Matt's October, 2014 Reunion Trip Report (with Mickey's Halloween Party)


DIS Veteran
Apr 7, 2013
Here we go, another Whoever Trip Report. This one is our annual (looking to actually do it annually) family week-long vacation from Arizona to Disneyland. For those who don't know the players, there's myself, Matt (aka; whoever), my wife Amy, my oldest Katherine (nearly 8 as of this trip), Charlotte (5.5 as of this trip), and Victoria (barely 2 as of this trip). Accompanying us are Lindsey and Reese (5ish), who are good friends and have accompanied us on Disneyland trips of past.

Said in my best Peter Pan voice "Here we go!!!"

10/20/2014...05:13. Pulled out of the garage after a WAY TOO LONG getting everybody up and into the car debacle. We can't ever seem to leave on time, and I had hoped to be on the road by 04:30. The sooner you check into the hotel, the better your chances for your sleeping arrangement request (for us, a queen and bunk beds) and potential for pixie dust upgrades to the room location or view. The kids were pretty zombie at this hour of the morn, but none were deciding to sleep.

The children's tablets engaged their eyeballs at 05:38 after we were half way across the valley. Around 6AM, we encountered some slowing and traffic near exit 81. A tractor-trailer had overturned in the left lane and was being righted. At 07:00, we pulled off for our usual fuel stop at the Flying J while still in AZ. California fuel is easily a dollar more per gallon just a few miles down the road to best to keep the tank topped in Arizona (smell the freedom!!!).


At 08:44, Victoria had given up the fight and decided to take a nap. The girls ate lunchables (or more accurately made a mess with lunchables). Right about this time, we were coming up on the windmill farms. They looked to be getting a decent breeze. Shortly afterwards, we entered the Moreno valley. We engaged in a debate as to the nature of the visibility obscuring material floating everywhere. Was it smoke? Fog? Smog? A quick google weather check indicated it to be "intense fog", and it was thick. I'd never seen it this thick in lower CA in fact. For desert dwellers like us, fog is something we only see locally maybe once or twice every ten years (thankfully).


Around twenty-four past nine, we passed the Rubidoux exit. We both said it simultaneously... Rubydoo!!! (Yes, it would be Ruby-dough, but it wasn't for us right then and there). The Ruby-Doo was Amy and my favorite beverage during our last dining experience at Club 33.

Just two minutes past ten, we were sitting at Ball Road and State College Blvd. There were some road flare ashes from what must have been an accident the prior night. Katherine having an overactive imagination and propensity for creativity said they must be a beignet trail. It would henceforth be referred to as "The Great Beignet Mystery".

At a quarter past ten, we had disembarked the vehicle (no minor feat given the Tetris-esque packing routine) and were checking in at the front desk with Kiki.

Tetris Volvo as pictured:


She looked long and hard and after probably ten to fifteen minutes we finally were guaranteed a bunk-bed room. They would text us with the room number later (we've always received it at the desk in the past, so I don't know if they just didn't know which would be ready first). The girls had established themselves in front of the TV watching Pluto or Goofy shorts on the lobby TV.



After check in, I headed over to the concierge to inquire about the Art of Craft tour. I was informed there was no tour today contrary to the schedule I had been provided. Not to be stymied, I booked a Friday tour for 1PM.

By 10:49, we hit Downtown Disney. We were going to head over to Trader Joe's for lunch. A brief stop to oogle the Lego store and we were on our way to the Disneyland hotel.




They were working on the sorcerer hat, so we jogged left, went by the smoking area for the Adventureland tower, cut through it, and made our way over to Sam's. We arrived and were told they didn't open for another half an hour (11:30 opening). Grr... We made a snap decision, and went for Tangaroa Terrace. I grabbed two salmon meals for the girls, some shrimp tacos for Amy, and I got the Ahi. The Ahi was great!! Much better than the last time I had it. Amy's shrimp tacos must have been equally good because they disappeared in short order, and the girls devoured their salmon like nobody's business.


Satiated, we decided to head back towards DTD, but first we would make a stop into the Frontierland tower to check out the scale model of Big Thunder Mountain Railroad. Afterwards, we headed through the Rose Court to see where the girls will get married someday. They decided to show us how they would walk down the aisle... or not walk...





