Mr. and Mrs. Weak Sauce Go the Distance (a completed Disneymoon TR!)

I just read through page 12 and I wanted to sub on and comment before I forget anything...

I am enjoying your TR very write well and are funny in a very natural uncontrived way...:thumbsup2

I loved your wedding...your dress as well as those of your attendants were lovely. I really like how you managed to keep control and have your personalities shine through...I love a wedding that reflects the bride and groom...too many people feel pressure to do things the same way as everyone else-and that seems a shame... (but then I sometimes watch Four Weddings for the comic relief...;) You and Howard seem perfect for each other ...:cloud9:

I have to agree about the airport in Orlando seeming different...It's somehow "sunshiny" I usually fly out of Philadelphia or Newark, neither of which could be described as sunshiny...:confused3

Chick fil a is to me an entirely different experience that McDonalds. I can't really look at McNuggets cause it freaks me out to think what might be in there...:confused3 but Chick Fil is pretty darn tasty...:thumbsup2 (Honestly I think that Guy Fieri might eat them:car:

Love, love Gilmore Girls. Have the whole series on DVD. Was one of the the funniest, smartest, best written shows. I totally identify with Lorelai's sense of humor...:surfweb:

Ok...have to get back to page 12 and see what happens now that you've landed in Orlando...popcorn::
Those onion rings are huge! Hmm might have to try them next time along with the yummy ribs! I'm always afraid of ordering the ribs and making a mess of myself :rotfl:
Flame Tree food looks extra yummy! I love onion rings too, so I will probably get them, even with you less-than-stellar review. We are going to AK on our first park day, and Flame Tree is definitely our top pick for lunch!
Aww you guys are the cutest!! Im caught up on this TR so Im going back to old ones...Im reading your pre disneymoon TR now. I love boring days at work, gives me time to catch up on here.
So the ribs look delicious! I've never eaten there, but it's on my list now! Honestly, it seems like always eat at the same places in Dis... and mostly it's a at little carts or bakeries... I don't know that I've ever had a meal anywhere besides the Yak & Yeti cafe in AK. I'm terrible... we never spend much time at AK though.. we usually do EE and Dino and maybe a show and ITTBAB and then we leave... I've only done the safari once. Granted, I've only been down there twice since that park has been open.

They really are so delicious! I can't wait to go back and get some more. Before this year, I had only been to AK once, and that was in like, 1999 or something! I was happy to be back. I had done my research though and knew that Flame Tree was my kind of place! Hope you get to try it.

Flame Tree is on my must-do list for next visit so I'm glad to hear you loved your food. Here in Texas BBQ is done dry-rub like the ribs you got. You get your sauce on the side and you can dip your meat in the sauce (if you want). Not sure why I want to eat at Flame Tree so badly since I can get fantastic BBQ at home :confused3 I think it's because it's not basic theme park food, I always like the places that have "different" stuff!

Mmm, I wish I could try all the different types of bbqs in the actual places (Texas, North Carolina). I actually like the dipping on the side. I think it's much cleaner to eat! Plus, I love dipping so that just automatically makes everything better!

I just read through page 12 and I wanted to sub on and comment before I forget anything...

I am enjoying your TR very write well and are funny in a very natural uncontrived way...:thumbsup2

I loved your wedding...your dress as well as those of your attendants were lovely. I really like how you managed to keep control and have your personalities shine through...I love a wedding that reflects the bride and groom...too many people feel pressure to do things the same way as everyone else-and that seems a shame... (but then I sometimes watch Four Weddings for the comic relief...;) You and Howard seem perfect for each other ...:cloud9:

I have to agree about the airport in Orlando seeming different...It's somehow "sunshiny" I usually fly out of Philadelphia or Newark, neither of which could be described as sunshiny...:confused3

Chick fil a is to me an entirely different experience that McDonalds. I can't really look at McNuggets cause it freaks me out to think what might be in there...:confused3 but Chick Fil is pretty darn tasty...:thumbsup2 (Honestly I think that Guy Fieri might eat them:car:

Love, love Gilmore Girls. Have the whole series on DVD. Was one of the the funniest, smartest, best written shows. I totally identify with Lorelai's sense of humor...:surfweb:

Ok...have to get back to page 12 and see what happens now that you've landed in Orlando...popcorn::

Yay! I'm glad you're here and joining in on my crazy adventures! I'm happy you're enjoying my recapping.

