jennifaerie's planning journal - 3/2 - Made it on the Maggie Sottero Website!


DIS Veteran
Feb 9, 2008
I feel weird doing this, as I'm not having a Disney wedding... not even a Disney themed wedding, though we did consider having one at WDW (unfortunately, neither of our families would have been able to afford to travel, money or healthwise).

But I've been wandering around here for awhile, posting randomly, complimenting people on their wonderful, beautiful weddings, and I feel like I should at least say hello!

So... hello! :flower3:

I'm one of those people who strives to not be like everyone else (and probably becomes more like everyone else because I do!), so I've been keeping really mum about my wedding plans. I don't tell anyone anything unless someone asks. And whenever someone does ask, it's, How are the wedding plans coming? I don't really know how to answer that other than, They're done. Which ends the conversation faster than I could run into a wall. Oops. :sad2:

I have a livejournal, and I could post it all there, but no one wants to hear that stuff. No one wants to know that our rings got ordered this week, and that we might be considering a videographer when we originally were dead set against it.

But then I come here every day, and I realize, that's what we talk about here! Weddings! Sorry, I'm a little dense. The English degree didn't do a heck of a lot for me, except helping my grammar. :sad2: Oops, again.

So I thought I'd share a few things about myself, my wedding, and that way, I feel like we're remotely even. Everyone here gives me something every day. I'd like to give a little back, even if it's just, Here! This is me!

It'll also be fun to actually post a trip report here after the honeymoon because you'll actually want to hear about it. I do get the flat "Oh." from some people when I tell them where we're honeymooning. But almost as much as I get the oh, I also get, That's where we honeymooned! :)

So hi! (I'll get on with it, I promise.)
My name is Jennifer, and I'm getting married in September to Rob.


We met at work almost six years ago and have been together for almost four. It's been a rocky relationship -- not really because of us, but because it started off with my family hating him, and his family hating me (not necessarily at the same time, but there was some overlap!). :rotfl: But he's always had this ability to make me laugh and appreciate things I never stopped to enjoy before.

The Engagement

I'm going to cheat and paste the story from our wedding website because I am so bad at writing things again. I try so hard to capture the same thoughts and words, and then I end up hating my second version! :lmao:

But I'll preface it with some Disney fodder. We first went to Disney World last April. Rob had never been (I had been once in 2000), and I think he was dreading it no matter how much he said he was excited (I felt the same way the first time I went). Of course, he loved it.

Us with my favorite little guy, Stitch!

When we got back, I immediately started planning a second trip. They had just released the free dining offer, and I said, What the heck?

During our trip in September, the bounceback offer was made. I was bad... I secretly (while he was in the shower) booked the offer. It wasn't exactly a crime, but I booked at the Polynesian! :scared: We have only stayed in moderates and couldn't exactly afford the Polynesian. Of course, we can't keep secrets, so I told him about ten minutes after he got out of the shower. :rotfl: But when I told him, I said, This better be our honeymoon since we have no other special reason to stay at the Polynesian!

His response? Okay. (See? I'm staying within the Disney topic!)


Fast forward to December of last year.

One Sunday (December 9th!), I came downstairs and found a wrapped present on the coffee table. It was a bigger box... probably about the size of a new digital camera package or a new phone box.

Rob was watching the Patriots game. He told me he wanted to give me something early to help me get in the spirit of things.

I responded, In the spirit? I'm in the spirit! You're the one not in the spirit.

It's customary for us to end up giving each other most of our gifts before Christmas. This ends up causing us both to make a mad dash to the store before Christmas to make sure we have something under the tree.

But he's not really a big Christmas fan. I'm not exactly either, but I definitely seem like it when I listen to Christmas music from the day after Thanksgiving on. I decorate with flourish. I almost skip through December. It can be pretty disgusting.

I'm not exactly in the same spirit I usually am, though. I did warn you I would disappear. Our Financials product went live at the hospital, and I've been neck-deep in it. Working anywhere from eleven to sixteen hour days, even on the weekends. It's been really hard. And I'd do anything for a ray of sunshine.

I, of course, told him I didn't need to open it yet. I could wait. But he seemed like he wanted me to.

I tried to grab the box off the table. It had to be at least twenty to thirty pounds. I could tell by how it moved that it was full of marbles.

That's a lotta marbles!, I said.

He was bummed I figured it out right off the bat. He was hoping I wouldn't pick it up.

