Movie quotes that are part of your daily vocabulary

Lion Kings -Scar
"I'm surrounded by idiots"
Definitely a favorite of mine too!

I use a variation of this quote from "Absence of Malice", quite often. ;)

"That's true, isn't it? No, but it's accurate."

And, this one from "Don't Tell Mom the Babysitter is Dead".

"I'm right on top of that Rose!"
Princess Bride: The dread (Pirate Roberts) has come for your soul
Only DH inserts whatever the 9 year old is complaining about, usually a dish I make for dinner called bacon pasta.
This may be a paraphrase because I haven't watched the movie or read Pride and Prejudice in a while but whenever I hear of a single rich male in our area, I become Mrs.Bennett to my two single daughters: "It is a universally accepted fact that a single man in possession of a large fortune must be in want of a wife."

Also, when said daughters get picking at one another, the "pickee" (Fantine) sings to the "picker" (the crone who's assessing the value of Fantine's hair) "Don't touch me, leave me alone!" from Les Miserables.

"Some people are so touchy!" Rizzo in "Grease"

"FU - I know stuff." Boondocks Saints

"Don't tempt me Frodo" from Lord of the Rings

"Riiiiiichard, do you wanna get shot?" from the Fugitive

"I. Don't. Care." also from the Fugitive, when Richard tells Inspector Gerard that he didn't kill his wife.

If DH were home, I could probably fill a page with these!

Queen Colleen
Many have already been mentioned. My DH and I do this all the time.

You pigeons are useless! - Bolt

You go Glen Coco - Mean Girls

He chose poorly - IJ and Last Crusade

Is one of us supposed to be a DOG in this scenaro? - When Harry Met Sally

You're high maintenance but think you are low maintenance - When Harry Met Sally

Slippery little suckers - Pretty Woman

I know there are a lot more but hard to think of them when you aren't in the moment.
Aca-excuse me?? And 'Dixie Chick serious!' --Pitch Perfect

You Doooooooo? --Bridesmaids

Mother knows best, listen to your Mumsy!! --Tangled (my kids hate when I sing this lol)

There are many more I'm sure!!
I love this thread.

Some of my husbands favorites:
Get in the boat Frodo - Lord of the Rings
Your killin me smalls - Sand Lot
Excuse me while I whip this out - Blazing Saddles
Shi**** Full - Christmas Vacation
"Cool your boots, man," from Withnail & I, complete with English accent, whenever someone is freaking out over a little thing.
"You are without doubt the WORST pirate I have ever heard of."

"But you HAVE heard of me" :)

~ Captain Jack Sparrow
[QUOTEikk, post: 54193623, member: 470064"]My family speaks in movie quotes like a second language. We carry on entire conversations in lines from various movies. My siblings' (I have 6 of them) SOs often have a steep learning curve.

Christmas Vacation - pretty much the entire thing. "She'll see it later...her eyes are frozen shut," "Bend over and I'll show ya," "Here Russ, you work on that," "It's Christmas and we're all in misery," "A whole quarter," "You serious, Clark?" "Nah, he's probably just nosin' through the trash," "Woowee, look at the time! I still have homework to do..." "If you need me, I'll be upstairs asleep," and our all-time favorite, "I don't KNOW Margot."

The Sandlot - "You're killin' me Smalls!" I literally just bought the shirt last week. There are a few others we quote from that one as well.

Steel Magnolias - my sisters and I quote this one all the time. My brothers even know quotes from this one. I even made a section for my recipes that's entitled "Freezes Beautifully." Just taught my daughter to say, "Momma, my nails are wet." We also use "His coffee kicked in."

When my family gets a little rowdy at gatherings, as a nice way of reminding them to watch out for little ears our code is, "There are preschool toys present." (Toy Story)

Others frequented are The Hunt for Red October, lots of John Wayne, Lonesome Dove, and LOTS of Disney, of course.[/QUOTE]
WATER MOCCASINS! !!! Love that movie! !! Trying to read through the book now.
“This could very well be the stupidest person on the face of the earth” – Ruthless People

“Help me I’m poor” – Bridesmaids

“You’d do it for Randolph Scott” and “WRONG!!” – Blazing Saddles

“Boy that escalated quickly” – Anchorman

“We’re on a mission from god” – Blues Brothers

“Do not go in there” – Ace Ventura: Pet Detective

“What a filthy job” and “Say nothing, act casual” – Young Frankenstein

“Put some Windex on it” – My Big Fat Greek Wedding

“You can act like a man” – Godfather

“I’ll alert the media” – Arthur

“Mr. Spicoli, you are on dangerous ground here” – Fast Times at Ridgemont High

“You sit on a throne of lies” – Elf

“Snap out of it” - Moonstruck
The one I know I use every day is from Pretty Woman, I'm not your beck and call girl.

And while this isn't a movie quote, I will say You Like Me, You really, really like me-Sally Fields from the Oscars.
"If you're taking the whole tribe across country, this is your automobile." "You think you hate it now, just wait until you drive it"-Vacation

We just bought a new car, and DH's main thought was comfort on long trips. The number of times he used these quotes was amazing!
Movie quote junkie here as well....a few off the top of my head.

"Calm down crazy."...Silver Linings Playbook

"Maintain low tones"...Coneheads

"One ping only"...The Hunt for Red October
"That'll be the day" By John Wayne in Searchers also in song by Buddy Holly
From Game Of Throne,
The Starks Moto

Winter is coming

From Ygritte , a wildling beyond the wall

You know nothing Jon Snow!
I've got a few.....

Allllllllrighty then....Ace Ventura
Married? Yes, maddied, jeez!....16 Candles
Automobile?? Lake, big lake!....16 Candles
You're a virgin who can't drive!.....Clueless


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