Afterwards, we made our way back to DTD and hit the Lego store. It was the least crowded I had ever seen it. You could ACTUALLY MOVE. I really liked a few of the kits, but they were several hundred dollars, and that wasn't in the budget. I'm kind of surprised Disney hasn't bought Lego or at least licensed Disney Parks to them as building kits. That would be a mega money maker. We split at World of Disney. Having a Premium Annual Pass, I was able to enter the parks this day even though I hadn't purchased tickets for the family other than the Halloween Party ones for later that day. I headed through bag check, and into DCA to hit up Katz Camera where I would redeem my voucher for my physical Photopass Plus. This was my first time using PP+, and I was eager to see if it was worth it. Ended up being a fraction of a dollar per picture from either the park attraction cameras or the Disney Photopass photographers. Once I download them (part of the package, or you can request a CD), I'll see if they compare to my camera's shots from the same operator. I don't shoot a flash pretty much ever, so there's always a risk of not having as good of a shot. Afterwards, I met back up with the girls in World of Disney and we headed towards the hotel to take advantage of the pool.

After we got back to the pool area, we made our way over to the bathrooms for the pool area in the DVC wing. I was pleasantly surprised to find that they had dedicated changing areas in the bathroom vs. trying to change in a toilet stall. In short order the entire party was changed into swimming attire. Katherine is a pretty expert swimmer, but Charlotte is kind of weak and tends to sink like a rock, so she got a life jacket to help.



Last time we used the pool, the main slide was down for maintenance, and we only got to use the kiddie slide. That wasn't the case this time around. The main slide was going great. I even gave it a try a few times. Unfortunately, I lost my glasses on my second time down, so I needed somebody up top to point to where they were so I could dive down and get them. I went without on subsequent trips down the slide.


Katherine had perfect form looking like she was doing the luge.



Sticking the landing... we'll have to work on that








Victoria was having a great time playing over in the kiddie pool.




Charlotte didn't have such great form



While we were enjoying the pool, the wife and I each grabbed a drink. She got the Black Cherry Lemonade (Grey Goose Cherry Noir Vodka, Odwalla Lemonade, fresh Lime Juice, and Grenadine topped with Sprite® - $10.25 ) and a Racer 5 IPA (Only $7.75 at the Pool vs. $8 in park) for myself. Afterwards, we I received the text that our room was ready. We would have 2116. A quick consultation of the map we had showed it to be on the west end of the Brisa Courtyard looking east. It showed double sized on the map, which we would find to be because the monorail passed on the other side of the wall. We never heard it unless the patio door was open, so the acoustic insulation is superb. We head up there and settled in at 13:48. We were home again.


Once settled in the room, we called Lindsey, gave her the room # and took her food order. She and Reese would be coming to our room to get ready and we'd all head out from there. We had decided to grab some food to go from White Water Snacks. Since they only have Chili Dogs, I ordered up two of them plain (just hot dogs), a kids chicken nugget meal, a kids cheese burger meal, an order of beef nachos and an order of chicken nachos. Food for seven: $44.93 after my Premium AP discount. Not bad. I'd heard a LOT of good news about the nachos. To tell you the truth... I wasn't impressed. They were OK at best. Kids seemed to like their food though.

By now it was getting time to get dressed up and get going for Mickey's Halloween Party. The Halloween parties at Disneyland started back in 1995 as Mickey’s Halloween Treat. The early parties had pumpkin carving, hayrides, vines growing up over Sleeping Beauty Castle, and a witch flying down from the Matterhorn. They did the party for only two years though before shutting it down, not to continue it again until the early 2000s and this time it would be in Disney's California Adventure instead of Disneyland. After a few years, they renamed Mickey's Halloween Treat to Mickey's Halloween Party and returned it to Disneyland, which is the Halloween party we know and love today.

I had pre-purchased our tickets for the party way back in July when they first went on sale. I had used my Disney Visa card to get a discounted rate for my whole party equivalent to the Annual Pass holder discount. If you are using an AP, you must have a valid AP for every member of your party or so they say in the fine print. Tickets were $56 a piece at the special rate, which was a savings of $14 per ticket over general rates.

