Lost faith

Yeah I'll wait for that one too. It's becoming the American way to want things for free. I just hope someone else doesn't have to go through this.
I don't know if I'd call this a "scam," because the person didn't get anything from you.


You forgot time.

They were giving - left presents of headaches, stress and wasted time. ;) And nothing's more valuable than time. Sighing.

I don't rent my points out on a regular basis at all. I did this year but haven't for years on end. But there are early potential renters and some whom I didn't turn my brain on for by going with them (not directed toward you OP) - that have tired the absolute crap out of me. And to me that's valuable time and energy. I came out of a transaction about seven years ago where I honestly felt that I had earned every cent of the transaction. Meaning I felt way underpaid. ;);).

Yes they are few and far between and most are wonderful renters that know what they want ahead of time and are fantastic transactions. But there seems to me that there are more and more *interesting* people on the loose.

But it's better than a check. Quicker, and won't bounce.

True but there are a lot of horror stories out there about PayPal reversing charges following a complaint or even locking accounts entirely.

I can't speak to the frequency of these actions, nor to the circumstances which lead up to them. But it seems if you're unlucky enough to hook-up with a renter who is bound and determined to cause trouble, complaints filed with PayPal--embellished or fraudulent--could lead to just as many headaches.

Thank you for addressing Paypal. I don't take it for these reasons and have to explain why I don't - which I have no issue with doing - as I can understand that it seems suspicious to some. I always say that I realize that there are a myriad of wonderful, successful Paypal transactions every single day but as an owner I won't put myself in a position of the transaction being challenged.

But it doesn't help when some owners on here guide potential renters - in general DVC renting discussions/suggestions/even a sticky once - by saying "make sure the owner takes Paypal".
Sorry. Forgot. I'm very happy to hear that things worked out OP.

And lessons are learned through business transactions for everyone.

But I just wanted to let you know that I understand how tiring it can be if you get someone who takes up too much time, thought and brings stress.

And even if we all do contracts and have strong "this is business" skills - well there is still the chance of having issues after a renter completes their stay. And enough said on that because I certainly don't want to give any idiots ideas. :rolleyes1. Once again, few and far between but chances.
If the CM at the front desk isn't aware the the non-member is not the member, they can and have upgraded the reservation that required more points. And it is hard to get the money for those extra points from the non-member after the fact.

You forgot time.

They were giving - left presents of headaches, stress and wasted time. ;) And nothing's more valuable than time. Sighing.

I wasn't implying at all that the OP hadn't lost anything -- in addition to the time, there's the reduced value of the points, and the anxiety of such an experience. I just meant that I don't see what the renter planned to gain. Surely s/he did not think s/he was going to be able to use the reservation after not paying and ignoring attempts to contact?

Anyway, OP, I'm glad you found a new renter and got a happy ending! :yay:
Change the name on the reservation.

Give them a call and say that you still have a reservation, but they do not. However, if they Fed Ex you a certified check, after you cash it, you'll change the name back. But it has to be Fed Ex'd on Monday, because Tuesday you are listing the reservation as a "can't be used" on the rent trade board for less than 30 days out at firesale prices.

Hopefully you got a deposit from them.

:thumbsup2 Exactly my suggestion.
Congratulations! This really is a typical Disney story.....it started out wonderful, turned ugly, then along came someone to save the day, and they all lived happily ever after. :)

Merry Christmas!

OH..glad it worked out! ( I should have read the whole thread first :) )
Yeah I'll wait for that one too. It's becoming the American way to want things for free. I just hope someone else doesn't have to go through this.

I sort of hope whoever he rented to was scamming, and wasn't one of those disorganized, flighty people who will arrive at WDW to find a cancelled reservation and not really understand what happened. But either way, it isn't his problem or mine.
I sort of hope whoever he rented to was scamming, and wasn't one of those disorganized, flighty people who will arrive at WDW to find a cancelled reservation and not really understand what happened. But either way, it isn't his problem or mine.

I may not be a scam, it could just be an individual who changed his/her mind at the last minute and didn't have the courage or decency to say so! Some people are very wishy washy and avoid conflict at all costs!

