No way Jose! We are going to Disneyland! 3/13 - Movin' on Up!

How wild is the coaster? More than Rockin Roller Coaster, or about the same? Does it have that same type of launch? Thats the part I hate about RnR.

I'd say it's more wild than Rock n' Roller Coaster because it's longer. It does have that same launch...I love that part! :laughing:

Don't you love how Screamin' and Space Mountain have the music streaming in at you during the ride? (like RocknRoller Coaster) Wish they all had that.
Bugs Land is cute. Perfect for the little ones. Love all the colors there.
I laughed at your ToT view from Bug's Land, but I agree. DL doesn't have the luxury of spreading stuff out. But I kind of like how close things are. Easier on the feet!;)

Yes! I did love that! Though, I think my screams on both rides might have drowned out the music. ;) I honestly don't even remember the music on California Screamin'!

I agree with you about the size! It was SO much easier and more relaxing overall. It is perfect for families with little kids, IMO!

We did a backstage tour here one year and that's exactly what the guide said. They built it with the TOT in sight on purpose to give you a sense of scale. :goodvibes

Ah ha! It does make sense after I thought about it. I didn't really think about it at the time and was just observing how glaringly obvious this particular sightline was - esp when you compare it to WDW who is quite anal about them. That one pic of mine really does give you that sense of scale, you ARE a bug compared to that huge looming hotel...which is pretty impressive!

I think they are among the original rides, aren't they? Thus I think they are a bit dated... Just like the shooting range. ;)

Yep, I think you are correct! I like the sense of movement they bring to the area, but I'd be too scared of tipping over to relax and enjoy. :rotfl:

I absolutely love Bug's Life so I know that I'd have to see A Bug's Land no matter what else I did. I'd probably even right the little train despite the fact that I don't have little kids any more. Oh wait, maybe one day I'll have a little grandchild to take there!

I can totally see Hunter on Heilmlich's Chew Chew Train. :lmao: I can see him with a super cheesy smile, John sleeping...;)

I'm all caught up! You're a beignet-eating, double-goldfish-and-juice-getting, mother-of-the-year-not who's posting like a mad-woman because she's got a new trip coming it! :) Enjoying the updates. :thumbsup2

:rotfl2: YES! Exactly right!!!! And I have enough time in my schedule to stay caught up on the DIS. Which is amazing... and I don't anticipate that will be the case next month. :rolleyes1

A perfect choice Henry! But I think you deserve two from your mother of the year. :rotfl2: Seriously though, what parent hasn't coerced their kid to go on a ride and then felt guilty when it didn't go as planned. Give him another year or so.

I love all the pictures of DL and it really is cool how the Grand Californian is practically in the park.

:rotfl: You are right! We should have gotten him two!

I am hoping in a year or so he'll be a roller coaster pro. Joe and I love them, so taking H on with us would be a lot of fun! We have loved the thrills he has braved.
Oh my word! California Screamin' looks awesome Brook! I would scream the entire time too. And then laugh when it's done! :rotfl:

A Bug's Land is adorable! What cute theming.
You are so brave. I like some coasters, but RnRC and California Screamin are just a bit too much for me. :scared:

You mention one of my big issues with DLR... that it doesn't take you to and keep you in a different world. Not only do the areas in the park sometime meld together... but the outside world is just too close. The last time we were there, I could have done without the panhandlers at the cross walk that goes right to the main gate.

Bugsland is so cute. I think it holds a special place in my heart because I took my princess there when she was quite small. This last trip she and I rode the rides, but it definitely did not have the same "awe" factor for her that it once did.

Oh...and I love that GC is inside DCA!!! Someday I would love to stay there... a private entrance into the park. :cloud9:
That is VERY true about taking kids on rides and such. It was my hope he'd have a break through, since he enjoyed Gadget's so much. All well!

That is a great way to remember your friend when you are in Disneyland! You can say hi to Walt and him. :goodvibes

I hope he has a break through soon for you guys though!! I'm hoping for one with my DD at the end of the month when we go back to DL.

