Just a rant, neighbor bragging about govt. assist.

Ok this one I have to rant about 3 things. One my DH cousin wont get married cause then she wouldnt be able to get welfare to pay for everything. My oldest friend has been on welfare her whole life she lives in a 1/2 million dollar house that has a whole new kitchen and upstairs 6 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms it is beautiful but she gets to claim she is a single mom with 6 kids so she gets it all and I mean it all. Lastly is a girl I work with. She is a single mom with 2 kids (by her choice) lives with her mom and has no bills. What she does have is a beautiful new truck, great iphone, best clothes and all that. She gets Chip for her kids even though medical is available to both her and the kids father we have to pay for it instead. The best part she just got laid-off from my job (fired actually but they put it as a layoff) the Apple daycare she gets here (which cost her 75 every 2 weeks for 2 kids in fulltime) will carry her for 3 months FREE!!! Why so she can job hunt. What does she do instead...puts them in there full time from 9-6pm and tans, sleeps, shops and watches her shows. Hello you are not working but I am still paying for your daycare. And now she talks about getting pregnant by her new boyfriend. Are you kidding me??? I would love to have another baby but there is no way in the world that my husband and I can afford to do that.
Now dont get me wrong if you need it by all means use it but I think the whole system needs to be gone over with a fine tooth comb and stop all the abuse. Oh and please dont say to report them. This has been tried and we were pretty much laughed at about it by the agencies...especially Chip we were basically told to mind our own business.
Oh the future looks so bleak anymore.
Thanks for letting me rant didnt realize it was so long:)
Due to the economy we have seen a HUGE increase in applicants.

Yesterday I had to call this lady re: her cash application. I asked her some basic questions and confirmed most of what she put down on the application. I informed her that based on her current situation, she would not qualify for cash (she currently receives food stamps and medical coverage.)

The conversation went on further and I also explained to her that she was in jeopardy of losing her medical benefits because she was in non-compliance with child support. She missed an appointment or something. She is estranged from her husband and he gives her money every month--which is being budgeted. Anyway, she started to cry--really HARD. After I calmed her down and explained what she needed to do, she continued on with her story of how after she pays her mortgage (which was rather low considering the area that she lives in) and utilities, she didn't have enough to live on (she has four kids).

I told her that she could come into the office to pick up a referral for a gas card and at least that will help with her trying to do a job search. Then she says to me, "Well send the referral by mail--I'm going on vacation for two weeks and won't be back until the 20th!!

I was :rolleyes: and ended the conversation. Then I took a deep breath and tried to rationalize: maybe her parents are taking her on vacation. At any rate, I'm going to mail the referral, but I also sent the estranged husband's information to child support!!
i got a neighbor that is bad too... :confused3
shes got 2 kids and married.
the grandmother rented the house and they all live together.
2 kids. 2 adults 1 elderly lady.
the kids one is so quiet you wont know she was there.. she speaks but only when you talk to her. the other child straight ignores everyone. my son tries so hard to be friends. hes mean to him. ignores him. when he does play its whatever he wants to play. my son comes home in tears all the time. and that hurts.
the father works very hard. and is friendly.
the the kids mom.. shes a total.. butt! lol
she works but only part time. she goes to the bus stop in jammies no bra.. these are elem kids!
shes always on the cell phone talking loud for everyone to hear.
they have 2 of the really big city trash cans.. they let the boy put the trash out and he misses the can. so its always in my yard.( if i see my trash next door i grab it.) they are always getting the utilities cut off..
i know the husband is not the babys father. they constantly throw parties and fill the court to the hilt!
then they go and tell the other neighbor ..the last house they rented they were there for 15 years.. until the neighborhood started sending letters to the landlord to have them removed!
she got arrested xmas morning. we all went outside to watch her do the walk of shame to the cop car! she acts suck up and i cant figure it out..
she got arrested an the rest of us are trashy?? lol
If you know where the child care center is, contact the director and let her know of the conversation. The director may not be pleased that this mother is viewing her assistance in this manner and may make changes to what she is offering this family.
I hate people like this, because they make people want to stop helping despite the fact that many people really need it. You'd never know that most of the people I know who are on assistance are getting it. They aren't proud of it, don't talk about it, and unless you happened to see them using their food stamp card, there'd be no way to know. These are people dealing with layoffs and foreclosure and genuine misfortune. But because they're quietly going about trying to get their lives back together, it is the loser will the gall to brag about her welfare checks that come to mind when people talk about welfare. :mad:
I work doing eligibility determinations for assistance and I urge anyone who suspects welfare fraud to call and report it. All states have a welfare fraud hotline (just do a google search for your state). You can do this anonymously and by reporting it, you will feel better knowing you did your part.
Our local inner city school district recently did a survey and found that 89% of the kids got free breakfast and lunch subsidies and the kicker is that 88% of kids in the school have cellphones! Now we the taxpayers are paying for their meals, yet they can afford cellphones (and our plane for 4 people is $110 a month!) Somethings is wrong with a system that works this way.
Sickening isn't it?
Friend of ours owns an oil delivery business. For those who get heating assistance, a check is mailed by the state made out to that person and the oil business name too. Both sign it and funds are held by the oil co and as the person buys oil, the cost is deducted from their account. Fine.
Here's the kicker: If they don't use all of the $$, our friend has to give them back what's left over as a check back to the person, not the state!!!
Of course this just gives them an incentive to sign up in multiple names and buy barely enough oil to keep warm, $50 at a time which is his min purchase and barely makes it worth his labor/truck costs to go out there.
ARRGH! At least give it back to the state or save it toward the next year when costs will probably be higher. :sad2:

Thank God there's none of that crap in our neighborhood. It would make me physically ill to get up at 5 am for work and witness that. We're not in a wealthy area but everyone works typical jobs, (teachers, policemen, vetenarian, etc.) and cares for their properties, children and pets. :cloud9:
If anything, since dh works at a sewer plant, we're the white trash of the neighborhood. lol! ;)
Here's a cut and paste I ran across from another site ,

Free cars for poor fuel road rage


Quote :
Gov. Deval Patrick’s free wheels for welfare recipients program is revving up despite the stalled economy, as the keys to donated cars loaded with state-funded insurance, repairs and even AAA membership are handed out to get them to work.

But the program - fueled by a funding boost despite the state’s fiscal crash - allows those who end up back on welfare to keep the cars anyway.

“It’s mind-boggling. You’ve got people out there saying, ‘I just lost my job. Hey, can I get a free car, too?’ ” said House Minority Leader Brad Jones (R-North Reading).

Need a set of wheels your on welfare so you can’t afford the gas, insurance, maintenance or that pesky AAA membership. Problem solved

Move to Massachusetts…

Don’t worry… the state will give you a free car
Our local inner city school district recently did a survey and found that 89% of the kids got free breakfast and lunch subsidies and the kicker is that 88% of kids in the school have cellphones! Now we the taxpayers are paying for their meals, yet they can afford cellphones (and our plane for 4 people is $110 a month!) Somethings is wrong with a system that works this way.

I don't know about everywhere but in a lot of places school aid is tied to how many kids they submit applications for and the more kids on free or reduced lunch and breakfast the more money the school gets so they really push filling them out here. You would be surprised how much you can make to still get reduced lunch. Free caps out at like $33,000 I think but it's up to $45,000 in some areas to still get lunch for .40.
This lovely system has gotten a whole lot of politicians elected in recent years and it's only going to get worse, alot worse. As these families grow and others get on board guess which politicians they will vote for? Of course the ones who will give them more.
I have a neighbor like that! They drive a Hummer, have motorcycles, 4 wheelers and Jet skis. They brag about how they "work the system" and how they are technically "divorced" but live together. I dont understand how theri scam works, but somehow she gets assistance and he pays her child support and they pretend not to live together. They have a lot of loud parties, but have always been very nice to us, and respectful with the noise. They always invite us too. SO they are very nice, but I still hate them. DF thinks we shuld mind our business. But I work hard for my money, and dont like cheaters!