Rob likes to give me marbles. There's some phantom of 10 Prospect who drops marbles all over the place. On the roof, the ground, in the bushes. All over the place. Whenever he finds one, he gives it to me. I now have marbles all over the house. In my desk, in the kitchen, in my coat pockets. Everywhere.

So the sentiment of giving a box of marbles was not lost on me. I thought it was really sweet.

I opened up the box, and in the middle was a really large, gorgeous marble. The marble had thin, silver Christmas ribbon around it. It was crafted by a glass-maker; it has to be the most beautiful marble I've ever seen. It was pink, white, shades of lavender... they swirled around with some clear glass in between.

I tried to pull the marble out, but the ribbon was tugging, still stuck in the box, amidst all those marbles.

When I finally got it out, my eyes followed the string down to find a marble at the end. I marveled at it (Rob tells me that the marble at the bottom was unintended... it got stuck in there as I was pulling it up), and neglected to notice the ring wrapped around it.

When I saw it, I jumped a little.

He pushed the coffee table away and got on his knees. He started to speak-- I stopped him and said, Please, at least pause the game (anecdote of the century, I believe). He did and proceeded to ask me to marry him.

After a few seconds, I sputtered an Okay. Five minutes later, I actually said yes.

The marble is known as Cupid's Arrow. He thought it fit. I thought it was perfect.

He also thought it wasn't enough and waited until he realized he couldn't come up with anything else.

Again, I thought it was perfect.

Here's the ring:

We took several pictures with it on my finger, but we just couldn't get it to come out right. I'll try again, but this is definitely the best picture we'll ever get of it.
I'm not a big jewelry fan, especially diamonds, so he knew it'd be tough to find something for me. I like the antique look, so this was perfect.

So when trying to decide a date for the wedding, we thought back to the reservation I booked, and ta-dah! Insta-Wedding Date. We're getting married right before we leave for our Disney Honeymoon!

Again, stayed on topic (sort of)!
Did I forget to mention that I started this because addressing invitations is physically and mentally painful, and this is MUCH more fun?!


Just a few stats-
Date: September 21st, 2008
Time: 11am
Where: Hollis, New Hampshire
Theme: Fall... and Fun... so Fall Fun!
Guests: The place we picked required a minimum of seventy-five (75) guests for the day we chose (why we chose a Sunday versus a Saturday; Saturday required ninety). We're inviting about one hundred twenty-five (125), but we're expecting about seventy-five to ninety.
Traditional?: Yes and no. There are certain portions... like the invitations, that are quasi-traditional, and I'm following all the wording and etiquette rules. But I don't care about most rules. Like what the wear for what time of day. Or what to wear at all. Our centerpieces are actually baskets full of toys, activity books, crayons, and games. But I have a dressy dress. We're having a cake, but it's going to be a hiking trail.

Our theme was originally fall because it's the last day of summer, and we love autumn. We've gone to so many weddings and saw people really bored. So we wanted to come up with something really fun for our guests. Hence, where the fun comes in. So we're trying our darndest to make this fun for people.

I'm sure I'll be sharing all those exciting details soon, but I better get back to addressing, and if I keep going, you'll never stay awake... let alone stay! :lmao:

I do appreciate you reading along! :hug:
I've been enjoying your PJ! Can't wait to hear more. That's the magic of the Dis. There is always someone here as interested in hearing about your wedding as much as you want to talk about it.
Fabulous start! I was there in September and got suckered into the bounceback offer too. Dang you, Mickey!!!!

Do you have pix of the marble? Or marbles...? Me likey pix.... :lovestruc
Congrats and officially Welcome!!

You two are such a cute couple! That first pic is adorable, with Rob's head on your shoulder!

And your engagement story is so cute and your ring is gorgeous, If I had gone for a diamond I would have wanted something similar. He did a great job.

I can't wait to read/see more.


PS. Keep me posted on your dad. I'll be thinking of him and praying for you all over the next few months.

Very nice start. You two are so cute and what a wonderful story. I love the marble thing. That is really thoughtful and sweet.

Your ring is beautiful and your wedding sounds like a lot of fun! If people don't have fun, it's their own fault. :rotfl:

Can't wait to hear more! :surfweb:
Sounds good to me! Any plans are good plans! Hope to read all about it soon!

Thank you! I've got lots to say! A quiet bride is an exploding bride! :rotfl2:

I've been enjoying your PJ! Can't wait to hear more. That's the magic of the Dis. There is always someone here as interested in hearing about your wedding as much as you want to talk about it.

