Marching Our Way to a Healthy Lifestyle ~ March 2016 WISH Challenge

Hey guys! Sorry I've been so MIA over the past few days, but stuff has kept me off the computer. I'm glad to see that there's been lots of chatting going on, and I'm slowly trying to catch up!

Have you ever tried a dance-related workout? Have you ever taken dance classes?
Do you enjoy dancing for fun (outside of working out)? What’s your favorite style of dance?

In terms of dance classes ... I used to go to an Israeli dance class at my synagogue with my mom when I was like 10. I also took ballet after school for a few months, and then again for a semester in college. I would have loved to take ballet
I love dancing, so I figured I'd enjoy dance-related workouts. I tried some videos online - Zumba, hip hop, anything that seemed high energy. Apparently I'm really bad at learning steps and following instructions. Who knew?
What I do love is Cardio Barre, because it reminds me of my long abandoned ballet dancing dreams. Mostly I just do videos online, but I'd love to take a class one day.

Happy Birthday @Dr Gunnie !!!

I love to dance and will dance around the living room with my daughter. We were doing this last night as I walked up and down hall way to get my last 1,000 steps. This one ended badly. She hit her elbow on a door knob. This is my child that is way over dramatic about everything. It was the end of the world and she refused to move it until I saw her leaning in it this morning and told her "if you can do that it is not broke".

I took a dance class when I was a senior is high school. I loved it. I was the oldest by far but blended in because I am so short. I am only 4'9". Now I will do the just dance video games with my kids. I am exhausted when I am done. But we all have fun doing it.

I love that you dance around with your daughter! That's such an awesome way to keep her moving!
And yeah, some kids (and adults too) are so overdramatic. At least she was okay and not hurt, that's always a good thing!

I don't know if I will get a picture of any food this weekend. I only cook on the weekends and my husband cooks during the week. I woke up at 3 this morning sick and seem to be going down hill as the morning goes on. When I am sick I will not go near any food. On the weekends I try to make something that will give me left overs to eat for lunch during the week. I can across this one about a year ago. We all love it except my over dramatic daughter who refuses to eat any kind of red sauce. This gives me plenty of left overs too. Since I will most likely not be making it this weekend I will post a link to it.

I love that it has a ton of veggies. You can't even tell that they are in there.

Thanks for sharing this recipe - it looks great!

I've done some dance workouts via YouTube and I liked them well enough, but I like my app more.

I get that ... some workouts aren't for everyone.

I used to Jazzercise which I really enjoyed but it was too expensive and there are obviously set schedule times that didn't work well for my schedule. My choice was either a 5:40p class or a 6:45p class. It was nearly impossible for me to get there, change, and be ready by 5:40p and 6:45p was too late. So I gave up my membership and started running instead. But I do still love the classes and if it was cheaper/closer I would totally do it again!

I have to admit ... I've never tried Jazzercise, but everyone I know who has likes it. I'm sorry that the times didn't work for you, but I hope you can get back into it some time!

SO I talked to my DH last night and we've decided that we can totally make WDW Dec 2016 a reality and I'm SO excited. It looked like I wouldn't be going to Disney at all this year which was sad but I had come to accept it. But I literally feel like bouncing up and down with excitement.

YAY!!! WDW trips are always exciting, and I think December will be a fun time to be there!

I tried Barre last month. It's kind of like ballet I guess. I didn't enjoy it because I didn't understand how to do the moves - and they say you need to go at least 3 times before you understand it. I've never been into dance much but I LOVED DDR as a teenager and played constantly at home. But my boyfriend is debating getting some dance games on the PS4... hoping they're good!

I think Barre is definitely easier if you know the moves. I have a little bit of ballet background, so I kinda get it, but I still do get lost sometimes. It's great that you tried it, even if it wasn't right for you.
I have a confession to make ... I've never played DDR. I don't know why, because I always wanted to. And I hope the PS4 dance games are awesome!

I do crazy dancing every once in a while, in the house, where no one can see. I would like to learn to dance at some point, but haven't done anything about it yet. When I read about people using the dance-off games for exercise it sounds fun, and like something I might like.

Crazy dancing around the house is always fun :)


Okay, time for me to hop off. Hopefully I'll be back soon to finish catching up!
I love to dance! I took jazz as a kid (don't really remember it). Then when I got older I took Irish and really enjoyed that. I made it up to starting hard shoe before I had to stop due to injury. I've also learnt foxtrot with my husband for our first dance. I'm also one of those people who dances in the living room when no one is watching!

So many fun types of dance!
And dancing in the living room when no one is watching is awesome. Seriously.

Weighed myself--gained back the weight I lost so I'm at 0%. I've got to figure out a way to stay on track that time of the month.

