Kidnap the Sandy Claws, lock him up real tight- Oct PTR pg. 234 8/25 up to date itin

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:stitch: 484 days!!! :stitch:

This is from our first trip to WDW in September 2007 during the YOAMD to which we had amazing magical moments and a few Dreams too.

Good Morning Jenny.:wave:

Hey you deleted your post. I have to confess I was lurking last night and saw it but I was on my iPod and it is really hard to reply while I am on there.

Your 2007 trip was a great trip. I loved reading that report.

When do your kiddos go back to school?
Signing on! 400+ days out? :faint:

:welcome: :yay: Glad you are here.

:blush: I know but my Sept 2007 report started at like 560 days out so technically I am late :lmao: I kinda like to blog my reports and get my thoughts out.

Good Morning Jenny.:wave:

Hey you deleted your post. I have to confess I was lurking last night and saw it but I was on my iPod and it is really hard to reply while I am on there.

Your 2007 trip was a great trip. I loved reading that report.

When do your kiddos go back to school?

I deleted it because I realized that we just can't do 2 days even though I so badly want to. I promised DH that out next trip to So Cal wouldn't even include Disneyland :rotfl: so I would like to sorta keep my word. One day hardly counts in my book. :littleangel:

The kids go back next Monday. :sad: I like them home, I really do. I don't like the morning rush to get us all out the door. DH will be in So Cal on an Eddie Bauer shoot and leaves this Thursday. He won't be home until next Friday so he gets to miss the first week madness. :rolleyes:

Does yours start Kinder this year?
I deleted it because I realized that we just can't do 2 days even though I so badly want to. I promised DH that out next trip to So Cal wouldn't even include Disneyland :rotfl: so I would like to sorta keep my word. One day hardly counts in my book. :littleangel:

One day is not much at all. Is he ok with going one day. Don't you have ap's? You need to get your monies worth out of them. ;)

The kids go back next Monday. :sad: I like them home, I really do. I don't like the morning rush to get us all out the door. DH will be in So Cal on an Eddie Bauer shoot and leaves this Thursday. He won't be home until next Friday so he gets to miss the first week madness. :rolleyes:

Does yours start Kinder this year?

I forgot that he was doing that now. Does he have to travel a lot? My mom always liked it when we were home because she was teacher, so if we were home she was home.:rotfl: Yes Lexi is starting kinder but we are homeschooling. I am not impressed with the public schools here and we can't afford the private schools. I am excited and so is she.
One day is not much at all. Is he ok with going one day. Don't you have ap's? You need to get your monies worth out of them. ;)

Our APs expire October 8th of course. :rolleyes1 One and two day tickets are a total rip-off too.

I forgot that he was doing that now. Does he have to travel a lot? My mom always liked it when we were home because she was teacher, so if we were home she was home.:rotfl: Yes Lexi is starting kinder but we are homeschooling. I am not impressed with the public schools here and we can't afford the private schools. I am excited and so is she.

There is no pattern to his traveling. At all. ;) It's just when the jobs come up and if it works with our schedule.

:yay: for Kinder. I applaud those who home-school. I don't have the know-how or patience for sure. :thumbsup2 Where do you find the curriculum?

Oh the places you’ll go……..where should we stay and in what size villa? Our home resort is SSR, we bought in May 2009, and haven’t been back to WDW since then. Here is a picture of the DVC sign taken after we bought. It still makes me all warm inside.


For more on SSR follow this link.

Because we own DVC, we’ll never have to make these faces again because we know we’ll be back!


