Jersey Week...Never Again...Trip Report


Feb 8, 2004
Well....between the record crowds and the record heat...I was difficult to have a good time....even though we did....but it was not all it could have been. I don't know if the whole state was down there or not but it sure seemed like it. As I mentioned on another thread...I'd rather go in the summer. When the parks are open later, we spend the heat of the day by the pool and go to the parks when it cools down and the crowds thin out. I will never go the first week of Nov. again...even though my kids have the whole week off from school. I mean 1 1/2 hour lines for splash mountain.......1/2 hour for Pirates???? I've never waited on line for Pirates. Easter week we basically walked on. It was unbelievable.

Anyhows, the good parts. We stayed at the Poly for the first time and I will never stay anywhere else again. I luuuuved it. The atmosphere was phenominal. Of course, that's a matter of opinion. I love the Hawaiian atmosphere and Disney captures it wonderfully. We had a room in the Nuie building (smoking) and I would highly recommend it to smokers. We were on the first floor facing the quiet pool. Beautiful view. Close to EVERYTHING. No musty smell AT ALL. I am a smoker but I really didn't smell smoke when I walked into the room but maybe a non-smoker would. Everything was great I have not one complaint....oh, wait....except the cockroach in the bathroom one night. But there's nothing anyone can do about that....its like crickets here in NJ.

MNNSHP was fantastic. The kids loved it. I loved it. I went as Miss New Jersey Week, DD as a piratess, DS as a soldier. DS and DH went to Universal's HHN. They were a little disappointed. Long lines and to DS not scary enough for him (go figure).

Unfortunately, DS (8) and DS (16) didn't have the "Magic". For DS (8) too much walking, too hot and too crowded. For DS (16) Universal is more his speed, although he luuuvvved watching the gorillas in AK. That was one of the highlights of our trip.

Cried at Wishes, Cried at Spectromagic, Cried at Illuminations. And I forgot to bring tissues!! And cried when we had to leave while checking out. How embarrassing!

Loved O'Hanas and Crystal Palace. Oh, if you go to Universal I highly recommend Mythos in IOA. Great place to Eat!!

Okay, for the highlight of our trip. We take Amtrack down because I do not fly. I actually love the train trip. However, on our trip home our train was 2 hours late coming into Orlando. It was supposed to pull in at 7:30 pm and didn't come in until 9:30. Okay, not too bad. Hung out on the train for a while...then went to sleep. In the middle of the night I kept rolling over and noticing that we were not moving. That happened a couple of times but in my sleepy state I didn't really care. Woke up at 8:00 a.m. to find that we were still in FLorida. Couldn't believe it!!! Why oh why! Well, apparently out train hit and killed someone outside of Jacksonville. They're not sure if he committed suicide or if he tried to outrun the train or if he was sleeping on the tracks. So we were 8 hours late coming into Newark, NJ. 32 hours on the train!! They started running out of food and drinks for Pete's sake!! I mean, I feel bad for the guy but jeez, I was ready to throw myself in front of the train after 32 hours.

Well, I can't think of any other highlights of our trip. Despite all we had a great time. I would like to stay at the Poly next time and only do the parks a few days. I'd really like to spend more time at the resort than I did. I have no problem sitting by the pool listening to hawaiian music drinking my pina colada for a week and going to see Mickey only one or two days. Next time that's what I'll do!!
we were also there Jersey week, I had never heard of Jersey week before, but the CMs in MK made sure we knew it was happenig, I never heard so many New Jersey jokes before.

We still had a great week - the only day I felt it was unpleasantly crowded was Thursday in MK - that is Early Entry day and they do say that makes it more busy, so we wouldn't normally have gone that day, but we were booked to do the Family Magic Tour - that was awesome, but if we hadn't been on the tour I would probably have hopped over to Epcot due to the crowds.

We didn't wait in any massive lines though - we used FastPass and managed to do Big Thunder Mountain without a wait - I was amazed at the number of people willing to wait in that Standby line though.
I do remember something unexpected having a line........... Jungle Cruise - we must have waited 30+ minutes for that - I have never waited for Jungle cruise ever.

even so, I would still go back that week, the weather was perfect

We were there 11/1-11/9 and were commenting on how we didn't think crowds were nearly as bad as we expected. We never waited more than 10 minutes (except for 20 minutes for Splash Mountain (on Thursday around 11am) and 20-30 minutes for Kilamajaro Safari (about 20 minutes on Saturday around 1:30).