What does that $56/head get you? Entry into Disneyland from 3PM till Midnight. Trick or Treat bags to fill with all the candy you care to stand in line for, tons of character meet and greets, the ability to wear costumes as an adult into the park, special parades, and special fireworks. Admission is capped at around 40k people give or take to my understanding so the park isn't really all that crowded, which makes for some great abbreviated attraction wait times. They close the park at 7PM to all non-event-ticketed patrons and usher them out. All in all, it’s a pretty good deal, and this would be our third time experiencing it.

We had decided to go as a costumed group of the cast of the animated Peter Pan.

Amy: Captain Hook
Me: Mr. Smee
Katherine: Peter Pan
Charlotte: Tinkerbelle
Victoria: Michael Darling
Lindsey: John Darling
Reese: Wendy Darling

At 17:20 we passed through the turnstiles and into Disneyland. We had received a TON of compliments and people taking pictures of us on our walk from the Grand via DTD to Disneyland. Once we were inside the park, I hit the Opera Hall for the Annual Pass holder giveaway, which was a frosted rice crispy treat and a Big Hero Six drawstring backpack bag (that would come in handy at checkout on Friday as one of our other bags had ripped in half). The rest of the party had gone to City Hall so Lindsey could get her park hoppers for the rest of the trip.



We left Lindsey there, and headed for Peter Pan (what other first ride could one possibly do dressed as the characters from the movie?). We got there at 17:39 and hopped in the VERY long line. Lindsey joined us a few minutes later and we waited... and waited... and waited... until as we were just about to go down the aisle to the turnstile and.... Peter went 101 at seven minutes past six. We tried to keep everybody calm, but the kids were all getting antsy. Finally, fourteen minutes after it ground to a halt, they had it fixed, and started loading again. Whew!!!


I had a distinct feeling of being watched every sixty seconds or so as I was waiting in the standby queue. I wonder what was giving me that feeling.


Victoria wasn't quite sure what to make of these silly people surrounding her.



You'll have to excuse my photography on this trip. I was primarily shooting with my 24-70mm f/2.8 which just can't do the pitch black rides like my f/1.4 prime can.





After we departed Pan, we were desperate for a Disneyland Photo pass Photographer. Since I had the Photo Pass Plus, I was bound and determined to get my money's worth, and they usually set up outside a nice backdrop. I asked around and each CM I asked just said "Maybe that way". I ended up over by Alice when a CM said go towards Small World. They are doing a Frozen backdrop one there. Off we went. Let's see how those turned out...




And Anna and Elsa joined us!!!


Hi, Matt! Really loving the TR so far! All of the costumes came out great!!! I really loved how Amy's wig came out!

I've always wondered about the rooms adjacent to the monorail & the noise. Good to know the room has great acoustics.

By the way, I had the adult birthday day trip on the 24th w/DH. He and I were able to do the Carthay Circle tour & we loved it!!! There were only 4 other people.

We can't wait to return for a meal at Carthay Circle. The food was fabulous!!! Our absolute favorites were the fried biscuits & popcorn ice cream that accompanied the chocolate turnover. YUMMMMYYYY!!!

Can't wait to hear more! :thumbsup2
Once we were done with the photo shoot it was time to head over to New Orleans Square. We traveled there via Big Thunder Trail and on the way, I found a plastic glittery snow flake on top of one of the garbage cans on the way. I gave it to Charlotte for a prop for her Elsa costume for the next day. It promptly ended up in my pocket.

I really love the fog over the Rivers of America.


We headed straight towards Pirates and were in the relatively short queue at 19:02.












Hi, Matt! Really loving the TR so far! All of the costumes came out great!!! I really loved how Amy's wig came out!

I've always wondered about the rooms adjacent to the monorail & the noise. Good to know the room has great acoustics.
Thanks and yes, the room was very quiet. With the patio door open, I knew when the monorail was coming though even before it entered the Brisa courtyard from the East.