We will be staying at SSR for at least 5 of the nights. My head is spinning with the different options with regard to DVC. Not only am I trying to decide between a one bedroom and two bedroom but also about the remaining 5 nights. I might be bald by the end of this from pulling my hair out. Currently, I am trying to decide between:

• 5 nights SSR/ 5 nights THV (me, Chloe, and Joshua’s choice)
• 5 nights SSR/ 5 night BWV (my choice)
• 10 nights SSR (DH’s choice)
• 5 nights SSR/ 5 nights AKV (Gabby’s choice)
• 5 nights SSR/ 5 nights BCV (Keith’s choice) I will introduce him later. He is a family friend and owns at BCV and may be joining us for a few nights. He hates SSR and is a BCV snob. Whatev! :snooty: Our other friends' trip will overlap and not sure what they are thinking as far as where they'll stay or their dates. They own DVC too and we love to travel with them. :grouphug:

There are SO many things I love about all of the DVC options.

Although the VWL are all decked out during the holidays, they remind me of the GCV a bit and I want a different vibe. Our friends stayed there and we went to visit. I like the lobby best of all. The room colors are a little odd to me. We have stayed in Jambo at the AKV and it was unreal but I think we should try somewhere new. BLT was in the running but I just cannot get into the décor. I have tried. Plus having to look over the parking lot to have an MK view will bug me bad! The proximity cannot be beat however I just cannot justify the points. The BWV looks super and is my second choice for the split. The Boardwalk looks fun, it’s close to Epcot, and the points are inexpensive compared to BLT etc…. Chloe and Joshua want the THV as do I. THV/SSR makes the most sense as it’s our home. We could do the first 5 nights in a one bedroom and then move to the THV villas, enabling us to do the DDP and have different resort experiences. We have stayed at the OKW and while we loved it, I would like to branch out. Treehouses, get it? Branch out? :lmao: BVC looks neat but I would choose there mostly during the summer for SAB.

Any thoughts? Nothing is solid except the first 5 nights will be at the SSR. :upsidedow
Preliminary itinerary. :lmao: Yes. I have spent far too much time planning this already. I think I enjoy planning as much as the trip itself. Really. :blush: As I said before, originally our dates were set for December 18-28 but with the crowd and point increase, we adjusted. The other reason we chose those dates was because we’d be there all of Hanukkah, Chloe’s birthday, and Christmas Day so we’d kill three really large birds with one perfect Disney stone. :teeth: Our tentative dates have us arriving Monday, December 12 and departing Thursday, December 22. The first night of Hanukkah is December 20th and Chloe’s birthday is December 21st. I have looked at December 2010’s hours including EMH and MVMCP and have come up with the itin below. You also must know that DH does not want to do a commando trip and has requested 2 days on (park days) and then a day off (non-park day). Drum roll please……………….

Monday 12/12
• Arrive
• Check into SSR, get groceries from Bell Services
• Swim, unpack, grill depending on how late we get in

Tuesday 12/13
• Park day
• Maybe MVMCP

Wednesday 12/14
• Park day
• EMH till 12:30 am WS :yay:

Thursday 12/15
• Sleep in
• No parks

Friday 12/16
• Park day
• Maybe MVMCP

Saturday 12/17
• No parks

Sunday 12/18
• Park day
• EMH DHS till 1 am :woohoo:

Monday 12/19
• Sleep in
• Park day
• MK EMH till 1 am :thumbsup2

Tuesday 12/20
• No park
• Hanukkah
• Maybe dinner off property at some kosher joint that’s like 5 miles away or Cal Grill. Not kosher, I know ;)

Wednesday 12/21
• Chloe’s birthday
• AK EMH till 10 pm

Thursday 12/22
• Home :sad:

If we do the spilt stay we’ll have the DDP the last 5 days of the trip. As of now, I’d love to do Les Chefs, Boma, and Cal Grill which would leave one TS for Chloe’s birthday.
Holy Cow! You've been busy! I get to book on Sept 7 for the 7 month out mark and I'm not even decided on a resort and you have... is it.. 5 different options??? I did go back to work today though so bring on the endless hours of research online...there goes laundry...dinner...exercise...etc!

The resale process was really easy... We bought a small 100 point contract so it made sense for us... I can't wait to add on... maybe in a few years.

