Oh the places We Go, The People We see

I loved the photos from the Osbourne Family Lights. I saw them for the first time last year, but was kind of in a rush. We are tentatively planning a trip to Orlando in December and I want to have a proper look at the lights then.

I loved the photos from the Osbourne Family Lights. I saw them for the first time last year, but was kind of in a rush. We are tentatively planning a trip to Orlando in December and I want to have a proper look at the lights then.


I loved them. They were so much fun
More great pics at AOA.

Funny how kids get a treat and then want to skip out on the fun of what is happening at the parks. I'm glad you told her that you were not missing the Osborne Lights. And you are right...ictures do not do it justice; you really need to see it in person.
The pictures of the AoA food court look lots better than it did when we went through there. It was a bit messy and busy when we walked through. It's too bad that the sandwich wasn't very good.

I can just see Claire all mad about being in the park and then the lights coming on. :rotfl: I bet that stunned her! :laughing:
Love the photos of AOA. The food court photos are great. I didn't even notice the lamps were Ariel's treasure trove when i was checking out the place!

Your photos of the lights are amazing! I could meander through the streets of America for hours on end with the lights up! Glad Claire's mood changed when she saw them light up! To think they used to be better! I am glad I never knew the "better" lights.
The buffalo sandwich. Sounds great

It wasn't. it was nasty.

More great pics at AOA.

Funny how kids get a treat and then want to skip out on the fun of what is happening at the parks. I'm glad you told her that you were not missing the Osborne Lights. And you are right...ictures do not do it justice; you really need to see it in person.

I know. Kids don't think about how the time is limited there, but the legos ...or whatever prize they have, will be going home with them and they will have all the time in the world to paly with them.
I was not about to miss those lights.

The pictures of the AoA food court look lots better than it did when we went through there. It was a bit messy and busy when we walked through. It's too bad that the sandwich wasn't very good.

I can just see Claire all mad about being in the park and then the lights coming on. :rotfl: I bet that stunned her! :laughing:

I really haven't heard a lot of great reviews on the food. Well I take that back, some people love it because it has more healthy options. Thats my issue I guess. To many weird and/or healthy options and not any good old fashion crap. :rotfl:
Pop Food court is superior to me. Much better options ....though some of those just recently changed too.

Love the photos of AOA. The food court photos are great. I didn't even notice the lamps were Ariel's treasure trove when i was checking out the place!

Your photos of the lights are amazing! I could meander through the streets of America for hours on end with the lights up! Glad Claire's mood changed when she saw them light up! To think they used to be better! I am glad I never knew the "better" lights.

Thanks. I really wanted to get as many pictures of AoA as I could, and I did get a lot, but I am sure I missed stuff too.
I could sit and watch those lights all night too.
I did not know they used to be better. Wow, I thought they were great like this.
More pictures of the lights!

And we got in line for a photopass picture. He took several with my camera and I mentioned the flash wasn’t going off and he said they were fine. NOT. This was the best of the 3 and I had to work to lighten it up. They all were terrible.

At least the professional ones were good.

There will be picture overload as I just was obsessed with the lights.

We walked down to the other end of the street too to take a look.

I think I either had a huge smile plastered on my face, or I had my mouth wide open as we walked around.

Isn’t this just beautiful?


Gorgeous picture!

Snow has started!!!!

Another Gorgeous one!

We were so impressed by the Osbourne Lights, I just was mesmerized! I think we just stood there with our mouths open. I was taking pictures on my DSLR, my P&S, my phone, and john was videoing it on the camcorder and his phone! :laughing:

Our PP were kinda sucky. :(
What great photos, Jen, of the Osborne Lights. If anyone can do them justice, it is you.

I hate when the PP photographer thinks he knows everything, but at least their pictures came out great.
yes the Values buses are superior to deluxes. For the money you pay for deluxe each person should have their own bus.

We have always had great luck with the buses at the value resorts. It's one of the things that holds me back from trying other resorts.

Based on our experience there, probably too many people walking through the landscaping to get to their rooms!

So we stand and wait, and Claire is griping away about being here, and I get my camera ready and I keep telling her it will be worth it…and then it happened. The lights turned on! Claire was in mid-sentence and just GASP! I did too and I think I teared up a bit. This was STUNNING! I am a fan of gaudy Christmas lights and this was right up my alley. Pictures do not do this justice. You have to see it yourself.

What an awesome moment that must have been. :goodvibes In all the times we have seen the lights, we have never been there the moment they went on. You have me wishing we had done that.