Yeah, I agree. When it's too much STUFF in a wedding, I think sometimes the bride and groom get lost in it. We liked things simple yet in a way that gave us a chance to show our creative sides. Haha, I do watch the wedding shows though. I recently started watching the one with David Tutera, and it's just INSANE how much money goes into those extravaganzas! I have never once watched one of those shows though and thought about how I wish I had it go that way too. I love how ours went. I'm happy we did it our way.

Haha, it'd be great to watch a segment of Guy Fieri rolling up to a Chik-fil-A! I wonder if he eats at all these places we eat when he's not filming. It'd be cool if he could do an episode in Disney World. I know he did one in Disneyland around the holidays, but it's not the same! I wanna see WDW!

Haha, funny thing is that I have Gilmore Girls playing right now! I get so much done when I have GG on. I know it so well that I don't need to watch it or listen to everything to follow it, so I can clean the apartment or cook with no problem! I agree that it was one of the best written shows ever!

:thumbsup2I am starving right now and those ribs look SO GOOD! I wish I had some real ones in front of me!

Seriously, some of the greatest ribs I've ever had! I'm so used to the saucy ones. These were absolutely delicious!

Those onion rings are huge! Hmm might have to try them next time along with the yummy ribs! I'm always afraid of ordering the ribs and making a mess of myself :rotfl:

You won't make a mess of yourself with these ribs! Very clean, and since they come right off the bone, it's perfect! I didn't want them at first either because of that reason, but it was a good decision to have 'em anyway! Those o-rings are just magnificent! I don't blame them for having that one off day since our April experience was the greatest!

Flame Tree food looks extra yummy! I love onion rings too, so I will probably get them, even with you less-than-stellar review. We are going to AK on our first park day, and Flame Tree is definitely our top pick for lunch!

Oh, I'd definitely suggest getting the onion rings! They were still good, but because our April visit had o-rings that were even BETTER, it just overshadowed it a bit. I can't wait to see what you think of 'em!

Aww you guys are the cutest!! Im caught up on this TR so Im going back to old ones...Im reading your pre disneymoon TR now. I love boring days at work, gives me time to catch up on here.

So glad you're here! I hope you enjoy this TR and the old one too! Haha, I wonder if you'll read the "Delicious Indeed" one too. Howard was there in that one also!
Ornithophobics, Beware!

After our delicious lunch at Flame Tree, Howard and I decided to move on to our next attraction. Our first one was It's Tough To Be A Bug, so we knew that we had to do something extra fantastic, so we headed on over to ASIA!


Since we were taking our time, we were doing our best to pay attention to the lovely details that Animal Kingdom has to offer. All the parks are detailed, but there's something about AK that is just amazing! I loved the carvings here.


And while I took a picture of that, Howard took a picture of me! Haha, I didn't know I was going to be IN the picture.


I decided to take another one, so this is it ...


Haha, and then Howard took another one of me! I have such an intense, "furrowed-brow" look when taking pictures.


But take a look at this beautiful scenery!


If it weren't so hot, I'm sure we would've stayed there longer. I would've liked to come up with more creative framing.


I try to zoom in as much as I can to take closer pics to look at details AND to use in games and such, haha.


I was entertained by the Coca Cola sign! There are times that I really want a Coke, but I'm not supposed to have it due to the caffeine. I think not being allowed to have it makes me want it more at times. If you've read my past TRs, you might remember I posted a video of Howard and I using the touch screens at Pecos Bill and my wanting a Coke!


On our walk towards our destination, we found this guy playing an instrument I had never seen before. It's called an angklung, and the sound is really interesting! It's an instrument that's made out of bamboo, and it's pretty cool to think that there's no machine that made these instruments. Someone had to figure out how long to cut each piece of bamboo for the specific note.


VIDEO: Songs on the Angklung

From that point, we saw our next destination - Flights of Wonder! Haha, are you wondering why we were choosing such "weird" attractions for our honeymoon? Did any of you think we were headed to Expedition Everest? Haha, I really don't know why we chose to go there, but we really enjoyed it during our April trip, so we figured it'd be nice to relax after just having eaten. I'm very cautious about going on rides that toss you around after having just eaten. I get a little too paranoid! We waited for the next show, which was about to start soon, but we had some time to listen to one of the CMs outside who was talking about the owl he had on his arm.


I don't have a bird fear like some people do (although I don't like the bird attacks in Frontierland!), but owls are the one type of bird that kind of scare me! It's the snowy white owls that really creep me out for some reason. I remember when I was in elementary school, we went on a field trip to the zoo and we were divided into land, air, and sea groups. Of COURSE, I got the air group, and at that particular zoo, that meant we had to look at a TON of owls! I didn't like having to look through the foliage and then suddenly spotting the owl that was staring back at me! This one outside of Flights of Wonder was especially frightening because of its huge eyes!


