Now how about a lovely castmember thread?

Saw a watch at Mousegears but didn't buy it. Next day checked at the World of Disney to see if they had the same watch. They did not but the CM did some checking and said Trend-D had one left.

Off to Trend-D and the first CM I spoke to said they didn't sell that watch. While I was trying to explain what the other CM told me this CM just walked off. Well, another CM, Steven, came up to me and asked me to describe the watch to him. I guess he had been listening to my previous conversation. Well he proceeds to pull every watch box out from underneath the counter. Sure enough way in the back, he found the watch. I was so thrilled. I made sure to do a comment card about him.

Another trip ds and I got a fastpass for any ride due to being stuck on Splash Mountain for over 30 minutes, on the incline part even. Well we were getting ready to head to the airport and we still hadn't used the fp. The kids wanted to ride Pooh, but we only had the fp for 2 people. Well we decided to give it to the CM at the fp line to give it to someone else. When she asked why we were giving it away, she then proceeded to write +2 on the fp and told us to "have a magical day".
My comment is mainly about the bus drivers to and from CBR. I was in a scooter for the first time last week and almost every bus driver was very helpful in getting me loaded and unloaded. Also as we were returning to CBR after a day at BBB and dinner at Akershus the bus driver made an announcement that there was a "Princess" on board which made my 3yo niece who was dressed and made up as Cinderella's day. He even asked her permission to let people get off the bus.

This was DNiece3 and DNephew5's first trip and both were frightened by the characters. At home they won't go near any type of mascot or character. All of the characters went out of their way to be gentle. DNiece wasn't afraid of the princesses but was terrified of every other character to the point of shaking & sobbing. We had dinner at the Garden Grill and I gave her my "magic" disney hat to wear when the characters came around. She would pull it over her face and peek out. Dale noticed this and soon, keeping a safe distance started playing peek a boo with her. By the time dinner was over the hat was back in my bag and she would wave to the characters. On our last day we had lunch at Crystal Palace she refused the "magic" hat and Winnie the Pooh got a hug! Mommy had be standing right there but what an improvement from earlier in the week.
I had 2 camera's with me and DNephew used one to take pictures of the characters which helped him to become more comfortable with them. After the first few times he would get the camera after we took his picture with the character.
I will never forget this story!! We went to akershus, and my daughter, who was 4 at the time was SO excited to meet Ariel. When she came over to our table my DD said "Ariel! I've been waiting to show you- I know your song!" And then processed to sing her the ahhahhahh song Ariel sings when she loses her voice. We all laughed at how cute it was, and didn't think anything else of it.
The next day we saw Ariel in Ariel's grotto, and she grabbed my DDs hand and said "My friend! have you been practicing our song?" And sang it with her! My DD was so enthralled not only that Ariel remembered her from the night before, but also that she called her her friend!

Best Disney memory ever.
We had a collaboration of awesome CM's in 2005. It was the first day our trip. We had never been to WDW before as a family, but we had enough points working with John Deere that we qualified for their business meeting trip that year. My husband and I had been to WDW pre-marriage separately, but this was a first for all of us to experience it together. We were all so excited to be at Disney. We were having lunch in Liberty Inn at EPCOT the first time our 18 month old vomited. We thought it was just too much excitement and having flown in an airplane earlier that morning. No biggie, right? Wrong!! He vomited 3 more times before we could even try to get us out of there. The poor little guy was covered in vomit, had developed a high fever and could not stop vomiting. We were afraid to try to get him back on the monorail. The restaurant manager was so kind. He brought out a brand new sweat jacket for our son(it was rainy/chilly), got us bags for his clothes, called for a van and we were transported behind the scenes back to the CR by two really sweet CM's who gave us a "tour" while we traveled back to CR. At the CR, housekeeping was incredible. They even brought new blankets and towels in the middle of the night! Our Mousekeeper brought coloring books and crayons for all our kids the next morning as well. Unfortunately our son was still extremely ill and needed to go to the emergency room. From the emergency room, he had his first ambulance ride so he could be transported and admitted to another hospital. It was rough, but a couple of days later we were finally back at CR. When we arrived, there were balloons, a signed picture of Mickey and the gang and a white stuffed Pluto waiting in our room. I will never forget the kindness of all those CM's. It was the awesome customer service that those CM's provided during a really awful time that has brought us back year after year ever since. Disney CM's are the best! :goodvibes :flower3:
I will never forget this story!! We went to akershus, and my daughter, who was 4 at the time was SO excited to meet Ariel. When she came over to our table my DD said "Ariel! I've been waiting to show you- I know your song!" And then processed to sing her the ahhahhahh song Ariel sings when she loses her voice. We all laughed at how cute it was, and didn't think anything else of it.
The next day we saw Ariel in Ariel's grotto, and she grabbed my DDs hand and said "My friend! have you been practicing our song?" And sang it with her! My DD was so enthralled not only that Ariel remembered her from the night before, but also that she called her her friend!

