very interesting games!! We did eventually find the path!:thumbsup2

Another fun day! The front Monorail ride gives me chills just seeing your pictures, I doubt that will happen anymore.

Kona again looks so yummy--- it is on our list for sure soon!

I want to see the boys shirts... that is a fun thing for that age!

Glad you got to use your FPs from the AM.

Thanks Laura! I agree, they probably will no longer allow front of the monorail riding!

Subscribing. I read your report last year and it was great! I cannot believe 15 days in Disney! That would be fabulous. DH would die. He will indulge me a few days/possibly a week each year but that is it.

Looking forward to the next installment.


WELCOME BACK Erika!! I am glad you joined us again!

Wow, you had a really fun and busy day! We were also in Epcot but we never made it to WS at all until evening. I don't think HOT even describes this day:scared1:

I can't wait to see how the shirts turn out--my kids wanted to do it but we just didn't squeeze it in.

I know just how you feel about the monorail pictures-we have some from when we rode up front and it's unsettling to look at them now.

I agree HOT doesn't begin to describe it! Maybe you could do the t-shirts next trip, the boys used their own money and really enjoyed it!

Wow what a busy day! I'm laughing with you about Eric and the bird. The things he says and does! :lmao: Is he the class clown too, or does it just come naturally?

Nothing is worse than being in a hurry to get somewhere and the bus making so many stops. Coming back from Animal Kingdom our bus stopped at Blizzard Beach. My sister had a drink in a cup, (I know no eating or drinking on the bus) she had it sitting on the raised area where the tire is, fell asleep and as I was drifting off too she lost her grasp on it spilling it on both of us! What a rude way to be woken up! We still laugh about it and she was only allowed to bring water bottles with closed caps on the buses after that. Her excuse was she would never have fallen asleep if we had just gone straight back to the resort without the extra stop.

We missed out on making shirts, so much to do and not enough time. I can't wait to see your finished products.

That story about your sister is HILARIOUS!!! Yes, Eric keeps us all laughing! You would be surprised to learn that he is VERY quiet and shy in school:confused3

AWWW That sounds like such a great day!! Can't wait to see the Tshirts!!! And really enjoyed your pics!!! Great ones! With the "BAD BAD Bird scene" it is soooooooooo hard to keep a straight face and not laugh with/about kids sometimes, especially when it is something that is clearly serious to them and it really is just so funny and not at all serious.. "bad mommy"!!!! :lmao:

You all have smiles the whole time, so even with the bus "blues" a few times you all look like everyone was in high spirits!!!

Yes, the DTD bus in general is a pain b/c of all those dang stops! The boat from SSR does work well, not sure if you ever took the boat launch, but it is close to one of the DTD bus stops... GREAT POST!!! :goodvibes

Thanks so much! Thank goodness he regained his composure fairly quick! The boat was DEFINITELY a better option!!:goodvibes
What a full day of fun....seems like it should have been more than one day! Love the IG entrance to Epcot. Thanks for the pics of my favorite - Y&BC!!

It was a fun day overall! Glad you enjoyed the pics!:thumbsup2

Always frustrating to get trapped on a bus for such a short distance. That happened to us taking a bus from TL to DTD. Even though they are right next to eachother we were on the bus for over an hour. Glad the MK bus and boat to Poly made it up to you though.:thumbsup2

It was SO frustrating and yes, the evening transportation really made up for it!!:goodvibes

Fantastic updates!! I am so impressed with how well your hasband adheres to his diabetic diet!! Kudos to him!!
Your kids just keep getting cuter and Erics comments definately made me lol!! Love, love, love all your great pictures!!
Looking forward to more!

Thanks Sunnie! You know, I was really proud of Bryan too, there was temtation EVERYWHERE and he really knew his limits. Not easy on a 15 day vacation!:goodvibes

I see I missed the 3rd part to your update earlier

I get chills too seeing you guys in front of monorail. But like you said, it is nice that you got to experience that that night, as likely will not happen again

Your bus ride back sounds hilarious :rotfl2:

What a funny guy Eric is ...He is too cute :laughing:

Thanks Kelly! That bus ride was definitely crazy! Eric is one funny kid!!:goodvibes

OMG! Eric is one funny kid!!!!