The guy was extremely knowledgeable about owls though, and I have to say that he was extremely patient because so many people were asking questions that he had just explained. Of course, people were passing by to get into the theater so it's possibly that they didn't hear it just a minute ago, but I wonder if CMs ever feel tired from having to repeat the same things over and over again ... you know, like teachers have to! But then again, I'd much rather repeat myself in Disney World if I could get a job there!

VIDEO: Owl Info Outside of Flights of Wonder

Since there were a good amount of people in the theater, we chose to sit in the bleacher section. I didn't want to be too close to people. In April, we sat in the first available row all the way at the front, so if we couldn't sit up there, we wanted to be farther back.


My husband and I were ready to watch some birds! It would be a different show than a month prior because of our location and the different host CM.


I know you can't quite see it, but in the beginning when they have all the birds come on stage and then leave, the part that gets people chuckling is always the chicken part! Haha, it's like, there are so many other magnificent birds flying and swooping around, but there's something so entertaining about chickens toddling along!


The host we had for this show was "just" a CM bringing the birds on stage in the show we saw in April. I like how they all switch roles.


From what I remember, the tour group leader role was played by someone MUCH better this time. In April, I was getting kind of irritated by the voice and personality of that guy. If you haven't seen it before, the tour guide is afraid of birds, so he does things like hide behind the tree. Then he's finally willing to feed a bird, and it ends up being a vulture. It's a rather entertaining show for adults and children alike, in my opinion, but when the tour guide was acting TOO scared, it was a little too unbelievable.


Now this is why we wanted to sit in the bleachers ...


We knew that there would be birds flying to CMs who were standing in the bleachers! If we couldn't be up close to the ones on stage, we were surely going to get great views of the one here!


Howard got these shots. I was just admiring AND chuckling because the family in front of us was SO into the show! I don't think they spoke much English, but they were so into all the jokes and ducking when the bird flew over. It was so cute!


Like I said, I don't have a fear of birds like most do, but I don't know that I'd want to be around a crane this large! In this picture, you can also see the dad in front of us was having a ball taking pictures of all the birds!


The crane then flew across people's heads and up to the stage. It's really amazing seeing the wingspans of some of these birds!


Of course, the show has to end with the segment on the bald eagle! They explain that it used to be an animal on the endangered species list, but because they took the step to take care of them, they are no longer on the list!


As Howard took his pictures, I took video of the parts that I liked so if you've never seen the show or don't want to actually sit there to have birds fly over you, take a look at some of these quick videos.

VIDEO: Flights of Wonder I (This is the introduction with the birds flying onto the stage along with the chickens scurrying across! You can hear the chuckling from the audience.)

VIDEO: Flights of Wonder II (The CM tosses a grape in the air and the bird catches it, and then he calls up a little kid and wants her to do the same. Cute joke!)

VIDEO: Flights of Wonder III (This is when Orion - um, I think a falcon? - flies to the bleacher seating where we are.)

VIDEO: Flights of Wonder IV (Joe, the tour guide leader, feeding Frasier Crane who just flew across the audience.)

I'd definitely watch this show again, but I think I'd want to line up early once again to get a seat up close! It's worth it!
My daughter loves birds, so Flights of Wonder is on our to-do list for this trip. I, however, am not a fan of birds, especially birds flying over my head! I will stifle my screams for her. :scared:
eeekkk! I hate birds, one pooped on me on the Galveston ferry and now I RUN when I see pigeons or any type of low flying monster. :rotfl: In all the 8 trips I've gone on we've never been and I have no plans on doing it. I have also never seen the boats in Asia...that area in your pictures is beautiful. I will make sure to stop and look around for a change when we go back. We are always in so much of a hurry to get somewhere I never stop.
Oh, and I will definately read all the PTRs and TRs...I have many boring work days.:)
An angklung? That's so cool! I'm fascinated by that sort of thing.

AHHHHHH and you have a video!!! Oh my goodness, I want an angklung for Christmas! I wish that person in the background of the video would quiet down though! They just don't stop! I want to hear the beautiful angklung!

Ahhh... the yapping person in the background has been revealed! I'm no longer annoyed. :laughing:

I've always wanted to see Flights of Wonder! It looks great.
Your last two updates are all things I haven't done or seen at animal kingdom!

That lunch looks really good, some of my favorite foods! Now I really want onion rings. Sorry they were'nt as good as the previous trip though. I've never tried Flame Tree, though I've wanted to for years. Everyone else always wants pizza.

