"One Step Ahead of the Slowpokes!"- A Dec '10/Jan '11 Trip Report! FINISHED 3/9 pg 38

Ick! Sorry to see that your cold was getting worse! I hope it didn't mess up plans!!! Of ALL places to get sick... why did it have to be Disney?!?!?!!? :confused3
I love Morocco too, it's now one of my favorite areas in WS after we spent so much time there in November! I'd like to see it during the day, so I can imagine I stepped into Aladdin too! :rotfl:

I love your Pick a Pearl video! Your southern accent is so cute! :cutie:

Ugh, I'm sorry you got so sick, being sick in Disney is NO fun! :sad1: I'm pretty sure I know what plans got messed up, I think I remember you texting me and me being so surprised! :eek: :laughing:
The Morocco pavilion is GORGEOUS. :love:

I love exploring WS. It's my mom's favorite thing to do, so we always spend a lot of time there. I love it!

Yes it is!

Me too! I always manage to see something new everytime I explore the WS!

I love your pick a pearl video! I didn't know there was so much to it - I just thought you picked your oyster, they opened it up, and that was it! :lmao:

Oh no! :sick: I hate to hear that the cold was catching up to you! I hope your plans were only messed up momentarily!

Thank you! I didn't know there was so much to it either. It was fun!

The cold really beat me this day but luckily it didn't last too long!

I love the pictures from Morocco! I can't wait to explore the country myself. Lol at John humming the Aladdin tune! :rotfl:

Them rugs look lovely. I hope you manage to get one without DH going back to Iraq.

Yay on picking a pearl! The video looks great and I love the Mickey and Minnie t shirt! :thumbsup2

Oh no - am sorry to hear that you started feeling really bad. Hope it didn't impact on your trip plans in a great way :wizard:

Thank you! I love that shirt too!

It messed them up a bit, but not too bad! :)

Morocco is one of my favorite pavilions in the WS. It's so pretty.

I loved your pick-a-pearl video! It looked like such a neat experience. The pearl ladies are always so hyper and outgoing.

It is very pretty!

Thank you! They are super nice. I loved it!

Ick! Sorry to see that your cold was getting worse! I hope it didn't mess up plans!!! Of ALL places to get sick... why did it have to be Disney?!?!?!!? :confused3

Seriously, getting sick at Disney is the worst!

I love Morocco too, it's now one of my favorite areas in WS after we spent so much time there in November! I'd like to see it during the day, so I can imagine I stepped into Aladdin too! :rotfl:

I love your Pick a Pearl video! Your southern accent is so cute! :cutie:

Ugh, I'm sorry you got so sick, being sick in Disney is NO fun! :sad1: I'm pretty sure I know what plans got messed up, I think I remember you texting me and me being so surprised! :eek: :laughing:

Thank you! :) I don't even notice my accent! :lmao:

Yeah you already know what's coming! I still regret it! :sad1:
After Japan and my fun Pick a Pearl experience we headed to our home turf, America! I was still really dragging because of the cold but I was doing my best to push through it and have a good time. One of the first things I noticed when we got to America was a sign saying Linda Rick was there doing a signing. Linda Rick is a doll maker who does Disney Precious Moments dolls. My mom has a few of her pieces so I thought that was pretty neat.


They had her tent set up in a little area called Santa’s Village. I called my mom and asked her if she wanted me to get her a doll but she said no thanks. I decided to check them out anyway. They were really cute, but pins and Jim Shore figurines are all the collections I can afford.



The dolls are so cute though! I felt really bad for the Linda Rick lady (who looked just like Dolly Parton) because there didn’t seem to be anyone buying her dolls. I hope she got some more business that day because she is very talented!

After we finished looking at the pretty dolls we stopped to admire the Christmas tree that was set up.


Then we noticed there was a Photo Pass photographer nearby so we decided to get a few PP pictures!

Okay let me just say, this was our worst PP experience of the entire trip. At first she was fine and she took a couple of shots. It wasn’t ideal because the sun was in our faces, but it was okay.



Then she got super rude and asked me, “Don’t you want him to take his sunglasses off?” She proceeded to point at John nastily, while still talking about him like he wasn’t a grown man standing right there. I replied with, “I want him to do whatever he wants to do.” She didn’t catch the warning in my tone, because she insisted he take his sunglasses off.



