Norovirus Disney Dream 9/20-9/23

Hand sanitizer isn't effective in preventing norovirus, plain ole' soap and water is best.

And norovirus is a stomach virus, and stomach viruses can pretty much occur anywhere. So obviously anywhere with a group of people in close quarters is going to be more susceptible to it. Cruises, nursing homes, college dorms, etc.

I never use public bathrooms on cruise ships unless it's an absolute emergency, that's one of the worst places to pick it up.
Hand sanitizer isn't effective in preventing norovirus, plain ole' soap and water is best.

And norovirus is a stomach virus, and stomach viruses can pretty much occur anywhere. So obviously anywhere with a group of people in close quarters is going to be more susceptible to it. Cruises, nursing homes, college dorms, etc.

I never use public bathrooms on cruise ships unless it's an absolute emergency, that's one of the worst places to pick it up.
I was just going to say this! Hand washing is key. Even the hand wipes they give you aren't nearly enough. Wash your hands before every meal and try not to touch to many things on the way to the restaurants. I'm thinking things like elevator buttons and hand rails in the stairs.
The red Wet Wipes are supposed to be the only wipes to kill noro. I seriously plan on walking around the ship with a canister full wiping everything...elevator buttons, staircase, anything I see people touching! :rotfl2:
Alcohol based hand sanitizers are not, however, wipes are more effective because they help to "remove" viruses from than hands.

Hand washing, especially scrubbing between the fingers and the nails is preferred.
Norovirus is circulating everywhere right now:sick:...sounds like the probable culprit...vomiting and/or diarrhea, fever/chills...nasty for 24-48 hours and then you feel really weak for a few days after, until you get your fluids back up. Norovirus is especially nasty for cruise ships...while you can get it from food made by someone who is or who has recently been sick with it, it can also come from environmental lives on handrails, light switches, carpets, etc., that haven't been properly cleaned and disinfected. You can also get it by being in the vicinity of someone who is throwing up (or even in a room where someone has thrown up in the last little while, if not properly cleaned). That's why entire classrooms of kids can become sick if one throws up during class...the droplets get spread through the air. It's one nasty bug! Cruise ships generally have cleaning protocols for this virus since they don't want their reputation "soiled" (sorry, had to) by a huge outbreak of it. Keep your hands washed, try not to touch your eyes, nose or mouth, and keep your fingers crossed!
Shrimp is another common cause of food poisoning...

I had food poisoning from shrimp cocktail once, and we were on land. Boy, let me tell you, I was one sick puppy. I ended up in the hospital for three days, dehydrated. And yeah, I steer clear of shrimp now, because, well....:sick: it was N A S T Y.
I wonder if sometimes people mistake a sensitive stomach for norovirus.

We cruised in June and DH and I had been on an aggressive diet beforehand. Our stomachs were not ready for the rich food that we had on board. Let's not talk about the Bearnaise sauce at the EG for dinner.....:scared1:

Not once did we ever assume it was "norovirus" or food poisoning. We just figured it was our temperamental tummies!
It seems like from what I have read, if there is an outbreak on one of the ships people notice because the CM's are doing a LOT of extra cleaning and disinfecting. Sometimes they even have CM's at the drink station so it is not self serve.
I had food poisoning from shrimp cocktail once, and we were on land. Boy, let me tell you, I was one sick puppy. I ended up in the hospital for three days, dehydrated. And yeah, I steer clear of shrimp now, because, well....:sick: it was N A S T Y.

DH and i got it from tuna salad....
we had it for lunch - it was the only thing both of us ate and no one else did..
by 6 PM DH was sick (i won't give the details - but you can figure it out)..
i only became equally violently ill at 2 AM....
we couldn't move from our beds...finally the next day we were so sick in the extreme, DH called a visiting doctor...
the moment he walked through the door of our house he said "food poisoning"...
he checked us out and said, "food poisoning"
and then told us we'd be sick another 3 days...we nearly fainted when he said it....i was sooooooooooo sick i couldn't imagine being sick for another 3 days..
he said if the symptoms didn't improve we'd have to go to the emergency room to be rehydrated...we didn't go to the hospital, but we were very very sick for the next few days...

it took me about a year to eat tuna fish again, and i still won't eat it out....
only if i make it myself at home..
It seems like from what I have read, if there is an outbreak on one of the ships people notice because the CM's are doing a LOT of extra cleaning and disinfecting. Sometimes they even have CM's at the drink station so it is not self serve.