Beautiful photos of Animal Kingdom!
Flights of Wonder looks fun, and the angklung is really cool.
I've never seen the show, but now I think I must go next time! Great pictures!
What fun to see those videos! I know some people are 'skeered' of birds, but I think they are fascinating. And the teacher in me is always ready to learn new things. ::yes::

Haha, you weren't too far behind because I hadn't updated much since the Sanaa meal!

YUM, I wish we had the option of making ribs on the grill! We're on the 9th floor, haha, so no backyard or opportunity for a grill. I think I'll attempt ribs in the slow cooker at one point though! I can imagine your munchkin lovin' ribs! Serious eats!

oooh, ribs in the slow cooker are delish. I get where you are coming from. WE had a BBQ at our house over the weekend, specifically for my friend who lives in a condo but was craving some Thai chicken wings. So she marinated them and brought them over for us to put on the grill. So good. And we also had some delicious marinated pork belly and beef (korean bbq style). Prety sure my arteries clogged from all of the eating, but so good. Again, fighting off my little girlie for the ribs and now the pork bulgogi.

never saw the Flights of wonder show, but sounds cool.

I enjoy AK so much more when it's not a hundred degrees out. It's hard to take in all the details when there is sweat dripping in your eyes.
Flame Tree is awesome... I think it's the best CS at AK and definitely in the top 3 in all the parks...:thumbsup2

Your photos in the Asia section of AK reminded me of why that park is so amazing... the attention to all those details -especially in Asia and Africa...absolutely evocative of another place... like a vacation in a vacation... might have convinced me on trying Flights of Wonder...somehow we've always missed it and ironically I like the owls (I think that Hedwig in HP is beautiful)... It's the other birds that wig me out... but I think I might have to get over it...:scared1: (Think Hitchcock's the Birds- great film, not a good pr piece for birds in general...) But I'm willing to be convinced so I think we'll give it a try...

(But I'm sitting in the back...::yes::)

Waiting for more

Loving your Animal Kingdom pictures! On our last time in AK, we did, like, none of these things so it's nice to see them. In fact, I think the only thing we did do was stand around watching the owl man because I love owls. We were skipping out on everything else to go Expedition Everest, heh.

I really want to go see Flights of Wonder now! I wasn't sure how cheesy it would be (I've seen some really awful bird shows) but it seems like they have a nice variety of birds. Also I love chickens, I find them completely and utterly hilarious.

Basically YAY AK! I'd totally work there, tourists with boring questions and all. ;)
Rachel, Great updates. I was way behind as I was in India for work for a month. Caught back up and looking forward to more.

A few comments:

Undertand where you are coming from on the nail polish. I also am too cheap to pay for mani/pedis when I can do them myself.

Haven't eaten at Flame Tree BBQ for a few years. Glad to hear it is still good. Might have to eat there next month.

We have never seen the Flights of Wonder show. Might also have to do that next month.

Looking forward to reading more!
My daughter loves birds, so Flights of Wonder is on our to-do list for this trip. I, however, am not a fan of birds, especially birds flying over my head! I will stifle my screams for her. :scared:

Haha, think of it as a learning experience! I'd suggest sitting in the bleachers but not near the center aisle. Then you'll be fine. From what I remember in the two times I've seen it, the birds don't fly over there.

eeekkk! I hate birds, one pooped on me on the Galveston ferry and now I RUN when I see pigeons or any type of low flying monster. :rotfl: In all the 8 trips I've gone on we've never been and I have no plans on doing it. I have also never seen the boats in Asia...that area in your pictures is beautiful. I will make sure to stop and look around for a change when we go back. We are always in so much of a hurry to get somewhere I never stop.
Oh, and I will definately read all the PTRs and TRs...I have many boring work days.:)

Pigeons are creepy because they just don't seem afraid of people! Nowadays you can stomp your feet all you want, and they don't move away.

Hope my former PTRs and TRs have been entertaining you especially since I haven't updated this one in a while!

An angklung? That's so cool! I'm fascinated by that sort of thing.

AHHHHHH and you have a video!!! Oh my goodness, I want an angklung for Christmas! I wish that person in the background of the video would quiet down though! They just don't stop! I want to hear the beautiful angklung!

Ahhh... the yapping person in the background has been revealed! I'm no longer annoyed. :laughing:

I've always wanted to see Flights of Wonder! It looks great.

I think it was great that someone was playing at that time because otherwise we totally would've just bypassed it and never known about it. Haha, I had to laugh though because I listened to the video again to find out who it was that was talking!

Your last two updates are all things I haven't done or seen at animal kingdom!

