LOSE BEFORE YOU CRUISE - Support Thread for all Cruisers

Can I join in? I want to lose 90 pounds this year... with a goal of 50 gone by cruise date of Feb 23rd. I just started Cambridge on Monday. The cruise will be a great motivator to get at least 50 gone by the end of Feb 2013... but I will be far from done with my weight loss journey. Starting weight was ( I cannot BELIEVE I AM POSTING THIS ON THE INTERWEBS) 254 on Monday. The largest I have ever been.. including my pregnancies. For me it's not so much about dress sizes and looking cute.. while that might be an added bonus... it's about living longer and better. My mother had a massive stroke at 49 and I care for her every day. I will not follow in those footsteps/wheelchair tracks.

Now, that my serious intro is done, I promise I am funny, positive and only mildly insane. (already have my lists started for our cruise and FE gifts in production even though there is no one but me on the meets thread for the cruise date..lol)

I weigh more than that :eek:and am hoping to lose 30 pounds before my December cruise. After that I will just keep dieting - I think I'll have to book another cruise, maybe in 2014, just to give me a great incentive!!
Elaine, that is an excellent idea! You just gave me another reason to book another cruise! I should have added in my previous post that I am only 5'2" (62cm) so, 254 looks more like 300 on my short stature.

I am a bit worried about how I am going to view food by the time I get on the Magic on Feb 23rd... I hope I am not weeping with joy or making nom nom noises when dessert arrives. :rotfl:
Elaine, that is an excellent idea! You just gave me another reason to book another cruise! I should have added in my previous post that I am only 5'2" (62cm) so, 254 looks more like 300 on my short stature.

I am a bit worried about how I am going to view food by the time I get on the Magic on Feb 23rd... I hope I am not weeping with joy or making nom nom noises when dessert arrives. :rotfl:

It sounds like you are going to be successful because you have the right attitude. There will be great days and more challenging days. I look at pictures of me from my Nov. 2011 cruise, then my March 2012, and look at myself now. There is 45 lbs. lesser of me. The eating out is so much different then in March. During the cruise, I thought about all the wrong choices I was making, and now I just don't even want to make those wrong choices. Only you can put your mind to it and do it. My success has been do to recording everything going in my mouth, and dedication to exercise. I wish you the best, and I will be here if you need to share.
Elaine, that is an excellent idea! You just gave me another reason to book another cruise! I should have added in my previous post that I am only 5'2" (62cm) so, 254 looks more like 300 on my short stature.

I am a bit worried about how I am going to view food by the time I get on the Magic on Feb 23rd... I hope I am not weeping with joy or making nom nom noises when dessert arrives. :rotfl:

Hey CeCe, looks like you've made a start, it's down weight all the way from now on!! I think we probably do have about the same to lose, as I'm 5' 8''.
Yesterday was a really mixed day, it's my weighing day and I lost 6lbs last week. That makes 22lb total in two weeks and I am really pleased. :wishtwenty
Then I went and picked up my sister, and her twin daughters, to take her to hospital for a day surgery on her knee. On the way we had to stop at Tesco to use the restrooms, I had been hit by my old enemy, IBD. :sick: It's a good thing Bryan had taken the day off, as I came home and crashed out for three hours. It's a good thing he likes to be active, he took the girls of to the local park and played football (soccer for my US friends) till they were exhausted too!! I woke up to the sound of a call from the hospital saying she was ready to pick up so I went to get her, bought her back to my house as she had to be with an adult for the first twenty four hours, then back to her house overnight. I'm not entirely sure what I ate, definitely Pizza, so today is a restart, tracking everything and needing to do extra exercise.

She's seems really well this morning so I've come home to sleep. Well, end of short novel, I wish you all the best of success this week. :cheer2::cheer2::cheer2:


PS - A great way to keep your hands from the cookie jar, candy tin or whatever your poison is in the evening - hand made FE gifts.
All of you are so inspiring!

My cruise is 8/29/12, and I've lost 19 lbs for it. I'm now 5'9" and 161 lbs. I'd like to lose 17 more, but I'll settle for 5 more by the cruise. :)

My new clothes and swimsuits just arrived from Lands End (love end of summer sales!) and although my body is nowhere near perfect, it's nice to try them on and feel good about it. I love the idea of booking next years cruise for weight loss motivation. Great idea!
I've been working since 7-11. Lost 12 pounds so far. I have 40ish more days and hope to lose 10 more!:yay:
Hello- newbie here!