Oh one more thing- I absolutly love that first picture of the two of you!
You're very right-- and I'm glad! I think I might be going through talking withdrawal!

And thank you so much!! :love:

Fabulous start! I was there in September and got suckered into the bounceback offer too. Dang you, Mickey!!!!

Do you have pix of the marble? Or marbles...? Me likey pix.... :lovestruc

You know, I never took pictures of the marble... it never even occurred to me until you asked. So I did today. I'll be posting them soon! Rob also got me another marble for my birthday that was a similar version but different color. I'll have to take pictures of that too. They don't do it justice though.

Congrats and officially Welcome!!

You two are such a cute couple! That first pic is adorable, with Rob's head on your shoulder!

And your engagement story is so cute and your ring is gorgeous, If I had gone for a diamond I would have wanted something similar. He did a great job.

I can't wait to read/see more.


PS. Keep me posted on your dad. I'll be thinking of him and praying for you all over the next few months.

Oh, Nikki, thank you so much! :hug: I'm much more of a pearl girl, so I think he done good under the circumstances! You made me all blushy!

I will definitely keep you posted. Thank you again! :flower3:

Very nice start. You two are so cute and what a wonderful story. I love the marble thing. That is really thoughtful and sweet.

Your ring is beautiful and your wedding sounds like a lot of fun! If people don't have fun, it's their own fault. :rotfl:

Can't wait to hear more! :surfweb:

Thank you, thank you! I was at the Christmas Tree Shoppes buying the baskets, and the cashier was horrified when I told her what I was doing. She kept recommending at least "a few flowers". I think I scared her! :rotfl:

Thank you again, everyone! I just got back from seeing Made of Honor (it was more for waffle fries than it was the movie), and I'm expected to go garden, but I'll get more up later today (hopefully including the marble pictures)!
The Dress

After we got engaged, I stayed mum about it for awhile. I was working offsite, and I wanted to tell my coworkers about it first before the people I was working with found out. My mother works at the same hospital, and I thought her telling her department would cause the news to spread like wildfire (Rob and I found out we were together before we did! :lmao: ), but I was so quiet about it, most people didn't find out until they saw it in the paper.

I did, however, call my mom and my matron of honor the night it happened. My Matron of Honor (Tamara) screeched and screamed (I swear she was more excited than I was), and was terribly excited that I asked her to go dress shopping with me when she visited for New Year's.

I had done a lot of dress research, and I pretty much knew what I wanted-- A-Line, color, flower applique (yeah, I'm that girl). I fell in love with Atelier Aimee's designs, but I knew they were immensely expensive. I also loved Maggie Sottero. I made an appointment at Yolanda's (it's Boston's answer to Kleinfeld's) for my first shopping excursion.

Let's just say, Wow. Interesting experience. I thought I'd be able to look through aisles of dresses and say, I want that one, but it was a full service salon where they ask you want you, bring it to you, and based on what you like and don't like, they bring you more.

There were several dresses by Anne Barge and Paloma Blanca that I was drawn to. Of course, whenever the consultant left the room, we'd check the price tags, and my eyes would bug out of my head. I kept thinking, Well, the two most important things to me are the dress and the cake... and I have a Disney Visa! So... why not?

I'm very overanalytical. I overthink everything. I was not getting the "click", and it was driving me batty.

We made another appointment, and went to a couple more stores. The last store we visited that day had a dress in the window that took my breath away. I was reminded at the end of the salon appointment that I actually really liked pick-ups, and this baby had it all. In fact, when I told the woman at the store what I was looking for, one of the women yelled, Take the dress out of the front window!

I tried on a handful of dresses there, and the last one was the one from the window. Everyone loved it. I loved it. But I didn't get the click. So I left.

This haunted me for two days (isn't dress shopping supposed to be the FUN part?!) because of the New Year. All the stores were closed.

We visited another store two days later, and I tried on this dress and fell absolutely in love (let me apologize in advance for the Maggie Sottero models... they scare me and make the dresses not... what they could be):

I tried on the Diamond White/Red (or burgundy, I can't remember), and I loved it. Until I stared at it for awhile. Then I kept saying, Doesn't the ribbon look funny? Isn't it slanted?

I loved it, but I walked away. Still not sure if there was a click yet.

So we went to another store! I had a lot of success there. There were several dresses that I loved (there's still one there on clearance that I might just buy for a formal night on a cruise or whatnot... it was adorable. I need to get pictures of it).