Thank you. Hoping to start a new tradition everytime we go with a picture in front of the firestation.
Don't feel bad about Henry on the ride. When I was 3 my dad took me on a ride that I absolutely HATED. I was screaming and crying so badly that they actually stopped the ride and asked if I wanted to get off. Father of the year my old man is told the guy that I was fine and didn't need to get off. I was very mad at the time but here we are 28 years later, we still tell the story and now we laugh and I love thrill rides lol.

Enjoying all your DL and DCA photos! I cannot wait to go back this August.....granted I am on the hook to run 13 miles when I go back.....but still very excited for it!
Love the pic of Joe & Henry!!:thumbsup2

That is so funny how ToT is in A Bug's Land but I can see why. They have to make due with the land they have.

Loving the updates.:thumbsup2
All caught up! I loved your World of Color pictures! It looks really amazing and I also hope they bring something like that to WDW.

Legoland looked like loads of fun! Henry's reaction at both the start and the end of the day is adorable! He's getting so big! Just looking at the pics on here and the more recent ones on FB you can really see how much he's grown!

I got very excited at the mention of apple fries! Sorry they weren't as exciting as they should have been ;)
Oh my word! California Screamin' looks awesome Brook! I would scream the entire time too. And then laugh when it's done! :rotfl:

A Bug's Land is adorable! What cute theming.

It is a great coaster! It's fast, has the drops and loops. I really enjoyed it!

You are so brave. I like some coasters, but RnRC and California Screamin are just a bit too much for me. :scared:

You mention one of my big issues with DLR... that it doesn't take you to and keep you in a different world. Not only do the areas in the park sometime meld together... but the outside world is just too close. The last time we were there, I could have done without the panhandlers at the cross walk that goes right to the main gate.

Bugsland is so cute. I think it holds a special place in my heart because I took my princess there when she was quite small. This last trip she and I rode the rides, but it definitely did not have the same "awe" factor for her that it once did.

Oh...and I love that GC is inside DCA!!! Someday I would love to stay there... a private entrance into the park. :cloud9:

I LOVE roller coasters. The only one I've ever been on that I didn't enjoy was Kingda Ka from Six Flags New Jersey. Joe had to literally pull me off it because I was scared stiff into my seat. I slowly got out and looked at him and said "NEVER AGAIN." :rotfl: He, of course, found that HILARIOUS and wants me to ride it again with him. Nope, not happenin'!

Oooh, that stinks about the panhandlers at the gate. Ya, that would quickly end "the bubble"! We did go off property a few times and it didn't phase me (like to the Cheesecake Factory), but we walked out the gate that is closest to the Disney Resorts, so perhaps that is why we didn't see anything like that.

I hope he has a break through soon for you guys though!! I'm hoping for one with my DD at the end of the month when we go back to DL.

Thank you. Hoping to start a new tradition everytime we go with a picture in front of the firestation.

Thank you! Me too! I'm thinking he will do Barnstormer and Test Track with no problem on our upcoming trip. We'll just focus on those until he's ready for something more.

That will be a GREAT tradition in front of the fire station. :thumbsup2

Don't feel bad about Henry on the ride. When I was 3 my dad took me on a ride that I absolutely HATED. I was screaming and crying so badly that they actually stopped the ride and asked if I wanted to get off. Father of the year my old man is told the guy that I was fine and didn't need to get off. I was very mad at the time but here we are 28 years later, we still tell the story and now we laugh and I love thrill rides lol.

Enjoying all your DL and DCA photos! I cannot wait to go back this August.....granted I am on the hook to run 13 miles when I go back.....but still very excited for it!

:rotfl2: That's funny about your Dad! "No, she's fine!" Oh man!!!!! LOL! My Mom did the same to me when I was a bit older - maybe 7 or so? It was NOT a scary ride, but it scared the tar out of me for some reason. She apologized when she saw me after the ride - we laugh now though!

