Looking for Control Freaks & Worry Warts - Part 4!!!

sorry I have MIA. My heart and prayers have been with everyone. I feel so bad Lorrie that your had is doing so poorly. Maybe your trip will be a good thing for you. I'm no help with the MVMCP. Debbie did say that there were no lines at the halloween one. something to think about. That is awesome to hear that Nicolas is doing so well.

tammie--those poor babies. So young. Micah will have survivors guilit. I do hope that he continues to let everyone pray for him. Funny how some people deal with death. When my uncle passed, his buddies held a big biker bash for him. My uncle was killed on a motorcycle and was in a club for recovering alcoholics. It is a different perspective. I will keep all of them in my thoughts and prayers.

Tessa-how is your FIL doing? Are they keeping the pain under control? Tell me your dates again for next Oct.

Okay, we are on for next October. The 16-23. I think we are going to shoot for 7 days. Of course we will stay on property. I'm torn if we should do the DDP or DXDDP. Loved the deluxe plan last time. I need to think about meals and cost. I need to create a spread sheet with the costs. Also which resort?? We've done POP but I think we will need a little more space and bigger beds. So would I be better at moderate?? I'm glad I have time to plan this all out.

Tessa-how is your FIL doing? Are they keeping the pain under control? Tell me your dates again for next Oct.

Okay, we are on for next October. The 16-23. I think we are going to shoot for 7 days. Of course we will stay on property. I'm torn if we should do the DDP or DXDDP. Loved the deluxe plan last time. I need to think about meals and cost. I need to create a spread sheet with the costs. Also which resort?? We've done POP but I think we will need a little more space and bigger beds. So would I be better at moderate?? I'm glad I have time to plan this all out.


Luckily FIL is not in pain right now - he had his prostate cancer diagnosis and has never seemed fitter and healthier - I think it was the not knowing that was weighing him down.... He is on watch and wait - no actual treatment since they reckon it is a slow one and, to be quite blunt, he will be gone from his heart disease and emphysema before it starts to affect his health and wellbeing to any significant degree. But they will keep monitoring him from time to time.

We will be there those dates!!!! - our trip is 15th (travel day) to 29th October, will let you know our plans closer to the date. Remind me - are you the axe murderer ??;)

Remind me - are you the axe murderer ??;)


No, that's me. ;) Kara is the fat, old man posing as a snarky southern gal here on the DIS. I can't vouch for Laura - haven't met her in person yet, so you're on your own with her, tessa. :laughing:

So much sad news here. I'll keep you all in my thoughts and prayers.

Lorrie - I can't believe your trip is so close! :cool1: As for MVMCP -- I'm a sucker for whatever Disney is selling so my opinion on that is going to be biased. But I LOVE that party. Christmas atmosphere + Magic Kingdom = :love: It really is very pretty and gets you in the holiday spirit. Soaking up the festiveness is worth it enough for me; getting on rides easier is an added bonus. Just check and make sure it's not a "DVC" discount night. Those nights tend to be crowded.

Soooo, Amanda got both fllu shots last Tues.; came home from school on Friday with 103 temp. and GREEN secretions! :sick: Of course, I blame the flu shot; the dr. didn't. Fortunately, we jumped on it quickly enough and it never got any worse. She was actually much better by the next day. :confused3

Have a good day everyone. And, oh yeah..............................

GO YANKEES!!! :cool1::banana::woohoo::yay::dance3::cheer2:
Hi Girls ..
I've not read back but Tammie i did see your post and wanted to say how sorry i am for your entire family, you are all in my prayers and thoughts :hug:

I am in a good mood ... Today was the day to book our ADR's and it pretty much went well .. I also managed ot book Cj's B'day dinner, i called they put me throught to the group sales department who were FABULOUS
There are only 2 things i haven't managed to book .. CRT for my cousin and also The Pirates League, which the lady i spoke to said to call later about so fingers crossed for just a little longer please.