Notice our forced smiles in those pictures? I know she was just trying to help us get a nice picture, but she treated John like he was a child. Plus, don’t expect him to take his sunglasses off when you have us posed with the sun directly in our faces! :mad:

Anyway, after our not so pleasant PP experience we left America and headed to Italy! There was some show going on that I think was about Italian Christmas traditions. It was all of these ladies dressed in red who kept pulling people out of the crowd and dancing around them and being silly. It was pretty cute, but I wasn’t really sure what was going on.


Here is the Italian Christmas traditions plaque. I think it says something about the women, but I’m not sure. It’s hard for me to read it on my computer!

We noticed that there was a huge stage set up in the middle of the Italy pavilion. I took a picture of it and I wrote in my TR notebook that I had no idea why it was there. I find that funny now, because it says right in the picture that it was for New Years Eve! :lmao:


We went back to the gorgeous fountain in Italy and I waited for an opportunity to get a photo bomb free picture. For those of you who may not know the term, photo bomb is when someone either accidentally or purposefully ruins a picture by stepping into it.

Well, I waited…and waited…and waited…and FINALLY got a picture with no photo bombers!


After we finished looking around Italy we headed to my third favorite country in the WS: Germany! I had to stop first thing and take a picture of the adorable Christmas decorations on the little model town!


How cute! I also had to admire the gorgeous architecture.


However, I couldn’t admire this stuff for long because I had something very important on my mind: going to Karamell-Kuche!


I first read about this place on Jen’s (Nermel9) TR and I had been dying to try it ever since. I absolutely love caramel! I dragged John inside and we got in the back of a very very long line. It took quite awhile to get through, but I didn’t mind because it smelled SO good in there!

Everything looked so delicious, so I had a really hard time deciding what I would get. I finally decided to get a milk chocolate and caramel covered strawberry. John decided to get a bag of caramel corn. We both used a snack credit from the DxDP. Then we both got caramel apples (John’s with nuts, mine without) to take back to the hotel with us. We paid OOP for those.

We left Karamel-Kuche and went to find a sunny bench to sit and enjoy our treats.



Oh my goodness, they were both SOO delicious! I could’ve eaten five or six of those strawberries, and I ended up finishing off John’s caramel corn. I definitely recommend trying Karamel-Kuche out if you like caramel!

After we finished our snacks we decided to wander around Germany a little. We went in one shop and saw a pretty expensive version of Cinderella castle!


If you can’t see that price tag it says “$37,000”!
While we were in Germany I also took a picture of the Christmas display and plaque.


My sister collects nutcrackers so I had to take this picture for her!


As we left Germany we decided to stop in the Outpost and get a soda. We each used a snack credit to get a large drink.


We stopped to drink our sodas and I took a moment to really think about how bad I felt. Let me tell you, it was really bad. I was so tired I could barely hold my head up, and my entire body was aching. Plus I was coughing, my throat hurt, and my head was pounding. :sick: I told John all of this and he was very sympathetic. He suggested we go back to the hotel and call it a day. What?! We had Le Cellier reservations at 9:00! I couldn’t even fathom cancelling that ADR! :eek: That was until I looked at John’s watch and realized it was barely 5:00. We still had FOUR more hours until we could even eat dinner! Honestly, just thinking about four more hours on my feet was exhausting.

Well, it looks like I had a decision to make.

Up Next: What do I decide? Do I suffer through four hours, or do the unthinkable and skip out on a Le Cellier ADR? Stay tuned!
I took one year of Spanish in high school (couldn't handle two:rotfl:) Over the years, I've had several friends that spoke and attempted to teach me the language. Now with my boyfriend being Puerto Rican, I've picked up a tad bit more.

When I'm in Morocco, I think of that song from the beginning (and now it's in my head)

Love the shirt you're wearing (sorry to hear that you started to feel bad but you don't look horrible)

Since you were feeling that sick, I think you decided to skip the ADRs or go to the hotel, rest up and come back later.
Yay! I have been so excited about doing this update, because it's one of my favorite memories from the trip! :goodvibes

After our filling dinner of comfort foods from 50's Prime Time Cafe John and I were both more than ready to go back to POP for a good night's sleep. It was still freezing cold, we were exhausted, and my head cold was getting worse and worse. :sick: I had a hot bathtub and some Nyquil in our cozy hotel room calling my name, but I just wasn't satisfied.

