Oh the places We Go, The People We see

That's how I feel about it. I can get elegant or stuffy somewhere else. At Disney I want FUN!


That's all.

HEY!!!!!! You need to stop posting at the same time I am!!!! :rotfl2:

I agree. It just immerses into Disney more with all the cheesey stuff! I was always into that gawdy, flashy stuff....even as a kid. I can remember during the disco era ...wishing my Mom would buy me those glitter tops and skin tight neon colored nylon stretch pants.
I am sure as a 5th grader I would've looked sexy in this.


Or this
HEY!!!!!! You need to stop posting at the same time I am!!!! :rotfl2:

I agree. It just immerses into Disney more with all the cheesey stuff! I was always into that gawdy, flashy stuff....even as a kid. I can remember during the disco era ...wishing my Mom would buy me those glitter tops and skin tight neon colored nylon stretch pants.
I am sure as a 5th grader I would've looked sexy in this.


Or this

And you would have TOTALLY rocked it! :banana:
:sad2: :sad1: :sad:

PLEASE, say it isn't over yet! I really really loved your trip report, Jen.

Thanks for sharing - and I really hope you'll get back to WDW and on a cruise pretty soon. :thumbsup2
Great updates, Jen, and fabulous pictures...as always.

We have YET to go see the POP resort except to drop someone off several years ago.

Love the decorations at the Sea World shop at the airport.

Holy cow that was a long security line.

I've enjoyed your report as always and thank you for writing it.
Thanks for sharing. I am a bit sad that this has come to an end. I am going to get to enjoy Seaworld during the holidays this year and can't wait.

I can't believe you are near the end of the trip report! It's been lots of fun, with lots of great pictures. After two weeks it was probably strange to be back home.
What a great way to end the trip.
Last day is so depressing.
The resort lobby looked pretty decorated. I will see it in 30 days.
:sad2: :sad1: :sad:

PLEASE, say it isn't over yet! I really really loved your trip report, Jen.

Thanks for sharing - and I really hope you'll get back to WDW and on a cruise pretty soon. :thumbsup2

Sadly it is pretty much over. A year ago right now I was entering the MK for the Halloween party. Talk about depressing. :headache: I think because it's been a year, plus no Disney at all this year, and now finishing up the report, I am really feeling the itch even more than usual now.
I need to cruise on another line in the next year for something I am working on, so I keep looking for cheap cruises. Hoepfully we can work something out before the end of the year.

Great updates, Jen, and fabulous pictures...as always.

We have YET to go see the POP resort except to drop someone off several years ago.

Love the decorations at the Sea World shop at the airport.

Holy cow that was a long security line.

I've enjoyed your report as always and thank you for writing it.

I do like looking at the different resorts, but Values are ones you have to really make an effort to see since they don't offer a table service to dine at. The only one I haven't officially walked around at is AS Sports, but I drove through there on a bus a time or 2.

Thanks for sharing. I am a bit sad that this has come to an end. I am going to get to enjoy Seaworld during the holidays this year and can't wait.


I have seen pictures of Sea World at Christmas time and it is really pretty.

I can't believe you are near the end of the trip report! It's been lots of fun, with lots of great pictures. After two weeks it was probably strange to be back home.

It was strange to be home ...and to have to cook. That was the worst part of it all.

What a great way to end the trip.
Last day is so depressing.
The resort lobby looked pretty decorated. I will see it in 30 days.

You are so lucky! I wish I could say only 1 month as well!
My thoughts…..

This was the longest trip I have ever taken, and even with all the extra time, I still felt I didn’t do as much as I wanted to, but that’s just me. It was one of the best vacations we have ever been on. We did so many new things, tried so many new places to eat and resorts to stay at. We also did some old favorites. It was a very Magical trip being there with so many family members. Something I hope Claire remembers for a long time. I had worried how it would be with so many strong willed family members on one trip, but it worked out fine and we did things together and apart with no issues at all.

The Animal Kingdom Lodge is one of our new favorite resorts and we hope to stay there again. Sadly, my cousin Katie stayed there as well and did not like it. She had a few issues and she got less than stellar service when she inquired about them. Actually one CM was quite rude and she wrote a letter and was given a partial refund.