Thanks, he sure is!:thumbsup2

Love reading this report -- and your kids are adorable!

Thanks and WELCOME!!:goodvibes

Great update Diane, loved it! Poor Eric, but I couldn't help but laughing, I bet it would have been hysterical to see- wish Bryan would have gotten that on video : ) I hear ya on the DTD bus, it takes so incredibly long! Stinks about the driver, I can just imagine his face when they pulled away after chasing the bus in that heat. Kona looked awesome - one place we didn't hit this trip and need to when we return - I agree- KIDS MEAL OPTIONS and DESERTS STINK!!! They really need to add more variety. Glad you were able to use some of the FP's and that someone actually gave up a seat for you, but stinks the stroller was hitting you in the face- yuck! Can't wait to hear more, enjoying it, great job.

You can laugh, I did!!:rotfl2: I was so happy that we got a seat on that VERY crowded bus!!:thumbsup2

Poor Eric with the birds!!! :lmao: I can't help but laugh at the mental image it conjures up though!

I always hear such horror stories about the DtD buses -- that's why we always drive over there.

Dinner at Kona looks delicious! You know Connor and I agree about the kids' meals and desserts! :rolleyes: Hurray for getting to ride up front in the monorail! We did it back in 2007, but even if Disney continues to allow it, I don't think I will ever let the kids do it again!

Looking forward to Animal Kingdom! :thumbsup2

Thanks Jackie! They really need to overhaul the kids menus!! I agree, I don't think we'll ever do it again either!:thumbsup2

Great Update I love your pictures of BC that is my favorite resort I have only 8 more days until I return there, my kids love it so much that they don't care if they go to the parks because of all the stuff thats going on there last time we had to drag them to the parks it was hysterical. I think its so funny how your older son looks just like you and your younger son looks just like your husband LOL.

Thanks Jeanine! Yeah for 8 more days!! Everyone says that about me and Matthew and Bryan and Eric! Too funny about your kids and the pool, it IS SO TRUE though!:thumbsup2

Loved reading your report. I started having nightmares again about transportation after reading the update. When we were there in Apr 2008, the transportation was HORRIBLE!! I am going to write a TR about that trip. I am hoping to start it this weekend and I will go into more detail about our transportation nightmare!

Isn't funny how transporatation can have such a HUGE impact on your trip!:thumbsup2

So sorry I didn't see your post asking me about the postcard before I mentioned it myself. :) Thank you SO much! I had forgotten about this and Amelia was just beyond thrilled over it. You really made her day!

It was my pleasure, I am so glad it made her happy!:goodvibes

Great update Diane! Can't wait to see the shirts the boys made. Too funny about the birds. :goodvibes

Thanks Tammy!:goodvibes
Enjoying your TR. Poor Eric with the birds ... my sister still hates seagulls to this day. Kona Cafe looks delicious for dinner I have only eaten breakfast.

The design your own t-shirt looks like a fun activity. Great pics :goodvibes
What a fun filled day! I want to visit the T Shirt place at DTD for sure, looks like a lot of fun!

And Kona, my absolute favorite! Gosh I can't wait to eat there again in 6 weeks and a few days! Yum! Isn't that bread/butter amazing? I love their Shrimp Curry Soup too. Oh. So. Good. The Kona Cone looks fun!

Your boys are just so adorable! Poor kid though, having to wear a NY Yankees shirt.:sad2:

Allyson, proud member of Red Sox Nation
I Love erics shirt!!

Sounds like a great second day. We are making personalized shirt ahead of time for my birthday but the funness of that store makes me want to wait!
Enjoying your TR. Poor Eric with the birds ... my sister still hates seagulls to this day. Kona Cafe looks delicious for dinner I have only eaten breakfast.

