Just got into my first House Party!

I also thought you had to invite a certain number of guests and upload three photos to be a host. I'm not sure you need to put them all on your guest list on the houseparty site, since you can invite some by phone or mail and not just by email, but I always put all of mine on anyway, even if I'm not emailing the invitation.

I received an email to apply for a Grey Poupon houseparty. There was a paragraph in the application process that stated they will be monitoring hosts to be sure they follow the rules. Maybe it's a problem they've become aware of and plan to take care of? It also mentioned not creating multiple accounts to try to receive more than one party package per address, and specified that products must be given away to guests and not kept.

If you go to the site and apply for it you should see the exact wording. I'm sure I left something out.

I noticed the paragraph in the Grey Poupon application and it is sad that I have seen so many parties without any pictures or invites. Some people flat out say they don't do anything that is asked of them - which is just so wrong :confused3
I've been wanting to kick off a scrapbooking club in my area. I figure the Cannon House Party is the perfect time to do this. We can get together to snack, scrap and I'll demonstrate the printer. Then they'll all get goodies to take home. Maybe I'll even make a set of page elements to go with our first night of scrapping together that I can share so we can all do a layout.

I'm one of the people with zero in my invite list. I actually have people listed, but it didn't count them since I didn't add email addresses. I'd rather invite via snailmail. It says we can do that - do they mind?

I'm also interested in how many they usually send goodies for? Eventually I hope our group gets large, but I'd like to keep this first gathering to the size that I have bags for, if you know what I mean. I don't want anyone left out. Is it usually about 15? I'd love to know so I can get my invitations out.
I've been wanting to kick off a scrapbooking club in my area. I figure the Cannon House Party is the perfect time to do this. We can get together to snack, scrap and I'll demonstrate the printer. Then they'll all get goodies to take home. Maybe I'll even make a set of page elements to go with our first night of scrapping together that I can share so we can all do a layout.

I'm one of the people with zero in my invite list. I actually have people listed, but it didn't count them since I didn't add email addresses. I'd rather invite via snailmail. It says we can do that - do they mind?

I'm also interested in how many they usually send goodies for? Eventually I hope our group gets large, but I'd like to keep this first gathering to the size that I have bags for, if you know what I mean. I don't want anyone left out. Is it usually about 15? I'd love to know so I can get my invitations out.

Thank you for that. It is good to see that just because it says 0, it doesn't really mean zero. Did you know you can invite them snail mail and they can still respond on the website yes or no and then your guest count will reflect that? That will help HouseParty know that you are really showing off the product to live people.

I love the elements idea. I made some the "My Gym Partner is a Monkey" party. I'll PM the photo to you later. :)
Most of my people are names with no emails, but it still shows I have 22. I have more that I want to invite, but I'm really concerned about having enough favors. I'd hate to not have enough of whatever they send in the kit! This is killing me!
Star Wars Party Packs are shipping...

Your Party Package Has Shipped!
All across the country, party hosts are about to get their Star Wars™: The Clone Wars™ House Party package

If you don’t receive your package by end of day 9/22 please contact us right away at help@houseparty.com.

No doubt about it—The Force is with this FREE party pack:

DVD featuring the premiere episode of Star Wars™: The Clone Wars™
1 Sculpted Mask
10 paper masks
10 tattoo sheets
10 sticker sheets
10—8x10 posters
10 balloons
Special SUPRISE gift from HASBRO
Special host gift: reusable green-friendly tote bag

Ugh. Party supplies are for 10 guests! I think many of us planned for 15! :sad2:
We got in on this one too! Our 1st:banana: Got the email while in WDW, now need to get in gear & start planning. I was going to do parents along with the kids. Anyone else including adults?
Star Wars Party Packs are shipping...

Ugh. Party supplies are for 10 guests! I think many of us planned for 15! :sad2:

yeah, I'm glad that I didn't send out my invites yet. I'm trying to convince DS to invite the girls in his class and not just the boys. It will be partly his very 1st birthday party with friends and I want him to invite his whole class.
Am I the only one left that hasn't received their Lipstick Jungle party pack?? I'm starting to worry.

I tried using the tracking codes from other Dis'ers but that didn't work. :guilty:
Star Wars Party Packs are shipping...