This dress, I actually got teary-eyed with. I seriously thought it was it.
The veil just made it. It was perfect. Neither of the dresses I've shown you had applique flowers or all that much color, but I was really smitten with both of them.

You know what other dress they had, though? The one I tried on in the other store that everyone said was the one.

I tried on both dresses. Back and forth. Back and forth. Back and forth. I must have tried on both of them six times, one after another. And then I think I got at least a tentative "click".

My reasoning: The Prestyn, the beautiful one that made me teary-eyed was me as a girl. But this dress... this one represented me as a woman.



I look at the pictures, and my stomach turns, and I worry I made a mistake. But it's just the model's pose.

I'm not crazy about the bow going sideways, and again, it doesn't have applique flowers, but it goes with my hair, my glasses, my lipstick (my nieces think it's hysterical that they all match), and god, it feels so good on. So soft, so light, so smooth. I love it.

It should be in any day now (I hope). All I need to get done is the hem, and they're going to add straps to it. Broad shoulders look funny naked!

I still drove myself crazy with indecision, though. And I sought down another Maggie Sottero that I really liked. The Fiorenza. A dress shop in my hometown had it. I actually drove there to try it on, but the door was locked (oops). I called the shop, just in case, and it turned out the door wasn't supposed to be locked, and she let me in (though you're supposed to make an appointment) and had me try it on.

The Fiorenza

Rob came with me, and he was weirded out about seeing me in it, for fear that I might end up buying it. But I had him look... figured it would convince me to not buy it.

I tried on the red version. I had hoped she'd have the white one, because they did look different. I thought the flowers in the pick-ups looked like poinsettias since the dress was red.

I think Rob nearly fell out of his chair. :lmao: He's not used to seeing me in dresses (I'm a jeans/t-shirt/Doc Martens sort of girl). He loved it. The dress shop owner loved it too, but told me just from looking at the dress I already ordered, that dress was perfect for me. This one just wasn't enough. She also offered to make me some flowers to put on my dress once it came in. (That's when I posted about places where I could buy applique flowers.)

I went back to the dress shop where I ordered my dress; Rob went with me. I tried on the Prestyn for him, and that seemed to give me closure. First, I got to try it on again and say, Yes, I made the right decision. But I also had the chance to have him see me in it. I think that's what I really wanted.

When I came out with it on, he said, Wow, I can't wait to see what you did get!

In those few moments with him and the dresses, I was reminded that this was about the two of us. Not dresses or people or drama. It was us. And how I cannot wait to knock his socks off that day. Because no matter how critical I am of myself, I know he's going to love whatever I wear and whatever I do that day.
It took me maybe a minute or two to take the pictures. Then, somehow, it took me four hours to post them. I was *very* frustrated by seven last night. :mad: :scared: :mad:

For lurkyloo:

This is the box all the marbles were in.

All the marbles. The big one is underneath all the ribbon.

Here's the marble, Cupid's Arrow. This picture really doesn't do it justice.

In the sunlight, so you can see that the silvery swirls are actually clear.

Close up.

I held it up in the window so you could see through the clear swirls.

Incidentally, as it seems marbles are a common theme in our relationship, there are bags of marbles in our centerpiece baskets (thank you, Oriental Trading!). :cutie:
The Shoes

I told my matron of honor that I was going to be wearing my Doc Martens to the wedding, to which she responded, Over my dead body. :sad2: So I offered to buy a new pair. She acquiesced.

I found several pairs of Docs I wanted, but of course, I wanted discontinued ones. Go me. Typical.

What ended up happening was the crazy search for the perfect pair of shoes. Easier said than done with my feet. I cannot wear shoes. I pronate, so orthotics tend to not fit in dress shoes, and I walk like a drunken flamingo when I'm in heels.


So I went searching, and I thought I found *THE* shoes. They seemed perfect.
They were brown, not burgundy, but the leaves were perfect for the fall theme, and I loved the hummingbirds. They looked like leaves from far away. They also had very low heels. Another perk.

Unfortunately, when I got them, I found they fit funny. The backs pop off whenever I walk. I tried a bunch of things, and nothing worked. Socks, no socks, pantyhose. Barefeet. Orthotics, no orthotics. I cannot get the backs to fall off. The odd thing is that they're not too big. If I got a half-size smaller, they'd be too tight. So I don't know what to do with them. I'd already resigned myself to wearing two pairs of shoes that day-- a pair of shoes for the ceremony, and then Docs for the reception.