Sorry to hear about this! Time of month is always hard, but sometimes you need to just weigh yourself right after and see how much damage was biology and how much was you. Sometimes the "permanent" gains are much smaller than you think, and from there you can figure out what kind of strategy you need to work on.

I don't know what was up last night! I finally got a couple of hours of sleep but I'll definitely be dragging today. It's not so much that I was using it as an escape. We've been wanting to go during flower and garden this year; ASM had rooms for $150/night and we'd looked at them a couple of weeks ago but then they didn't have that rate available anymore. So I checked on a whim last night and that rate was back, so I booked it. But the more I thought about it, the less I can justify spending $350 for two nights. We can go for the weekend before our anniversary and rooms are $125 a night - not a huge savings, but it would be under $300 for two nights. The only problem is we'd rather go during flower and garden than food and wine, haha. We've already got one day tickets. Disney's hotels are just so expensive, and we aren't interested in staying off property with additional fees and having to drive ourselves everywhere.

The financials of a Disney vacation are never fun. Wouldn't it be great if the prices were the same year-round and you could go when your favorite event was going on and not worry that it's cheaper a different time of year?
Of course, that's never going to happen... (and if it did, it would just be super expensive year-round)

There are days when I feel like I have to "fake it until I make it" in regards to acting like a WW "success story". YES, I lost the weight with WW.... no faking that. And YES, I am at my goal weight (well... most days...;) ). But when I've had a splurge day..... or a day when I just refuse to track another bite..... or when I have the time and ability to exercise and I sit on my butt instead.... those are the days I feel like a bit of a phony. But.... usually coming on here and "confessing" or being REAL with my WW members makes me feel better and more HONEST and more successful.

I think sometimes we all feel like phonies. But the truth is ... if you don't feel like a phony sometimes, then you are a phony. Yes, all of the advertisements and success stories make it seem like people on a particular program are successful 100% of the time, but we all know that's not true. Nobody is perfect, and claiming to be perfect all the time is a lie. Accepting that you have your off days and sharing that is what makes you a great leader - because it shows people that you don't have to be perfect to be a success.

I have two things that I keep in my head as STOP SIGNS, if you will. I have a scale number. I KNOW if I see that number (or heaven forbid HIGHER than that number) that things have gone all wonky and it is time to reassess. I have hit it a few times over the past few years.... and I may have even exceeded it by a pound at one point.... but it definitely keeps me moving back in the right direction! However.... I've recently decided to RESET that number to a slightly lower number. It is just too hard and too frustrating to come back from being that many pounds over goal.... especially since I am supposed to weigh-in monthly for my WW job!

My second STOP sign is my tracking..... if I look in my tracker and see more than 3 days of nothing or 3 days of start-and-stop scribbling.... it is time to hit the "pause" button and figure out why. Sometimes it is just totally innocent (like the fact that I've been away at DD for the past 2 days), but other times it is a sign that my eating has gone a bit off the rails.

Often when I've hit one of those STOP signs, I take a minute to think about why and then formulate a plan to get back to my WEEK ONE mentality... you know, that place, that moment when you were SUPER ENTHUSED about this journey.... you were SO POSITIVE that THIS time was going to be different. I even go back and read my food journal/tracker from week one and reflect on how I was feeling. I make some "no-brainer", super easy to count/track, easy-to-make type of OP meals (grilled chicken and broccoli, veggie burgers, egg whites with greens) and prep/cook and preportion whatever I can to ensure a successful week ahead.

Thanks for sharing! I really like the idea of going back to the "week one" mentality to help you figure out how to get back on track!

I've never heard of that parade before today! Well.... thinking back to Wednesday I'll say that my woohoo was that DD made me dinner!! I left my school job a bit early to drive down to her school because I had to be on the computer to work my other WW job from 6-8pm. I thought by leaving early I'd be there by about 4:30 pm, but the traffic monsters were against me and I literally pulled in at 5:56pm with an empty belly and a full bladder!! :rotfl2: I did make it online to work by 6:02 pm though! But we didn't have time to go out and grab dinner. So while I worked she took my car and went to the market and bought dinner.... rotisserie chicken, frozen cheesy broccoli, and salad greens, plus fruit for dessert! WOOHOO! It was delicious and so appreciated! She only has a fridge and microwave in the suite "kitchen", so she did the best she could with her available appliances.

WooHoo! It's always nice to have someone else providing dinner :)

Well.... not really. Most of what I use I would consider "tools" like my food scale, extra measuring cups/spoons. But I did invest in a Fitbit recently and I'm enjoying the feedback on that (although it stopped tracking my sleep a week ago... cannot figure out why). I do have a TM..... that was a MASSIVE splurge when I bought it over 10 years ago and I am DELIGHTED to say that it is still going strong, despite pretty regular use (although I'll be the first to admit there are pockets of time where it gets dusted more than it gets used!).