I told y'all earlier in this TR that I was on a mission to get as many PhotoPass pictures as possible. I just couldn't bring myself to go back to the room without getting a few more! :rolleyes1

John and I have met a lot of characters at Disney, but some we have never met are those from Toy Story. The Toy Story movies are some of our absolute favorites, so I'm not sure why we've never met them. Well, on this night I just so happened to be wearing my super cute Toy Story shirt, so I asked John if we could please please pleeeease go meet whoever was available across from TSM before we went back to our room.

Being the fabulous husband that he is, he agreed without arguing and we walked over to see who we could meet. We peeked in the window and saw Buzz and Woody together and I got really excited. The line was all the way out the door of the meet and greet building (I think it's called Pixar Place) but I didn't care. I was going to get some pictures in my Toy Story shirt!

As soon as we got in line a CM walked up and told us that Buzz was about to leave and we would only be meeting Woody. Fine. We didn't care. I like Woody better than Buzz anyway!

The line in this building twisted and turned through different scenes from Toy Story, and we had to listen to a whole lot of sleepy kids whining and fussing, but about twenty five minutes later it was our turn to meet Woody!

I wasn't expecting much from this interaction. Mickey Mouse had been kind of a let down earlier in the day, so I just wanted to get my pictures and jet. Boy was I surprised!

As soon as Woody saw us he instantly spotted my shirt. He pointed at it, got really excited, and gave me a huge hug!


John loves to meet the characters too, so he came over to say hi. When Woody saw him he started pointing at his skull hoodie then back at my shirt, as if to say, "Where's your Toy Story shirt?" John just laughed and shrugged his shoulders, so Woody playfully pushed him away and started fawning over me again.


This picture is hilarious, because this was John's reaction. He was standing off to the side and cracking up. Woody was completely ignoring him!


Everytime John would come back over to get in the picture Woody would push him away again. We were all cracking up, even the CM taking the photos. Woody just kept giving me the star treatment! :rotfl:



Finally after about five minutes of playing around Woody let John get in the picture!


However, he couldn't resist messing with John one more time! Check out the bunny ears in this picture! :lmao:


This was honestly the best character interaction we have ever had! We gave Woody big hugs and thanked him and headed back to our resort with happy hearts. :cloud9: I kept joking around with John (his Army buddies call him John Wayne) telling him that there was a new cowboy in my life! John was cracking up, and saying he'd have to keep a close eye on me around Woody from now on! :rotfl:

Up Next: The day isn't quite over yet! A few more surprises are coming my way! :wizard:

Ok, I was on a DIS break, so I am way behind, but this had me sobbing!!! And then the pics of John being left out literally had me laughing out loud! Not April yet?
I can’t remember what time we woke up the next morning, but I’m going to take a guess and say the butt crack of dawn. :laughing: As soon as I got out of the bed I realized that my cold had finally won; I felt terrible. :sick: I popped some Dayquil and tried to brush it off. I left the room actually feeling pretty good. I don’t think the bubonic plaque could stop me from at least trying to have a good time at Disney!

We went to the parking lot, defrosted the car :-)headache:), and headed to Epcot!


I know we got there before opening because the lot was really empty. We parked in the Imagine lot and walked to the entrance. The place was so empty that the trams weren’t even running yet, so it was a pretty short walk.


Merry Christmas you big beautiful golf ball! (Now say that in the George Bailey voice from It’s a Wonderful Life!) John has always called Spaceship Earth the golf ball, so it stuck with me too!

We made it through the bag check in record time, and I had to take one more picture of the Epcot symbol in all its glory!


We decided to use the same strategy as the day before, so John walked with purpose to get Fast Passes for Soarin’ while I warmed up in Mouse Gears. It was really weird being in there so early because I think I was literally the only person in the store! I would have taken some fun merchandise pictures but I didn’t want to uncover my freezing cold fingers!

John called me within just a few minutes to tell me he had the Fast Passes and we decided to meet up at Test Track. I left Mouse Gears through some random exit that just so happened to come out almost right next to Test Track. As I was walking along this pretty path I couldn’t help notice again how stinking empty the place was! :cloud9:

Unfortunately my good mood was shattered when John and I met up and realized that Test Track was closed! Plus, we couldn’t get Fast Passes because we had just gotten them for Soarin’! We asked a CM standing nearby when the ride would open back up and he said they weren’t sure. GRRR! :mad:

Refusing to let this get us down, we decided to take a trip to Mars!