The cruise was fabulous. It was even better than I could have hoped. I really hope in a few years time we can do it again, because it was just that much fun with so many people we knew on the ship.

The Parties were so much fun. I am so lucky and happy to have been able to enjoy both the Halloween party and the Christmas party all in one trip. It was totally an amazing experience.
The décor for both seasons was just amazing, but I have to admit, the Christmas stuff totally blew me away and I MUST get back for a holiday trip again in the future. NOTHING compares to seeing the castle lit up at night.

The Beach Club Villas were nice, but not a place I would rush back to. I did not like the room décor. The pool was fabulous, however, but we just didn’t have enough time to use it much.

Art of Animation was fabulous. The theming is just so amazing. I did not like the walk to the Little Mermaid rooms however and I do not see us staying there in the future without a fantastic deal, and then I would still have to think about it. If I could get a deal on a suite, I would be more likely to stay, since its closer to the main buildings. That walk could be a killer at times.

We tried many new places to eat this trip. Some were very successful. We have 2 new favorites, T-Rex and Via Napoli. And now we have some places that I don’t think we’ll ever go back to, but I am glad to have tried them.

We also got to try out the New Fantasyland TWICE!!! I had been bummed that it wasn’t going to be officially open for our trip, but now knowing what I do, we actually were fortunate it wasn’t. Crowds and wait times were insane when it did open and I was lucky enough to basically have no wait for them …AND I got to try out BOG when I didn’t think it would be in the cards for us this trip.

Gail said that a few days after being home, she asked Alexis what she wanted for dinner and Alexis replied she would like crab legs. Gail told her no, that was vacation food and not something she makes at home. So Alexis thought about it and said she would like Shrimp then. LOL. She loved eating like a queen on the ship and the parks!
Gail says that Abby will still randomly ask if they can go visit the princesses today. She is just such a stinker and so darn cute.

I am one who believes that no trip is ever going to be 100% perfect, but how you go about it and your frame of mind can make or break the trip as well. This one had its ups and downs, just like any other trip, but it was still super fabulous and I would love to relive every moment of it. Ok….maybe not the part where my Dad took the wrong suitcase at the airport and we had a very tense morning till we got Mom’s suitcase back….

For the most part, everyone had a great time. Even Aunt Mary and Geoff said they would love to cruise again, and they weren’t sure about the cruise part from the start. They like to lounge around and were able to just hang out in the room and do nothing if they chose to.
We also wondered how my Dad would like it…as he can be a bit whacky when things are completely planned and going the way he thought they were supposed to go. And though I had told him before the trip that with cruising, there is a lot of “go with the flow” he said he wasn’t going to go with any flow. LOL
When asked when he got home by his friends if he liked it, he said he wouldn’t trade it for anything. It was one of the best vacations he had been on as well.

The only downer we had was with Dollar rentals. Some of the family members were charged for the insurance. They had accidently checked yes to it because the counter people tell you to check yes to everything. Luckily I read everything as I checked and checked the no box and I didn’t have that issue. My Aunt has written several letters/emails and as far as I know it still has not been resolved. I now warn everyone I know who rents with Dollar to really check everything and double check that they are NOT charging you for something you don’t agree to. They are slick!

The only thing that might have made it even more special is if Skip had come along, for even part of the trip, but he was being stubborn. He told me that the next trip would include him, but that was not the case, because my next trip was with my other sister and parents to Williamsburg.

We are now at over 1 ½ years since Skip has traveled with us and I keep trying to bat my blue eyes and convince him to do a holiday trip. It’s not working as of yet, but I never give up hope.
The next trip most likely will be with my parents again in March of next year and we will be staying offsite at their timeshare. It will be a different experience, but lots of fun too.

Thanks so much for reading along and sharing in all the fun we had this trip!
Great recap, Jen.

I agree with you on the BCVillas....no hurry to go back; and on the Halloween/Christmas parties and decorations. Both are fabulous, but Christmas gets a slight edge.

I hope you can bat those blue eyes and convince Skip of a holiday trip.
I've mostly been a lurker, but I wanted to thank you for the time you take to put these reports together. The past few weeks have been rough for me, and I (re)found your report & it has helped brighten my days. ::yes::

Thanks again! :thumbsup2
Great recap, Jen.

