Nov 2009 Family Reunion in Disney with pics! Final Update 3/22/10

All caught up!!!

Now if you had been in China at would have known that the bridge goes up ;) :rotfl2:

NICE changing job!!!!!!

Glad you had so much fun with Marlo and gang- not that I doubted it!
Awesome Epcot day! The girls really lasted long into the day!

I read your blog and it sounds like you had a very nice and relaxing Christmas! :thumbsup2
How fantastic you got to meet Marlo again, it looks like you had so much fun :goodvibes

We did several Kim Possible missions last week and they're so much fun aren't they :thumbsup2
Hello old friend!! :goodvibes

I just found this and love it so far.

The house you stayed in looks absolutely wonderful! How fun!

Kim Possible much fun. DH and I did one on our honeymoon and there was nothing like two people in their twenties running around with the Kimunicator thinking it is the coolest thing in the world!! :lmao:

I am looking forward to more. Hope you have a very Happy & Healthy New Year! :cheer2:
Thanks for a great day together! WE had so much fun!!!!!!!! I forgot how Devon seemed to love Nik. You got some wonderful pictures. I am so glad we got to share that day together.

Thank you Marlo for spending the day with us!!! :goodvibes It was so much fun to talk and walk and ride!

Love the Snow White pictures! Very sweet. :goodvibes

Thanks Memom! I hope you are enjoying Disney right now!!!:goodvibes

All caught up!!!

Now if you had been in China at would have known that the bridge goes up ;) :rotfl2:

NICE changing job!!!!!!

Glad you had so much fun with Marlo and gang- not that I doubted it!
LOL about the bridge! and I was in China at 2 pm...for a few minutes anyways! Isn't it fun to meet fellow dissers??? Marlo is so sweet!

Awesome Epcot day! The girls really lasted long into the day!

I read your blog and it sounds like you had a very nice and relaxing Christmas! :thumbsup2
Thanks for reading my blog too!!! We did have a nice relaxing day...I think the kids stayed in pj's for most of the day!
I couldnt believe how long the girls lasted!!! :laughing:

How fantastic you got to meet Marlo again, it looks like you had so much fun :goodvibes

We did several Kim Possible missions last week and they're so much fun aren't they :thumbsup2
It was cool to see the interaction with the pavillion's! The girls loved it too! :laughing:

Hello old friend!! :goodvibes

I just found this and love it so far.

The house you stayed in looks absolutely wonderful! How fun!

Kim Possible much fun. DH and I did one on our honeymoon and there was nothing like two people in their twenties running around with the Kimunicator thinking it is the coolest thing in the world!! :lmao:

I am looking forward to more. Hope you have a very Happy & Healthy New Year! :cheer2:
I am so excited that we are reunited!!! I am loving your honeymoon trip report!!! Those two years seemed soooo long! I am glad you are married and happy!!! I hope you have a wonderful New Year!!! I might as well post our pics here too!

Julianne and I met in June 2007 in MK on the hotest most crowded day ever known to mankind...but we were avoiding the heat by trying to get into the Tiki Room and the AC when Julianne came up and said...."Aren't you Cathy??" I couldnt believe it! Then she showed me her hand....they had just gotten engaged a few hours before at Cinderella's Wishing romantic!!!! Anyway, here is our pic.....



I just knew he was going to propose in Disney but Julianne was totally surprised!!!! :woohoo:
Hello everyone! Time for another update! I left you last time at Snow White's meet and greet and we were so excited having met her!

Next we strolled to Italy and we enjoyed the scenery. I have a fun set of pics for you from my friend Leanne! :goodvibes She actually went to Italy recently and check out these pics...its the real Italy....


and Epcot's Italy....


How cool is that? They just happen to both be on her camera when she came over to share pics! Thanks Le for sharing your wonderful pictures!!!! :cool1:

So on the inside of the loop around Epcot there are smaller pathways where you can find characters to meet with such as the one we came upon! It was with Beast! Beast is huge but kind....just like Belle said! So we were the last ones in line before he had to leave.… but he fit us in! Yaaa Beast!! He even tried to sign our autograph book which he usually doesn’t…his paw was as big as Brooklyn’s head!!! Somehow he managed and we got our pic.





The photopass photographer said Belle was coming out next. So we got back in line and waited about 10 minutes for her! We enjoyed the nice day some more!!!