I read a book from a past crew member recently (not Disney). They had yellow and red levels. At yellow they started taking a lot mroe precautions like you noticed. At red, everything was pretty much shut down.

At a certain point (when more than 2% of the ship), they have to report the outbreaks to the CDC.

Now from what I have read, Noro virus is VERY common on ships and no matter how much they clean, stuff happens. But I don't see Disney on that list since 2002. Not sure if that is because they clean more or just pure luck.
Wow...all this has me nervous. I'm going to implement a rule to the family that we have to wash our hands every time we enter our stateroom. Keep the germs out!!

I also think I will be bringing my unused Rx of phenergan for myself and DH and my sons unused Zofran suspension. I always bring a whole drug box with me anyway, along with packets of EmergenC.
We were on the dream 9/16-9/20. On the 19th my finance got a fever and tummy issues. We got home on the 20th and both my girls were vomiting and had fevers :/
I wonder if sometimes people mistake a sensitive stomach for norovirus.

We cruised in June and DH and I had been on an aggressive diet beforehand. Our stomachs were not ready for the rich food that we had on board. Let's not talk about the Bearnaise sauce at the EG for dinner.....:scared1:

Not once did we ever assume it was "norovirus" or food poisoning. We just figured it was our temperamental tummies!

Maybe... my dd got Norovirus once. We were called to pick her up from a sleepover, less than an hour later 2 other kids had been sent home. Parents hosting the sleepover were horrified that they had made these kids sick. By the next day, however, everybody learned that a huge number of kids from the school were sick. That highly contagious aspect was very clear.... I think it was about 20-30% students/teachers depending on the grade. School was completely sanitized....
Sorry to hear your husband was ill...but how do you know it was norovirus and not just the flu or something else. Also sorry you had a snarky nurse.


"The flu" (influenza) does not cause the GI symptoms listed. What people informally call "the stomach flu" is viral gastroenteritis, and norovirus is the most common cause of same, on a cruise ship or off.
My mom got a really serious type of food poisoning from under-cooked chicken at a Hard Rock Cafe about 12 years or so ago. She went to her doctor after 5 days. They drew blood and did cultures. I don't know the name of it but it was something bad enough that the local health department as well as the health department where the restaurant was contacted her. Her stomach was a mess for several months. If took her almost a year to get back to 100%. I've never heard of anyone having a food poisoning like that before or since. It was so bad. To this day when she eats in restaurants she orders all her meat burnt. Yuck! But I don't guess I can blame her. LOL!
Wow...all this has me nervous. I'm going to implement a rule to the family that we have to wash our hands every time we enter our stateroom. Keep the germs out!!

I was on the 8/24/12 Dream cruise and I was amazed at how many people left the restroom without washing their hands. I definitely washed my hands every time and used the paper towel to turn off the tap, when necessary, and open the bathroom door.

If everyone followed these simple suggestions, which DCL posts in every public bathroom, there would be a lot less sickness on board.
I was on the 8/24/12 Dream cruise and I was amazed at how many people left the restroom without washing their hands. I definitely washed my hands every time and used the paper towel to turn off the tap, when necessary, and open the bathroom door.

If everyone followed these simple suggestions, which DCL posts in every public bathroom, there would be a lot less sickness on board.

I'm a chronic hand washer because I'm in healthcare. Luckily my toddler has picked up on this habit. He is very good about keeping his paws washed. We are gonna be some hand washing fools on this cruise. Target sells travel size packets of Clorax cleanup wipes. May bring some of those as well as hand santizer wipes.
You can't help what bugs are out there on door knobs, handrails, etc. but you can help when your hands go in your mouth (or nose). We are very careful about handwashing as much as reasonably possible. I encourage my kids to not put their hands in/near their mouth or nose. If your eyes/nose itches (allergy sufferers understand) at least use a tissue or paper towel. You never know what you just touched and what germs are on your hands.

I've seen so many little kids touching so many things then put their hands in their mouth (or nose) Ick!
Well, it definitely wasn't food poisoning. I ended up getting the same symptoms as DH on Monday evening. Was out of commission all day Tuesday and most of Wednesday. Finally feeling better today, but still suffering with dizziness. Apparently, there is a virulent strain going around in Florida. A friend of mine who is a nurse said several nurses at her hospital were out with it. One was even hospitalized. I can believe it after going through it myself. Keep those hands washed, folks. And don't let anyone barf on you! :earsboy:
buffet: the serving spoons and everything else people touch to serve themselves...makes me consider eating at a sit down only or bringing my own serving spoons!:)
what kind of wipes are best as I just read that hand sanitizer wont work?


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