Mission: Space is one of John’s absolute favorite rides, but I’m not too crazy about it. Honestly, it kind of freaks me out the way it compresses your chest when you’re “taking off”. I always feel like I can’t breathe. :sad2: The last time I rode it I actually had a panic attack that took awhile to get over, so I was hesitant to ride it this time. However, my desire to see Gary Sinise took over and I decided to ride the Green side while John went on the Orange side.

I rode with three really nice girls, but I can’t for the life of me remember what my job was. The Green side was way less intense though, so I avoided a panic attack and I got to see Gary Sinise! :goodvibes

Even though I rode the Green side John still finished before me and he was waiting when I exited the ride.

We decided to give Test Track another shot, but it was still a no go, and Fast Passes were disappearing with lightning speed!

We figured while we were in the area we might as well ride Spaceship Earth!


This was one of the rides that we didn’t try for the first time until our 5th or 6th trip. It’s another one that John loves and I’m not too crazy about. I really enjoy the personalized part where you imagine your future, but the ride itself kind of gives me the creeps. I’m not sure why, but something about being able to see those triangle things that are on the golf ball from the inside freaks me out! Maybe it’s because you can really tell how huge they are. I dunno, I’m weird! :confused3

I wish I had taken pictures of our “future,” but I totally forgot! I’m sorry!

After riding in the golf ball we tried Test Track one more time. Nope. Fast Passes were already for in the late evening at this point too. Double GRRR! :mad: :mad:

Next we decided to mosey on over to The Seas and see if we could find Nemo!


There’s something about the queue for this ride that I just adore. I think it’s all the fake sand. I really feel like I am at the beach!

We hopped in our clam and guess what! We found Nemo! Sorry if I spoiled the ending for anyone who hasn’t ridden it! ;)

After our undersea adventure we hung around to check out a few more of our underwater friends!



I love manatees! They’re just big grey lumps, but still so cute! I took a video of these guys, but it was pretty much just them eating lettuce, so I didn’t figure it would be a must see for everyone! :rotfl:

As we were wandering around The Seas John took a picture of that giant Bruce to text to his friend Gilman. Gilman has a horrible fear of sharks, so of course John had to be a good friend and try to terrify him with that picture! Boys. :rolleyes:


UGH! Eels are so creepy! I think that eels are my least favorite animal, next to three toed sloths. However, I do like to eat them on dragon rolls!


NEMO! I tried to get a picture of Dory too, but she kept forgetting to stop and pose! :lmao:

We hung around a little bit longer because I really wanted to see the bottlenose dolphins and sea turtles, but I couldn’t get a good view of either.

After a few minutes I gave up and we decided to move onto our next stop!

Up Next: Someone tries to get fresh with me in the Land! Stay tuned! :laughing:

Butt Crack of Dawn had me dying laughing cause I say the same thing.

Your reference to "It's a Wonderful Life" had me sobbing. That was my mom's & now my favorite Christmas movie, and Wednesday was her angelversary...and well...I'm still emotional. Off to finish reading. I just had to comment on that one
After we finished our French cuisine we continued our journey through the World Showcase! Our next stop was a country that I feel is often overlooked: Morocco!


I always love to visit Morocco because it is just so beautiful. I always feel like I have stepped out of reality and straight into the movie Aladdin! :goodvibes


We wandered around a little bit admiring all of the beautiful colors while John hummed his favorite Aladdin tune and the namesake to my TR! :rotfl:


We stopped in a gift shop to admire the beautiful merchandise. We spent a while looking at the gorgeous rugs.


John told me that when he was stationed in Iraq there was rugs like these for sale everywhere and they were really cheap. I would love to have a rug like this in my home someday, but if it means he has to go back to Iraq to get it I say NO THANK YOU! :sad2:

I tried to get a picture of the Morocco holiday traditions plaque but it was too crowded to get a good one because the speaker was about to come out.


A man came out just a few minutes later and started talking about Muslim traditions. We listened for a few minutes then moved on.


After Morocco we headed to my second favorite part of the WS after France…Japan! :lovestruc


I immediately spotted the Japan Christmas plaque along with a really adorable lady talking to the crowd about Japanese traditions.



It was really interesting, but like in France and Morocco we only listened for a few minutes before moving on.