These boards are full of threads about people/friends/family committing to a vacation several months out and as the time nears they just opt out. Of course they don't understand about timeshares, about points, use year, borrowing, the 7/11 month window, the 30 day cancellation and the 60 day holding. Nor do they realize what the owner has done to arrange the vacation.

When I book a family reunion, they all arrive when scheduled, but they have no idea, what I've done re: ADR's, points transfers, etc. or what DVC entails! But then again they would never stiff me so I don't mind doing it all!

OP glad it worked out in the end!
I sort of hope whoever he rented to was scamming, and wasn't one of those disorganized, flighty people who will arrive at WDW to find a cancelled reservation and not really understand what happened. But either way, it isn't his problem or mine.

My guess? Someone who really wanted to go, hadn't talked to spouse before hand, reservation made and now spouse says NO. Or someone who got it for cheaper.
Over 10 years ago, I was contacted by a Member who rented a reservation to someone using the Rent/Trade Board.

The reservation was made within 30 days of arrival and reportedly the check was in the mail. No contract was used.

The check never arrived, the reservation was never canceled and (again reportedly) the renter checked-in at the resort and used the reservation.

There was nothing we could do to assist the member but the result was that some of the suggestions made in the stickies on the Rent/Trade Board were as a result of this and other complaints made by both Members and Renters over the years.

In this case, IMO, a Member should NEVER make a reservation within 30 days without full payment in advance since the points will go into Holding if the reservation is canceled. In addition, a firm deadline for payment must be honored by the renter and enforced by the member. (The suggestion in this thread to change the name on the reservation and inform the renter is excellent.) IMO, no final payment should be accepted less than 60 days before arrival (just to provide some leeway for extenuating circumstances regarding receipt of payment) and I even feel that 90 days is wiser and not unreasonable.

Of course, all details are negotiable and should be based on the level of comfort made on both sides.

I'm glad the OP has been made whole by recent efforts. :)
OP, SOOO happy everything worked out for you.

I am a DVC owner and have rented points as well as the renter.

I have found most of my transactions on another site and a couple from the dis.

Anyway, was the person you rented from a diser? I sure hope not.

Also, I wanted to ask the others that have given you advice and told their stories, can you please let me know if I am correctly understanding your posts in that you rented out a reservation, say to me.
I go to the front desk at the resort and tell them I'm js and here is my ressie number and they pull me up from the screen.
Then, I tell them I don't want the ressie and change the name on it and when I change the name, I ask for bigger accommodations and the CM just says ok and takes the points from your account??? OMG, I NEVER thought that something like that could happen.
Am I understanding this all correctly?
OP, SOOO happy everything worked out for you.

I am a DVC owner and have rented points as well as the renter.

I have found most of my transactions on another site and a couple from the dis.

Anyway, was the person you rented from a diser? I sure hope not.

Also, I wanted to ask the others that have given you advice and told their stories, can you please let me know if I am correctly understanding your posts in that you rented out a reservation, say to me.
I go to the front desk at the resort and tell them I'm js and here is my ressie number and they pull me up from the screen.
Then, I tell them I don't want the ressie and change the name on it and when I change the name, I ask for bigger accommodations and the CM just says ok and takes the points from your account??? OMG, I NEVER thought that something like that could happen.
Am I understanding this all correctly?

In my case, I rented a reservation at my home resort, BLT, through a reputable broker. The renters appeared to be high maintenance, as I was continually getting messages from the broker to add room requests, delete room requests, add them back on, etc. The renters booked 2 studios for the exact same dates.

When they checked in, I am guessing they asked to change around who was in which room. I say "I'm guessing" because despite my asking, I was never told what exactly happened. This required the resort to cancel the original reservations and rebook them. Instead of using the same points, the CM took additional points from my account and left the ones originally used to make the reservation in a holding account. Because I had been checking my account online every day while the renters were using our points, I saw the holding points show up 2 days after they checked in and I called MS immediately. It took several nerve wracking minutes for the CM to figure out what happened, but in the end she fixed it.