The heat was another story....the kids tired out pretty quickly the first 2-3 days. We were at the Poly for the first time and made great use of the pool and beach.

We really had a great week and wouldn't hesitate to do "Jersey Week" again!!!
Originally posted by deanna2426
We were there 11/1-11/9 and were commenting on how we didn't think crowds were nearly as bad as we expected. We never waited more than 10 minutes (except for 20 minutes for Splash Mountain (on Thursday around 11am) and 20-30 minutes for Kilamajaro Safari (about 20 minutes on Saturday around 1:30).

The heat was another story....the kids tired out pretty quickly the first 2-3 days. We were at the Poly for the first time and made great use of the pool and beach.

We really had a great week and wouldn't hesitate to do "Jersey Week" again!!!


The heat must have gotten to you. I was at Splash Mountain at 11am on Thursday, 11/4 and the standby line was at 70 minutes. I had an 11am fastpass and it took me exactly 15 minutes from the time I hit the FP line to getting in to the boat.

This is why I never trust crowd levels in trip reports (no offense). It's like women forgetting how painful it was having a baby. Disney must put something in the water. :D

Don't let anyone tell you different. It was CROWDED during Jersey Week 2004.

You said "This is why I never trust crowd levels in trip reports" and then "It was CROWDED during Jersey Week 2004."

As a New Jerseyan who has been to Disney 3 times during Jersey week, and also during the summer, and just this past Columbus day weekend, I much prefer Jersey week!

You are going to find that this topic pops up every year - and you will get about equal amounts of pros and cons.... It is all relative.
John: I agree with you whole heartedly. Before I went Jersey Week everyone said the crowds were not that bad and manageable. I don't know about anyone else but I don't think walking shoulder to shoulder with strangers through the park is manageable. I don't know when anyone else has been there but I've been there before Easter week and during the summer and I would much rather go either of those two times then Jersey Week. The extra magic hour at the parks were great, no more than 15 minutes, however, after 9:00 a.m. all the lines were at least an hour long. Rides I didn't get to go on because of Long Lines: Splash Mountain, Its a Bugs' Life, Test Track, Tower of Terror....I'm sure there were more but I can't remember. I didn't do fast pass for those because the time I would have had to return was later in the day and all I wanted to do was get the heck out of there and go back to the pool it was so darn hot. The buses and monorails were full to capacity, even for the extra magic hour. Even the CMs said they never saw that week so crowded. I don't know where anyone else was but I was at Walt Disney Orlando, the United States.......on the planet Earth. Oh, and how about maneuvering around those monstrous double strollers. Yeegads!!
Ok,, what is Jersey week?? Does each state have a week or something?

i really have to know! Robyn:confused: :confused: :confused:
Hey Robyn: I could pull your leg and tell you that Jersey Week is a special week for people from New Jersey where they have special food from NJ, NJ souveneers, etc., but nah, its just a week that the kids in NJ have off from school and lots of NJ families go down that week. As I said before, I had heard that the crowds really weren't that bad this week, after all...the whole state isn't down I was told. However, I really believe the whole state of New Jersey was down there along with the whole state of New York, various other states and even the whole country of Great Britain!!:crowded: :faint:
Thanks for the report. It further reminds me of why we hit the Food & Wine Festival either BEFORE or AFTER Jersey week. Can't help but respond to a couple of things in your post.

I am a smoker but I really didn't smell smoke when I walked into the room but maybe a non-smoker would.
Earlier this year it was raining (pouring really), and we needed to make a mad dash from Somoa to the GCH. We decided to go through Niue. When we passed through the doors, I thought the building was on fire, the smoke was so strong. I thought, "well, this must be one of those 'smoking optional' buildings. So, yes, I guess it makes a difference if you don't smoke. :)

32 hours on the train!!
I think that would be enough to get me over that "no flying" thing. :)
I LOVE what is that called...your signature? Por Favor montenga blah blah ( I can say it but I can't spell it). I've been saying that to my kids all week. Especially when we walk out the door. They call me a Loser. Yes, I suppose a non-smoker would smell the smoke. And 32 hours on the train....nope....won't cure my fear of flying. The difference is our train had an accident...and we were fine.
Good report, gjerseygirl. We were there a couple of weeks ago. Crowd levels were definitely up during our trip over 2002 (both were the last week of October). The longest we waited, though, was probably 25 minutes. It was very manageable. MNSSHP was more crowded, too.

We also had warm weather (mid-higher 80's). Was it much hotter during your trip?

