Marathon Training thread for November 1-7

I hope everyone is having a little better weather than we are. It has been freezing and rainy all day. I hate damp, cold weather...I'd rather have snow. On the plus side, I'm now on the couch, covered by a warm blanket and snuggling with DD. She also played her ultimate cute card. When she wants to be precious she looks up at me and says "I'm so glad that Grammy Sally made you Mommy". She's also started one of her epic made up songs. She sings out a stream of consciousness story that can last for as much as twenty minutes. DS is busy telling knock,knock jokes that make no sense whatsoever. He also likes the chicken crosses the road riddles. This is one he thinks is completely hilarious.."Why did the chicken cross the road? Because he has an elephant on his head!!!! :confused: :rolleyes:
I really love four years old.

I walked for 30 minutes at the mall today. I don't think my pace was that great, but it was pretty crowded. I'm going to do an easy 30 minute walk tommorrow and I'm going to attempt eight miles this weekend. If it clears up I'll do it outside near my house, but if the weather stays the way it is, I'll get up early and walk at the mall before it opens.
Just got back from my run. 45 minutes of run3/walk2. I am not sure how far I ran...but I will DH to plug it into his map program and it will give me the mileage.

And the best bit, I went for an hours massage with my massage therapist, she wanted to know if I was stressed, ummmmm just a little. My shoulders were all in knots. But they are better now.

Tomorrow is cross training, so I'm either going for a swim, water aerobics, pilates, or bikram yoga. Depends what time I finish work. Saturday is my long run - 5 miles.

I am also doing a John Bingham program. During the marathon weekend we are at POP, then we move to the Beach Club, and then on to Wilderness Lodge.

All up we will be there Jan 7th to 16th.
Oh Dawn! Those stories.... just make me cry! How I love the sweetness of little kiddles! I miss having them in my home!
good morning all :)

decaff -- I AM busy! thanks for validating that for me! he he he

karen -- glad you found a new exciting plan to rev up your healthy eating choices -- i'm so sorry your SI jt is not behaving -- PD and prayers your way

terry -- i did my 'long' three mies too, isn't that funny :) CYBER HIGH FIVE on your loss -- three pounds that's AWESOME!!!! does that bring you close to a new clippie??

Rachael -- you must be a week ahed of terry and I??

I have not got a marathon packet yet -- and Karen I think Mom and I registered at a 14 min pace to get in a corral closer to the start -- hopefully she can verify or maybe my packet will??

ok - i didn't go to h20 aerobics yesterday; just did the evening yoga class with Paige (my DD who is 7 almost 8 going on 16) and then took her swimming in the warm water therapy pool for 30 mins too. I just got a noodle and kicked about, tried to do some toning moves from the classes but very laid back. heck, I was tired!

today I did 3.3 miles in 47 mins -- tomorrow is my day off and a full-scheduled day for my family! have a great weekend everyone -- see you sunday!

Sundie -- i'm so very sorry to hear you aren't able to participate with us!!! (((HUGS)))
Originally posted by tw1nsmom
"Why did the chicken cross the road? Because he has an elephant on his head!!!! :confused: :rolleyes:
I really love four years old.

OK ... I found this hilarious because I think I've heard the same one from MY 4 yr old ds! :teeth: And he just laughs and laughs and laughs ... which is very contagious!

Yesterday was a rest day for me, 'cause of course I needed one after, oh, ONE day of walking/Curves :confused: Actually, just didn't have the time due to dd's piano lessons. And it was very cold, windy and rainy here so no going out at lunch.

Only 9 weeks to go ... I need to get back on track. What will all of you who live in climates similar to southwestern Ontario do for the next 2 months as far as training? Once the sidewalks/roads are icy, it's really dangerous to be out there. I think I would go nuts trying to "mall walk", and I don't have a TM. Anyone have any great ideas?

Originally posted by maryliz
OK ... I found this hilarious because I think I've heard the same one from MY 4 yr old ds! :teeth: And he just laughs and laughs and laughs ... which is very contagious!

Yesterday was a rest day for me, 'cause of course I needed one after, oh, ONE day of walking/Curves :confused: Actually, just didn't have the time due to dd's piano lessons. And it was very cold, windy and rainy here so no going out at lunch.

Only 9 weeks to go ... I need to get back on track. What will all of you who live in climates similar to southwestern Ontario do for the next 2 months as far as training? Once the sidewalks/roads are icy, it's really dangerous to be out there. I think I would go nuts trying to "mall walk", and I don't have a TM. Anyone have any great ideas?


Can you afford any kind of gym membership (cheapest you can find) for a facility with a treadmill? Friend who lives in an apartment community that has a workout room?

I wish I had better suggestions--any highschools or community centers or colleges with an indoor track/gym. Sometimes you can meander on into them--but check first of course.