Best Disney memory ever.

So. Sweet. <sniff,sniff>
So many great cast members, but a few that stand out. During our honey moon in 08 there was stuff at our table at every sit down meal we had. it was awesome. When we ate at the coral reef, the divers that were in the tank came over and pointed at our honeymoon glitter on our table and went nuts. the one diver put his oxygen mouthpiece in the stones on the bottom of the tank and they flew all around like confetti. it was so cool.
Last year, my daughter lost her mouse ears. When we asked near the area we thought we lost them at, the cast memeber simply pulled out a little yellow slip of paper and said take this to any store, and you will get replacements. Simply awesome.
We had a cast member at Via Napoli come to our table last week and say, are you the "Soprano" family? (we're not really, just not putting our real last name on here) And we were like, uh yes. And he was like, "Soprano" is my last name too! Where in Italy is your family from? And then he had a quick chat with us about the town in Italy where both of our families are from. It was really sweet - he wasn't even our server...just must have seen our name on the reservation sheet and come over to say hello and talk to us. It was great!
We had a cast member at Via Napoli come to our table last week and say, are you the "Soprano" family? (we're not really, just not putting our real last name on here) And we were like, uh yes. And he was like, "Soprano" is my last name too! Where in Italy is your family from? And then he had a quick chat with us about the town in Italy where both of our families are from. It was really sweet - he wasn't even our server...just must have seen our name on the reservation sheet and come over to say hello and talk to us. It was great!

I have never eaten there (yet) but everytime I visit the Italy area I love to talk to the CMs about their homes do it at all the countries and the CMs love it when someone takes the time to show an interest

Most of the CMs working Epcot if not all are CPs (International college program) some can be feeling lonely homesick etc and it means so much when you take a few minutes out of your day My best experiences with cast has been in Epcot, what a lovely experience you had !:goodvibes
This just happened yesterday (although I do have stories over the years)! We had ADRs for Rosé and Crown and it was raining. The CM that was checking us in had many rude guests because of the wait time (because it was raining they loss seating)...she handled herself with grace and continued to give 100% disney customer service even though she was not being treated well. I let her know what an incredible she was doing!!!!
Out 10yo DD (in 2004) was having stomach trouble on an off through the day. Her and I were riding CoP when it started up again. Not knowing what would happen we exited the theater while it was turning. The entire building cam to an abrupt halt and 2 cast members were sprinting to the exit door as we were about 10 feet away. I told them the problem and they said go ahead and we left.

later as we were in line for the boat to WL she had another attack so my wife tried to get her to the bathroom just outside the park but failed. It was a mess. So my wife puts her in a stall and goes to get a CM. After she explained the problem the CM told her to wait there. The CM returned with a pair of Disney warm up pants and refused to take payment. And then since the boat she missed was the last one of the night she got them their own personal bus back to WL. Problems solved.

Personally we have never seen a rude CM in about 4-5 trips. Not even that many awful tour groups.
Our first day at MK... we had a great morning, went back to our hotel for a break and then back into MK for our dinner reservation at Crystal Palace. As we headed for the ticket entry my 14 year old suddenly realizes she's left her card back in our suite at the Art of Animation. My husband takes her back while I go on in with my 12 year old daughter and 5 year old son. We ride Small World and spend some time walking around Fantasyland. Our reservation time is rapidly approaching and I'm worried about missing it, a bit stressed out and upset at my eldest daughter for forgetting her ticket and I have a blister forming on one of my feet so we sit down on a bench on the pathway behind the Sleepy Hollow waffle place alongside the lake and castle. I take off my shoe to put a blister band aid on my foot and within a 5 second moment my son for some utterly unfathomable reason decides it's a great idea to toss my shoe over the fence toward the lake. You can almost imagine a slow motion movie moment happening as I shout, "Nooooooooo!" and watch my shoe fly over the fence and tumble down the hill and stop juuuuust short of the water but well beyond my reach.

