Just Closed Today!!!

Just from what I've read on the boards there is a difference between the two. However, being brand new to DVC I have no information on it. Can anyone clarify?
We closed on a BWV contract on Feb 22... just called member services and there's nothing in the system. Could it be any different to call Member Admin?

Wait, you closed more than a month ago and you aren't in the Disney system? Call Member Administration, it's the same number but a different selection in the phone tree. If they confirm you still aren't in the system, then ask to speak to the team who inputs the new memberships into the system. There may be paperwork missing from your contract and that would hold up getting into the system.
Just from what I've read on the boards there is a difference between the two. However, being brand new to DVC I have no information on it. Can anyone clarify?

Member Administration can give you your new membership number, Member Services cannot. Once you have your number, you can then talk to Member Services to make your first reservation. Member Administration can help you set up your online account, as well.
Member Administration can give you your new membership number, Member Services cannot. Once you have your number, you can then talk to Member Services to make your first reservation. Member Administration can help you set up your online account, as well.
Missyrose Thanks for your clairification! I learn so much from the knowledgeable people here!

Wait, you closed more than a month ago and you aren't in the Disney system? Call Member Administration, it's the same number but a different selection in the phone tree. If they confirm you still aren't in the system, then ask to speak to the team who inputs the new memberships into the system. There may be paperwork missing from your contract and that would hold up getting into the system.

Opps! March 22.:eek:
Just talked with Member Admin. She pretty much confirmed what i read on the boards earlier that there's only one person who enters in the contracts and that it takes 1 to 2 weeks for it to be entered.
Mr Toad I hope your in. I called again today and was able to get my membership number!:dance3: I hope your just as lucky. Now I just have to wait for my points to be loaded.

:cheer2: me :flower3::flower3:DD

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