Our mall doors open a couple of hours before the stores open--so you can get in and walk without fighting the shoppers. NOw the other walkers, that's a whole other can of worms :hyper: :hyper:
How is everyone weekend looking? Right now- I'm hoping I'll be walking at least some. I was on my back most of the day hoping that will help.

Does anyone remember what time they put on their Application for the half? How long did you say it woud take you to finish the half????

Geetey and I are gonna be siamese twins at the START of the END of the Half marathon block- right geetey????? NOBODY is gonna pass us! We're staying as far ahead of that ol' sweeper as we possibly can! Is anyone gonna wait at the finish line for us?
:wave2: Hi Everyone! I got up this morning-not at 5:30 when the second alarm went off :eek: -and walked. It was pretty windy, sunny and cold. Once I warmed up, it was fine. I used the "Hooked on Classics" CD's and walked for @ 1 3/4 hours. Did about 6 3/4 miles, although I was aiming for 7. (nature called, and their are no porta-potties around town) I had Gatorade for the first time ever. That with the fast paced music had me on the move.

Karen, I set myself up in the last corral. Still working on my 'gameplan'. Off to a quick start? Slow at first? Susan is on the road headed "HOME" for the first time as I type, but I think that she'd like to be right there with you and Terry, along with me....front of the last corral? Hmmm. I wonder if I'll be able to keep up with Nancy and Mary Liz??
Hey all,

Do you think it's too late to get back into the race? I just got my packet yesterday and DH said I could go if I want. I intially backed out because we were going to do an extra summer vacation, but now we are just going to Disney in the summer.

I stopped exercising in the middle of June. I was doing well from January - June. Do you think I could get back in shape enough to walk the 1/2 mile? I never could get rid of my DISCON 2005 clippie.

I'm going to look into airfare and hotel now. Do you think there is still a chance to get rooms??
Melanie- IT"S NEVER TOO LATE! You can do it! You'll have to work hard, but I'm so excited you are going to be there! I'll bet rooms are still available. Good luck and let us know how it turns out!

Debbie- Oh goodie!!! Terry and I have smeone else joining us in the front of the back! ;) My plan..... stay in the front of the back! Unfortunately for me, I seem to start out slowly and then get faster. I can't remember where I read this, but my goal is to get to the 10K mark in 1:30- Now- that's a 15 minute mile. When I did my 10K in October, I was at a 17:15 minute mile. I have a ways to go, but I'm gonna try. I think if I can get there at that time, the sweeper will leave me alone. Who knows.... maybe we should bring water ballons to throw at the sweeper as it approaches us! I can't imagine they would pick up a big group of women that were still all ALIVE and wanting to walk! Would they???

I walked 7 miles this morning. Tomorrow will be a rest day for me. Next Sunday..... I get to walk 8 MILES!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!:eek: How the ehck am I gonna do that while I'm out of town? We fly home on Sunday! Maybe I'll do it Wednesday and do shorter walks next weekend?? What do you all think?
Hi all - weekend is going well for everyone?

We have pretty good weather & I managed a 5.5 miler. YAHOO! I feel great & probably should have gone longer but time is always an issue:(

karen I do not remember putting down any time, how do I find out? will I have to wait till I get there? I'm sure I put the longest since I've never done this before. So you are planning on wearing shorts to walk? we will be there for only 5 days so I guess I'll pack 1 pair of pants & capris and a bathing suit. I just put my summer clothes away:rolleyes: Oh I love the marathon bars:tongue:

I found a site with reviews, sounds like a fun time. In the guide it shows the 1/2 ending outside of the parks which disappoints me, I hope my dh can find me.

Have a starry saturday night! I have a date with dh to get ready for;)
MelanieC - I agree, it's never too late! For many reasons my training has been really slow going, but I'm really stepping up the pace in hopes of finishing on time. Remember, the triumph is in the attempt.

Karen - I'll be joining the rest of the last corral crew. I can't remember specifically what I put down, but I think I said I would need the full time.

Today has been a fun day! DH took the kids for breakfast and errands, so I was able to get my walk in without feeling rushed to quit early. I did a little over 5 miles, averaging a little bit more than 16 minutes/mile.

When I got back the family wasn't home yet so I went ahead and dyed my hair (I try to do it when DH is in charge of the time I tried to do it while it was just me and the kids. The kids ran around with swim goggles on because of the fumes/smell. When I was in the shower rinsing the dye out the smoke alarm went off because of the steam from the shower. I then had two freaked out 3 year olds and a 95 pound dog trying to climb in the shower with me!). I went from dingy blond with dark roots to amber brown/auburn. It's pretty close to what my natural color was when I was younger (pre-kids).

When DH, DD, and DS got home we went out to lunch and then to see The Incredibles. It was fantastic! I highly recommend it to anyone, with or without children. A lot of the humor was geared toward the adults, but the kids loved it too.

Tommorrow is a rest day for me. I'll be shooting for eight miles on next weeks long walk. I hope everyone has a great weekend!