To make a long and not terrible interesting story short (oopps too late), my daughter went to get a CM who comes right over full of concern and kindness. She gets on her walkie talkie to ask if she can just pop over the fence and grab it but isn't allowed so someone brings a pool skimmer that they scoop the shoe up with. She hung out with us for quite a while even after the shoe was recovered and chatted with us and generally made a stressful and frustrating evening much better. The situation could have been handled in a more perfunctory manner but her warmth really made me feel so much less bummed out and upset. We went on to have a great dinner at CP and fantastic night at the Magic Kingdom.

tl;dr: CM rescued both my wayward shoe and MK evening. Nice people make things better. :yay:
My husband and I were married on the Disney Magic two years ago.

Our On Board Wedding consultant, Andrea, couldn't have been a better pick for us. We traveled with a large group of 20 for the wedding.

The only thing we requested from her when we started was a wheelchair for my father and she had a porter at our door every time we were ready for an excursion, ready to put my father into the chair and wheel him down the gangway.

We're simple people, not usually one for all of the hoopla, so we didn't use the concierge at all. Mid trip, she knocked on our door, asking if there was anything that she could do for our large party. We, of course, totally satisfied with the cruise, said we couldnt think of anything. Then she started begging, and it was so cute. Please! We live for weddings...isn't there anything? She asked us, what kinds of snacks do you like? I told her that I am vegan, but DH is not.

Later in the evening, we returned to find a huge fruit snack plate and a "goodies" basket for DH in our room.

She also made sure to find someone to do my hair, nails and makeup the morning of, and my bridesmaids too.

We even got friendly with the keyboardist for our ceremony and reception. It turns out that my matron of honor's brother worked with him on Broadway, so they knew each other. And the porter guy was from the same town in England that my father was from, so they had a lovely conversation about "home". Small world after all!

Andrea even went out of her way on debarkation day. We were in the middle of a hurricane (of course..we always travel in disasters and expected it). So the waves were very rough. DH, being the tough guy, thought he could handle it and refused to take the bonine. He has to be the macho one, you know. Well, it wasn't so macho when he was in the bathroom getting sick before we even sailed. We almost missed our marriage by the Justice before we left. But Andrea moved the location so that if DH felt sick, he could run for it!

Needless to say, DH took the bonine. The only ones from our 20 person party who made it to dinner the first night are the ones who took the bonine and our Navy men who have their sea legs.

Oh, and he did the same thing with sunscreen. Too macho for that too, and he got burned!

Our photographer, Remy was also awesome. We met him the first day to discuss the wedding photos. All through the cruise, every time we passed him, he stopped us to get couple photos throughout the trip. We love those photos today.

But the best was on the wedding day. I was sad because I had envisioned blue skies, puffy clouds and sunshine. I got overcast, drizzly and gloomy. He told us not to worry, this was Disney and everything was magic.

When our photos were ready, he had taken some of the larger sizes we ordered and photoshopped the gloomy skies into blue skies with puffy clouds. Looking at the photos, you would never know that the skies weren't really that way.
I had a great experience at La Hacienda de San Angel this past Monday.

I was visiting with some friends and we had made some reservations for 6:15. Unfortunately, we forgot that we had Fastpasses for Soarin' from 5:30-6:30 until about 6 pm. Of course, we didn't make it, and didn't end up getting to the restaurant until almost an hour after our reservation! We thought we'd try and see how long the wait is, since two of my friends are vegetarians and they're one of the few places that has a special "vegetarian menu".

To our surprise, they were able to seat us right away - I guess our luck being there on a Monday! - and our waiter was a man named Octavio.

My name is Octavia (Tavie for short!) and I rarely meet another person with my name - in fact, I don't think I ever have in person until that day! We ordered margaritas, and when I gave him my ID, I complimented his name. He thanked me - obviously not noticing the name on my ID, but rather just looking at the picture and birth date. So I added, "Just like mine..." and that's when he did a double-take, and we both bonded over the rarity of our shared name.

The meal went on and it was all very delicious, and at the end of the evening we realized how late it was and that we'd have just enough time to run over to Norway and hit up the Maelstrom before the park closed.

We asked for the check, and when he brought it, he also set down a flight of margaritas in front of me! "Because you have the best name, I've brought you a special 'dessert' - every margarita on our menu!"