I have heard stories where a renter books, say a standard view room at BLT. Then upon arrival, they think DVC works like a cash ressie and ask for an upgrade to Theme Park View. Sure! says the CM. Then, unbeknownst to the owner, the CM dips into the DVC account on file and takes more points to use for the upgrade. Oy. :sick:

I repeat... I will never. ever. ever. rent out our points again.
OP, SOOO happy everything worked out for you.

I am a DVC owner and have rented points as well as the renter.

I have found most of my transactions on another site and a couple from the dis.

Anyway, was the person you rented from a diser? I sure hope not.

Also, I wanted to ask the others that have given you advice and told their stories, can you please let me know if I am correctly understanding your posts in that you rented out a reservation, say to me.
I go to the front desk at the resort and tell them I'm js and here is my ressie number and they pull me up from the screen.
Then, I tell them I don't want the ressie and change the name on it and when I change the name, I ask for bigger accommodations and the CM just says ok and takes the points from your account??? OMG, I NEVER thought that something like that could happen.
Am I understanding this all correctly?

It might even be a little worse than your understanding, but has certainly not been a frequent issue. Over the years we have had a few reports where a guest/renter asked at arrival if any upgrades were available. In those few cases the CM at the front desk made the change to a larger villa and had MS deduct appropriate number of points from the member's account. The guest/renter never really had to suggest they were the member at all.

It has been a long time since we have had a similar (and unverified, as always) report so I don't know that it needs to be a real concern, but a few have reported this happening over the years on our DVC Boards.
Can we not put a note on the ressie to provide no upgrades upon checkin?
In my case, I rented a reservation at my home resort, BLT, through a reputable broker. The renters appeared to be high maintenance, as I was continually getting messages from the broker to add room requests, delete room requests, add them back on, etc. The renters booked 2 studios for the exact same dates.

When they checked in, I am guessing they asked to change around who was in which room. I say "I'm guessing" because despite my asking, I was never told what exactly happened. This required the resort to cancel the original reservations and rebook them. Instead of using the same points, the CM took additional points from my account and left the ones originally used to make the reservation in a holding account. Because I had been checking my account online every day while the renters were using our points, I saw the holding points show up 2 days after they checked in and I called MS immediately. It took several nerve wracking minutes for the CM to figure out what happened, but in the end she fixed it.

I have heard stories where a renter books, say a standard view room at BLT. Then upon arrival, they think DVC works like a cash ressie and ask for an upgrade to Theme Park View. Sure! says the CM. Then, unbeknownst to the owner, the CM dips into the DVC account on file and takes more points to use for the upgrade. Oy. :sick:

I repeat... I will never. ever. ever. rent out our points again.
WOW! Thank you very much for explaning. I never even thought that this could happen and quite honestly once the week started for my renter, I never even checked every day to see about a change in points. Thanks to the dis, I will certainly do so in the future.

It might even be a little worse than your understanding, but has certainly not been a frequent issue. Over the years we have had a few reports where a guest/renter asked at arrival if any upgrades were available. In those few cases the CM at the front desk made the change to a larger villa and had MS deduct appropriate number of points from the member's account. The guest/renter never really had to suggest they were the member at all.

It has been a long time since we have had a similar (and unverified, as always) report so I don't know that it needs to be a real concern, but a few have reported this happening over the years on our DVC Boards.
Thank you very much for explaining all this to me. I would have never thought that this could happen.

Can we not put a note on the ressie to provide no upgrades upon checkin?
You know, I thought the same thing after reading this thread last night.
I will still rent my points if I have extra or need to but I sure hope we can put a note that the reservation stands as is and the people on the reservation are not the point holders.
You know, I thought the same thing after reading this thread last night. I will still rent my points if I have extra or need to but I sure hope we can put a note that the reservation stands as is and the people on the reservation are not the point holders.

Unfortunately the transaction is between you and whoever you choose to do business with, Disney has no part in it and will assume no responsibility for any of it! You're on your own.
As members we are required by DVC to let Member Services know when booking that it is a rental.

I have to wonder if the reservations would have been changed if that had been noted. :confused3
As members we are required by DVC to let Member Services know when booking that it is a rental.

I have to wonder if the reservations would have been changed if that had
been noted. :confused3

It was noted on mine. I told MS myself.

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