My daughter and I booked an Oct 10, 2013 cruise on the Dream three weeks ago. We are both quite overweight, and have just over a year to do something about it. In three weeks she's lost 12lbs and I've lost 11, by counting calories and *actually* going to the gym.

Thank you for this thread....I will be reading daily and checking in often! I would love to atleast be a size 10 by next October. Good luck everyone!
It is great to see so much chatter. Another successful week. I have changed my breakfast from raisin bran to 2 eggs whites fried in a light spray of olive oil, sprinkled with cinnamon, and a tablespoon of almond butter. This high protein meal keeps me going for the day. I was not a big protein eater, and this is one way that I am finding to increase the protein. The other is Greek Yogurt. Right now, I have 5 meals a day and generally I have some sort of protein in at least 4/5 if not 5/5.
Just got back from my nutrition class presented from my gym. It was a 8 week program that provided nutrition advice and weigh ins. I am happy to say that I had the 3rd highest weight loss over 8 weeks. And here I thought I was not doing that great. I lost 9 lbs. and my goal was 12 lbs.
Just got back from my nutrition class presented from my gym. It was a 8 week program that provided nutrition advice and weigh ins. I am happy to say that I had the 3rd highest weight loss over 8 weeks. And here I thought I was not doing that great. I lost 9 lbs. and my goal was 12 lbs.

Sweet!!!! Great job! :cheer2:
It's great to hear about everyone's success recently! I too have finally broken past a plateau and have now lost another 5lbs! I am finally for he first time in years in the "normal" bmi range! Still have 3lbs left to reach my cruise goal and 8 - 10lbs to reach my overall goal! It might sound easy, but at this point the lbs seem harder than ever to lose.
I'm down 12 pounds since my first post.... 8 more until my first of 4 twenty pound goals. I have to break it up or the climb will look too steep. I am SO glad to have the support here and to read about your journeys.

I must say, that with each pound... probably each ounce, I feel an emotional pang of sorts. It's like I could map my body and say "this thigh fat here? Is my Mom's stroke. This thigh fat here on the other leg? is rape. My huge gut? losing our son..." and so on. And as sad and Debbie Downer as that sounds... it's huge. It's an amazing gift that this journey has given me: to actually deal with and walk through experiences that I blocked from my heart with food. I haven't just cheated myself from normal sized clothes and good health, but from living the life God gave me... good and bad.

I make no sense at all, do I?:rotfl2::rotfl2:
I'm so glad I found this thread. I started WW about a month ago, part for the cruise and part because I'm ready to let go of the stress I've been carrying around. I'm a stress eater. Like CeCe, everytime I look in the mirror I don't just see the weight but all of those issues, betrayals and pain. I feel it all over again. I've decided to take a stand against it and move past. I've lost almost 10 pounds and am feeling stronger already.

We were originally going to be cruising in Feb 2013 but moved up our date to Nov 10. I'm a little worried I'm not going to be at the goal I weight I desired by November. But, I'm trying and keep reminding myself this is about feeling healthier and more energetic for my life and not just for the cruise.
Some really great goals and successes. Only 15 weeks to my next cruise with a goal of 20 lbs. more for a total of 65 lbs. The closer to my ultimate goal the harder it is getting to get to it. As someone else said, breaking it into mini goals helps.
Hit another milestone in my running a 5K.

In January I was at 55 minutes,
In May it was 41 minutes,
Not sure when I hit the 38 minute mark,
And today 35 minutes and 30 seconds!!!!!
I'm new to this board. My starting weight was 245lbs and today it is 240lbs.:thumbsup2
So glad everyone is having such great success!!

In just one month and one week, I have managed to lose 14.8 lbs and my daughter has lost 16.4. We have such a long journey ahead of us..thank you all for the inspiration!
Congrats 999haunts! You and your daughter have worked really hard and should be very proud.
Starting to work on my mini goals for the next 15 weeks. Building a calendar to map everything out including meal planning. I plan to have this all done by Sunday. I have signed up for the Run for the Cure on Sept. 30, and I plan to do another race in October. I decided to join a completion at the gym "Mission thin Possible". This will help with the motivation and includes weigh in, measurements and weekly motivations classes. And of course seeing my personal training twice week. Wow, if I really work at it, I will finally no longer be considered in the over weight category for my next cruise. I think this planning will also help build the excitement for the cruise.
Well I have self sabotaged again and went back up 1.5lbs. Everytime I finally drop I will then let myself eat too much junkfood for a week. Oh well, today is a new day and back to being healthy! I am starting with an apple & water for breakfast.


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