Marathon Weekend 2025

This is sort-of off-topic, but for me is tangential to a MW trip. Does anyone have a favorite alternative to a loungefly backpack for park touring? I know some people will say, "You don't need a bag at all!" but I really like having somewhere to store my wallet, a couple of ponchos, a couple of pins to trade, a couple of water bottles, and clip a popcorn bucket. And I don't need a full-sized bag for that. I have a cute Merida loungefly, but it makes my shirt ride up in the back and that gets really annoying, which helps me to not impulse buy a race weekend loungefly every year.
This is sort-of off-topic, but for me is tangential to a MW trip. Does anyone have a favorite alternative to a loungefly backpack for park touring? I know some people will say, "You don't need a bag at all!" but I really like having somewhere to store my wallet, a couple of ponchos, a couple of pins to trade, a couple of water bottles, and clip a popcorn bucket. And I don't need a full-sized bag for that. I have a cute Merida loungefly, but it makes my shirt ride up in the back and that gets really annoying, which helps me to not impulse buy a race weekend loungefly every year.
I use the Vera Bradley sling (one shoulder) backpack. It can carry the basics (water bottle, sunscreen, ponchos) and it has a secret tiny pocket on the inside by my hip that I can slip my wallet into. It’s also nice to not have something on both shoulders all day.
ETA- the one I have is made from recycled plastic bottles, so it’s been waterproof/resistant. I can also fit a small umbrella in there.
I use the Vera Bradley sling (one shoulder) backpack.
Another vote for the Vera Bradley sling. I would also add that I take a variety of Vera Bradley travel bags to WDW (the cross body styles in different sizes depending on what activity is going on). I love that they have so many zip pockets and are machine washable. The only thing I don't use them for is running. 😂
This is sort-of off-topic, but for me is tangential to a MW trip. Does anyone have a favorite alternative to a loungefly backpack for park touring? I know some people will say, "You don't need a bag at all!" but I really like having somewhere to store my wallet, a couple of ponchos, a couple of pins to trade, a couple of water bottles, and clip a popcorn bucket. And I don't need a full-sized bag for that. I have a cute Merida loungefly, but it makes my shirt ride up in the back and that gets really annoying, which helps me to not impulse buy a race weekend loungefly every year.
My wife is currently loving this style of cross-body bag. Super cheap on Amazon. She also looked at the Vera Bradley's, but didn't love any of the patterns.

Regarding strength training, I used to do crossfit 4+ days a week, but then my gym closed. We bought most of the gear to add to our home gym and we were really good at continuing our lifting until I got sick in 2019. It was just too hard for me to do that level of lift through chemo. I still managed to do RWR for my treatments and swimming plus pilates helped. When I recovered, my strength training has mainly been Pure Barre (a barre class) 4-5 days a week which has many of the same exercises I had from PT for my piraformis. It it great because it really targets large and small muscle groups and hip flexors so my overall running is much better. I do still lift with weights after I run. I generally run, then do some pushups, weighted sit ups, kettle bell work, chin ups, hanging leg lifts, etc. Here is my general workout schedule:

M: Run 4-4.5 miles (small weight work after), Pure Barre, Yoga
T: Peloton bike workout, Pure Barre, Yoga
W: Run 4-4.5 miles (small weight work after), Pure Barre, Yoga
Th: Peloton bike workout, Pure Barre, Yoga
F: Speed work or hill repeats for 3.5 miles (small weight work after)
S: Long Run, yoga
Su: Pure Barre, yoga
For 15+ years, my strength training was meeting my trainer at a gym or our building's gym once a week. (DH did too.) He would vary my lifting workout across machines or free weights, adding ab and balance work with body weight, bosu, ball crunches, planks, etc. It was just once a week for an hour, but working slow reps and repeats to fatigue, it was just the right compliment to my other training.

It's been almost a year since our unexpected move planning started and I stopped being able to meet with him. We bought equipment and built a gym in our new home (installed in late July) and I have a couple of written workouts from my trainer, but not having a person to meet at a certain time each week has taken a huge toll on my consistency. It's also boring not to have someone to chat with for that hour! (After that long, we became good friends with him and his wife.)

Thankfully we are still in touch and he's been awesome about helping out with workout adjustments, but I just need to get back in the routine of doing it more than a couple times a month.
SAFD: I don't follow any specific plan, but need to get my butt in gear. Since this past MW, running has been very limited. Between work, coaching baseball, and traveling back and forth to Knoxville to watch my son play baseball, free time has been limited. Plus all of the good food in Tennessee has not done me any favors. On the flight back yesterday I said today is day 1 where I start making time for myself to run and get back into shape for MW. I need to add some core strengthening to my routine. After the marathon this past January, my lower back was really hurting. I watched the video my wife took of me running to the finish line and you could see it in my posture that my lower back was weak. So hoping to strengthen that up in hopes of eliminating that issue. I am starting to think the lack of strength in my lower back is also a cause of my hamstring cramps during the marathon.
SAFD: Tuesday edition

My training continues to be admittedly unstructured and half-@ssed; I guess it is a modification of a Galloway type plan. Unless weather or circumstances interfere, it's appx 12-16 miles per week of maintenance running. I've seen comments about "I'll start training for MW in Sep". For me, training starts now for building up endurance and the continued efforts to get weight down. Also, I have athsma, and while it is always there and limiting my pace to an extent, I find that my lungs do build up somewhat from training. (Found this out one afternoon when I went to the greenway on a warm afternoon, discovered that I had left my inhaler at home, and tried a 5 mile run anyway. To my pleasant surprise, no major issue. Otherwise, I typically take a hit from the inhaler prior to a run to prevent a lot of post-run wheezing and congestion.)

