Nov. 28, 2009 Western - Post Thanksgiving Relaxation Cruise


DIS Veteran<br><font color=darkorchid>Not So Tagle
Mar 5, 2005
Okay everyone, this is a new thread. Hopefully everyone that has been afraid to post will come out of the woodwork.

So we have 31 days before the cruise sets sail. Who's sailing with us?

I'll start. I'm Allison, cruising with my DH Mark and our 9 yo DD Mackenzie.
And we can't wait to get on board!!! :cool1::cool1:
Thanks Allison.

I'm Bev and DH, Jim, & I will be on this cruise.:goodvibes
Hey Bev. My DD looked at your dog's picture the other day and said "Wow that looks just like our BC!! It could be his sister." I told her that I had already asked about it because it looks so much like ours. :goodvibes

I think I will need to bring a picture of our pooch along to show you. :)

Oh and for any new posters or lurkers. There are only 2 people on the cruise that know each other (sisters - Steph and Jen). The rest of us have never met but love to chat. So come and chat with us and don't be shy! :)
I sent a note to mommasita (Cruise Meet Board Moderator) to have us added to the meet list for our date. Don't know if this was done yet.
Hey Bev. My DD looked at your dog's picture the other day and said "Wow that looks just like our BC!! It could be his sister." I told her that I had already asked about it because it looks so much like ours. :goodvibes

I think I will need to bring a picture of our pooch along to show you. :)

Oh and for any new posters or lurkers. There are only 2 people on the cruise that know each other (sisters - Steph and Jen). The rest of us have never met but love to chat. So come and chat with us and don't be shy! :)

Where did you get him & how old is he?
Copy your GTKY from the old thread and paste it to a new post on this thread so any new people can GTKY, Get To Know You, too.

General GTKY…
1. Where do you live? Catasauqua, PA

2. Are you married? How long? Yes, 37 years

3. Do you have any children? Ages? Yes, DD 36, DS 22

4. Do you have any pets?Yes. 1 Dog (miniature Border Collie/Black Lab mix), 4 cats

5. What do you do for a living? Work? Stay at home? Hairstylist

6. What is your favorite movie? Somewhere in Time (Jane Seymour & Christopher Reeve)

7. What is your favorite book? Anything StarTrek

8. What is/are your favorite TV show(s)? CSI's, Law & Orders, Trauma, anything medical or criminal. Also, American Idol & America's Got Talent. (DD's DH is a city Cop, DD is a College Cop & studying Forensic Psychology, DS is Security at the new Sands Casino in Bethlehem, PA and wants to be a Cop someday too and DH & I used to be EMT's on a volunteer ambulance corps)

9. What is your favorite food? Shrimp

10. What type of music do you listen to? Do you have a favorite group/singer/band etc.?John Denver, Barry Manilow, 50's, 60's & 70's music and few new groups. Basically easy listening.

11. Where did you do your schooling from? High School - Freedom High, Bethlehem, PA. After that I went to Allentown School of Cosmetology, took my boards and got my license.

12. Do you like sports? What's your favorite football team? Ice Hockey. Whatever team my son plays on. Not into football myself, but DH likes the Dolphins.

13. How many siblings do you have? 3 older brothers

14. Did you always want to be a XXX? (your profession) I always enjoyed working with hair, but in 7th grade I wanted to be a nurse, but then I realized how many years of additional school I would need and went with Hairdressing instead. Did get a little fix the years I worked as an EMT though.

15. What do you like to do in your spare time? Sewing, Knitting, Crocheting and other crafts. I'm also pretty handy with tools. Just finished painting DS former room, laid parquette flooring and cut all the moulding for around the floor. DH had to drill and hammer it in because I just don't have the strength for that. (It was Oak moulding)

16. Any interesting places that you've traveled to lately? Bahamas last year on the cruise and in 2004 I went to London with DH when he went there for work. Want to go back there someday.