By the way, I had the adult birthday day trip on the 24th w/DH. He and I were able to do the Carthay Circle tour & we loved it!!! There were only 4 other people.
Was Ryan your tour guide? He does the best tours. I've had him do it both times. His delivery and cadence is perfect.

We can't wait to return for a meal at Carthay Circle. The food was fabulous!!! Our absolute favorites were the fried biscuits & popcorn ice cream that accompanied the chocolate turnover. YUMMMMYYYY!!!
Glad to hear you liked it. I was luke warm on my meal there. I see they've changed up the menu a bit. I'll give it another try one of these days, but right now we are hooked on Club 33 and Napa Rose.

Can't wait to hear more! :thumbsup2
Next installment is up. Going slow, I'm beyond swamped with work being out for a week and headed to San Diego tomorrow for work. I'll try to keep it going all week.
Once off yet another great trip through the Caribbean (although the crab in the first skeleton scene has a broken, disembodied leg just moving on its own, and the tower of hats wearing pirate balancing on the boat has been missing for months), we headed over to the Haunted Mansion. It was a relatively short wait posted as we entered the queue at 19:40. As most of you probably know, I'm a HM traditionalist. I prefer the original to the A Nightmare Before Christmas overlay. That being said, the effects are pretty well done.






The Gingerbread smell wasn't working this night. I got some fairly decent shots of the Gingerbread house both open and closed though, along with hidden Mickey place setting and some good detail on the mummy goblets. Never noticed those before.



And Zero helping to trim the tree


I've apparently been good.


Wonder which of the presents is for me?




The graveyard sure has taken on a different twist..





And we play a game with Oogie Boogie.


Looks like a snake is eating Charlotte's head

Thirty minutes after entering the Haunted Mansion queue, we were in the Big Thunder Mountain Railroad queue. I just have to say I REALLY love Thunder at night. You get to appreciate so many of the interior scenes fully. We were on practically empty trains, and at the back, which always makes for a better experience in both show and thrill. The goat trick (keeping your head facing the goat with dynamite all the way through the curve) works the best at the back of the train. After the first round, we went again with a twenty minute queue/ride.. It was equally awesome.


After the second trip round thunder, we headed over to Fantasyland to see if we could get a quick ride on Alice before the fireworks, but it was already closed. Amy texted and said the hub was starting to fill up and she had secured a spot on the curb on the hub facing the castle. We headed down as quickly as possible, located her, and I went to grab some hotdogs, Cokes, and chips from Coke Corner and hurried back. Satiated, we waited, but a bunch of people queued in front of us standing. This was pretty irritating. Here we had good seats siting and a throng of people just saunter up and stand in front of you. I really hope Disney does something about this. North side of the hub, sitting only. People just come in and stand in front of you is EXTREMELY rude.

As we could no longer see, we had to stand up, and the kids all had to go up in arms or on shoulders. It was unpleasant and unnecessary. All that aside, even with a fifty pound kids perched on my shoulders, I managed to get off a few shots of the show.








After the fireworks concluded, we were totally exhausted and started our way back to the hotel. Charlotte had fallen asleep during the fireworks, so I swapped Katherine to walk on her own and put Charlotte on my shoulders for the trip out. She was like a sleeping bat, complete with tiny claws hooked into my skull to hold herself on my head.






We made it back to the room at 22:00 on the dot, and the kids were all undressed and asleep by 22:11 with us quick to follow.
Still loving it! My kids hate the noise from the fireworks so we never watch the show. Besides, they're usually worn out & asleep by the time the show is starting! :rotfl2: :rotfl:
Great trip report so far! Those costumes were amazing, you guys ROCKED IT!

I will be following along. I'm particularly interested in hearing about how you liked (or disliked) the Photopass+ and how the babysitting went. I'm still considering both of those for our trip next month. Can. Not. WAIT!
10/21/2014...08:26. After the long and exhausting day, we weren't exactly moving as quickly as we normally do on an EMH morning. Took a while to get everybody up, dressed, get the stroller packed with frozen water bottles, make milk for the baby, and we were finally out the door. We made good time, and cruised through bag check a mere 4 minutes later and queued up to wait. As we had such a late start, the queue for every turnstile was already back to the planters under the monorail piers. I said a silent prayer that this didn't frame up how our entire day was going to go. Before we had even made it to the turnstiles the esplanade was PACKED with people.