That lunch looks really good, some of my favorite foods! Now I really want onion rings. Sorry they were'nt as good as the previous trip though. I've never tried Flame Tree, though I've wanted to for years. Everyone else always wants pizza.

Beautiful photos of Animal Kingdom!
Flights of Wonder looks fun, and the angklung is really cool.

I like pizza as much as the next person, but on vacation, it just doesn't entice me as much for some reason. I think I like pizza with movies, haha. We did end up ordering delivery later during our honeymoon because we just wanted to relax in the room! Hope you get to try new places!

Flights of Wonder really is a magnificent show!

I've never seen the show, but now I think I must go next time! Great pictures!

The show leaves me in awe! It's amazing how much you can learn without even realizing it.

Great videos you shared! Thank you!

You're welcome! Glad you enjoyed it!

What fun to see those videos! I know some people are 'skeered' of birds, but I think they are fascinating. And the teacher in me is always ready to learn new things. ::yes::

They really are fascinating, and I completely agree with you about absorbing all that knowledge especially as teachers! I love mentioning things that I learn from Disney when I'm teaching.

oooh, ribs in the slow cooker are delish. I get where you are coming from. WE had a BBQ at our house over the weekend, specifically for my friend who lives in a condo but was craving some Thai chicken wings. So she marinated them and brought them over for us to put on the grill. So good. And we also had some delicious marinated pork belly and beef (korean bbq style). Prety sure my arteries clogged from all of the eating, but so good. Again, fighting off my little girlie for the ribs and now the pork bulgogi.

never saw the Flights of wonder show, but sounds cool.

I enjoy AK so much more when it's not a hundred degrees out. It's hard to take in all the details when there is sweat dripping in your eyes.

Yum, I really have to take advantage of my slow cooker! It's still in the box ...

We're going back in December during Christmas!!! I can't believe that we'll be there, but I'm excited to explore AK when it's cool out.

Flame Tree is awesome... I think it's the best CS at AK and definitely in the top 3 in all the parks...:thumbsup2

Your photos in the Asia section of AK reminded me of why that park is so amazing... the attention to all those details -especially in Asia and Africa...absolutely evocative of another place... like a vacation in a vacation... might have convinced me on trying Flights of Wonder...somehow we've always missed it and ironically I like the owls (I think that Hedwig in HP is beautiful)... It's the other birds that wig me out... but I think I might have to get over it...:scared1: (Think Hitchcock's the Birds- great film, not a good pr piece for birds in general...) But I'm willing to be convinced so I think we'll give it a try...

(But I'm sitting in the back...::yes::)

Waiting for more


I can't wait to go back to Flame Tree again! It's so delicious!

It'll wonderful getting to explore AK when it's cooler out. I don't like dealing with it in the heat!

It's definitely worth a viewing if you've never seen the show before! Haha, yup, just sit in the bleachers area!

When's the next update? I can't wait to hear about your next meal!:thumbsup2

The next meal is ... um, I think Yak & Yeti!

Loving your Animal Kingdom pictures! On our last time in AK, we did, like, none of these things so it's nice to see them. In fact, I think the only thing we did do was stand around watching the owl man because I love owls. We were skipping out on everything else to go Expedition Everest, heh.

I really want to go see Flights of Wonder now! I wasn't sure how cheesy it would be (I've seen some really awful bird shows) but it seems like they have a nice variety of birds. Also I love chickens, I find them completely and utterly hilarious.

Basically YAY AK! I'd totally work there, tourists with boring questions and all. ;)

Thanks! I guess it's easier for us to catch the stuff you missed because we skip Expedition Everest, haha.

Those chickens were pretty gosh darn awesome! The show did have some cheese in it, but it wasn't to the point where I actually noticed it that much. It was the right amount of Disney cheese.

Rachel, Great updates. I was way behind as I was in India for work for a month. Caught back up and looking forward to more.

A few comments:

Undertand where you are coming from on the nail polish. I also am too cheap to pay for mani/pedis when I can do them myself.

Haven't eaten at Flame Tree BBQ for a few years. Glad to hear it is still good. Might have to eat there next month.

We have never seen the Flights of Wonder show. Might also have to do that next month.

Looking forward to reading more!

Oh wow, I hope you had a great time in India even if you had to work.

I don't know that I will EVER have a real mani/pedi because you'd think the one time I'd do it would be my wedding, haha. It's just not for me. I'd rather spend it on a Disney souvenir, haha. Although I admit it'd be cool if they could do Disney-themed nails!

Mmm, Flame Tree is definitely delish!


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