The photopass photographer said she would take this opportunity to download her camera and she would be right back out when Belle returned. Well she wasn't back when Belle returned so I took these pics solo! Belle was super sweet and happy to see the girls “again”…I mentioned how she saw them the day before when she read them a story. She completely went along with it and asked them if they liked the story and how she was so happy to see again them today! :cloud9:



Continued in post below!
Then we walked back to Morocco and asked about Jasmine and when she would be out meeting guests. The little gift shop CM said she would be out in Morocco at 5 pm. Since it was only about 4:30 we decided to try France and see if Aurora was there. We decided we needed a bathroom break first and took the opportunity to change for meeting the next two princesses. Then we headed to France and sure enough Sleeping Beauty was there! princess:Yippy!!! Again….she was the sweetest thing and talked with the girls…Aurora loved Brooklyn’s outfit and showed her just how to curtsy. They hugged and she signed the book! ( I always think of Memom’s trip report when her granddaughter, Brooklynn, would go up to the characters and say “Sign da book!” lol )







We looked around France briefly…it was getting later and Sarah was getting tired….not the girls though…they were running on adrenaline I think! Had it just been adults and I didn't need to get the girls back to the house...I would have toured each country along the way and saw the movies in France and Canada.....but was getting late. I was able to get ahold of dh right before we met with Snow White and I told him we would be a few more hours. So I talked it over with the girls, and we decided we would meet Jasmine and head to Soarin and then the monorail back to the T&TC. So that was our plan!!!



So we backtracked to Morocco to await Jasmine and when I talked to the photopass photographer, she said it would be Aladdin not Jasmine. Uggggg….I really know Devon wanted to meet Jasmine but she was happy enough to show Aladdin her outfit!

Waiting and twirling....



Aladdin finally arrived solo.....and he really played the part! Brooklyn was astonished by him…just look at her…lol! The girls got his autograph and pic!








Now it was time to head out…the girls wanted to ride Soarin one last time and then we would call Edmund again. So we decided to take the Friendship Cruise back to Future World. It would save lots of steps though I was sad to miss England and Canada. We noticed they were filming a show near the ramp to the cool!




The “cruise director” CM talking was funny…they said to sit down and enjoy the cruise. We would be pulling out of Morocco and head to Canada and then Morocco and then Canada and then Morocco…etc. Too funny….and how do they stand it going back and forth all day?! I loved the fact that I didn’t have to fold the stroller and could just roll on board.




Sarah was pretending to yawn and be super tired...she was actually not as bad as it appeared!!! LOL

Continued in post below!
We got off in…Canada…and headed through a short cut path just to the right of Canada. I was trying to get back to the Land Pavillion and it was such a pretty path. There were pretty rose bushes and it was almost empty. Whilst we were walking and talking, my SIL called to say they were leaving Discovery Cove and did I need a ride? I told her we were almost done…just had to ride Soarin and head out to the front…I told her I would be about a half hour. It was about 5:15 pm at this point. She said that would be fine since they were just leaving where they were. I said we would call when we got to the front of Epcot. This was great and would save my hubby a trip to come pick us up. She also called my dh to let him know what we were doing.

So we made our way to Soarin and used our fastpasses. It was still quite a wait….more than I thought it would be…but we got front and center! By now it was 5:50 pm and I knew we were going to go over our ½ time limit but what could I do now that we were on the ride???

More Soarin pics...notice Brook is excited and not worried this time!



We soared again and it was just as breathtaking at night as the morning and Brooklyn was much braver this time! We exited and made our way out of the pavilion. We were amazed by the lights in the sidewalk but it was hard to get a pic with my we were rushing!


I noticed I missed a call or two so I called my SIL back who said they were out front waiting. Ack! We tried to hurry but enviably, Brooklyn insisted on having to use the restroom again. :rolleyes1:rolleyes1

She went real quick and we all walked out to the turnstiles. I didn't get a chance to get any pictures on the way out so I am stealing my friends pic of the giant golf ball.


I was calling my SIL to tell her we were here and she walked right up to us! Yaaa! It was 6:05 pm by this time and I know my BIL was probably annoyed we took so long! I hate to make people wait especially when they were trying to help us out. He was very gracious though and helped me fold the stroller and fit it in the trunk…not easy…it was huge!

We drove back to the house and we had company. One of Edmund’s friends from FL had arrived with his wife and daughter. His daughter’s name is Arielle…how appropriate and she was sooo sweet!! Devon and Brooklyn loved to hang all over her and she was fun for Sarah to talk and hang with!!! The kids wanted to go swimming so they did that for quite a while.