The design your own t-shirt looks like a fun activity. Great pics :goodvibes

Thanks! Kona is DELICIOUS, we love it there!:thumbsup2

What a fun filled day! I want to visit the T Shirt place at DTD for sure, looks like a lot of fun!

And Kona, my absolute favorite! Gosh I can't wait to eat there again in 6 weeks and a few days! Yum! Isn't that bread/butter amazing? I love their Shrimp Curry Soup too. Oh. So. Good. The Kona Cone looks fun!

Your boys are just so adorable! Poor kid though, having to wear a NY Yankees shirt.:sad2:

Allyson, proud member of Red Sox Nation

Too funny about the yankees shirt Allyson! As you can tell we are a house divided!;)

I Love erics shirt!!

Sounds like a great second day. We are making personalized shirt ahead of time for my birthday but the funness of that store makes me want to wait!

Thanks Nicole! The t-shirt design shop was fun but if it is crowded I could see it being more of a headache!:goodvibes
Day three was our morning to head to Animal Kingdom! We had a before park opening reservation at the Tusker House! Both of the boys LOVE Donald!! We woke up and quickly got dressed. When I looked outside it was RAINING, our first encounter with the rain on this trip! In all honesty I was glad it was raining because I was hoping that the weather would change a bit and get a little cooler!

So we put our ponchos on...well everyone but Bryan and headed to the bus stop!



Bryan decided to take a seat while waiting! Funny, the ground was dry but the benches were WET!


Finally a bus arrived and we were on our way!



The whole process to check in was RIDICULOUS, this is the only park we have EVER had problems being let into the park early for! LEt me back up, our ressie was for 8:05, the earliest time. The rain intensified as soon as we got off the bus so we were running and splashing through puddles trying to get to the gate! We arrived at 7:45 which is usually the time they let you in. WELL they had a very nice but VERY SLOW older gentleman checking the names and of course the rain is smearing the paper he he had the names on! Well he says "I will just have to wait until the rain lets up a little and then I will start checking names again...WHAT!!! So about 5 minutes later (we are still standing in the POURING rain mind you) a woman comes by and says "what are you doing, let these people in!" THANK YOU LADY! So eventually by 8:10 we are let in! Of course EVERYONE is hightailing it over to the restaurant! We finally park the stroller and check in....

small rant! Why does EVERY member of a family need to get in line to check in? We always have 1 person check in and everyone else waits to the side! There must have been 40 people trying to check in strollers and all? I was baffled! OK rant over!

Once inside, the stressful, rainy beginning faded away and we smelled some delicious food!!!




Donald was first to our table and Eric was SO EXCITED because he had colored a picture for him! I was praying that Donald would have a good reaction because last year he didn't and Eric was so upset!

We were in luck, Donald LOVED it!




then it was Mickey's turn!



Then Goofy was up next!


This was funny, Matthew said as Goofy walked away "Goofy is Goofy" so he turned around and came back at Matthew and thumped him, I could only capture Eric's reaction, it was so funny!


Up next was my best girl!



All in all a GREAT breakfast! The characters are always so fast and furious here! At about 8:45 I asked for the bill. Bryan went outside to wait by the rope the have right across from Tusker House to run for some Expedition Everest fastpasses and the boys and I were going to meet him at Dinosaur! The bill came, we paid made a bathroom pitstop and when we came out, the rain had stopped and the sun and humidity had made a comeback!

The boys and I made it to the rope at about 8:55 and Bryan wasn't there? I couldn't imagine where he went! There were 2 other women waiting with us at the rope when a CM came over. One of the women asked the CM when he was going to drop the rope and he said once he sees the crowd coming our way. The woman then proceeds to tell the CM that a man wearing a Donald Duck shirt had gone under the rope about 5 minutes earlier! So the CM says, don't worry, I will find him!!!!! Ummm....HELLO here I am with my Daisy shirt and the boys have their Donald shirts on! It was Bryan and he was being HUNTED by park CM's!!!!!! Too funny!

Finally we met up at Dinosaur and of course Bryan was the 1st one at the fastpass machines and he beat us to Dinosaur!