They WILL get caught. ANd Karma karma karma.
Sorry if this was mentioned but I did not read through all the post:

In some cities a person who ownes a pit bull must prove they have insurance for owning a dog that is considered vicious. For your families safety it's worth looking into to protect your family.

Okay, I usually stay out of people's business. I make my own mistakes in life and try not to judge others most of the time. I just need to rant about my neighbor for a few minutes and then I'll keep to myself.
Here goes...

My neighbor rents the house next door. The owner collects the rent and that's it. The house is falling apart and he always finds a new renter who is worse than the last ( garbage all over the place, not cutting the lawn for months etc.)

This time he found a renter with 4 pit bull dogs. The dogs seem to be very friendly however I don't let my kids around them. Again, I'm trying not to judge, I just don't want my kids around dogs that are so strong and big.

Anyway, yesterday the neighbor was talking to me about where I work. I told her that I'm changing jobs and looking for a job with different hours to decrease the amount of child care I needed. I work in a school and need a job closer to home.

She told me that since she is a single mom, she receives free child care and the director of the center feels sorry for her and takes her 2 kids overnight etc. She was very happy and thought anyone who doesnt' take advantage of this situation is an "idiot". Those were her words!!!!

Life is just great for her isn't it? They had a party last night (Wednesday) until midnight. Motorcycles revving up as their friends left.
I just saw her walking outside with the dogs. Its after noon here and she is in her pj's and the kids are at daycare. I let her know that the motorcycles woke us up and It can't happen again.

The reason I'm upset is this: My kids want a dog and we can not afford one. My husband works 2 jobs and I work as well. We are struggling to make ends meet and my neighbor is happy as a clam. This lady has free child care, food stamps and subsidized rent and
therefore can afford 4 large dogs in her two bedroom house!!!
I wish our government would make some changes here! I understand they don't get assistance for the dogs, but they get it for everything else!!!!

It ticks me off so much!!!!

Okay, I'm done.
Landlords are in charge of insurance if there are dogs pitbulls most rental properties they are not allowed as per the insurance companys and 4 is over the top in our area they have to be registered most communities also have noise reduction laws such as after 10pm or 11pm i would check into code violations on the home ask a city inspector to check it out helps if you know some violations I don't have to worry about section 8 or low income rent assits in my complex they are not allowed can't pay the rent can't get in we just had a news report on daycare some in the nearby city were getting daycare etc claiming to watch a family members kid vise versa getting over $30,000 a year to $75,000 plus all other benfits now daycare is being checked into being taken away as a benfit they will get one family got almost 1 million dollars in the past 7 years this is one set of family sisters all working together to scam us if you know the loopholes it pays
I handle benefits for our company and I can't tell you how many times I have had single mothers (of multiple children from different fathers!) come in and say they need to drop their coverage because the state is paying for it.

I want to slap them silly because they just don't get that my and every hard working persons taxes are paying for it not the state!

Our insurance is FULL coverage and only costs 40 per week for a single parent and children (doesn't matter how many) but for me, my husband and son it costs 66 per week because we are a "Family":confused3

So now states are getting smart and just making companies put the individuals back on the company policy and refunding them the premium (40 per week) and the company gets stuck with the claim $'s.

We are a self insured company and I have a real doozy of a story that just cost us $300,000 and counting in claim $'s. Shame I can't get into the details but trust me......it's a sad state of affairs and I only see it getting worse.

So they can't pay the $40 per wk but can afford the gas for the Escalade, Tatoos, Piercings, Animals and Cigarettes.

It is very frustrating and the fact that the majority are actually PROUD of the fact that they are doing it ~ disgusts me.

I am all for helping those who are truly in need and are trying to get back on their feet but this never ending enabling of a broken system just stinks.
Due to the economy we have seen a HUGE increase in applicants.

Yesterday I had to call this lady re: her cash application. I asked her some basic questions and confirmed most of what she put down on the application. I informed her that based on her current situation, she would not qualify for cash (she currently receives food stamps and medical coverage.)

The conversation went on further and I also explained to her that she was in jeopardy of losing her medical benefits because she was in non-compliance with child support. She missed an appointment or something. She is estranged from her husband and he gives her money every month--which is being budgeted. Anyway, she started to cry--really HARD. After I calmed her down and explained what she needed to do, she continued on with her story of how after she pays her mortgage (which was rather low considering the area that she lives in) and utilities, she didn't have enough to live on (she has four kids).