We decided to order out pizza and relax and enjoy the evening! We were planning to go to Hollywood Studios the next day and the mom, Nancy, and Arielle wanted to go! The more the merrier I say…but I did warn them that I had a schedule….I told her she could stick with us or go off to do what she wanted. I didn’t want them to feel like they had to follow us around all day. No problem. I also called and added them to our ADR at Hollywood and Vine. I was able to keep my reservation time (11 am) and everything. We were all set for another exciting day at Disney! The girls swam until the pizza came and played pool and foozeball and got into their pj’s! I think they were asleep by 7:30 or 8 pm!!! Nighty night and sweet dreams!!


So next installment will be our Hollywood Studios day! Stay tuned!!!! :3dglasses:surfweb:
What a fun filled, action packed epcot day! I wasn't planning on trying to fit in one of the kim possible missions, but now I'm thinking I might have to.
Okay, I am curious girls (Cathy and Marlo), do your husbands ever go in the parks with you? Cathy, I think Edmund had family there the entire time so did he ever go off with them to a park? Does he enjoy seeing the girls so excited and cute? I know he does!

The update was wonderful. I love the world showcase and I also hate making people wait. Such a hard thing when trying to get on a ride. You just never know how long the fast pass line will take. i find test track to be the longest fast pass line always!! We were late to China because the kids were on it with Lin! But I did call atleast halfway around the world almost! LOL!

I really love the outfits. ALL of them!
Okay, I am curious girls (Cathy and Marlo), do your husbands ever go in the parks with you? Cathy, I think Edmund had family there the entire time so did he ever go off with them to a park? Does he enjoy seeing the girls so excited and cute? I know he does!

The update was wonderful. I love the world showcase and I also hate making people wait. Such a hard thing when trying to get on a ride. You just never know how long the fast pass line will take. i find test track to be the longest fast pass line always!! We were late to China because the kids were on it with Lin! But I did call atleast halfway around the world almost! LOL!

I really love the outfits. ALL of them!

What a fun update! I nice to see what you did when I left you.

Jessica Yes George goes to the park almost every day with us! This day G was originally going to play golf but he bought a new fancy shmancy camera and decided he didn't want to spend the extra money. He also likes to take one day or part of a day to just relax at the hotel but me ad the kids LOVE to be on the go so we always take to the park and meet him later. That day we left Cathy at 2pm and meet George at MK around 3:30pm It would have been earlier but he slept late! Then we spent the rest of the night at MK Spectro and wishes!!!! If you look at my pics on FB He is in some of them but he usually is the photo guy:cool1:
What a fantastic Epcot day!!

You met so many characters, I am jealous you got to meet Beast, I always wanted to meet him! Lucky that the weather was nice and comfortable...that World Showcase can be quite the trek in the heat and humidity...I am def. speaking from recent experience. :rotfl2:
I am enjoying your TR very much! I love all the pictures and it's great that you were able to meet soooooo many characters.:thumbsup2 looking forward to hearing about the rest of your trip.
The girls look so cute with all the characters, I love their faces in all the photos :goodvibes
What a fun filled, action packed epcot day! I wasn't planning on trying to fit in one of the kim possible missions, but now I'm thinking I might have to.
They can take up to 45 minutes so you can only do one or two at the most...and still get around the rest of Epcot. I wish I had a longer trip (or more of them) so we didn't have to try to pack so much into one day!

Okay, I am curious girls (Cathy and Marlo), do your husbands ever go in the parks with you? Cathy, I think Edmund had family there the entire time so did he ever go off with them to a park? Does he enjoy seeing the girls so excited and cute? I know he does!

The update was wonderful. I love the world showcase and I also hate making people wait. Such a hard thing when trying to get on a ride. You just never know how long the fast pass line will take. i find test track to be the longest fast pass line always!! We were late to China because the kids were on it with Lin! But I did call atleast halfway around the world almost! LOL!

I really love the outfits. ALL of them!
Hubby told me he wasn't going to any parks with me which is fine with me BUT he did end up going to MK the first day (Tues) and AK (Sat) and I have to say...I think he liked it. He is not a park goer though..and heat and crowds....forget it!!!
I guess in MK the fp line gets you right up to the front practically....but for non-continuous rides...its a lot longer...lesson learned!!! :thumbsup2

What a fun update! I nice to see what you did when I left you.