A 13 mile run is worth a trip to Disneyland! ;) Good luck in the race!

Love the pic of Joe & Henry!!:thumbsup2

That is so funny how ToT is in A Bug's Land but I can see why. They have to make due with the land they have.

Loving the updates.:thumbsup2

They really do have to get creative with their space in Disneyland! I think they, overall, do a great job. I'm really looking forward to seeing how Cars Land sits in the park. Hopefully sooner rather than later we will get back there!

All caught up! I loved your World of Color pictures! It looks really amazing and I also hope they bring something like that to WDW.

Legoland looked like loads of fun! Henry's reaction at both the start and the end of the day is adorable! He's getting so big! Just looking at the pics on here and the more recent ones on FB you can really see how much he's grown!

I got very excited at the mention of apple fries! Sorry they weren't as exciting as they should have been ;)

I would LOVE if they brought it to WDW too! Even just a WoC "lite" would be nice. I've read so many rumors of it, but we'll see...

It's unreal how much he has grown up - even in this past year. He's a big man now. I bet your little guy is too! :goodvibes

:laughing: about the apple fries! They sound better than what they were. BUT, it seems most people love them, so it's probably just us!
After a bug's land, we moved on, walking around the Hollywood Pictures Backlot.



Joe really liked the Tron stuff up for the nightly dance party. They have since changed it to an Alice in Wonderland (more Tim Burton style) party. I know ElecTRONica was reallyyyyyy popular, I haven't heard if the Mad T Party is as well?




We came to Monsters, Inc Mike & Sully to the Rescue! and I didn't know much about it. I figured it was a dark ride, and being Henry had been scared on most all dark rides this trip, we opted to skip it.



I have since heard it's a very fun ride and I regret this decision a bit, BUT, it was probably the right decision at the time. We were really starting to drag, it was chilly out, and my little man was just frightened of all those dark rides. Next time!


We didn't go in


We decided to go back to our room and rest up before dinner - after all, a brand new villa was waiting for us at the Grand! We were movin' on up!

Back then right after the Backlot it was ALL construction walls when you headed to the front of the park - they were building Buena Vista Street.


I got all nerdy excited when I saw Imagineers up there at Carthay Circle! And I wonder if they were pointing toward Disneyland Park...since I have heard you can watch the fireworks up there. Hmmm!






We are near Soarin' now




Around the bend we went and into the private entrance of the Grand Californian!


Elevator floor


Part of the hallway



Our room


Entry way area


I love these little shelves they put in - great for holding all your STUFF.


Vanity area/closet

Continued in next post

Continued from previous post




Pretty tile!


Love the shower curtain!!





Queen bed


TV/storage unit

I don't know why I feel the need to label all these's fairly obvious what you are looking at! :rotfl:


Bathroom. ;)






Both Joe and I really liked the style of this room. Some of our furniture at home is mission style, and I'm a huge Frank Lloyd Wright fan, who basically created the mission style.


Our view


Looking left


The rock sticking out is Grizzly River Run and right in front of us was the Redwood Creek Challenge Trail, which was closed at the time. It's kind of like a high ropes course for kids.


Good sized.

Back in the room...


Very Walt.


Best smelling products EVER.


Hidden Mickey!

Video: Tour of the Studio

And...what you've all been waiting for...




Video: Jumping on the Bed

We rested in the room for a bit before we made our way back out into the chilly weather. We had a few more "Must Do's" before we wrapped up our trip!

And before I forget, you know how Henry was saying "No way Jose" the entire trip? Well, that has now adapted into "No way Jouse!" because a kid in his class at school is name Jouse (pronounced Hose-sway). It's so cute!
Henry looks like he doesn't have any feet!

I am loving the pictures.
That room is gorgeous. I love it. I wish the rooms at the VWL were just like that. A girl can dream, right?