I think the words "tools" and "toys" can be interchangable here, because a lot of the tools we use can also be fun! (Personally, I love measuring cups ... but I'm also really weird). But it's awesome that you're making use of the "toys" you have - both new and old!

Hmmmmm.... as a coffee lover, how have I NEVER heard of this??? I'm definitely going to try this as the weather warms up!

I discovered cold brew a few years ago. It's really become more popular over the past few years, to the point where Starbucks now sells cold brew (although I will admit ... it doesn't taste much different than their regular iced coffee to me). I loved iced coffee, and this makes a much smoother cup than my old method (aka making double strong hot coffee and throwing it in the fridge overnight).

I danced when I was a kiddo.... from age 6 to about age 14. Started with the basics of tap, ballet, and jazz, but switched primarily to ballet in the last few years. I was not EVER great at it.... but I enjoyed it tremendously. I even went back and took tap as a young adult with my Mom! That was truly FUN!

Wow, lots of different dance! And taking a dance class with your mom is really special, isn't it? I always loved going to class with my mom and spending some time together just the two of us (and everyone else in the class).

Actually..... in looking for a photo to share, I do not have a SINGLE PICTURE OF that parade from our first trip.... so maybe we didn't see it? I'll have to check the trip journal later.... but for now, here is a picture from our 2004 trip! Yup.... Mickey waved RIGHT AT ME!!

That is an awesome picture of Mickey!!

I am just dropping in to say hello. The final dress rehearsal went great last night. We had about 100 seniors there. It is great for the kids to hear feed back so they know where to slow down and wait so they don't lose a line.

I'm glad to hear the dress rehearsal went great - hopefully the show will go great as well!

I am now on spring break. I did some sewing this morning and made a quilt top. Tomorrow I will quilt it and donate it to the musical's basket raffle. It was a piece of fabric I got years ago and when I found it last week I realized that it had the music to 76 trombones on it. It was meant to be.

Sounds like the perfect fabric for a musical!

I work for a non-profit that works with some of the most disadvantaged kids, women and youth in the Middle East. A lot of non-formal education and multi-generational programming for refugees. I lived in the field for 3 years but am now back here in the US working for the same organization running outreach/fundraising/etc. I mayyyy be turning a new leaf soon. Applying for graphic design school NEXT WEEK! Fingers crossed it all goes well because then there will be serious life decisions to be made here. The thought of going back to school is freaking me out a bit. But Australia was a total blast and diving the GBR was incredible!

Sounds like great work ... but I know from experience that working for a non-profit isn't always easy. I hope you get into graphic design school - that would probably be a really fun next step for you!


Okay ... I'm catching up slowly. Time for another break ... but I'll be back to finish catching up!
Thank you for your sweet words! :hug: I do feel like a recluse, I have to admit! I have horrible anxiety and over the last couple of years I've had more and more opportunity to become a hermit, so turning that around is difficult. I always thought if I worked from home and made my own schedule, I'd have more time to get out of the house and actually exercise and the like. It's not quite working out like I'd expected! My biggest anxiety about the shop right now is that I feel like I'm doing stuff that so many other people are doing and because of that I'll never be successful. I'm putting a lot of pressure on myself to be awesome and unique and I have to keep reminding myself to breathe and just start off with a few things at a time. Today was productive, though, and I made up some t-shirt designs that I'm excited about, so hopefully others will like them, too!

I think that when you first start working from home, it's hard to create a balanced schedule. There's so much temptation to not have any "time off" and you really need to work harder than you realized to create opportunities to take care of yourself. I know that a lot of your work requires your craft room, but is there anywhere you can go outside the house to do work once in a while? I found that when I first started working from home, my weekly trip to Starbucks was really helpful because even though I was doing the same stuff, sitting at Starbucks with my laptop is a very different perspective than sitting in my bedroom.
I hope you can learn to find some balance!
Also ... you do some awesome stuff. Yes, there are other people out there who do good stuff too, but if you keep doing what you're doing, hopefully people will notice and will tell their friends and you'll get a reputation for making amazing things!

Rather than involve other people in my mess I'm going to be stepping away from the boards. You all are so amazing and I know you're going to rock your goals!!! Just keep with them and don't get down on yourselves! You guys have been a massive and amazing support with getting me on track. Thank you so so so much!! :love2::hug:

So someone needs to host April and make it star wars themed haha.

I don't know if you'll see this, but ... you're awesome, and I hope everything turns out okay for you!