We wandered around Japan a little, but I only ended up taking one other picture.


I only took one other picture because I had something else on my mind, something I had never tried before: Pick-a-Pearl! :yay: I had gone through all of my past Disney trips never even knowing about Pick-a-Pearl until I read the other Joni’s (shelbys_mommy) TR. Once I saw it I knew I had to try it!

We got to the PAP area and watched a few people getting their pearls. It took me a minute to realize you had to sign up and get a number. I got my number and waited anxiously while the people in front of me got their pearls. I was really hoping to get twin pearls like shelbys_mommy got on her trip!


I think there was only two people in front of me, so I didn’t have to wait very long. When it was my turn John video taped the entire thing!

My Pick-a-Pearl Experience!

It was really fun to do, even though I was a little nervous because so many people were watching me! I didn't get twins, but I did get a beautiful 7mm pearl! I considered buying a setting for it but I didn’t see anything I liked so I decided to just take my pearl home with me and buy a setting later.

I wonder, does every oyster have a pearl in it, or do they just assume they all have them? What if they don't? Do you get to pick another? :confused3

Here I am looking absolutely horrible with my pearl:


Now, let me explain the picture. Right before I did PAP I started feeling really really sick. My medicine must have worn off and I felt worse than I had felt the entire trip. :sick: My head was hurting, my throat was sore, and my entire body was aching. I still enjoyed the PAP experience, but as you can see by the picture I wasn’t feeling well at all.

We decided to move out of Japan and into the next country. On our way out I saw some people playing these big drums and I snapped a quick picture!


Up Next: My cold finally gets the best of me! Which plans did it really mess up? Stay tuned to find out!

AWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!! You mention me!!! I'm sorry you didn't get twins & even more sorry that you wasn't feel all that good!!!!!
Ugh, that PP photographer sounds like...well, not a DIS appropriate word, so I'll let you figure it out! :rotfl: I don't know why some of them get so snotty, I'm sure it's a pain to take pictures all day, but uh, hello, it's your job and you work in DISNEY WORLD!!! I'd trade places with you people in a second! :laughing:

Sorry, mini rant over! I'm so glad you tried Karamell Kuche! Doesn't it smell so amazing in there? I really have to try that caramel popcorn next time!

I love seeing all the Christmas traditions for each country, they don't have all of that set up in November yet, so I always miss it! Your TR is making me sad that I'm not going for Christmas again! :sad1:

Can't wait to see what you did next! :rolleyes1 :)
Them dolls sure look pretty! :cutie:

Eek at that PP photographer - sounds like a horrible experience and def not one you want when you are not feeling well.

Yay on getting the fountain pic with no photo bombers!

Love the chocolate covered straweberry - can't wait to try one.

Wow at the price of the castle! I'm also thinking that you cancelled Le Cellier due to your cold getting the better of you.
Ahhhh! :scared1: I am 3 posts behind. How in the world did that happen??

Hmmmm, let me see if I remember what I wanted to say:
1) I felt the same way about Les Chefs overall. I will say their lobster bisque was to.die.for!!! I also got the goat cheese pizza thing (whatever it's called, it's on the appetizer menu) and it was okay. My DH got the sandwich you had and I thought that I would probably get that if we ever decide to go back. I can't imagine going for dinner though. And I also wasn't wowed by their dessert selection. This was one we paid OOP for so we skipped that.

2) I also did the Pick a Pearl in Japan last May! I ended up with twins and had them made into a gorgeous ring. Such a cool experience! And I think they do have a way of making sure there's always a pearl inside. I've either read it or heard it on a podcast, can't remember exactly though.

3) Boo to the photopass girl! What a you-know-what. Maybe the way she talked to your DH is telling of how she treats her SO, ya know? Feel bad for them...

4) Oh no (about how you're feeling)!!!! Being sick is terrible, period. But feeling that bad on vacation...in Disney...hours before an ADR at Le Cellier?!?!?! I think I would have gone back to the resort to rest and then came back out for dinner. I hope you don't regret whatever you did!
I'm so sorry about that PP photographer! She sounds like a real nasty one.

The Christmas decor in the little town in Germany is too cute!

Sheesh, I could buy like 4 DVC contracts for the $$ for that one Castle! :scared1:

Karamell Kuche looks so YUM. :love: I cannot wait to try it!