Prior comments not withstanding, once the brutal heat of Atlanta starts to wane in September, I'll step up my training to slightly longer weekday runs and extending the Sunday runs to be longer and longer.

Race day is again a modified Galloway RW with a mix of running between water stations and doing the walk breaks while getting hydration. For a marathon, the second half of the race tends more towards more walking than running.

Weight training: when I think about it. I keep dumbbells next to my desk at home and I'll do reps while on calls when I'm muted and off camera.

M: Run 3.5 - 4 miles
T: Maybe run. Depends on if I was able to run after work on Monday
W: Run 3.5 - 4 miles
Th: Commute into work, no run
F: Alternating running with picking up my son for visitation
S: Work on airplane, usually no run
Su: Longer run, distance varies
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This is sort-of off-topic, but for me is tangential to a MW trip. Does anyone have a favorite alternative to a loungefly backpack for park touring? I know some people will say, "You don't need a bag at all!" but I really like having somewhere to store my wallet, a couple of ponchos, a couple of pins to trade, a couple of water bottles, and clip a popcorn bucket. And I don't need a full-sized bag for that. I have a cute Merida loungefly, but it makes my shirt ride up in the back and that gets really annoying, which helps me to not impulse buy a race weekend loungefly every year.
We just throw everything under our double-stroller. It's basically a rolling fortress. 😂
Yup, this is me
Other than an excessive amount of work on the yard and misc projects I have tried many times to start the habit especially focusing on core exercises as my back has problems that the abs could help support but always seem to end up at a day or two now and again when I think about it.
I’m always wondering how I got the running habit to stick so I can apply whatever it was to the workout habit…
If only Disney had a big sit-up competition once per year with characters and fireworks. It would take place at 2:45 AM and cost $300, and it would be awful, and I would finally get in shape.
SAFD: You can add me to the "I don't do strength training" camp, for better or worse. 🤣 I have a very high-stress job where I work very long hours during the week and sometimes on the weekends (attorney), so I am lucky if I can get myself out the door a couple times during the work week to run. I absolutely do not have time to go to the gym unless I sacrifice an hour of sleep and I don't get enough as it is. So, I make sure to hit my 4 runs a week and I don't lose sleep over it anymore. I just need to make a conscious effort to start eating better this summer and laying off of the alcohol. I've gained about 15 pounds since running Dopey and I feel terrible about it.

As for training, last year I decided to join a virtual running group that comes with a virtual coach. It is the best decision I ever made for my running. When I miss runs or life gets in the way, he is able to adapt my plans on the spot and knows what is best to keep my body in the best shape. I shaved over an hour off of my marathon time between Goofy in 2023 and Dopey this past January. Plus, I love having the group to keep me accountable and motivated and the group meets at runDisney events so I get to see them a few times a year. I've made some of my absolutely best friends through that group in the last year. For Dopey, I imagine we will keep the same schedule: runs on Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, and Sunday with Sunday being my long run. It worked well last year because I have more time on the weekends (typically) to run when work doesn't get in the way.
This is sort-of off-topic, but for me is tangential to a MW trip. Does anyone have a favorite alternative to a loungefly backpack for park touring? I know some people will say, "You don't need a bag at all!" but I really like having somewhere to store my wallet, a couple of ponchos, a couple of pins to trade, a couple of water bottles, and clip a popcorn bucket. And I don't need a full-sized bag for that. I have a cute Merida loungefly, but it makes my shirt ride up in the back and that gets really annoying, which helps me to not impulse buy a race weekend loungefly every year.
I have had this Waterfly crossbody bag since 2019, and it is everything I need in a travel bag. It’s very similar to the one @camaker posted (except not as cute/Disney themed).
It may not be as stylish, but I love the pocket on the front of the strap that provides easy access to my phone and small credit card wallet. Because that pocket is in front where I can see it, it helps keep those valuable items secure.
Late SAFD: I’ve been using a running coach since summer 2022 when I started training for my first marathon / Dopey, if I’m honest I sort of mindlessly do whatever he says to do. I really like the accountability factor and the interface of how workouts are loaded (he uses Training Peaks which syncs flawlessly to Garmin) - I don’t have to think, just do. I know I should take a more active interest in what he’s planning and why, but I don’t - I’m just running for general fitness and to be prepared, not for records.

We do time based runs - while it varies, the Dopey plan has been roughly 3, 45-50 min weekday runs (one being speedwork which I’m 50/50 on ignoring), a long Sunday run of varying lengths, and Peloton twice a week (30-45 minutes one day during the week and 60 min or longer on Saturday). As we get closer to MW he likes to tack on a 20-30 minute run after the Saturday Peloton, which totally sucks and is usually when I have to remind him I’m doing this for fun and I’m not one of his ‘elite’ athletes.

I think I end up hitting less total mileage than many plans/posts I see around here, but it seems to work for me!
Has there been any updates on the transferring/linking marathon registrations to another account? I haven't heard back from rD since I contact them early last week.
Has there been any updates on the transferring/linking marathon registrations to another account? I haven't heard back from rD since I contact them early last week.
With Spring Surprise this week, I wouldn't expect a response just yet. If you haven't heard anything this time next week, I'd email again in case it got lost in the shuffle. It's not usually a huge issue for them to fix it and it happens a lot.
Has there been any updates on the transferring/linking marathon registrations to another account? I haven't heard back from rD since I contact them early last week.
I wrote them yesterday about transferring a registration, and haven't heard anything yet. I'm not expecting anything right away.


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