Since all the burgundy Doc Martens have disappeared (where oh where did you go!), but a new pair was just released. I'm not totally crazy about them, but they're burgundy. I wanted a taller pair (more eyes/buttonholes), and I didn't want the design, but they work. They're more uncomfortable than regular Docs, so I've been trying to break them in.

They look really red because of the flash, but they're actually quite dark.

After I got both those pairs, I found ANOTHER pair. They were in a therapeutic foot shoe/care/etc. catalog. I know, sounds scary. And they actually look scary based on my picture, but bear with them. They're very pretty in person, and they were pretty in the catalog too. I think the suede is off-putting. It makes them look dirty.


They're actually therapeutic! Lots of cushioning. I've read reviews that people who can't wear heels have worn these for eight hours on their feet without any problem. I highly doubt that's possible, but it's nice to read anyway. And look! Flower applique!
love it so far!! Those dresses are killer ... no wonder you had a tough time deciding!!

Can't wait for more!! popcorn::
I looooove the gowns :love: I especially love the one you say made you teary eyed
First let me say I just found your PJ ! Congrats and welcome, I love the dress (all of them) I can't pick just one!!!
I LOVE your PJ!! All of those dresses are gorgeous. You can't go wrong with any of them. :goodvibes LOVE that you are going to wear comfy shoes (I have my own shoe drama going on in my PJ! :laughing: ). The presentation of the ring was so wonderful and romantic and the ring itself is gorgeous! I hope you hung the marble somewhere that you can see it all the time! :sunny: Can't wait to hear more!
Ooooh! Purty marble! It looks like candy! :cutie:

I can't believe they don't have burgandy Docs anymore! But I do like that last pair of shoes you posted - I don't think they'll look dirty from a distance, and they have a great vintage feel.
love it so far!! Those dresses are killer ... no wonder you had a tough time deciding!!

Thank you! It was *really* tough. Like I said, I overthink everything.

I looooove the gowns :love: I especially love the one you say made you teary eyed

Aww... I really loved it too. The matching veil really sealed the deal. It was hard to walk away from it. If the wedding was in the spring, I definitely would have gotten that one.

First let me say I just found your PJ ! Congrats and welcome, I love the dress (all of them) I can't pick just one!!!

Thank you so much! I really was convinced I should have two dresses. But the last dress shop I went to caused me to change my mind. The dressmaker there told me she had two dresses at her wedding, and it just seemed like such a waste to change twice in eight hours. She said that the Fiorenza was beautiful, but it didn't have the power that the Ivana (the one I did get) did. Imagine a shop owner telling you you shouldn't buy a dress! :wizard:

I LOVE your PJ!! All of those dresses are gorgeous. You can't go wrong with any of them. :goodvibes LOVE that you are going to wear comfy shoes (I have my own shoe drama going on in my PJ! :laughing: ). The presentation of the ring was so wonderful and romantic and the ring itself is gorgeous! I hope you hung the marble somewhere that you can see it all the time! :sunny: Can't wait to hear more!

Thank you!! :flower3: Oh, I'm definitely going to have to check out your shoe drama. Amazing how your feet seem to cause so much trouble! :rotfl: I think that's the sweetest thing Rob has ever done for me. And probably the sweetest thing he ever will do!! :rotfl: :rotfl:

I would love to hang the marble, but I have five cats, all of which marbles are for their own fun. Yeah. So I have to keep it in a box. But now I'm thinking maybe I could put it in a hutch. The novelty of the proposal hasn't worn off yet, so I've been keeping it all together. You're right, though. I should have it on display.

Ooooh! Purty marble! It looks like candy! :cutie:

I can't believe they don't have burgandy Docs anymore! But I do like that last pair of shoes you posted - I don't think they'll look dirty from a distance, and they have a great vintage feel.

All right, Carrie! No marble for you! We'll have to find you something more edible! :rotfl2: Like those peanut butter... well, peanut butter anything!

I'm glad you like the shoes! The flash made the textures look a little white in some sections. In person, though, they're very dark. But you're right-- they do have a vintage look to them. AND-- they're somewhat comfortable!

Next up... invitations, I think! And jewelry.

Thank you all for listening and lifting me up a bit (JUST a bit :laughing: )! :hug:
If it is possible to hang it, you could do what we are doing with a decorative glass sphere we bought in Chicago. We are hanging a plant hanger from the upper wooden frame of our kitchen window and then suspending the sphere on fishing line or maybe a fine decorative gold toned chain. I think your marble is too beautiful to keep in a box! :love:


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