I told her that she could come into the office to pick up a referral for a gas card and at least that will help with her trying to do a job search. Then she says to me, "Well send the referral by mail--I'm going on vacation for two weeks and won't be back until the 20th!!

I was :rolleyes: and ended the conversation. Then I took a deep breath and tried to rationalize: maybe her parents are taking her on vacation. At any rate, I'm going to mail the referral, but I also sent the estranged husband's information to child support!!

I live in Illinois! You are "helping" my neighbor!!!:)
Wow, The only thing I will comment on is how expensive it is to have dogs, I have 5 and I spend on average 5000 a year and that is a low average. Food is over $100 a month (and if she has 4 pits her food bill must be more than that) Monthly meds such as heartworm preventative and flea med is another $100. I treat my yard monthly for fleas $30 ( I do it myself ) Vet bills just for yearly shots and parish registration is over $200 a dog. Not to mention one gets sick, boarding or petsitter, treats, etc.

I cant see living off of welfare and getting food stamps , but having enough money to own 4 dogs and party all the time.:rolleyes:
Wow, The only thing I will comment on is how expensive it is to have dogs, I have 5 and I spend on average 5000 a year and that is a low average. Food is over $100 a month (and if she has 4 pits her food bill must be more than that) Monthly meds such as heartworm preventative and flea med is another $100. I treat my yard monthly for fleas $30 ( I do it myself ) Vet bills just for yearly shots and parish registration is over $200 a dog. Not to mention one gets sick, boarding or petsitter, treats, etc.

I cant see living off of welfare and getting food stamps , but having enough money to own 4 dogs and party all the time.:rolleyes:

You are obviously taking good care of your dogs. Sadly, not all dog owners would do/spend what you do. Maybe they just feed them. who knows...:sad2:
I got this email says it was written by Bill Cosby I dont know but I like it and thought id pass it along....

Bill Cosby says:
> >
> >
> > (1) 'Press 1 for English' is immediately banned.
> English is the official language; speak it or wait at the
> border until you can.
> >
> > (2) We will immediately go into a two year
> isolationist posture to straighten out the country's
> attitude. NO imports, no exports. We will use the
> 'Wal-Mart 's policy, 'If we ain't got it, you don't need
> it.'
> >
> > (3) When imports are allowed, there will be a 100%
> import tax on it...
> >
> > (4) All retired military personnel will be required to
> man one of our many observation towers on the southern
> border (six month tour). They will be under strict orders
> not to fire on SOUTHBOUND aliens.
> >
> > (5) Social security will immediately return to its
> original state. If you didn't put nuttin in, you ain't
> getting nuttin out. The president nor any other politician
> will be able to touch it.
> >
> >
> > (6) Welfare - Checks will be handed out on Fridays at
> the end of the 40 hour school week and the successful
> completion of urinalysis and a passing grade.
> >
> > (7) Professional Athletes--Steroids.. The FIRST time
> you check positive you're banned for life.
> >
> > (8) Crime - We will adopt the Turkish method, the
> first time you steal, you lose your right hand. There is no
> more life sentences. If convicted of murder, you will be put
> to death by the same method you chose for your victim; gun,
> knife, strangulation, etc.
> >
> > (9) One export will be allowed, Wheat. The world needs
> to eat. A bushel of wheat will be the exact price of a
> barrel of oil.
> >
> > (10) All foreign aid using American taxpayer money
> will immediately cease, and the saved money will pay off the
> national debt and ultimately lower taxes. When disasters
> occur around the world, we'll ask the American people if
> they want to donate to a disaster fund, and each citizen can
> make the decision whether it's a worthy cause.
> >
> > (11) The Pledge of Allegiance will be said every day
> at school and every day in Congress...
> >
> > (12) The National Anthem will be played at all
> appropriate ceremonies, sporting events, outings, etc.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > The country was founded on certain principals - let's
> get back to them!
> >
> >
> > Bill Cosby


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