The boys and the lawbreaker!


Our ride picture, we are in the back row!


We had so much fun and the wait was non-existent so we rode again! It was then time for our Expedition Everest fastpasses. Bryan hightailed it in front of us so he could fastpass Everest again before we rode!

We had a blast on Everest, we were in the very back seats!!

After Everest we decided to go on Kali River Rapids, on the way Matthew ran into a friend of his from his class! We rode on Kali and got SOAKED!


Then we went on Kali AGAIN!! After our 2nd ride, we went into the Expedition Everest gift shop to cool off for a bit before we used our 2nd fastpass!


The 2nd ride made me feel sick! I had enough! We decided to fastpass Kali for a 3rd ride and went to see if we could catch the Nemo show! Turns out we couldn't get into Nemo and by this point we were SO HOT and felt gross from being SO WET and HOT that we decided to head back to the resort and we never did use those Kali fastpasses, we gave them away instead!

We only waited a few minutes for a bus!





coming up next: the rest of our day and La Nouba!!

GREAT update Diane, loved it! Man, that Bryan, WHAT A REBEL, Tim would totally respect that, I'll make sure he reads that update : ) Loved Eric's expression with Donald liking his picture, so precious and the picture of him after the Goofy thump was great too. Sorry EE made you sick, I feel the same way on that sometimes (I think we talked about that though). Great update, can't wait to read your LaNouba part.
That was ridiculous for the CM to stop checking off the names!!! :headache:

Glad you enjoyed your breakfast at Tusker House! I about died laughing over the shot you got with Bryan and his mouth crammed full of fruit (?). I bet he loves you sharing that one! :rotfl2:

:lmao: Bryan the Disney lawbreaker!!! :laughing: Too funny!

I can totally sympathize with the heat element -- I think it is always worse at Animal Kingdom!
I remember this morning. The rain actually made it feel cool at first, then the humidity hit! I love Everest but I can not ride it twice in a row. Kali was a perfect cool off for the heat that day. We made the mistake of eating lunch at Pizzafari, the air wasn't working and my sister made that point over and over.

Eric's reactions are so cute! I miss my kids being that young, enjoy it to the fullest.

Ready for the next update.:surfweb:
Hi Diane,
Great update. Tusker House breakfast is excellent isn't it? I agree the characters are fast and furious :goodvibes. Nice shirt BTW. :lmao:Laughing about Bryan sneaking under the rope and beating you to Dinosaur, good job. Youall got soaked on Kali. Looked like a great day so far. Looking forward to hearing about La Nouba.
Loving your trip report! :thumbsup2 We're staying at Saratoga in 3 short weeks for the first time & have requested Grandstands area as well - I hope we get it! :) We also have ADR's at Tusker House for the first time this trip - happy to hear a good review on it! :goodvibes Can't wait to hear more!
Diane, I spent a bit trying to remember that rain... gosh I forgot it was raining that morning! I want to hit Tusker House again, but that was a bummer about getting in so slowly....I totally agree about the crazy check in lines! Fun times!
Ha ha! Love Eric's reaction to Goofy coming back to him!!!

I can't believe Bryan tucked under the rope! LOL What a daring daring man you have there!

I cannot believe Matthew found someone from his class! Us Jersey and Pennsylvania people almost always run into someone we know down there, don't we??!!
Grat trip report. Don't you just LOVE tattletales! :rotfl2:
Another excellent review Diane!!!;) I am kicking myself that we never made ADR's for Tusker House, all the reviews that I've read have been great!!

Eric is killing me:lmao: These are times you will look back on and love:lovestruc The bird story made me laugh so hard my coffee came out of my nose:laughing: Torturing our children is all part of being a parent, my dd is 16 turning 17 in October and I still torment her, it's sport for me:dance3:
Love the Tusker House review, we can't wait to go there in Sept! How sneaky going under the rope - I can't believe someone told on him though! I bet she was a tattletale in elementary school too.:laughing: You are so quick with the updates - love that!!


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