I took a dance class for my P.E. credit in college. I enjoyed it but I am pretty sure I was awful. Oh well. I do some dance video workouts from the comfort of my home. I'd consider taking a class sometime, but it would have to be for beginners :)
I've done some line dancing and I enjoy that. I've done a very little bit of swing with my friends and I'd love to do that again if I had a partner to enjoy it with.

Oh yeah, dance is a lot more fun when people don't see you being terrible. But I think a beginner dance class will be a lot of fun - that way everyone is equally awful!

I lost .5 pound this week which is miraculous to say the least. I'm 62% to goal. I'm also ready to be back on plan! I think my body just needed to take a couple weeks and indulge a little. I didn't go crazy but I'm for sure ready to kick it up a notch and knock out the remaining 20-30 pounds I have left!

Awesome job!

And YES..... I can host for April if you were scheduled there and YES, I could make it Star Wars themed! Would that help??

Thank you for offering to host!

Instagrammed my breakfast.... but not sure if that counts for this week's challenge, although it was kind of pretty. And realizing that I took the photos for last week's challenge, but they only made it as far as Instagram, didn't get them here. I'll do that this morning between laundry loads!

I'm starting to wonder if maybe this should be a joint thread/Instagram challenge... sometimes it seems easier to post things on Instagram.

This month has been crazy busy on here and impressed on everyone keeping up and responding with multiple quotes. I still have not figure how to do all of that on here. Love having these boards even if I get behind and don't respond all the time it is great to come too and be part of a group that can relate to me.

It's great to see you stopping in when you do have a chance to respond!
(And you can use the "+Quote" option on the bottom right of a post to include it in a multi-quote, and the click "Insert Quotes" when you're ready to reply ... I'm not sure if that makes any sense)

Checking in this morning. I had the luxury of sleeping in today in a quiet house - dad took boys to hockey and my daughter was sleeping in, too! So, having it be 11:00 with less than 1,000 steps logged is going to make for a "walking" kind of day, but I am grateful for my morning. I have a St. Patrick's day party to attend tonight, so I need to find something green to wear. My closet is not speaking to me - maybe I can walk around a store or two and find something!

Sleeping in is always nice :)

I will catch up later this afternoon at the airport but I wanted to share some good news:

3:14 half marathon today!

A new PR with large steep hills. Yeah!!


YAY!!!! Awesome! I'm so proud of you!!


Okay. My wifi and the DIS are not friends right now, and I should probably go to bed soon anyway because ... time changes and early wakeups don't play well together.
Good night all, and hopefully I'll have a chance to finish catching up tomorrow!

My report for the week: 31.8% - Whilst I have been achieving some breakfasts under the calorie goal - I still need to work on consistency and healthier options. I have some good days and bad days so I am hoping to bring it home over the rest of the month.
Have you ever tried a dance-related workout? Have you ever taken dance classes?
Do you enjoy dancing for fun (outside of working out)? What’s your favorite style of dance?

I love Wii Just Dance - so much fun. I love dancing to bar bands down the shore, too - but that is just a vacation thing.

Rather than involve other people in my mess I'm going to be stepping away from the boards. You all are so amazing and I know you're going to rock your goals!!! Just keep with them and don't get down on yourselves! You guys have been a massive and amazing support with getting me on track. Thank you so so so much!! :love2::hug:

So someone needs to host April and make it star wars themed haha.

I hope you'll stay - you are a great support. Plus, for me, when I want to step away is when I need this thread the most.

Weigh in: a .4 pound loss :sad1:

Total loss: 3.4lb/6lb
total: 56.6%

This week I have been trying to figure out where my calories need to be and I haven't figured out where that happy spot is. I am hoping this week I am able to figure it out and have a bigger loss next week. I am sad it was less then a half pound but still happy that I lost something.

I don't have a picture of my favorite healthy food but my favorite recipe is a weight watchers chili recipe. It is so yummy and even my hearty food loving husband really likes it! I really should make some of it soon so I can switch up my lunches or have it for dinner!
Wildcard Weekend – Friday, March 11th:

This weekend we’re celebrating a parade that ran at Disney’s Animal Kingdom from 2001 through 2014… Mickey's Jammin' Jungle Parade!


Mickey’s Jammin’ Jungle Parade featured more than 60 characters and performers. Introduced as part of the 100 Years of Magic celebration in 2001, the parade continued long after that celebration was over. In addition to the vehicles carrying famous Disney characters, giant animal representations and puppets interacted with guests. For each parade, one lucky family was selected to ride with Rafiki in the lead parade vehicle.

Has anyone seen this parade? Please share your pictures!

Our theme for the month is marching, but many parades, including Mickey’s Jammin’ Jungle Parade, include some dancing. In addition to being fun, dancing can also be a great way to burn calories. Let’s talk a bit about that this weekend.