I really like the 2 days on one day off...I just can't imagine being there and not going into the parks though. It almost killed me when I finally gave in and didn't make the family go to the last Early Entry morning this summer. For me to not be the first in line was amazing!!! I guess I have to remind myself that with my DVC purchase... I will get to go more often. :)
Holy Cow! You've been busy! I get to book on Sept 7 for the 7 month out mark and I'm not even decided on a resort and you have... is it.. 5 different options??? I did go back to work today though so bring on the endless hours of research online...there goes laundry...dinner...exercise...etc!

The resale process was really easy... We bought a small 100 point contract so it made sense for us... I can't wait to add on... maybe in a few years.

I really like the 2 days on one day off...I just can't imagine being there and not going into the parks though. It almost killed me when I finally gave in and didn't make the family go to the last Early Entry morning this summer. For me to not be the first in line was amazing!!! I guess I have to remind myself that with my DVC purchase... I will get to go more often. :)

Are you thinking about anywhere in addition to BCV? I would have a couple of options because you can always wait list. No matter where you end up will be great though. I would be happy to stay at any of the DVC resorts. :thumbsup2 Anything in particular you are looking for in a resort?

Did you go through the Timeshare Store for your resale? I need a good contact in case I ever talk DH into it. pirate: How long did it take?

We have never had non-park days. DH wants more resort/down/golf/spa/pool time so I agreed. I am thinking we'll still get 8 day hoppers in case we want to slip into the park after dinner or something. :littleangel: I think he likes the idea of downtime and we'll see about the practical application. :laughing:

I am ashamed to say but we didn't make one single EE or rope drop at Disneyland in June. I am losing my commando edge. :scared1:
::yes:: I do! I have hundreds of Disney pics. :blush: :laughing: My photobucket has Disneyland from 2005, 2006, 2009, and 2010. We have WDW from 2007 and 2009. :thumbsup2

I hope to have enough Disney pictures some day. I am looking forward to seeing all of them. I love Disney pictures.
I hope to have enough Disney pictures some day. I am looking forward to seeing all of them. I love Disney pictures.


One day you will have more Disney pics than you know what to do with! :wizard: It's bittersweet to look through the ones from a few years ago. They grow up so quickly.
I probably can't help you narrow-down your list of where you want to stay, but here are some thoughts.

I'm with you on the BLT points...they're too high to justify it, in my opinion. More points per night means less days, which is not good!

I love AKV (and own there) but since you're going in December, you may not get a chance to use the pool (the pool at Kidani is great).

Come to think of it, both of those reasons (high points, not using the pool) may be arguments against staying at Beach Club in December. (Sorry Keith.)

So maybe that whittles it down to BWV, THV, or just staying with SSR.
I probably can't help you narrow-down your list of where you want to stay, but here are some thoughts.

I'm with you on the BLT points...they're too high to justify it, in my opinion. More points per night means less days, which is not good!

I love AKV (and own there) but since you're going in December, you may not get a chance to use the pool (the pool at Kidani is great).

Come to think of it, both of those reasons (high points, not using the pool) may be arguments against staying at Beach Club in December. (Sorry Keith.)

So maybe that whittles it down to BWV, THV, or just staying with SSR.

ITA! The animals though at AKV are a huge selling point. We loved sitting on the deck in the morning, enjoying our coffee, and watching the animals. They didn't help with rest time though as we couldn't get the kids off the balcony. :laughing:

As of now I am heavily leaning towards SSR 1 bedroom for the first 5 nights and then THV for the last 5 nights. DH gets his beloved SSR the whole time and I get my split stay. Chloe and Joshua get the THV and poor Gab is SOL! :cool1: :lmao: We can do the DDP for the second half only. I am still waiting on Keith's input but he likes the VWL (don't like the room decor), BLT (no!), AKV which we both love but have both stayed at, and BCV ($$$ during the holidays). Thankfully I have until January to decide.

Joining in for another one of your fantastic reports!

:welcome: Jennifer! Ready for school to resume? :goodvibes

Your first trip to BLT is in 4 days? You bought DVC? :woohoo: I am so out of the loop. Fill me in girl!!!
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