Did you see the rumor thread about Osborne lights? I have no idea how true it is, but the rumor is out there that this could be the last year for them. The theory is that they would be using that area for some DHS expansion. No additional rumor about whether they would be relocated anywhere else.
Gorgeous picture!

Another Gorgeous one!

We were so impressed by the Osbourne Lights, I just was mesmerized! I think we just stood there with our mouths open. I was taking pictures on my DSLR, my P&S, my phone, and john was videoing it on the camcorder and his phone! :laughing:

Our PP were kinda sucky. :(

I loved it too. I need to go back!!!

What great photos, Jen, of the Osborne Lights. If anyone can do them justice, it is you.

I hate when the PP photographer thinks he knows everything, but at least their pictures came out great.

Yeah, I was annoyed that the photographer told me they looked good. Clearly they didn't.
Oh, I had not realised that they had Photopass photographers by the lights. I will have to stalk them in December.

We have always had great luck with the buses at the value resorts. It's one of the things that holds me back from trying other resorts.

Based on our experience there, probably too many people walking through the landscaping to get to their rooms!

What an awesome moment that must have been. :goodvibes In all the times we have seen the lights, we have never been there the moment they went on. You have me wishing we had done that.

Did you see the rumor thread about Osborne lights? I have no idea how true it is, but the rumor is out there that this could be the last year for them. The theory is that they would be using that area for some DHS expansion. No additional rumor about whether they would be relocated anywhere else.

I am glad we got thre before they turned them on because it was really cool to see.
Now I have heard that area is going to be used for the expansion....I am pretty sure it will be too. But I had not heard they will take the lights away. I really haven't heard anything about the lights, but my assumption was that it would be moved to another area of the park. And really, this is a huge draw. I think people will get darn mad if they take them away.
Now I have heard that area is going to be used for the expansion....I am pretty sure it will be too. But I had not heard they will take the lights away. I really haven't heard anything about the lights, but my assumption was that it would be moved to another area of the park. And really, this is a huge draw. I think people will get darn mad if they take them away.

Yeah, I'm still skeptical. But nervous about it. Of course this is the one year we won't be there to see them, so it will just be what it is. No good-byes for us if the rumor turns out to be true.
And more lights!

And another crappy video.


We saw Santa Goofy, but the line was long and Claire didn’t want to wait, so we just took a few pictures of him from afar.

We REALLY enjoyed the lights, but it came time to move on. We then talked about what to do next. The MK was open fairly late tonight so I suggested we head over there. Claire wanted to check out TSM first though and ride that. I decided we would see what the wait time was and decide them.
Now I don’t remember the exact waiting time stated, but it wasn’t too bad. I am thinking it said 40 minutes. We hopped in line.

The line moved fairly fast till we got to Mr. Potato Head.

And then we waited and waited and waited. I grumbled a bit as did people around us. Claire did NOT want to leave the line though and was very patient. I believe it was over an hour wait. There were a few announcements made, but no one could understand a darn thing they said. It was muffled sounding and very loud in line. You would think people would stop talking when an announcement was being made, but that wasn’t the case.

We did have a great time, but I was not happy with how long we had to wait.

We then headed towards the front of the park to leave after our long wait but fun ride on TSM. Of course I had sore arms then too. I need some sort of better technique for shooting because I kill my arms every time.

We picked the wrong time to leave. I “think” the park was closing now or at least close to closing time and we were walking with the masses.

We headed over to the bus to MK. Well this was the plan for many people and the line was just unreal.
So we headed over to the resort buses and figured we would catch a bus to a monorail resort. Those lines were long too, but not as bad. I don’t remember which line we got in, but it took forever for a bus to come. I know I did some complaining. Eventually our bus came and we got off at the Contemporary and walked over to MK. I think this is what 90% of the people on this bus did as we walked over with a huge crowd of people.

We finally made it over to the MK. It had taken close to an hour to get there.

We stopped for a photopass.

As you can see in the background of those pictures, it was still very crowded here tonight.

We still had 3 counter service meals that needed to be used up before midnight. We were not really super hungry, but we decided to use them (or lose them) and get a bite to eat. We headed to Cosmic Rays. I think Claire wanted nuggets and that’s why we went there.

It was crowded in there too and we had people going slow in front of us. I think my patience were wearing thin too, so little things were irritating me, but we finally did get our food and sat down.

We also used the 3rd and final credit for a crustable to take back with us.

We actually took the cookies and applesauce with us too. It all did eventually get eaten, I think some for breakfasts some mornings and some on our final day on the plane if I remember right. I do know the cookies got smashed, but they still were edible.

We then took off with no real plans.

The whole reason for coming here was just for the atmosphere of the castle and Christmas Décor.



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