Have you ever tried a dance-related workout? Have you ever taken dance classes?
Do you enjoy dancing for fun (outside of working out)? What’s your favorite style of dance?

Also, please join me in wishing a happy 41st birthday to one of our awesome participants for the month, @Dr Gunnie!


I have tried Zumba in the past and in fact have been looking to find new/cheap classes by me. I used to take dance lessons when I was a kid, so dancing is in me! I love dancing, I was also on the dance team in high school. I wish I could learn to ballroom dance, but I am truly just a dance to whatever is on the radio kind of girl!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY @Dr Gunnie !!!!!!!
Good morning, all! I just finished my breakfast, so I figured I'd take a few minutes to attempt to catch up.

Ok, ok, I say this a lot here, I know, BUT! Last night we booked All-Star Music for two nights in October. Planning to be at Food & Wine on our 1-year anniversary! We'll drive down late Saturday/early Sunday, do F&W Monday, and come home Tuesday, so it's not a big extravagant trip or anything, but I'm looking forward to it.. Hopefully it sticks! Now to lose a bunch of weight before October 24. Again. :rotfl:

Yay!!! Having a trip planned is always awesome, and Disney World is one of the two best places to celebrate your anniversary (Disneyland is the other one).
And looking/feeling good for a Disney trip is always good motivation to lose weight - so hopefully having this trip planned will help jump start you!

Just a brief check in with my result for the week: 35%

I am happy as this was my time of the month week and that is always a bad week on the scale. But I managed a loss and so it was a success. I also had a very good week with eating and even exercise. Got in some purposeful walks. Tomorrow I am going to run again! Really looking forward to that!

Yay for making some progress, even during that time of the month.
I hope your run was awesome!

Haven't gotten the results I wanted the last few days. This morning I weighed in and didn't lose anything (again) and I was pretty pissed so I went downstairs and ran. I've only been doing mile runs to this point, but I was able to do 2 miles this morning. I haven't done 2 miles since high school (not that I've really tried). Really think I might be able to do a 5k in May - and I know just the one:

That 5K sounds pretty awesome. You should do it!

Popping in really quick to post results--

The scale was really kinda to me today. I'm down 3.3 of my 4 lb goal putting me at 83% of my goal! Now if I can just maintain that and not gain any back on St. Patty's!

Yay! Awesome progress!

This is one of the rivers by our house right now. This whole area is usually a road/bike path and an area for crops at the Agricenter. Right now it's fully submerged from the river that overflowed. I'll try to get a picture of the river tomorrow - the water is currently at the level of the road/bridge that goes over it. Thankfully the forecast next week is sunny!

Holy craziness. I hope you guys get that forecasted sun - I think you definitely need a break from this rain!

Just sitting here waiting to take the cast picture. Opening night went really well. The big problem is 2nd night sometimes full of problems. Let's hope we break this streak.

It has been a pretty quiet day. Dh and I talked taxes and then I finished a quilt top. Tomorrow is church, give communion at a local nursing home and then the show. I am so happy that it is spring break next week. I plan a lot of quilting and dh is working on something in the basement. I will post some pictures tomorrow or Monday.

I'm glad to hear that opening night went well, and I hope the second show goes just as well!

My report for the week: 31.8% - Whilst I have been achieving some breakfasts under the calorie goal - I still need to work on consistency and healthier options. I have some good days and bad days so I am hoping to bring it home over the rest of the month.

Yay for some progress! Breakfast is definitely hard, and I think you're on the right track. Hopefully if you can keep with it and keep getting better and better!

REPORT: no weight loss this week.
Still at 25%

Sorry to hear that you didn't lose, but not gaining is also good!

This week I have been trying to figure out where my calories need to be and I haven't figured out where that happy spot is. I am hoping this week I am able to figure it out and have a bigger loss next week. I am sad it was less then a half pound but still happy that I lost something.

I think this is a good attitude - even if you don't lose as much as you had hoped, any loss is good!

Check in: 201. Still up 2 overall this month, but down 1 from last week. At least I'm moving back in the right direction :)

Moving in the right direction is always great - congrats on the loss!

check in: lost 1 lb. This puts me at 20%.

Congrats on the loss!

I have tried Zumba in the past and in fact have been looking to find new/cheap classes by me. I used to take dance lessons when I was a kid, so dancing is in me! I love dancing, I was also on the dance team in high school. I wish I could learn to ballroom dance, but I am truly just a dance to whatever is on the radio kind of girl!

I really hope you can find a good, cheap Zumba class near you - it definitely seems like a lot of fun (unless you totally can't follow instructions and are uncoordinated like me).
And dancing to whatever is on the radio is always fun!