I agree with you on the BCVillas....no hurry to go back; and on the Halloween/Christmas parties and decorations. Both are fabulous, but Christmas gets a slight edge.

I hope you can bat those blue eyes and convince Skip of a holiday trip.

Thanks Kathy. It's a nice location and the pool is great, but the bus service really is a downer. And I don't think the room decor is all that great either.
Christmas time there is so beautiful!

I've mostly been a lurker, but I wanted to thank you for the time you take to put these reports together. The past few weeks have been rough for me, and I (re)found your report & it has helped brighten my days. ::yes::

Thanks again! :thumbsup2

Aw! Thanks for following along! I find during rought times reading happy things does help at times too.
I haven't read any TR's in a long time. I pulled yours up Saturday night and I was back on 9/28. It took me last night and tonight to catch up and now that I'm done and its over I feel like I just finished a good book and what am I gonna do now? Maybe its time for a PTR?

I'm sorry to hear Michael got in an accident, but how awesome of that woman to chase the other woman. Did he get his car fixed? That's crazy that the three of you got in accidents so close together. How is Paige doing now?

I really enjoyed this trip of a lifetime. I can't wait to hear about your adventures on your next trip!
Great recap to a great TR, I have really enjoyed reading it. I would love to do some of the things you did on this trip on a future trip, such as going to one of the parties, although I would prefer the Halloween party as I have been there a couple times at Christmas. Also I would love to do a Disney cruise someday too.
It was a great trip report Jen. I'm going to miss reading your stuff!
Great wrap up, Jen. It is hard traveling with family but, in the end, you've made memories that will last a lifetime. Keep on batting those baby blues and maybe, someday, Skip will agree to come along again. I can't imagine traveling without John.
I loved reading your trip report! Sad that it is over....I think I might have to go back and read some of your older trip reports. Love the pictures you put up of Claire on Facebook in her Halloween Costume. That is a gorgeous Merida dress!
Really hate to see this end, maybe you can make up some stuff to keep it going!

:rotfl2: i wish I had another WDW or cruise to report on right now, but I don't. Still working on Williamsburg though.

I haven't read any TR's in a long time. I pulled yours up Saturday night and I was back on 9/28. It took me last night and tonight to catch up and now that I'm done and its over I feel like I just finished a good book and what am I gonna do now? Maybe its time for a PTR?

I'm sorry to hear Michael got in an accident, but how awesome of that woman to chase the other woman. Did he get his car fixed? That's crazy that the three of you got in accidents so close together. How is Paige doing now?

I really enjoyed this trip of a lifetime. I can't wait to hear about your adventures on your next trip!

Glad you made it to the end. I am not sure if I will do a PTR. I am so behind with planning, but probably as I get closer I will get antsy and do one.
Michael did get his car fixed and ....knock on wood...it's been somewhat peaceful here.

Great recap to a great TR, I have really enjoyed reading it. I would love to do some of the things you did on this trip on a future trip, such as going to one of the parties, although I would prefer the Halloween party as I have been there a couple times at Christmas. Also I would love to do a Disney cruise someday too.

thanks for reading along! I do hope when I write, that it gives people ideas of things to do ...or not to do.

It was a great trip report Jen. I'm going to miss reading your stuff!

Thanks. Well I am not dying. I will still be around and I am currently writing about my trip to Colonial Williamsburg as well.

Great wrap up, Jen. It is hard traveling with family but, in the end, you've made memories that will last a lifetime. Keep on batting those baby blues and maybe, someday, Skip will agree to come along again. I can't imagine traveling without John.

I keep batting and he keeps looking away!!!
I have learned that Claire and I travel well together. I don't mind it, but it is nice to have Skip with us at times too. Other times it's actually better for the 2 of us as we don't have to have his input on what to do next. :rotfl2:

I loved reading your trip report! Sad that it is over....I think I might have to go back and read some of your older trip reports. Love the pictures you put up of Claire on Facebook in her Halloween Costume. That is a gorgeous Merida dress!

I am writing about my trip to Colonial Williamsburg right now too. Getting closer to done with that, but still a few more days to write.
That dress is awesome! My friend Janet made it and Claire was so excited to have it!


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