Jessica Yes George goes to the park almost every day with us! This day G was originally going to play golf but he bought a new fancy shmancy camera and decided he didn't want to spend the extra money. He also likes to take one day or part of a day to just relax at the hotel but me ad the kids LOVE to be on the go so we always take to the park and meet him later. That day we left Cathy at 2pm and meet George at MK around 3:30pm It would have been earlier but he slept late! Then we spent the rest of the night at MK Spectro and wishes!!!! If you look at my pics on FB He is in some of them but he usually is the photo guy:cool1:
Sorry missy but I need a trip report from ya!

What a fantastic Epcot day!!

You met so many characters, I am jealous you got to meet Beast, I always wanted to meet him! Lucky that the weather was nice and comfortable...that World Showcase can be quite the trek in the heat and humidity...I am def. speaking from recent experience. :rotfl2:
OH ya...completely different place when its nice out...before you have kids you gotta try it when its NOT hot nice!

I am enjoying your TR very much! I love all the pictures and it's great that you were able to meet soooooo many characters.:thumbsup2 looking forward to hearing about the rest of your trip.
This trip turned out to be about the characters! Such a small window of opportunity! Sarah even went along with the princess thing for her little sisters but I won't last long. I just realized she is turning 12 in a few short months....ack!

The girls look so cute with all the characters, I love their faces in all the photos :goodvibes
Thanks Jo...they really loved it! Not sure if our trip in two years will be so character filled but for this trip it was so much fun!!!

So I am taking down Christmas decorations today :santa: and cleaning. Then sewing...then Sarah is having a sleep-over I think...and we're having a football party tomorrow. And I have labs to grade. And then I will update the trip report in the midst of all of that!!! Next up is our Hollywood Studios Day!!!:surfweb:
Cathy, you are always doing so so much! I would be exhausted if I was you!

We loved the KP missions at Epcot. I think we did 4 of them but they do take a while. Some seemed to be more fun then others too. I enjoyed the one in Norway best. I know we'll be doing it again when we go back.
Love all the character pics around World Showcase! :lovestruc

More Soarin pics...notice Brook is excited and not worried this time!

Yay!!! :yay:

The girls swam until the pizza came and played pool and foozeball and got into their pj’s! I think they were asleep by 7:30 or 8 pm!!! Nighty night and sweet dreams!!

Wow, they were tired out!
Hollywood Studios Day

I have never been to HS. So I studied and reviewed TGM’s advice over and over again. I decided our priorities this day would be Toy Story Mania, Mermaid, Beauty and the Beast and all else would be icing on the cake. We also had 11 am ADR’s at Hollywood and Vine for the Play N Dine.

So we woke up, got ready and headed out the door with two umbrella strollers. DH had to return the double stroller since we couldn’t fit both us and our luggage in the car the next day when we checked out. It was quite cool as we left the house and truthfully, the girls weren’t completely awake when we left…Devon in particular was grouchy! But if we wanted to make rope drop and TSM…we had to leave early!

We arrived and parked at HS in the AAA parking lot! No tram needed. The girls climbed in their strollers and I had no idea where to go…we kind of followed some other people until we saw the turnstiles and our first Christmas Tree. Its funny, we started the week at MK with the Halloween decorations and ended the week with Christmas Tree! And the morning was chilly enough to be close to Christmas too…the girls were fighting over a blanket to cuddle under!


Now along with us today were our friends, Nancy and Arielle. I was hoping between all of us being able to navigate this park….I think they had been there before! I did know about the TSM rope drop and was trying to explain how it worked. I saw an empty turnstile to the left of two very long lines. I took it.


We we right behind another family with a stroller. I was in charge of one stoller and child, and Sarah had the other child and stroller. I told Sarah that as soon as the turnstiles opened, to push the stroller through and feed the two cards in the machine and keep going!!! I did the same and Nancy and Arielle were right behind us. When we got to the next rope we were about 3rd or 4th back…not bad!


Looking back at the crowd coming in...



We enjoyed the opening show at rope drop with the director and then soon enough we were all headed as one big mass towards TSM. I was laughing for part of the walk cause I had no idea where to go but we were going…and fast!

Next stop…gather fast passes for everyone. I took the tickets and went to the last turnstile farthest away. All of them had lines!!!! I scored FP and then we had to find the standby line. It was 30 minutes posted…which I said was a little long but hoped it wouldn’t be so bad. There were scores of people here! Don’t ever try this TSM stampede if you don’t like crowds!!!!


We passed around the Green Army guy and finally made it to the ropes. That’s how quickly the line fills. We were giddy with excitement! Devon asked for her lanyard…a positive sign she was waking up!