Okay. I'm all caught up. Nobody post for like 2 hours, okay? (I'm kidding)
Things are okay with me so far. No check in yet for the week because I want to wait a few hours to see if I can muster up the energy to do some knee stretches (my knee was not happy with me during my run this morning), but it should be over 50%, which is awesome.
The problem is ... I'm still gaining weight. My goal for the month was to focus on exercise, and I'm doing okay with getting the exercise in, but I'm also doing an awesome job of eating all of the junk food. So I'm setting up a mini-challenge for myself:
For the rest of the month, my goal is to track all of the food I eat before noon. The goal is to stay below 400 calories before noon (with the exception of run days, where running-related nutrition will be eaten before noon, but I'm not counting that).
It's not an official goal, so it won't be going in the progress report, but I'll try to remember to check in and let you know how I do.

Okay ... it's Sunday and I have to start working on my weekly to-do list, so I should probably get off here. I'll be back in a few hours with this week's "Summing it Up Sunday" - so be ready to think about how you've done this week!
Summing It Up Sunday – Sunday, March 13th:

Summing it up Sunday is our way to end the week reflecting on the challenges and progress of the last week.

During the holiday season, Mickey’s Jammin’ Jungle Parade was converted to Mickey’s Jingle Jungle Parade.


Mickey’s Jingle Jungle Parade was very popular during its run, and many people felt that it was even better than the year-round version of the parade. Many of Disney's holiday and specialty parades are even more beloved than the "regular" parades. Disney always loves to give us something special and better!

Every day we can work on making ourselves better – better eaters, better exercisers, and better people. We don’t need to wait for special occasions to work on improving ourselves!

What did you do this week to make yourself better?
Is there anything that you could have done this week but did not do? How will you ensure that you spend the next week making yourself better?

Don’t forget – progress updates are due by 5 AM (Disney World time) tomorrow. For those of you who are not in the US, we changed our clocks this morning (I miss that hour of sleep), so keep that in mind when thinking about time!
If you haven’t already posted or sent me your progress update, please get it in soon. Thank you!
Summing It Up Sunday – Sunday, March 13th:

Summing it up Sunday is our way to end the week reflecting on the challenges and progress of the last week.

During the holiday season, Mickey’s Jammin’ Jungle Parade was converted to Mickey’s Jingle Jungle Parade.


Mickey’s Jingle Jungle Parade was very popular during its run, and many people felt that it was even better than the year-round version of the parade. Many of Disney's holiday and specialty parades are even more beloved than the "regular" parades. Disney always loves to give us something special and better!

Every day we can work on making ourselves better – better eaters, better exercisers, and better people. We don’t need to wait for special occasions to work on improving ourselves!

What did you do this week to make yourself better?
Is there anything that you could have done this week but did not do? How will you ensure that you spend the next week making yourself better?

Don’t forget – progress updates are due by 5 AM (Disney World time) tomorrow. For those of you who are not in the US, we changed our clocks this morning (I miss that hour of sleep), so keep that in mind when thinking about time!
If you haven’t already posted or sent me your progress update, please get it in soon. Thank you!

First I have never seen this parade but would love too. For the QOTD I walked a little farther on my walks which makes me closer to start my C25K. I wanted to drink more water this week but didn't. I do drink water everyday but not to the level I should for more weight loss. This week I am going to try and lower my sodium intake a bit since I was over my sodium intake most days this week and up my water which should help on the scale. Walked 5.1k this morning getting me to 32.4k/60k for this months goal = 54%. Right on track for my walking this month.
Question of the Day:
What did you do this week to make yourself better?
Is there anything that you could have done this week but did not do? How will you ensure that you spend the next week making yourself better?

I actually stuck to my program this week and didn't make excuses - yoga, two personal training sessions, and a half marathon. Suffice to say, I wish I had taken that small light run this past week as it would have stretched me out just a little bit.

This next week I'll continue what I did last week to ensure my success!
Summing It Up Sunday – Sunday, March 13th:

Summing it up Sunday is our way to end the week reflecting on the challenges and progress of the last week.

During the holiday season, Mickey’s Jammin’ Jungle Parade was converted to Mickey’s Jingle Jungle Parade.

Mickey’s Jingle Jungle Parade was very popular during its run, and many people felt that it was even better than the year-round version of the parade. Many of Disney's holiday and specialty parades are even more beloved than the "regular" parades. Disney always loves to give us something special and better!

Every day we can work on making ourselves better – better eaters, better exercisers, and better people. We don’t need to wait for special occasions to work on improving ourselves!

What did you do this week to make yourself better?
Is there anything that you could have done this week but did not do? How will you ensure that you spend the next week making yourself better?

Don’t forget – progress updates are due by 5 AM (Disney World time) tomorrow. For those of you who are not in the US, we changed our clocks this morning (I miss that hour of sleep), so keep that in mind when thinking about time!
If you haven’t already posted or sent me your progress update, please get it in soon. Thank you!