My friends and I were ASTOUNDED AND DELIGHTED, of course, and proceeded to SLAM down those delicious margaritas and leave him a nice big tip before heading off (not too tipsily - our meals were substantial!) to say hello to the trolls before park closing.

It was a hell of a lot of fun.
We've had lots of great experiences but a little one that was so sweet was when an older CM who was cleaning the outside windows at the DHS character breakfast at HV stopped and played X and O with DD on the window while we were waiting for our ADR. It just a little thing but it was very kind of him :thumbsup2:thumbsup2
When DD was 9, we were at Epcot our the last night of our weeklong trip with my parents. We had just watched the Candy Lady in Japan and she had made a beautiful horse for my daughter (my daughter has a Mustang). As we approached Spaceship Earth to leave the park, there was a particularly dark area and DD tripped over a young child who was chasing bubbles a CM had been blowing to entertain a family who was sitting on the ground for some reason (the CM sold light up toys). One of the small children tripped my daughter, who hit the ground hard. She was wearing shorts, and her knees were badly scraped up and bleeding from the fall. Her hands were scraped up too, and her delicate horse candy went flying and shattered on the ground.

DD was okay, but of course burst out into tears from the surprise of it and the loss of her treasured horse candy. The poor CM felt so terrible about what happened and blamed himself (we didn't!! It was truly an accident) and insisted on giving DD any toy she wanted from the nearby shop or some candy (we of course declined) and was very persistent. He shared how he wasn't just a CM, but a Disney fan, and wanted to make sure DD's trip wasn't ended on a bad note. We asked for some band-aids instead (she was still bleeding at the knees), which he gladly got for us. He took down our names for "procedure" and we thought nothing of it. He then insisted on getting the Candy Lady to make her a new horse. He called around, only to learn that had been her last show of the night and was scheduled to be off the next day. We assured him it was fine and a harmless accident and no compensation was necessary.

A week after returning to Disney, DD got a package in the mail. Yep, it was a new candy horse! Anyone who has tried traveling with one of these knows how fragile they are. I still can't believe it arrived in perfect condition. He apparently looked up our names and got our address from the system.

To this day, it's not the bloody knees that we think about as we pass SE, but the kind CM who went out of his way to make sure my DD's vacation was magical. :love:
My last trip was filled with them. We felt very blessed.

It started with the CM playing Belle at Epcot, who gave my daughter a hug after her M&G time was up for her last appearance of the day.

Or Pluto and the PP photographers at the Character Spot that spent 15 or so minutes with my family taking pictures and playing which made a day that had been kind of rough very special.

I could mention the PP guest services CM that helped me find missing photos on my PP account for the better part of 45 minutes.

The CM interaction with Belle and DD2 after her makeover at BBB during ETWB was priceless.

The guest services CM at DHS who found my car keys after they had been lost in the park.

The CM who played Ariel at CRT on Thanksgiving Day who made my girls day when they thanked her for the gifts that they had gotten while staying at her house (AoA LM room) and she didn't miss a beat, asking them which thing they liked the best, etc.

There were more for sure, but those are definitely the highlights.
On a FP run from Main Street Bakery to Splash Mountain and back, I had my bright orange Goofy shirt on. I was hit with a barrage of "Hey, Goofy!!" from practically every CM I passed on my journey. Something very small, very simple, but it certainly made my morning!!
My husband has gotten into the habit of looking at the cast-members' ID tags and asking them about the city they are from. We've had so many nice conversations about their hometowns, their families, and how they ended up working at Disney, it really adds to our day.
My husband has gotten into the habit of looking at the cast-members' ID tags and asking them about the city they are from. We've had so many nice conversations about their hometowns, their families, and how they ended up working at Disney, it really adds to our day.

I love doing this, too! :thumbsup2
We've encountered so many terrific CMs - - one stands out the most: back in 2011 we took our daughter to WDW for the first time; she was only 2 1/2. We were having dinner at The Plaza in MK, and she began to have a meltdown due to an unsuccessful nap earlier that day.

A CM (who wasn't even our server) came over to calm her down and asked her which princess she liked the best. He then left and a few moments later came back with a beautiful plush Belle doll! My daughter was speechless, and we kept offering to pay for it :rotfl2:

The CM reassured us it was just some pixie dust to help make our child's experience magical. He truly went out of his way for us! :goodvibes


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