I'm so sorry you were feeling so sick! You certainly don't look it! :) But don't worry, if I felt as :sick: as it sounds like you did, I would probably consider skipping out on Le Cellier as well.
I took one year of Spanish in high school (couldn't handle two:rotfl:) Over the years, I've had several friends that spoke and attempted to teach me the language. Now with my boyfriend being Puerto Rican, I've picked up a tad bit more.

When I'm in Morocco, I think of that song from the beginning (and now it's in my head)

Love the shirt you're wearing (sorry to hear that you started to feel bad but you don't look horrible)

Since you were feeling that sick, I think you decided to skip the ADRs or go to the hotel, rest up and come back later.

It sounds like you're definitely doing better than me with the Spanish speaking!

Now it's in my head too! :rotfl:

Thank you so much! You're very sweet. I look back at those pictures and I think I look terrible!

Good guess! :thumbsup2

Ok, I was on a DIS break, so I am way behind, but this had me sobbing!!! And then the pics of John being left out literally had me laughing out loud! Not April yet?

Welcome back! I missed you! I'm glad you enjoyed the Woody interaction! April needs to hurry up and get here!

Butt Crack of Dawn had me dying laughing cause I say the same thing.

Your reference to "It's a Wonderful Life" had me sobbing. That was my mom's & now my favorite Christmas movie, and Wednesday was her angelversary...and well...I'm still emotional. Off to finish reading. I just had to comment on that one

That's so funny that you say the same thing!

I'm sorry my reference made you cry, but I hope it brought back good memories of your mom. :hug:

AWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!! You mention me!!! I'm sorry you didn't get twins & even more sorry that you wasn't feel all that good!!!!!

Of course I mention you! ;) That's okay, I still liked my little 7mm pearl!

Ugh, that PP photographer sounds like...well, not a DIS appropriate word, so I'll let you figure it out! :rotfl: I don't know why some of them get so snotty, I'm sure it's a pain to take pictures all day, but uh, hello, it's your job and you work in DISNEY WORLD!!! I'd trade places with you people in a second! :laughing:

Sorry, mini rant over! I'm so glad you tried Karamell Kuche! Doesn't it smell so amazing in there? I really have to try that caramel popcorn next time!

I love seeing all the Christmas traditions for each country, they don't have all of that set up in November yet, so I always miss it! Your TR is making me sad that I'm not going for Christmas again! :sad1:

Can't wait to see what you did next! :rolleyes1 :)

Your description of the PP photographer is pretty accurate! I totally agree with you- I think they pretty much have it made in the shade!

YES it smells like Heaven in there! The popcorn is amazing!

I'm sorry you're not going for Christmas, but you are going for Halloween! I loved Halloween there so much more than Christmas!

Yeah, I'm sure it will be a big surprise to you! ;)

Them dolls sure look pretty! :cutie:

Eek at that PP photographer - sounds like a horrible experience and def not one you want when you are not feeling well.

Yay on getting the fountain pic with no photo bombers!

Love the chocolate covered straweberry - can't wait to try one.

Wow at the price of the castle! I'm also thinking that you cancelled Le Cellier due to your cold getting the better of you.

I loved those dolls! My mom has the Cinderella and the Mary Poppins!

I was pretty proud of my photo bomber-free picture!

You are going to love Karamell Kuche!

Good guess! :)

Ahhhh! :scared1: I am 3 posts behind. How in the world did that happen??

Hmmmm, let me see if I remember what I wanted to say:
1) I felt the same way about Les Chefs overall. I will say their lobster bisque was to.die.for!!! I also got the goat cheese pizza thing (whatever it's called, it's on the appetizer menu) and it was okay. My DH got the sandwich you had and I thought that I would probably get that if we ever decide to go back. I can't imagine going for dinner though. And I also wasn't wowed by their dessert selection. This was one we paid OOP for so we skipped that.

2) I also did the Pick a Pearl in Japan last May! I ended up with twins and had them made into a gorgeous ring. Such a cool experience! And I think they do have a way of making sure there's always a pearl inside. I've either read it or heard it on a podcast, can't remember exactly though.

3) Boo to the photopass girl! What a you-know-what. Maybe the way she talked to your DH is telling of how she treats her SO, ya know? Feel bad for them...

4) Oh no (about how you're feeling)!!!! Being sick is terrible, period. But feeling that bad on vacation...in Disney...hours before an ADR at Le Cellier?!?!?! I think I would have gone back to the resort to rest and then came back out for dinner. I hope you don't regret whatever you did!