Hey Karebare1,

When you said "Unfortunately for me, I seem to start out slowly and then get faster." - there is nothing unfortunate about it. It's actually better to start out slower and get faster, that way you finish strong.

Most people who start out faster and get slower, end up struggling to finish, or don't finish because they ran out of steam.

I registered for an expected finish time of 3:30 for the half. The last time I finished a 1/2 I did the first 6 and 1/2 miles in 2 hours
and the second 6 and 1/2 in 1:30.

Start slow, finish fast!

Looks like a few of us will be walking the 8 mile route next Saturday. I'll have to take a break from report cards :tongue: because it's report card weekend coming up! Hmmm. 8 cards.......8 cards.......8 cards....... As long as the weather holds up, I know which way the teeter totter will fall! :tongue:

Debbie- I caught a glimpse of your countdown - 62 DAYS!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!

Rachel- thank you SO MUCH for that little bit of hope! I hadn't thought about that, but I think you're right! When DH and I started our 10K we were in the back of our group- but, in the end passed amny many people- even from the group that started in front of us! I'll have to keep that in mind. We'll just pick 'em off one at a time!
I am headed out of the door right now for a 5 mile run.

However I did run my first 5k yesterday and I'm very pround of myself. I ran a 10 minute mile. I'm hoping to increase my speed as I continue. I also met my first Dis'er yesterday at the marathon, which was very exciting.

I've taken red meats, sweets (thanks Karebear1) out of my diet. My body has already adjusted to the sweets and I no longer desire it. Bring on the fruits and veggies please!

I'll post how my run went when I return.

Well- I perused a bit before catching up here so Karen I posted no packet yet for me and even tho I saw Molli yesterday forgot to ask her but saw she said none for her either - so OH is not covered yet!

Molli I checked registration (sent Jan 9th) and have expected time at 3:00 hours - I am sure we bumped up taking the corraling into consideration.

MelanieC - you can do it girl - and when you get a chance to get away for a few days - it's worth walking 13 miles to get a break , right! I'm sure there is a room for you too. Hope that you do make it and join us in posting here.

I am just sitting here (still in my jammies) relaxing this morning. Oh man it feels good, too ::yes:: I am still taking one more week off from walking then I hope to restart with Molli's program and just use it to finish out the training. I am going for a massage tomorrow evening (the therapist just ran Chicago and had some leg problems, so I am sure he will be just the person I need to help get this hamstring back in shape)

I am so surprised at the number of people I have bumped into lately that are training for this event. A guy at my office and his wife, Evansmom (DNiece) has several friends and just yesterday a visit to my dr's office (side note - blood drawn for cholestrol check- I am anxious to see my numbers) anyway, nurse said her husband training for a marathon in FL in Jan - I asked DIS,she said yes - (actually she suggested to him that they train together, she recently became ill can't train and go even and that bugger is going on without her- mmmmm - men!) anyway, this is a bigger event that I was thinking for Ohioans, I guess.

Oh yeah I saw Molli because there was a surprise 30th birthday party for DN - Nikki- Evansmom - boy - is she a fit looking 30!!! But, she reminded me that her birthday not until Nov 12th so she a few days yet to savor 29 ::yes:: She is still thinking she might even do the full marathon even!

You know I am going to like being "in-training" over the holidays, I think it just might make turning down some of those goodies a bit easier when I think of the reason why I'll be turning them down! Besides, Molli has wonderful places scheduled for us to eat when this is all over - Ill be ready for that ceviche in Mexico mmmmmmmmmm !

Well just heard DS arrive - off to visit a few with him.

Keep up the good work everyone !
Hi everyone,

We have an absolutely beautiful day here - 55 degrees and sunny. They're calling for flurries overnight! Definitely NOT looking forward to training in that. I walked 5 miles today and enjoyed what was possibly our last nice day of the year.

decaff - How did your 10k go today?

Have a fantastic week everyone!
Happy to report we also have a gorgeous day:sunny: shut off the heat & opened the windows, even wearing shorts:)

Went to the park & did 4.5 miles, had to be home for football:rolleyes: not my choice. Will also be doing an 8 miler this week, I'd like to find a flat course but the park is soo beautiful with the leaves & all.

Thanks to the budget board I got my airfare this am for $350 for 3 of us:bounce: Has anyone received a bill for their room yet?

I read some other posts that there are long lines for the pasta diner and many people make a ps for other restuarants. The recommendation is to take a bus at 3:30 am :scared1: for the start. Anyone going to epcot to watch others finish the full marathon?
Auntmeme - I heard the same thing about long lines at the pasta dinner. I don't think DH wants to handle that with two 4 year olds. We'll probably go to Sweet Tomatoes, another Italian/pasta place (Olive Garden, Macaroni Grill...), or some place onsite (maybe even the Pop food court). Is anyone planning on meeting for their carb. load meal?


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