17. Any particular cuisines or dishes that you like the most? Pennsylvania Dutch

18. What is your attitude when it comes to money? Are you a spender or a saver? Both, save, then spend.

19. What does your name mean? Don't laugh, literally translated it means "Beaver Meadow"

20. When is your birthday? November 28 (first day of the cruise)

21. What is your zodiac sign? Saggitarius

22. What are your preferences when it comes to clothes and fashion? mosty casual, but love to dress up too

23. Are you an introvert or an extrovert? Introvert, at least until I get to know you.

24. Are you an outdoors person? yes. We have camped quite a bit, Canada included. Love to swim, but can't stand the sun & heat.

25. Are you an adventurous person by nature or do you prefer playing it safe? adventurous. I ride my own motorcycle (a Yamaha Virago 250). DH & DS also ride. I am not a good passenger though.

26. How was your childhood like? With 3 older brothers it was rough. I didn't have the kind of protective brothers that others had. Mine would just as soon help pick on me than help me. It's gotten better over the years since we've all grown up.

27. Post a recent picture of yourself....:)
Found you. You can't hide from me! :lmao: So glad that we are doing this since it may help to bring others out of the woodwork. Come out come out whereever you are.

I'm Jeff, sailing with DW Mina and DD Elizabeth (11) and DD Emily (5).
We are a family of 6 and looking forward to our first disney cruise - we are surprising the kids and hoping to pull it off until we are at the port. The only tricky part is we have to travel from Southern California to Orlando on Friday (11/27) which may be hard to do without answering questions as to exactly where we are going!! Thinking we will tell them daddy has a business trip in Florida so it sounds kind of boring. Can't WAIT to see how excited they are (and me too!) when we board the ship!!!

We have three girls (ages almost 9, 7 and 4) and one son (age 3).

Looking forward to a fun family week - just hoping nobody gets seasick!!

Here are the original questions for anyone who hasn't posted yet.

Originally posted by DisneyMommaSteph
Just copy and paste, and fill in your answers. Come'll be FUN! Lurkers...this is the perfect time to JUMP IN!

General GTKY…
1. Where do you live?

2. Are you married? How long?

3. Do you have any children? Ages?

4. Do you have any pets?

5. What do you do for a living? Work? Stay at home?

6. What is your favorite movie?

7. What is your favorite book?

8. What is/are your favorite TV show(s)?

9. What is your favorite food?

10. What type of music do you listen to? Do you have a favorite group/singer/band etc.?

11. Where did you do your schooling from?

12. Do you like sports? What's your favorite football team?

13. How many siblings do you have?

14. Did you always want to be a XXX? (your profession)

15. What do you like to do in your spare time?

16. Any interesting places that you've traveled to lately?

17. Any particular cuisines or dishes that you like the most?

18. What is your attitude when it comes to money? Are you a spender or a saver?

19. What does your name mean?

20. When is your birthday?

21. What is your zodiac sign?

22. What are your preferences when it comes to clothes and fashion?

23. Are you an introvert or an extrovert?

24. Are you an outdoors person?

25. Are you an adventurous person by nature or do you prefer playing it safe?

26. How was your childhood like?

27. Post a recent picture of yourself....:)
I sent a note to mommasita (Cruise Meet Board Moderator) to have us added to the meet listfor our date. Don't know if this was done yet.
I asked MJ to do it but she didn't so I'm glad you sent another note.
Where did you get him & how old is he?
Ours is a full border collie that we got from a rescue group 3 years ago now. So he is probably around 4.5 years old. He and his sister were abandoned in an apartment in Pittsburgh. The neighbors called immediately and got them picked up. The sister was adopted out of the shelter in Pitts. and mine ended up at Glen Highland Farm in upstate NY. They are a BC rescue group. He's an amazing dog and he even plays hide and seek. Dopey dog. :goodvibes

I'll try to copy/paste my GTKY piece from the other thread.
I asked MJ to do it but she didn't so I'm glad you sent another note.
Ours is a full border collie that we got from a rescue group 3 years ago now. So he is probably around 4.5 years old. He and his sister were abandoned in an apartment in Pittsburgh. The neighbors called immediately and got them picked up. The sister was adopted out of the shelter in Pitts. and mine ended up at Glen Highland Farm in upstate NY. They are a BC rescue group. He's an amazing dog and he even plays hide and seek. Dopey dog. :goodvibes

I'll try to copy/paste my GTKY piece from the other thread.

quote-jd99 - Found you. You can't hide from me!