This is our itinerary

Sat 30th ... Arrive
Sun 31st .. Unpacking, Food shopping and if nice enough weather Aquatica
Mon 1st .. Universal Studios
Tues 2nd .. B'day .. 1900 Park Fare (yayay) 8 a.m then off to Mk then T-Rex for dinner 5 p.m
Wed 3rd .. Space Centre
Thurs 4th .. HS and Fantasmic
Fri 5th .. Off day/ Aquatica/ Shopping
Sat 6th .. Off day/ Aquatica/ Shopping
Sun 7th .. Sea World
Mon 8th .. Ak .. Donald's Breakie 8 a.m
Tues 9th .. Off day .. Ohana's breakie 10.10 a.m
Wed 10th .. Extra day to hop around Disney hahaha .. BBB for 2 little girlies 8 a.m and hopefully Pirate Lague for 5 pirates
Thurs 11th .. IOA .. Spiderman Breakie (yet to book)
Fri 12th .. Off day/ Aq/ Shopping
Sat 13th .. Epcot
Sun 14th .. Off day/ Boggy Creek/ Shopping
Mon 15th .. Mk .. Crystal Palace breakie 8.25 a.m
Tues 16th .. Chef Mickeys breakie 10 a.m then Ripleys after dinner
Wed 17th .. Home :sad1::sad1:
Erin here are mine-

It took me 5 hours of calling and hanging up. Mind you I wasn't trying too hard. I had other things to do.

March 1st Arrival Day- 'Ohana 6:15pm

March 2nd- Tusker House ( Donalds breakfast)
March 2nd- Cape May Cafe (dinner)

March 3rd- no plans going to try for Cindy when the window opens

March 4th- Le Cellier

March 5th- Whispering Canyon Cafe

March 6th- Biergarten

March 7th- Chef Mickey's Breakfast
March 7th- Hollywood and Vine ( dinner) Really thinking this wont happen

March 8th- Liberty Tree Tavern (Lunch) Our Departure day
All looks good Jillian ... Am gutted i can't get CRT for my cousin and really hoping we get Piartes league too

And just for Tammie :banana::banana::banana:
UUGGHH!! Everyone in my house has a cold or at least we're hoping it's just colds!! DH and my girls stayed home today from school with runny noses but no fevers. Aunt Flo came to visit me in the worst way and I feel a little cold sneaking up on me too. I just feel like curling up in bed and sleeping the day away!

I tried to get the H1N1 and the regular flu shots for the girls, but our DR's office and our local town is completely out of the shots. Trying to keep everyone germ free as much as we can!
Got my ADR's this weekend!

Le Cellier
San Angel Inn
Chef Mickey's
Hoop de Doo
Restaurant Marrakesh
Nine Dragons
Hi! I will get caught up tomorrow, but I just wanted to jump on and say hello!

I am burning the midnight oil, and I know I will pay for it tomorrow. I went straight from work to an appt, and didn't get home until late. I felt like I was cheated of my evening! I'm waiting for Taylor's gym suit to dry, then I will head off to bed. I just skimmed since my last post.

Yeah! for everyone planning trips! Lorrie, we leave 3 weeks from Thursday. Do our trips overlap? Ours is Nov 19-26.

Tammie - I am sorry to hear about your cousin. That is awful. My thoughts and prayers are w/you and your family.:hug:

Dryer just stopped. I am off to bed. :grouphug:
lydia those look great. Do tell more about nine dragons.

Fighting with ticket master right now. Lost my Check card that i used to purchase the miley tickets with. They are saying I might not get in. I now need to call the box office and plead my case. I knew I hated ticketmast but I forgot how much. Wish me luck.

get better tina
LOL. Baseball! :thumbsup2

Thanks Cammie!!:goodvibes

Well, everyone seems to be doing lots of ADRs and planning..... I'm into the planning stage, but I do have a hubby who likes to go with the flow more on mealtimes.... so I don't think there will be any ADRs this time. Only really did the princess breakfast last time at Epcot. We will probably eat cheap on the 192 and at the villa and then spend big on souvenirs - that Disney Christmas shop will be beckoning me again - October is NEARLY Christmas after all..

Am going to be using Tour Guide Mike again, so will plan our park days around the "busy days" guide when it gets closer to October. We do have one tour booked (non Disney) - up to the Homossassa (??) wildlife reserve and Silver Creek to look at manatees (hopefully) and an airboat ride. That is on the Friday 22nd - so right in the middle of our trip.

Hubby wants to spend a day at the Gulf coast - any recommendations for beaches to aim for???? Want lots of sand, cafes, toilets etc....