Exercise, exercise, and exercise! I did some this week (to make myself better), I could have done more (but I did not) and I will spend MORE time next week on it! How's that? ;)


I am NOT reporting in this week. I know that the number I got was a scale anomaly.... showed yesterday that I was up nearly a pound.... which honestly, I doubt. I only ate 10 of my weekly SP last week and ate UNDER my SP target 5 out of 7 days. I did get in some good long walks and even a tiny bit of running.... I no longer have a "cycle" so no excuses there, and I was careful of my salt and water, especially near the end of the week. I got plenty of sleep most nights. So NO reason to show up a pound... but I was going to let it go and chalk it up to life.... but I got on the scale again today and it showed me up another 1.3 OVER yesterday's strange number! WTH??? Obviously there is no way I've gained over a pound since yesterday (especially since yesterday was spot on as far as eating goes). Scale has been giving me some strange numbers lately and sometimes changes it's "mind" within a few minutes. It may be time for a new battery or even a whole new scale. Taking a "pass" for this week's number and will report back on things next week. Hope that is okay with everyone.

Well.... today was going to be SO productive, but when making my bed I discovered our (water) bed has sprung a leak.... GRRR.... what a major PITA!:mad: Had to COMPLETELY disassemble a king size water bed with 10 heavy tubes and lay the entire mattress and half of the box spring out in the sun to dry (THANK HEAVENS it is a nice day).... plus do two more loads of wash for the sheets and mattress covers (I had a mattress cover over the box spring as well that got really wet). Waiting now for the first of the two loads to finish spinning so I can HOPEFULLY get it in the sun today (although my clothes line loses its sun by mid-afternoon this time of year) and then will toss in the second load. I do NOT think I will be sleeping in my bed tonight. Guess DD's bed will have to do! DH can sleep in his chair, which he does often anyhow, when his shoulder is bothering him.

Totally disgusted and frustrated because in addition to getting nothing "extra" done, now my bedroom is torn apart and I hate that.... it stresses me!

Off to hang laundry......................P
Well.... today was going to be SO productive, but when making my bed I discovered our (water) bed has sprung a leak.... GRRR.... what a major PITA!:mad: Had to COMPLETELY disassemble a king size water bed with 10 heavy tubes and lay the entire mattress and half of the box spring out in the sun to dry (THANK HEAVENS it is a nice day).... plus do two more loads of wash for the sheets and mattress covers (I had a mattress cover over the box spring as well that got really wet). Waiting now for the first of the two loads to finish spinning so I can HOPEFULLY get it in the sun today (although my clothes line loses its sun by mid-afternoon this time of year) and then will toss in the second load. I do NOT think I will be sleeping in my bed tonight. Guess DD's bed will have to do! DH can sleep in his chair, which he does often anyhow, when his shoulder is bothering him.

ACK, I am so sorry to hear that your water bed sprung a leak. Oh no - hopefully it's an easy fix. Sending you lots of positivity that your day isn't too messed up.
What did you do this week to make yourself better?
Is there anything that you could have done this week but did not do? How will you ensure that you spend the next week making yourself better?

I had a rough week, and I don't really feel like I did much. I try to exercise more, which is good, but it doesn't stop me from eating my feelings.
This week I will try to keep myself busy and out of the kitchen, which hopefully will help me keep my hand out of the candy jar.

Check in for the week: I'm not down 4 of my 10 for the month, so I'm at 40% for the month. Hopefully I can hit the full 10 pounds by the end of the month!

Awesome progress!

First I have never seen this parade but would love too. For the QOTD I walked a little farther on my walks which makes me closer to start my C25K. I wanted to drink more water this week but didn't. I do drink water everyday but not to the level I should for more weight loss. This week I am going to try and lower my sodium intake a bit since I was over my sodium intake most days this week and up my water which should help on the scale. Walked 5.1k this morning getting me to 32.4k/60k for this months goal = 54%. Right on track for my walking this month.

Awesome progress! It's really great that you're adding to your walks. Water is important, but it is possible to drink too much - so listen to your body and hopefully you'll find the perfect amount of water to help you lose weight!

I actually stuck to my program this week and didn't make excuses - yoga, two personal training sessions, and a half marathon. Suffice to say, I wish I had taken that small light run this past week as it would have stretched me out just a little bit.

This next week I'll continue what I did last week to ensure my success!

Yay for sticking to the program!
And I think you did pretty awesome in your race, even without the light run. :)

Exercise, exercise, and exercise! I did some this week (to make myself better), I could have done more (but I did not) and I will spend MORE time next week on it! How's that? ;)

Exercise is always awesome, and I love that you're so committed to exercising more!