That's okay, that happens to me all the time! I fall behind on TRs without even realizing it!

That is so cool that you got twins! Okay, that makes sense that they make sure there is a pearl in each one. I always wondered!

Yeah that PP lady was not nice at all! She's lucky DH didn't tell her off!

Yeah I was feeling really terrible! I hated it! Luckily it didn't last too much longer, though!

I'm so sorry about that PP photographer! She sounds like a real nasty one.

The Christmas decor in the little town in Germany is too cute!

Sheesh, I could buy like 4 DVC contracts for the $$ for that one Castle! :scared1:

Karamell Kuche looks so YUM. :love: I cannot wait to try it!

I'm so sorry you were feeling so sick! You certainly don't look it! :) But don't worry, if I felt as :sick: as it sounds like you did, I would probably consider skipping out on Le Cellier as well.

Thanks! She was pretty nasty!

That's what I was thinking when I saw that castle! That would have paid my car and DH's truck off!

You are going to love Karamell Kuche!

Thank you so much! :hug: You're sweet! I felt awful!
We sat for a little while longer, drinking our sodas and discussing our options. I felt terrible doing it, but John finally convinced me to cancel the Le Cellier ADR and go back to the room early. I really really did not want to miss out on eating at Le Cellier; that had been one of the experiences I was most excited about. However, I couldn't really argue with John's reasoning. He said Le Cellier really wasn't going to be that great if I was too sick to eat anything, and if I pushed myself too hard I might end up being sick for longer into our trip. With a heavy heart I agreed and we started to head out of Epcot. :sad1:

We figured we would see the rest of the WS as we made our way out, since we had to go that way anyway. The next country on our journey was China. I really love this part of the WS, so I asked John if we could look around for just a few minutes.


It's so gorgeous!


We stopped at a little cart that was selling merchandise to browse for a minute. John could tell I was bummed about leaving early so he started being silly to make me smile.


It worked! I mean come on, how couldn't it? He's adorable! :lovestruc

Next we decided to check out the gift shop in China for a few minutes. I didn't really want to because now that I had decided to leave I was ready to GO. However, I wanted to enjoy as much of Epcot as I could before I left since this would be our only visit this trip.


The next country was one of John's favorites: Norway!


He absolutely loves the Vikings. We went to see about riding Maelstrom really quickly but the wait was really long. I told John I didn't mind waiting but he said it was okay. I managed to get my customary Christmas pictures:



We stopped to look around in that little mini Viking museum for a few minutes, then went in the Norway gift shop.

I wandered around while John browsed. He really wanted to get something from this shop, so it took him a bit to decide what. While we did this I busied myself by looking at all the funny trolls.


John finally decided that he wanted to get a book about trolls.

We went to the register to check out, but there was this lady in front of us who looked like she was literally buying the entire store. We stood watching as the cashier rang up her items, and her total was like $400! Then she started smelling all of these expensive perfumes and picking them out! It was taking forever and her total was over $600, so John said to forget it. He had been flipping through the book while the lady was checking out and I think he decided it wasn't as cool as he thought it was. Plus, he didn't want to wait for that lady to finish buying the entire store!

He put his book back and we left Norway. Our last stop in the WS was Mexico. This is another country I usually love, but we didn't even stop to look around. I snapped one quick picture and then we got out of there. It was pretty crowded and I was ready to go!


On our way out of the WS we caught a glimpse of Duffy signing autographs. I feel like such a bad DISer, because I didn't even know who he was!


I also stopped to take a quick picture of the gorgeous Christmas tree outside of the World Showcase.


We were slowly making our way toward the park exit, but then we saw a PP photographer and I asked John if we could stop. I really didn't feel like it, but I was trying to squeeze as much fun out of Epcot as possible before we left.


We saw another PP photographer in a different spot and stopped there too!


After our few pictures we went into Mouse Gears for a second so John could look for a t shirt.


He had been thinking about getting a new shirt all day but couldn't find one he really liked. After looking around for a few minutes we left and headed out of Epcot.

I still felt really bad for leaving so early, but I felt a little better when I realized we had something we needed to do anyway: we had to get our military discount tickets for the Wizarding World of Harry Potter! We were originally planning on stopping there on our way in the morning, but we agreed it would be much better to go ahead and get them tonight! So, we headed for Shades of Green!