Not been for a WW weigh in since we got back from Hols - it will be on Monday - but I reckon I put on about 3 pounds - too much cheescake. Will try really hard this week, must keep counting points!!!!

Girls I am so sad for you who are going through such a terrible time. Tammie, I pray for them all. That is so so tragic! Your poor sister! I can not even imagine. Please call if you need an ear!

Renee...so sorry for your father as well. i know the history there and I really feel for you! Ca;;, text, email....anytime!

I am excited for you who all have trips in the works! Everyone's ADRs seem wonderful! So exciting! For all you October 2010 there IS a chance we would go then! We won't plan until around 6 months out though and could always change to November or something CRAZY like that!

As for me, I have been super stressed and dealing with my Fall anxiety so I am not a fun person right now. Oh well , that's life and I will deal! I know things can be so much worse!
OOHH Le Cellier, Ohana - get a table by the window!, Chef Mickey's-there aren't enough topping choices!, Cape May Cafe - mussels YUM!, Whispering Canyon Cafe KETCHUP!! - I LOVE IT!! You guys are going to have so much fun!!! Everyone is going in the next month or so - one of the best times to go! Can't wait to see the castle decorated!:love:

Erin - I'm so jealous of how many days you're going to be there and you're packing the stuff in! Sea World I think is so expensive! Do you pack for all 15 days or are you doing laundry?

So I think I've decided that I'm going to sell some of the American Girl dresses on ebay. I'm just reluctant because I hate rejection and I'd be sad if noone bought a dress. Plus I don't know if I could make them for someone else without talking to that person. I kinda like to make them personable for the doll/owner because then it means more. Does that sound crazy?

Well we're having our re/investiture ceremony for Brownies tonight. That sould be fun considering we had about 20mins to practice and plan it last week. :headache: It will be over so fast they won't even notice it!
debbie that would be tooooo cool if we were there the same time

The venue said it will work out for the tickets. Apparently with the swap from Northwest to Delta there has been a big mix up with the visa and amex. So I should be okay. thank the lord!!!

i need to start thinking about dining plans. I really need to compare cost so I can figure out DDXP and DDP.

can't reply for Erin, but when we go for 2 weeks, we pack for maybe 5 days and as we are in a villa, we do laundry overnight. Tumble driers come as standard, I don't do ironing on holiday!!!.

I hate dragging tons of clothes we won't wear on an aeroplane - everyone has their favourites they like to wear again and again... so we just take those and wash and dry them. It's not like they get really grubby anyhow. There's 4 of us and we take 2 medium sized cases between us for 2 weeks. We all 4 have (small as possible!!) hand luggage with one change of clothes, toothbrushes, hairbrush and stuff to do on the flight. That is enough for us. We always buy another (cheap) medium sized case out there and use it for all the souvenirs and clothing we buy out there.

You ladies in the US may not be aware that trousers for men etc don't generally come in "odd" inches over here - so you buy a 30inch waist, or 32, or 34 etc with 30/32 whatever length- over there you can get 33 (hubby is a 33) waist and 32 length etc MUCH more sensible!!! I also like the fact that over there my labels say a size 12 or 14 - not 16!!!:lovestruc Psychological I know!!!

My girls are playing outside with the neighbour's granddaughters (twins aged 8) - they meet maybe twice a year (they are from India) and carry on as if they have never been apart -it is lovely to watch.

Erin - Now THAT's a vacation! How many days is that??? A month?! LUCKY!

Cammie - Glad about "your" Yankees! But I just heard you all lost the first game....This was added right before I hit send, per an update from Darrin.

Tammie - Still thinking about you and your family. We complain about the smallest things. I had a little car trouble this AM - some fuse thing out that caused my dash to light up like a Christmas tree and I had to take it to the dealership on my way to work and I complained terribly. I could have been in an accident and hurt myself or someone else. We are so blessed.

Tessa - Glad your getaway was relaxing. A head massage sounds wonderful! I am slow to catch on, and don't know what kind of birds you were talking about! Ha, ha!....

Laura - Glad the concert ticket thing worked out OK! Did you choose your resort yet?

Tina - Good luck on selling the AG dresses on eBay! They are SO cute! My girls love AG dolls, but I won't be buying any more clothes, as they have so many, and don't play w/them any more. I still love them, and hope to make a trip to the store this holiday season. It's just eye candy for me, a doll lover! I hope that the investiture went well! I hope that everyone is feeling better at your house!