Ugh. Party supplies are for 10 guests! I think many of us planned for 15! :sad2:

I'm also a little disappointed in the contents, unless the surprise from Hasbro is ten action figures...I was kind of counting on getting them, and I guess I'll go buy some if they don't come through. The goody bag contents don't seem all that stellar if that's not the case...
I'm also a little disappointed in the contents, unless the surprise from Hasbro is ten action figures...I was kind of counting on getting them, and I guess I'll go buy some if they don't come through. The goody bag contents don't seem all that stellar if that's not the case...
I agree. Paper masks, tattoos, stickers and balloons? Those are the equivalent of dollar store items. And is it just me, or did you notice that there isn't any mention of gift bags this time? My other packages came with white paper gift bags to decorate and use to hold the party favors as goody bags. I hope they're in there and just not mentioned. Unless I'm pleasantly surprised with Hasbro's gift(s) I'm going to be very disappointed in this party package. Other than getting to preview the show the rest of the stuff is more or less junk. :confused3
I agree. Paper masks, tattoos, stickers and balloons? Those are the equivalent of dollar store items. And is it just me, or did you notice that there isn't any mention of gift bags this time? My other packages came with white paper gift bags to decorate and use to hold the party favors as goody bags. I hope they're in there and just not mentioned. Unless I'm pleasantly surprised with Hasbro's gift(s) I'm going to be very disappointed in this party package. Other than getting to preview the show the rest of the stuff is more or less junk. :confused3

Wow, have you been doing houseparty.com for long?? :confused: This is a typical party package for this type of party. The ones for Ben 10 and Hersher Bliss were very similar.

It's FREE, I guess I don't get the complaining and disappointment? :confused3

The big package parties like Margaritaville and Fisher Price are very limited in numbers, they are extremely hard to get into and then people that do get into them are off selling the packages on ebay! :headache:

It's free party supplies for you to spread the word on the new tv series, I happen to think that it's a really cool program but maybe my expectations are lower since I'm not even paying for the stuff and all I have to do is host a party and post pictures.

I hope you enjoy the party package even if it is "dollar store" type items. If not, at least you're not out anything.
I'm in!


I just signed up. I'm always leary of giving away my email (JUNK MAIL STINKS!) but I said to DH... If the dis-ers are doing it... it must be alright.

I've signed up for the Barilla party. You girls with the clone wars and scrapbooking stuff are so going to have fun!

Thanks for the great info, Dis folks.

I have a "junk" e-mail address for just that reason. I give it out for things I think will generate junk mail. That way I can keep my main e-mail account free of spam and junk mail.

Am I the only one left that hasn't received their Lipstick Jungle party pack?? I'm starting to worry.

I tried using the tracking codes from other Dis'ers but that didn't work. :guilty:
You need to contact them(if you haven't already) and let them know you haven't received your party pack yet.
Wow, have you been doing houseparty.com for long?? :confused: This is a typical party package for this type of party. The ones for Ben 10 and Hersher Bliss were very similar.

It's FREE, I guess I don't get the complaining and disappointment? :confused3

The big package parties like Margaritaville and Fisher Price are very limited in numbers, they are extremely hard to get into and then people that do get into them are off selling the packages on ebay! :headache:

It's free party supplies for you to spread the word on the new tv series, I happen to think that it's a really cool program but maybe my expectations are lower since I'm not even paying for the stuff and all I have to do is host a party and post pictures.

I hope you enjoy the party package even if it is "dollar store" type items. If not, at least you're not out anything.

This is my first House Party -- the first I heard about it was people posting about what they received for the Fisher Price house party, so perhaps my expectations were too high. When I went on the site and looked around, it seemed like people were getting real merchandise for their parties -- so that is where my disappointment comes from. Free is good, but it's not really "free" if I have to go out and supply goodie bags and contents to fill them out, in addition to the other expenses of a party. I don't think it's unrealistic to have had higher expectations, but perhaps my husband was right when he said it's just a scam to get you to promote their product with very little return for your time.

This is my first House Party -- the first I heard about it was people posting about what they received for the Fisher Price house party, so perhaps my expectations were too high. When I went on the site and looked around, it seemed like people were getting real merchandise for their parties -- so that is where my disappointment comes from. Free is good, but it's not really "free" if I have to go out and supply goodie bags and contents to fill them out, in addition to the other expenses of a party. I don't think it's unrealistic to have had higher expectations, but perhaps my husband was right when he said it's just a scam to get you to promote their product with very little return for your time.


you don't have to do that.