When ever I see Henry jumping on the bed I always think about when my kids were that age. That is the first thing they would do. But with two of them someone was always crashing into the wall or falling off and getting hurt. :laughing:
What a gorgeous room!!! We've never stayed in the villa's one because we don't own DVC but also because we do our trips on the cheap and stay across the street. My goal is to get an adult's weekend and have DH and I stay at the Grand for a weekend or a couple days for the week. But I just can't justify the price.
It looks so beautiful- I can't wait to see it in person this summer!!:goodvibes

And i am with MEK- Henry jumping on the bed takes me back to when my boys were small- but it always ended in disaster for us with 2 or 3 jumping. :rotfl: Bed jumping got the Kibash a whole lot around here because of it! :rotfl:
Just like DeJa Vu ;)

I knew CARSLAND was new but I did not remember the whole entrance area was new too. I have some of that area but not nearly enough since I had no idea how new that area is and well nothing to compare it to.

In fact the whole entrance bears a strange resembelance to the entrance area at DHS. :rolleyes:
What a dream! I have always wanted to stay at the GC! What amazing pictures you shared!!!

I know I had more to comment on... but the pictures have distracted me. ;)

Ok... let me see...

So you mentioned entering near the resorts and possibly avoiding the "outside bubble" Yes, we always entered at the crosswalk on Harbor... and that is where all the panhandlers and peddlers were.

Mat T Party... my 20 year old son really really liked it last summer. In fact, we lost him there each night. I am not sure if he would have liked the Tron version... and if you have seen the Mad T Party merchandise... it is amazingly fun!

Love that view you had. I think it is amazing how Disney made it look like there is a forest there.... there in the center of a busy park...that is in the center of a busy city. They may fail a tad in DLR over all in keeping the outside world out... but there they really succeeded!
Just like DeJa Vu ;)

I knew CARSLAND was new but I did not remember the whole entrance area was new too. I have some of that area but not nearly enough since I had no idea how new that area is and well nothing to compare it to.

In fact the whole entrance bears a strange resembelance to the entrance area at DHS. :rolleyes:

I know I was looking at the pics saying "She already posted these" then realized NO it was Pat's report I saw.:lmao:

LOVE the room & the view.:thumbsup2

That is so cute Henry changed the saying.:)
Oh Brook... you are on a writing tear... are you drinking extra coffee...;) May I have some...?

You are making me homesick for Disneyland again... equally awesome (but smaller) and different and yet the same as WDW... (I really would like to go next June as a part of a Grand Canyon...west road trip tour)

I had exactly the same sammie and fries.. they were very good...:goodvibes I wish they had something like that in Florida...

Awww... Poor Henry on BTMRR... but you know it could just as easily gone the other way... there was a chance he might have loved it... You didn't know and it isn't as if you were forcing him on SM or CS or something... you're super gentle with him... he's probably totally over it... you'll give it a go in a year or two...:hug:

I wish I had tried the beignets... I think I was full... It's funny at DLP they had a Mickey head shaped brioche type thing... Do you suppose each park has a specially themed Mickey Head food? ;)

I love the Bugs Life Land for the little guys... plus the theming is really picturesque for us as well...

I liked California Screamin too... I was laughing when you mentioned Kingda Ka...Great Adventure... Exit 7A on the New Jersey Turnpike...I won't even look at it... You are way braver than I am...

Isn't the theming around Soarin fabulous... It fits so nicely in that area...

Love the Grand Californian... Glad you got a chance to stay there... (I forget where you able to use points or did you OP?) I want to try to make ressies there for early to mid June 2014... for 3/4 nights... I have no idea what my chances will be... But didn't you mention that you're going to be able to use points at the DL Hotel... for rooms?

(I think it's kind of cool that the architect who designed the GC also designed the WL & the AKL... I wish there was a book out about him and those resorts...:rolleyes: They are all amongst my favorites...)

I love the Carthay Theatre too... I think you can eat in it?
Hi Brooke!
We just booked our first DL trip so MEK sent me over here to learn all about DL :)
I love all the info you provided and now I'm even more excited!

Can't wait to read more :goodvibes


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