Oh crap! You found us!! :headache: :rotfl2: :rotfl2:

Talking about hide and seek, We hide & Jeff seeks.:lmao:
Hey Guys...I am going to close the other thread. I also created a link in the roll call sticky thread that will bring you to this thread!! Anyone looking for the 11/28/09 lastest thread should have no problem in finding it.

Have a great cruise!!

Hey Guys...I am going to close the other thread. I also created a link in the roll call sticky thread that will bring you to this thread!! Anyone looking for the 11/28/09 lastest thread should have no problem in finding it.

Have a great cruise!!

Thanks MJ!!!
Just checked it out and we are marked as a new thread starting today. Less confusion. Thanks MJ.
Wow - My copy/paste actually worked!!

General GTKY…
1. Where do you live?
Beautiful, scenic New Jersey. And yes, there are beautiful sections of Jersey so stop laughing.
2. Are you married? How long?
Married 11 years this past March but together over 15.
3. Do you have any children? Ages?
We have one beautiful DD together, aged 9. I have 3 stepdaughters (30, 21, and 19) and one GD, 6.
4. Do you have any pets?
Oh honey, we have a house full. I recommend never marrying someone who is as big an animal lover as you. We have 3 dogs - 1 rescue Border Collie, 1 puggle (dumb as a brick), and one mutt from the shelter (part Australian Cattle dog and part hound dog we think). The last one is smart but all puppy and has a hard time controlling herself.
Let's not forget the kitties. We have 2 regular old housecats and have captured the ferral kittens that were birthed in the backyard of the abandoned house across the street. They have been living in our bedroom. DH keeps threatening to send them to the pound but he adores them and plays with the one all the time. The white one is coming around but the little black one is still very skittish. DD has named them so I believe that brings the total cat count to 4.
And let's not forget the hermit crabs. Last I checked, we had 4. That reminds me that I need to clean their cage. Hmm, maybe tonight. So is it any wonder that DD wants to be a veterinarian.

5. What do you do for a living? Work? Stay at home?
We have reversed roles in our home. DH is disabled and is the SAHD. Of course they found out at school that he can fix, repair or build anything so he is there frequently "volunteering".
I work in the financial services industry as a Compliance Officer for the Commodities Trading Division for a large foreign bank.

6. What is your favorite movie?
The Wizard of Oz.
7. What is your favorite book?
Hmm, not really sure I have a favorite. I like romance novels because I have a long train ride and they let me zone out. I like the Sookie Stackhouse series (True Blood). I also have gotten into the numerous vampire series that are popping up all over. Well, except for Twilight. Do I really care about teenage angst???
8. What is/are your favorite TV show(s)?
House, House and more House. DH loves this show so it is on constantly. We watch NCIS, the Mentalist, Monk. Guess you can see a pattern here.
9. What is your favorite food?
Anything chocolately or sweet.
10. What type of music do you listen to? Do you have a favorite group/singer/band etc.?
I'm a Jersey girl so obviously I love The Boss (Springsteen for those that don't know), U2, and Pink.
11. Where did you do your schooling from?
Got my BA from Drew University in Madison, NJ and my MBA from LaSalle University in Philly.
12. Do you like sports? What's your favorite football team?
I don't really watch professional sports any more. I don't have the time.
13. How many siblings do you have?
2 sisters, one older and one younger.
14. Did you always want to be a XXX? (your profession)
I still haven't figured out what I want to be when I grow up. I'll keep you posted though.
15. What do you like to do in your spare time?
Who has spare time?? Seriously though I volunteer at DD's school as much as possible and I'm a GS leader. And we love to travel to Disney.
16. Any interesting places that you've traveled to lately?
We did the Eastern Carribbean cruise earlier in the year and loved it.
17. Any particular cuisines or dishes that you like the most?
Eggplant and scallops but not at the same time.
18. What is your attitude when it comes to money? Are you a spender or a saver?
I like to be a saver but somehow always end up a spender. I've got to work on that.
19. What does your name mean?
No idea and I'm too lazy to Wiki.
20. When is your birthday?
September 26th but you're not getting the year!!
21. What is your zodiac sign?
That makes me a Libra.
22. What are your preferences when it comes to clothes and fashion?
Now that I've lost weight I love to shop. Ann Taylor Loft is my favorite.
23. Are you an introvert or an extrovert?
I'd probably say introvert but after answering this I certainly feel quite extroverted. Is that a word?
24. Are you an outdoors person?
Yep. Love to camp and hike.
25. Are you an adventurous person by nature or do you prefer playing it safe?
Somewhat on the safe side but more adventerous than DH.
26. How was your childhood like?
Sweet. DM was a SAHM. GM lived with us. We camped every summer in ME and loved it.
27. Post a recent picture of yourself.... Hmm, let's see if I can copy that from the other thread.
Here is me:

General GTKY…
1. Where do you live? Sewickley PA (a suburb of Pittsburgh)

2. Are you married? How long? Yep 15 best years of my life!

3. Do you have any children? Ages? - two DDs - 11 and 5 1/2

4. Do you have any pets? A nearly six year old goldfish - Nemo

5. What do you do for a living? Work? Stay at home? I own my own PR business and work out of my home.

6. What is your favorite movie? Animal House, Christmas Vacation

7. What is your favorite book? anything by Jonathan Kellerman or James Patterson

8. What is/are your favorite TV show(s)? Lost, the Big Bang Theory

9. What is your favorite food? Pizza

10. What type of music do you listen to? Do you have a favorite group/singer/band etc.? - I listen to news talk (what a geek)

11. Where did you do your schooling from? Bachelor's from U of Pittsburgh and master's from Ohio University

12. Do you like sports? What's your favorite football team? College sports yes, pro sports no Pitt Panther football and basketball are what I follow.

13. How many siblings do you have? 2

14. Did you always want to be a XXX? (your profession) Nope. I was going to be the next great sports writer. Then I realized I needed to make money.

15. What do you like to do in your spare time? Travel, travel and travel. I work out a lot but I don't "like" to do that so much anymore.

16. Any interesting places that you've traveled to lately? 3-island Hawaii trip last summer.

17. Any particular cuisines or dishes that you like the most? italian

18. What is your attitude when it comes to money? Are you a spender or a saver? spend spend spend. We only have one life. Enjoy.

19. What does your name mean? no clue

20. When is your birthday? July 4 Yep. I'm a Yankee Doodle Dandy

21. What is your zodiac sign? Cancer

22. What are your preferences when it comes to clothes and fashion?

23. Are you an introvert or an extrovert?
Introvert by far

24. Are you an outdoors person?
No way.

25. Are you an adventurous person by nature or do you prefer playing it safe?
The older I get the more adventurous I've gotten.

26. How was your childhood like? 1960s TV show

27. Post a recent picture of yourself....

Alison is a given name for a female. It was originally a medieval Norman nickname for Alice, meaning "truth," "noble,"[1] or "noble type."

Jeffrey is a common English name. It is most commonly spelled as Jeffrey, but sometimes spelled with one f as in Jefrey. The name Geoffrey is the precursor to Jeffrey, and Godfrey in turn a precursor to that, from the German "Gottfried," meaning "God's peace" or "Divine peace."
Hi, everyone! I am so glad to see you've accomplished what I tried a little while ago. I do think we may see others posting here on a thread that is a bit less overwhelming. :)

As for introductions,

I am Cam and my DH is Howard. We are doing this cruise without our DD21 and DS16 as both will be in the midst of preparing for finals (college and high school). We are travelling in connecting cabins with our dear friends Judy and Charlie. Howard and I have done the Magic Western 2 times previously and Eastern once. We have also sailed on the Wonder twice. We love Disney cruises!

Looking forward to getting to know everyone better in the next month.


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