At a mere two minutes past nine we were in line for Peter Pan. They had some issues, so we waited... and waited. Finally the ride was up and going and we were off!


After that slow start, I knew that our EMH was going quick. We made it over to Alice at 09:21 and did some more waiting. I can't say enough about how good the new features inside look and work. The outside... well... the old vine was perfection... the new vine... a ridiculous area which majorly detracts from the outside portion of the attraction.








I really like the new tea party scene as well.



The queue and ride time for Alice had now taken us to 09:42. EMH was quickly running out. Time for immediate proximity attractions, so we jumped into line for teacups.



With a mere ten minutes left, we headed over to Matterhorn. I took Katherine and Charlotte while Amy took Victoria over to ride the carousel before it got REALLY busy. We decided on the Tomorrowland side. It's my favorite. Its faster, and I think smoother than the Fantasyland side. By the time we left the attraction, Reese and Lindsey had made it into the park and at 10:09 we all jumped in queue for another go round.




By now, it was just a few minutes before 10:30. We exercised some strategy at this point and made our way over to Frontierland as we had 11:30 reservations at Blue Bayou and wanted to be on that side of the park with ample time to spare. We made a quick trip over via Big Thunder Trail and jumped in line for BTMRR. I took Victoria while Amy went with the rest of the girls. Not to pass up an opportunity, I hung out with Victoria on the bridge by the trout pond and scrutinized every train which came by and saw them up front on the I.M. Fearless. At 11:05, they were off, but decided to do an immediate re-ride. I swapped with Amy so I could get a ride. The recent refurbishment on this attraction was still going strong, but the explosion at the last lift hill was still hit or miss. Something either about timing, or recovery cycle for the smoke needs to be addressed IMHO. It should function the same way every ride.




One thing I really like on BTMRR is the view you can get if you know when and where to look. The vista here really shows how important the horticulture is. Just look at the jungle foliage and how massive it is blocking out the outside world. You can barely make out the Grand Californian's upper floors, but the aesthetically lacking Paradise Pier sticks out like a sore thumb.





So glad you did another update. Life has been very busy that I haven't updated my birthday day trip with DH on October 24th. I need to work on that! :surfweb:

Love how adventurous the girls are about riding the rides. DD7 won't even ride POTC or HM!!! You really got some beautiful shots. I especially like the one you got from the high vantage point on BTMRR. Soooo cool! :thumbsup2

Can't wait to read up on more!
After such fun on BTMRR, Lindsey and Reese split off to go do some more attractions while the family and I headed over to New Orleans Square. I went up to the window at 11:20 and they said they weren't open yet, and to wait. I noticed a growing line of people, so I jumped in about five parties back to wait...and wait.. and wait. Finally they opened, and I requested waterside seating. We were allowed to go into the lobby and wait. Probably 10 minutes after official opening, we were taken to our table on the left of center as you view the bayou. Great view, and waterside is the only way to go after now having done it.

I ordered the Slow-roasted Beef Strip Loin, Amy the Pan-seared Salmon with Butternut Squash Risotto. We got the kids a child's Roasted Beef Strip Loin, and child's Chicken Breast. I rounded out the order with a Louisiana Lemonade. All in all, the food was good, but overpriced. Steaks cooked perfectly, Salmon delicious. Sides superb. Portions good. Hey... it’s Disney. The real challenge was keeping Victoria in line. She refused to sit and kept getting up and trying to hang out at the table next to us. At one point we were ready to just cut our losses and leave as if you tried to corral her, she'd start to fuss. There's just no getting around fine dining with a 2-year old. I won't miss her at this age, that's for sure. Lunch ended up costing about $130 with tip after my 15% AP discount. Not great, but hey, the ambiance was superb.






After about an hour for lunch, we headed back towards Adventureland. None of us has ever actually been in Aladdin's Oasis, so we poked our head in to check it out. What did we find, but an Aladdin Meet and Greet going on.