I could never forget the pain of having my's just that the joy of having them, just like the magic of Disney, puts it all in perspective. I guess that's why women are the ones to have children!!!LOL!!!

Anyway, I double-checked to make sure I hadn't had too many LapuLapu's the night before and we truly only waited only 20 minutes for Splash Mountain. As a matter of fact, most of our wait times were less than the posted times.

Hopefully, you will discourage others from traveling during Jersey Week so it will be even less crowded for the rest of us!!!
We were there from Thu-Sun and I didn't think the crowds/heat were that bad. Rode TOT and RNRRC several times Thu AM and ate our way around the world Thu afternoon.

Fri AM went to MK and walked on HM and short FP times for Space Mtn. Hopped over to AK and walked right into ITTBAB. When it got cool Fri eve, wnet back to MK when everyone else was leaving and walked on several rides. Watched wishes and immediately hopped on a bus to CSR.

Sat eve was more crowded at Epcot, but had good seats for Eddie Money 5 minutes prior to show. Sun at MGM, walked on ToT twice.

We stayed at Pop in July. Now that's hot and crowded.
We were there 10/30 to 11/06 and waited for our first ride (test track) for 40 minutes. After that our only rule was ONLY if the wait is less than 15 minutes. We had no trouble with lines or crowds, not forgetting, just the luck of the draw. On the 31st, we had tickets for MNSSHP and were able to ride Big Thunder Mountain and Splash Mountain 2x in a row with no line. This was as the park was getting ready to close at 6. We also were given a family fastpass for any ride we chose because my DD and DS's AP tickets would not work in the fastpass kiosk. At the Poly, the best time for the volcano pool was at 7:00 on Thursday eve. We almost had the whole heated pool to ourselves and watched Wishes and the castle changing colors in what we are calling the best family fun night anyone could want. As far as all the Jersey people, I personally loved being surrounded by what sounded like Rosie O'Donnell's extended family. They were friendly to me and kind to my kids, giving up seats for my four year old and made the trip much nicer. We are from Iowa and get a kick out of all regional accents. :D We would choose this week again wholeheartedly! Beth
at the different way in which people report crowds. Could it be that theywere in the parks at different times, or that they just have a different sense of what "crowded" is?

Our first trip was during Jersey week in 1997 (I live in Jersey... and for the person who asked... we have a 2-day teacher's convention the 1st or 2nd TH & FR of November... and lots of schools have inservices, off for Veteran's Day, etc.).

We arrived on a Saturday, and went to MK in the afternoon. YOu literally could not walk.

We've also been in early December and January. Jersey week as hugely crowded by comparison.

What I'd like to know is: how does Jersey week compare to summer crowds?
Originally posted by dpic

We also had warm weather (mid-higher 80's). Was it much hotter during your trip?

Hey Dan: It was about 90 degrees from Sun. through Wed. Thursday cooled off and it was beautiful. I don't know about anywhere else...but NJ didn't hit 90 degrees all summer!! LOL
Originally posted by Mommo
As far as all the Jersey people, I personally loved being surrounded by what sounded like Rosie O'Donnell's extended family. They were friendly to me and kind to my kids, giving up seats for my four year old and made the trip much nicer. We are from Iowa and get a kick out of all regional accents. :D We would choose this week again wholeheartedly! Beth

Well...thank you for the compliment. I know some guy from Georgia just luuuved me. He left his cigarettes in the car and bummed one from me and I gave him about 5 or 6 for the road. Apparently...."I rock!!"
Originally posted by Angel1
What I'd like to know is: how does Jersey week compare to summer crowds?

Although it was many years ago, my DH and I went in mid-June once. I enjoyed it much more because as I said earlier the parks were open very late. We would get up in the morning, spend the day by the pool and go the parks about 4:00 p.m. By that time, it was cooling off and the crowds were starting to thin out. I will do that next time. I found it much more enjoyable. Let me add that, yes there are ways to manage the crowds but who wants to do all that running around. We left the parks at about 2:00 went back to the pool and then returned to the parks for the nighttime shows. That was way too hectic for me. I don't know...maybe I'm getting too old for this. Last time I went I was 36. Now I'm 43. My feet swelled up and I couldn't keep my eyes open by 9:00. I found that trying to squeeze in everything by 7:00 or so was just a little much. Maybe if it was a little cooler.......but between the heat and the crowds.......
Originally posted by pouncingpluto
So, is Jersey week over now? We're leaving tonight... just a quick weekend trip.

Jersey Week was last week. This weekend is Super Soap Weekend. I hope you weren't planning on doing MGM.:jester:


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