I am NOT reporting in this week. I know that the number I got was a scale anomaly.... showed yesterday that I was up nearly a pound.... which honestly, I doubt. I only ate 10 of my weekly SP last week and ate UNDER my SP target 5 out of 7 days. I did get in some good long walks and even a tiny bit of running.... I no longer have a "cycle" so no excuses there, and I was careful of my salt and water, especially near the end of the week. I got plenty of sleep most nights. So NO reason to show up a pound... but I was going to let it go and chalk it up to life.... but I got on the scale again today and it showed me up another 1.3 OVER yesterday's strange number! WTH??? Obviously there is no way I've gained over a pound since yesterday (especially since yesterday was spot on as far as eating goes). Scale has been giving me some strange numbers lately and sometimes changes it's "mind" within a few minutes. It may be time for a new battery or even a whole new scale. Taking a "pass" for this week's number and will report back on things next week. Hope that is okay with everyone.

I totally understand not reporting in, and I hope your scale starts behaving itself soon!

Well.... today was going to be SO productive, but when making my bed I discovered our (water) bed has sprung a leak.... GRRR.... what a major PITA!:mad: Had to COMPLETELY disassemble a king size water bed with 10 heavy tubes and lay the entire mattress and half of the box spring out in the sun to dry (THANK HEAVENS it is a nice day).... plus do two more loads of wash for the sheets and mattress covers (I had a mattress cover over the box spring as well that got really wet). Waiting now for the first of the two loads to finish spinning so I can HOPEFULLY get it in the sun today (although my clothes line loses its sun by mid-afternoon this time of year) and then will toss in the second load. I do NOT think I will be sleeping in my bed tonight. Guess DD's bed will have to do! DH can sleep in his chair, which he does often anyhow, when his shoulder is bothering him.

Uh oh. Hopefully this doesn't cause toomuch trouble and you can get back to sleeping in your own bed soon!
Exercise, exercise, and exercise! I did some this week (to make myself better), I could have done more (but I did not) and I will spend MORE time next week on it! How's that? ;)


I am NOT reporting in this week. I know that the number I got was a scale anomaly.... showed yesterday that I was up nearly a pound.... which honestly, I doubt. I only ate 10 of my weekly SP last week and ate UNDER my SP target 5 out of 7 days. I did get in some good long walks and even a tiny bit of running.... I no longer have a "cycle" so no excuses there, and I was careful of my salt and water, especially near the end of the week. I got plenty of sleep most nights. So NO reason to show up a pound... but I was going to let it go and chalk it up to life.... but I got on the scale again today and it showed me up another 1.3 OVER yesterday's strange number! WTH??? Obviously there is no way I've gained over a pound since yesterday (especially since yesterday was spot on as far as eating goes). Scale has been giving me some strange numbers lately and sometimes changes it's "mind" within a few minutes. It may be time for a new battery or even a whole new scale. Taking a "pass" for this week's number and will report back on things next week. Hope that is okay with everyone.

Well.... today was going to be SO productive, but when making my bed I discovered our (water) bed has sprung a leak.... GRRR.... what a major PITA!:mad: Had to COMPLETELY disassemble a king size water bed with 10 heavy tubes and lay the entire mattress and half of the box spring out in the sun to dry (THANK HEAVENS it is a nice day).... plus do two more loads of wash for the sheets and mattress covers (I had a mattress cover over the box spring as well that got really wet). Waiting now for the first of the two loads to finish spinning so I can HOPEFULLY get it in the sun today (although my clothes line loses its sun by mid-afternoon this time of year) and then will toss in the second load. I do NOT think I will be sleeping in my bed tonight. Guess DD's bed will have to do! DH can sleep in his chair, which he does often anyhow, when his shoulder is bothering him.

Totally disgusted and frustrated because in addition to getting nothing "extra" done, now my bedroom is torn apart and I hate that.... it stresses me!

Off to hang laundry......................P

Wow your household appliances are not liking you at the moment - so frustrating - hope you can patch the waterbed and sort out your scales - I would hate to be working hard exercising and eating right and then have the scales play those mind games with me lol!

What did you do this week to make yourself better?
Is there anything that you could have done this week but did not do? How will you ensure that you spend the next week making yourself better?

Well it has been a crazy week for me healthwise, workwise and having an unexpected flat tyre. I think going to the Drs was a good step to making myself better - exploring the health effects of my being overweight. I could have made some better choices food wise - have had takeout a couple of times - but yesterday I watched my Mum and son have some decadent pieces of chocolate cake and I did no join them - which I usually would have - so yeah to me for that. This week I think I am increasing my activity with 3 early morning workouts.

Have a great week everyone.


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