SoG is such a beautiful resort. I have always wanted to stay here, but we can never seem to get a reservation. It's always booked up! When we got there I took a few pictures of the lovely decor.



The lobby is so inviting and cozy! While John went to guest services to get our tickets for the WWoHP I relaxed by the fire on a very comfortable couch.
It only took a few minutes and we had our tickets! Finally it was time to head back to POP and my nice warm bed! When we got back to the resort we decided to go over to the food court and using two of our meal credits for dinner.

John decided to order a bacon cheeseburger and I got the Philly cheese steak sandwich. We both had fries as our sides. For our beverages John had a strawberry milk and I had Smart Water.



It was good, but sooo not Le Cellier! That's okay though, because I only ate about three bites of my sandwich. It was a pretty glum evening, but one thing made it much better: I was finally able to try tie dye cheesecake! I picked that as my dessert and John had a turnover.


It was very tasty! I loved the red velvet bottom. John said his turnover was pretty good too. While I was eating my dessert I thought a little more about my decision to leave Epcot and I stopped feeling so sad about it. I was much happier here, knowing that I was going to bed soon, than I would have been dragging myself around Epcot. Plus, I still had so much more of our trip to look forward to! :cloud9:

I headed back to our room with John, feeling considerably more cheerful. When we got back I had a nice warm bath, took some Nyquil, updated my TR notes, and watched Stacey. I knew I was giving my body what it needed by resting up, so I fell asleep feeling very happy indeed...before 8:30! ;)

Up Next: We take a side trip from the Mouse to go see THE wizard! Stay tuned! :wizard:
I'm glad you decided to go back! :)

You still got to see so much of WS on your way out!

John is such a sweetheart, he was so nice for trying to cheer you up! What an angel. :goodvibes

Love that Christmas tree! :lovestruc

Your PP pics are adorable! I have that shirt you're wearing! :thumbsup2

OMG, Shades of Green is beautiful! :love: I never really saw pics of it before, but now I really want to stay there. My Dad has and he loves it there! If Disney doesn't extend the 2012 military discounts to the Disney resorts, and I don't go out West to Cali/DLR to visit my Dad next summer, then I definitely want to stay there! At least for part of my trip! Maybe a split stay between CR or Poly and SoG! :yay: Or if we ever go down at Christmastime with him. Sorry for planning my trip on your TR, but it just inspires me! :lmao:

If I ever stay at POP, I am definitely going to try that tie-dye cheesecake! Red velvet and cheesecake are my favorites, so together they are just :cloud9:

Good for you for getting to bed so early! And squeezing in some Stacey! :worship:

Can't wait to hear about WWOHP! :wizard:
Good thing you went home! You needed the rest! When I was 12 I was sick in Epcot too :( I ended up leaving and I had tonsilitis for the rest of the trip! It was so sad! Hopefully you'll be able to get back on your feet faster than I was able to!

LOL at that lady in Norway buying the entire store. I'm sorry but if I had that kind of money to spend, I definitely would have picked a different store to spend it at :lmao:

Don't worry, I'm sure you'll get back to Le Cellier on your next trip! It's good... but going back to the room was definitely a better idea. :thumbsup2
I agree, going back to the room was a much better idea than trying to make the ADR :hug: I hope you felt better :)
Aw Joni you sounded so sick :hug: I'm glad you decided to go on back to the room. You still got to see so much on your way out, though. Oooh the tie dye cheesecake has a red velvet bottom!? :eek: I must try it now!
Great trip report! I started reading in the afternoon (the chapter links) and got to the end of Decisions Decisions and was afraid I would have to wait awhile to see what happened with your LeCellier reservation. Luckily, DD14 had come in and started reading with me a few chapters back and reminded me that I should try and refresh the page. Woo Hoo! Bonus chapter! I am sorry that you weren't feeling well, but you made the right decision to relax and try to get better for the rest of your trip.

Madame Leota's "at" drives me nuts every time I hear it, too. :goodvibes
I'm glad you decided to go back to your room - seems like you made a good call and at least resting meant you could enjoy the rest of your trip.

Yay on still getting to see the rest of WS and how sweet of John to try and cheer you up :thumbsup2

I love the PP pictures and you look great in them considering how you felt. I can't wait to try the tie dye cheesecake and look forward to reading all about WWoHP! :)


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