I don't give out goody bags at any of my parties so these will have to serve another purpose and another way to give them to the guests. I don't believe in "good bags". I think the only person getting presents should be the guest of honor. The other kids are there to enjoy time spent and cake and Ice cream. But hat is a whole other thread.
My boys are very excited for this party and I am happy we "finally" got a party! We have invited 10 families- most of our friends have at least 2 kiddies so we would hand out the giveaways as family gifts. My boys share everything and for a free party where all we have asked people is to show up-I wasn't going to go crazy and buy every kid a $7.00 lightsabre. The point is to promote the show and the play date party atmosphere is all the houseparty people have asked for, right? It has been fun to plan the Star Wars themed food and I went as far as to check the dollar store for noodles (no) and all the other great ideas from this thread. It's all about expectations, right so what are your guests expecting?
My boys are very excited for this party and I am happy we "finally" got a party! We have invited 10 families- most of our friends have at least 2 kiddies so we would hand out the giveaways as family gifts. My boys share everything and for a free party where all we have asked people is to show up-I wasn't going to go crazy and buy every kid a $7.00 lightsabre. The point is to promote the show and the play date party atmosphere is all the houseparty people have asked for, right? It has been fun to plan the Star Wars themed food and I went as far as to check the dollar store for noodles (no) and all the other great ideas from this thread. It's all about expectations, right so what are your guests expecting?

My guests are expecting toys! Their moms also apply for House Parties and have gotten some, and they all assumed (yes, I know what you do when you assume), toys would be included in the package. I really hope they are, and if they aren't I will be buying some because I don't want the kids to be disappointed.

you don't have to do that.

I don't give out goody bags at any of my parties so these will have to serve another purpose and another way to give them to the guests. I don't believe in "good bags". I think the only person getting presents should be the guest of honor. The other kids are there to enjoy time spent and cake and Ice cream. But hat is a whole other thread.

You are absolutely right, it is not a requirement to give out a goody bag. It is an expectation my guests have, and since I don't have a personal objection, I expect to fulfill it.

The kids are going to have a blast, it is going to be a fantastic time. I am just slightly disappointed (not mad or antagonistic, just disappointed -- isn't it ok to have my own opinion? :confused3 ). As I stated before, but I probably had unrealistic expectations about what might be included in the package. We are excited to be hosting the party, and we will supplement what we get in the package and enjoy picking out the items we select.

This is my first House Party -- the first I heard about it was people posting about what they received for the Fisher Price house party, so perhaps my expectations were too high. When I went on the site and looked around, it seemed like people were getting real merchandise for their parties -- so that is where my disappointment comes from. Free is good, but it's not really "free" if I have to go out and supply goodie bags and contents to fill them out, in addition to the other expenses of a party. I don't think it's unrealistic to have had higher expectations, but perhaps my husband was right when he said it's just a scam to get you to promote their product with very little return for your time.


Having your own opinion and being disappointed is fine, but I think calling it a "scam" is really quite rude. :sad2:

You applied to have a party to promote their product, whether the party package was valued at $30 or $300.

And I don't know of any other houseparty that has included toys except for the Fisher Price one which was extremely hard to get - I think they only had like 500 nationwide.

This is a typical party package, it's meant to provide some fun goodies for the kids but the main draw is supposed to be previewing the new episode before everyone else.

And of course you don't have to apply for houseparties in the future if you don't think the party package is worth your time.

I hope you guys do have a fun party, I'm sure the kids will have a good time and like the stuff if they are Star Wars fans - try not to stress yourself out about the toy thing, kids shouldn't be expecting $10+ goody bags. :confused:
This is my first House Party -- the first I heard about it was people posting about what they received for the Fisher Price house party, so perhaps my expectations were too high. When I went on the site and looked around, it seemed like people were getting real merchandise for their parties -- so that is where my disappointment comes from. Free is good, but it's not really "free" if I have to go out and supply goodie bags and contents to fill them out, in addition to the other expenses of a party. I don't think it's unrealistic to have had higher expectations, but perhaps my husband was right when he said it's just a scam to get you to promote their product with very little return for your time.