The Genie decided to knock Katherine out.




After the Oasis, we meet back up with Lindsey and Reese and headed for DCA at 13:13. We made a quick stop by the Mickey pumpkin for some pics on the way out.



After some pics, we made our way across the esplanade and into DCA. We stopped by Carthay Circle and grabbed some pics at the Pluto Meet and Greet


Pluto didn't like having his nose touched, so he mauled Katherine. She had it coming.




Afterwards, we grabbed some RSR fast passes and then headed for Tower of Terror. We slid into the queue around 13:45 and waited. This was only my second time ever being in the outdoor queue. Usually I manage to walk on to the attraction.




The kids didn't like the loud noises.


A mere twenty minutes after getting in the TOT queue, we were off. Being in the general vicinity, we hit up Monsters Inc. which is always a quick one. Amy went with the girls and I relaxed with Victoria by the exit. A very short time later, we decided we'd give Grizzly River Run a go. The girls and I queued up in line at 14:34. Fast forward forty minutes and we had made two full trips down the rapids. We actually didn't get too wet this time, and it was my first time using the lockers. Pretty easy and convenient. That would come in handy later in the week.

Once off the rapids, we hit up White Water Snacks for some food for the kids, and went back to the room where Lindsey and Amy were waiting and ate and changed into dry clothes. Around 16:25 we were ready to hit the parks again. Amy took Victoria on Ariel while Lindsey, Reese, Katherine, Charlotte, and I went on Goofy's Sky School. Goofy has so much promise, but the attraction is just a bit aesthetically awkward. I wonder what they'll be able to do with it long-term. By three minutes to five we had learned how to fly the Goofy way twice, and we rejoined Amy and Victoria and headed towards the fun wheel.




I always love the pics you can get from the GSS vantage.



We've only ever done the swinging cars, and I don't know if we'd enjoy the stationary ones as much. The swinging cars are a hoot, but I'd sure love the vantage point the stationary cars reach for some great pics of the lands.








By 17:21 we were off the Fun Wheel. Katherine and I decided to go for a quick jaunt on Screamin' as it was practically walk on. Got some BEAUTIFUL pics on the lift hills. Light was perfect.











Once Katherine and I were off Screamin', we stopped on the Pier for some snacks, I grabbed a Turkey Leg, and a Strawberry bar for Katherine. Everybody else was already over in CarsLand so we double timed it over. I grabbed a bench strategically located in front of Ramone's enjoyed my turkey leg, and waited while everybody shopped until just before the lighting when they joined me on the bench for the magical lighting ceremony. They really nailed it, right out of the movie.






After the lighting, we took a quick spin on Luigi's Flying Tires until 18:26. Still with time to spare, we took a quick trip down Route 66 and went for a go-round on Mater's Junkyard Jamboree. All the activity prompted for some refreshment needs, so a full round of ice cream cones from the Cozy Cone satiated us nicely. Finally, at 19:25 it was time to use our RSR Fast Passes, so into the queue we ventured while Amy stayed back with Victoria. This would be our first time doing it at night, and let me tell you, it’s an entirely different experience. The queue even for FP was back pretty far, so we had some time in queue to just soak it all in.







We were feeling pretty good after that night trip on RSR. So good in fact we decided we'd go do WOC impromptu with no special seating areas, just the FP we had grabbed earlier in the day. We found a spot way at the back of one of the sections crammed up against the rope line. Couldn't see much, and the girls all had to be picked up to see anything. The day must have been longer than expected, because they were all falling asleep on top of our shoulders, except for Victoria, who was asleep in the stroller. Katherine is about at the limit for going on my shoulders. She's 8 now, and about 55#, so those days are nearing a close. Amy with Charlotte on her shoulders and Lindsey with Reese weren't faring much better. We decided to call it right at the Bug's Life portion of the show and head back.

We thankfully had a quick walk to our room just off the lobby elevators of the Grand. Lindsey and Reese had a much further walk all the way back across Harbor. As much as the Grand costs per night, it sure is worth it at the end of a VERY long day when you are just a few steps from your room. We finally hit our room and the girls were all in bed asleep by 21:00.







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