Lydia - Great about the ADRs!

Debbie - Cheer up! You need to relocate to Hawaii or Florida OR TEXAS!

Lorrie - You've been in my thoughts and prayers. Hang in there and try to cheer up! We have decided not to pay the extra money and do the Christmas party that will be going on one of the days we are there. When are you there?

Jillian - It sounds like you know your game plan and are going for it w/the drs. Good for you!

We leave 3 weeks from tomorrow. YIKES. I have procrastinated enough, and am finally making our Mickey tye dyed t-shirts and iron on t-shirts this weekend. I have all of the stuff. Our only commitments this weekend are football game Friday night, eye appts Sat AM, Halloween Sat PM - Darrin & I will be kidless and home passing out candy, and Taylor's confirmation class Sun AM.

I have to vent - I am so tired of writing checks to the schools! Uggh! Band this & that for middle school and high school, fundraisers, winter gym clothes. It's endless. Jeesh! A lot just hit this week, and it seems like a lot! Don't they know they are taking out of my Disney fund!?:rolleyes:

OK, we were on Page 2. What's up w/that?!
UUGGHH!! Everyone in my house has a cold or at least we're hoping it's just colds!! DH and my girls stayed home today from school with runny noses but no fevers. Aunt Flo came to visit me in the worst way and I feel a little cold sneaking up on me too. I just feel like curling up in bed and sleeping the day away!

I tried to get the H1N1 and the regular flu shots for the girls, but our DR's office and our local town is completely out of the shots. Trying to keep everyone germ free as much as we can!

Hope you all stay healthy! I read a tip in an email from a nurse - gargle with warm salt water every day and "snort" the salt water up your nose too. It stops the virus from attaching in your throat and nose. The H1N1 is not airborne -it lives on surfaces and we touch it then rub our nose or touch our face. Lots of hand sanitizer and don't touch your face!

Got my ADR's this weekend!

Le Cellier
San Angel Inn
Chef Mickey's
Hoop de Doo
Restaurant Marrakesh
Nine Dragons

:banana::banana::banana::banana: for ADRS!

Hi! I will get caught up tomorrow, but I just wanted to jump on and say hello!

I am burning the midnight oil, and I know I will pay for it tomorrow. I went straight from work to an appt, and didn't get home until late. I felt like I was cheated of my evening! I'm waiting for Taylor's gym suit to dry, then I will head off to bed. I just skimmed since my last post.

Yeah! for everyone planning trips! Lorrie, we leave 3 weeks from Thursday. Do our trips overlap? Ours is Nov 19-26.

Tammie - I am sorry to hear about your cousin. That is awful. My thoughts and prayers are w/you and your family.:hug:

Dryer just stopped. I am off to bed. :grouphug:

Thanks, Pam. My aunt and uncle and my mom are coping pretty well. My cousin who lived is now in stable condition. I really didn't know my cuz - saw him last when he was about 12, but I feel for my aunt so much, and of course we all grieve for him, he is family.

Thanks Cammie!!:goodvibes

Well, everyone seems to be doing lots of ADRs and planning..... I'm into the planning stage, but I do have a hubby who likes to go with the flow more on mealtimes.... so I don't think there will be any ADRs this time. Only really did the princess breakfast last time at Epcot. We will probably eat cheap on the 192 and at the villa and then spend big on souvenirs - that Disney Christmas shop will be beckoning me again - October is NEARLY Christmas after all..

Am going to be using Tour Guide Mike again, so will plan our park days around the "busy days" guide when it gets closer to October. We do have one tour booked (non Disney) - up to the Homossassa (??) wildlife reserve and Silver Creek to look at manatees (hopefully) and an airboat ride. That is on the Friday 22nd - so right in the middle of our trip.

Hubby wants to spend a day at the Gulf coast - any recommendations for beaches to aim for???? Want lots of sand, cafes, toilets etc....

Not been for a WW weigh in since we got back from Hols - it will be on Monday - but I reckon I put on about 3 pounds - too much cheescake. Will try really hard this week, must keep counting points!!!!