Wow, please stop applying for parties so those of us who appreciate hosting the parties and appreciate the thing that are sent to us for FREE can get in on these parties. My kids would have loved to get in on the Star Wars one but we didn't get offered it. Dollar store stuff or not you are still getting something free to promote the subject or merchandise, don't tell me you are going to send House Party a bill for the food/drinks you may or may not provide. What you make of you party is up to you, if you feel the party supplies are not satifactory then by all mean go and purchase your own to make it what you want. But really please don't knock what you are getting for FREE when others are getting NOTHING!
Having your own opinion and being disappointed is fine, but I think calling it a "scam" is really quite rude. :sad2:

You applied to have a party to promote their product, whether the party package was valued at $30 or $300.

And I don't know of any other houseparty that has included toys except for the Fisher Price one which was extremely hard to get - I think they only had like 500 nationwide.

This is a typical party package, it's meant to provide some fun goodies for the kids but the main draw is supposed to be previewing the new episode before everyone else.

And of course you don't have to apply for houseparties in the future if you don't think the party package is worth your time.

I hope you guys do have a fun party, I'm sure the kids will have a good time and like the stuff if they are Star Wars fans - try not to stress yourself out about the toy thing, kids shouldn't be expecting $10+ goody bags. :confused:

Well, I didn't think it was a scam or I wouldn't have applied, my husband has a different view -- again, I would hope he's entitled to his own opinion. If you think that's rude, then I guess you do. To each his own. Since this is the "just got my first house party" post, I think it would be unusual for every single person to have the exact same opinion. I would think there would be a range, from it's the greatest thing since sliced bread to it's the root of yucky.

I would also think that people are finding out more about it as they go, and they are allowed and encouraged to form more informed opinions as they go through the process. This time next week I may think this is the best thing ever, but I need to learn more about it.

I didn't say I wasn't going to hold the party because I didn't think the items were valuable enough, just that I'm not sure it is turning out to be the opportunity I was expecting. And you are absolutely right, this may very well be the only party we ever apply to host.

Kids in our area do expect a $10+ goody bag. Right or wrong that is our reality. I really don't understand the animosity -- I would never tell someone else their "goodies" were inferior because they cost too little. If I and my peers consider it being a good hostess to provide a goody bag of that value, and it is a shared opinion of those we interact with, how does that diminish anyone else? I think everyone should hold the party they are comfortable with, and share ideas for the parties rather than attack new people who are finding out it isn't what they expected.

That said, I will keep my further opinions to myself, whether I love it or leave it. I usually count on the dis for advice and support (or at least not judgemental generalities), but then I hang out in the WISH thread most of the time...guess I'd better head back there.

My goodness, by the defense you would think I had proposed poolhopping or bringing back last year's mug! ;)
Well, I didn't think it was a scam or I wouldn't have applied, my husband has a different view -- again, I would hope he's entitled to his own opinion. If you think that's rude, then I guess you do. To each his own. Since this is the "just got my first house party" post, I think it would be unusual for every single person to have the exact same opinion. I would think there would be a range, from it's the greatest thing since sliced bread to it's the root of yucky.

I would also think that people are finding out more about it as they go, and they are allowed and encouraged to form more informed opinions as they go through the process. This time next week I may think this is the best thing ever, but I need to learn more about it.

I didn't say I wasn't going to hold the party because I didn't think the items were valuable enough, just that I'm not sure it is turning out to be the opportunity I was expecting. And you are absolutely right, this may very well be the only party we ever apply to host.

Kids in our area do expect a $10+ goody bag. Right or wrong that is our reality. I really don't understand the animosity -- I would never tell someone else their "goodies" were inferior because they cost too little. If I and my peers consider it being a good hostess to provide a goody bag of that value, and it is a shared opinion of those we interact with, how does that diminish anyone else? I think everyone should hold the party they are comfortable with, and share ideas for the parties rather than attack new people who are finding out it isn't what they expected.

That said, I will keep my further opinions to myself, whether I love it or leave it. I usually count on the dis for advice and support (or at least not judgemental generalities), but then I hang out in the WISH thread most of the time...guess I'd better head back there.

My goodness, by the defense you would think I had proposed poolhopping or bringing back last year's mug! ;)

Well said!
It's important to hear other people's opinions to get a well rounded idea of what's going on.

:eek: to those of you who were so sharp tongued to Woorfiedoodles! I'm sure there was a much nicer way to express YOUR opinion about HER opinion.

Of course, that's just MY opinion.

Sorry, Woorfieldoodles that you were blasted like that. And I'll risk my own blasting to say so. :hug:

But of course, I'll be unsubscribed to this thread by then. :rolleyes1


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