There you go..... FPR time of 9:11 am and a 30 minute wait already! :eek:




As you can see the girls really enjoyed each other in line!!! :rotfl2:

The cue was so cute…lots of bright colors and games and the line moved continuously. We paused by Mr. Potato Head for a pic. Soon after we got our 3-D glasses and the next thing I know we are going up a ramp to the main staging area! I loved the décor and the cars and everything!



We boarded our spinning ride vehicle…do these have special names yet?… and off we went. I rode with Brooklyn, Nancy and Devon paired up and Sarah and Arielle rode together in their car. I had no idea what to expect but this was the best ride…we whirled and shot at the midway games…loved this gun…much better than the laser gun on Buzz!



It was just a blast and Brooklyn could play right along! Such fun! I forgot what my score was but since it was the first time through...I am sure it wasn’t spectacular.

When we exited, it was already too late for the first Mermaid show. I was trying to squeeze it in but alas…no go. I knew the Up Characters were going to be at Animators but I thought we could get them another time. I had to quickly reformulate a plan. Everyone was hungry cause by now it was 10 am. So, I figured we could grab a bite to eat and then head to Playhouse Disney Live.

Continued in post below!
So we headed to Starring Rolls café. There were no tables so at first we started out on benches. Brook picked the biggest cupcake known to man. Devon, and I had cinnamon rolls and Sarah had a chocolate chip muffin. Nancy and Arielle got stuff too and then found a table opening up.



I had already inhaled my roll soooo….while everyone enjoyed their breakfast, I took our tickets to go get FP for Sarah and Arielle for Tower of Terror and Rockin RollerCoaster….that way they could ride both later without waiting. I walked down and back quickly.

We headed back to Playhouse Disney, and parked the strollers. Everyone got in line but Brooklyn needed a quick potty break so I headed there with her. The timing was perfect because when we came out we jumped in line and were inside the theater within minutes!
We opted to sit in the back just so we weren’t scrunched by people all around. For this show…you sit on the floor. Ummmmmm….I am not complaining or anything but really…couldn’t they have been a little more creative. I would have taken kindergarten-sized chair after about 15 minutes into the show. I shifted and shifted….and thought that I was getting too old for criss-cross applesauce! Luckily the show ended about 10 after that and we were outa there. No one really enjoyed it much except for Brooklyn. Oh well.








So now we had to locate our lunch ADR locale. We used the map to find our way ….got a little turned around and ended up getting to H and V by going past Indiana Jones…yaaaaa, I know…we went the wrong way! LOL! But arrive we did…and we checked in…and waited just a few moments.




The place was practically empty when we came in. The very nice hostess explained everything in detail…especially how the characters go around the room. I have to say that this is extremely helpful! We decided to go get food right away…they had a great lunch selection and everyone loaded up their plates! I was helping Brooklyn so I was the last to sit down…at that point, Goliath came around! He was tall and furry! Brooklyn just loves to hug the characters!




JoJo was next and as friendly as can be! All of the girls gathered round for pics! And I believe both characters signed the book…I think JoJo actually signed for Goliath.






We ate a little and then Leo appeared. He was so sweet! I pointed out to Brooklyn that he was wearing glasses just like her. He bowed and really took his time with the girls!



There was a little parade around the restaurant....




Continued in post below!
We ate a little more and then June found us! She looked so pretty in her purple dress! Then we ate a little more and all four characters came back around again! The tables around us were beginning to fill!


Few last hugs....



A little show....



We went up for dessert. I was a little disappointed that they had no chocolate but the girls loved the ice cream!!! There were no toppings like at Crystal Palace. But we were certainly stuffed and it was getting closer to our time to head out. I would definately do this early lunch again! The character interaction was great and the food was delish!!! :thumbsup2

I brought the girls to the bathroom and then we paid our check. The waitress was taking forever to get back to me so I sent everyone out to head over to get seats for the 12:30 showing of Beauty and the Beast. It was about 11:50 am already.

I felt like we had been having a great time even if we hadn’t done a whole lot. I knew with a lot of shows to see, we weren’t going to make great progress. Instead of heading along, everyone went outside and waited for me….lol. :rolleyes1 We loaded the girls in the strollers and took out our map. How embarrassing….here I am a TGM’r and repeat Disney tripper…and have no clue where to go…lol. OK so we just had to go back to the hat and turn to face Starring Rolls and go down that street.

So...would we make the show? Would we get lost? Stay tuned for the next installment of our Hollywood Studios Day! :yay:


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