So fun to be planning a trip! I think TGM is the best! I KWYM about gaining weight. I came back from Boise 10 lbs heavier - too many wonderful dinners out. I am back to slop around here, so shouldn't be too hard to lose again.:goodvibes

Girls I am so sad for you who are going through such a terrible time. Tammie, I pray for them all. That is so so tragic! Your poor sister! I can not even imagine. Please call if you need an ear!

Renee...so sorry for your father as well. i know the history there and I really feel for you! Ca;;, text, email....anytime!

I am excited for you who all have trips in the works! Everyone's ADRs seem wonderful! So exciting! For all you October 2010 there IS a chance we would go then! We won't plan until around 6 months out though and could always change to November or something CRAZY like that!

As for me, I have been super stressed and dealing with my Fall anxiety so I am not a fun person right now. Oh well , that's life and I will deal! I know things can be so much worse!

Thanks Debbie. It is my aunt who lost her boys. The oldest, Scott drowned in the Mississippi in MN about 8 yrs ago. He would have been 46. The middle, Micah survived this crash - he's 44. Jason, who was killed was 36. He was her beautiful baby, but was going down the wrong path. I feel really bad for her - she is coping, and my mom is a big help. I am staying away, cuz things are crazy and it's a "biker gang" kind of atmosphere if you get my drift. We'll be sending flowers to the MN service instead of the Oregon one. That's where he grew up, and where the family is.

OOHH Le Cellier, Ohana - get a table by the window!, Chef Mickey's-there aren't enough topping choices!, Cape May Cafe - mussels YUM!, Whispering Canyon Cafe KETCHUP!! - I LOVE IT!! You guys are going to have so much fun!!! Everyone is going in the next month or so - one of the best times to go! Can't wait to see the castle decorated!:love:

Erin - I'm so jealous of how many days you're going to be there and you're packing the stuff in! Sea World I think is so expensive! Do you pack for all 15 days or are you doing laundry?

So I think I've decided that I'm going to sell some of the American Girl dresses on ebay. I'm just reluctant because I hate rejection and I'd be sad if noone bought a dress. Plus I don't know if I could make them for someone else without talking to that person. I kinda like to make them personable for the doll/owner because then it means more. Does that sound crazy?

Well we're having our re/investiture ceremony for Brownies tonight. That sould be fun considering we had about 20mins to practice and plan it last week. :headache: It will be over so fast they won't even notice it!

Don't worry about rejection - your dresses are really good!:thumbsup2


can't reply for Erin, but when we go for 2 weeks, we pack for maybe 5 days and as we are in a villa, we do laundry overnight. Tumble driers come as standard, I don't do ironing on holiday!!!.

I hate dragging tons of clothes we won't wear on an aeroplane - everyone has their favourites they like to wear again and again... so we just take those and wash and dry them. It's not like they get really grubby anyhow. There's 4 of us and we take 2 medium sized cases between us for 2 weeks. We all 4 have (small as possible!!) hand luggage with one change of clothes, toothbrushes, hairbrush and stuff to do on the flight. That is enough for us. We always buy another (cheap) medium sized case out there and use it for all the souvenirs and clothing we buy out there.

You ladies in the US may not be aware that trousers for men etc don't generally come in "odd" inches over here - so you buy a 30inch waist, or 32, or 34 etc with 30/32 whatever length- over there you can get 33 (hubby is a 33) waist and 32 length etc MUCH more sensible!!! I also like the fact that over there my labels say a size 12 or 14 - not 16!!!:lovestruc Psychological I know!!!

My girls are playing outside with the neighbour's granddaughters (twins aged 8) - they meet maybe twice a year (they are from India) and carry on as if they have never been apart -it is lovely to watch.


I know Tessa, we buy more when the sizes are smaller!:rotfl2:

Thanks everyone for your prayers and support. My mom is stressed trying to be strong for everyone, but she feels everyone's prayers and is very thankful. The service in Oregon is tomorrow. I don't know what they are doing ih Minnesota yet, but they will.

I'm so busy just trying to catch up here - I still need to clean and rake before I have a dinner party for my team here next week. I don't know why my kitchen is so grubby. Apparently before I left I was so depressed I couldn't see the dirt:confused3 I have been so busy catching up with clients and sending out invitations for so many parties that I haven't really done anything else. I hope to catch up this weekend. I still need to choose paint colors and get busy painting.

Jim made ressies at our cabin on the beach in Hawaii for next year pre-cruise! :yay:


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