"It's So Much Fun Not Knowin Where You're Goin" Oct. 2013 Celebration! **6/22 FIN**

Day 3, Part 4: "People lose their minds in theme parks."

Now that we thought we had the proper time for Character Palooza we decided that we were going to finally see MuppetVision!

I know, we've only been over to the building twice before now, but we were determined to see this attraction.



Look at us in the spiffy glasses.

So we went ahead and watched it, but I'm going to say this... it was kinda meh for me? I don't know, maybe it's because I'm not a huge Muppet fan that I felt that way, but I just thought that it was probably the third best 3D show at Disney. I'd do it again, but it isn't a must do.

Now that we'd finally seen Muppet Vision, we decided to walk around the park a little and maybe head toward the Backlot Tour and see if we could do it.

What do you know, we walked past the Streets of America and Character Palooza was going on! We'd been lied to, again!

Right away though Stitch walked right up to me and shook my hand and gave me an autograph. I was totally taken aback, especially since there were people following him around for a picture and he picked me.


I'm not going to lie, I felt special.

Marie did not get a picture though because Stitch moved on but it was still pretty cool.

Looking around, we decided to hop into the line for Jasmine and Genie since they were meeting and the line was short.


They were nice for sure, but not super memorable, I won't lie.


Marie looks super supicious of Jasmine in this picture, so it makes me very amused. She's like, "I see what you're doing.... talking to my wife." Honestly, the best faces are made by Marie.

Since the meeting times were almost up though, we hurried along to meet one more person.


That's right, we met Capitan Hook just as the Palooza was ending. Obviously he didn't talk or really do much but autograph our stuff.

Oh well, it was still cool to say that we met him.


So let's review. A goal from this trip was to meet less characters and we were onto Day 3 of Disney and we'd already met: Pooh and Tigger, Dug and Russell, Cinderella and Aurora, Ralph and Vanellope, Phineas and Ferb, Stitch, Jasmine and Genie and Capitan Hook.

Oops. :confused3

Maybe we'll do better the rest of the trip? I guess time will only tell! Or I will. Either way, you'll find out.

Now we headed over toward Mike and Sulley. Ooops. I guess we're not taking this meeting less characters thing seriously.

However, seeing the line, we decided that we were going to skip out! Little victories.

Instead, we did decide to head over to the Studio Backlot Tour because we didn't do it last time and if we believed rumors it wouldn't be along that much longer anyway. Besides, if we were failing at meeting our goal to do less character meets we might as well do more new things!





Look at that beautiful side of the head ;)





I think it'd be cool to see people actually working in there.



Disney plane!



Okay, see that lady sitting there? I'm going to tell you a true story. She got approximately three drops of water on her and then complained about getting wet. No joke. Like, if you didn't want to get tiny splashes don't sit on the edge? Anyway she made the CM give her a towel to 'dry off'. :coffee:

I wish I was making this stuff up, but to quote Todd (former Youth Minister and former Epcot CM) "People lose their minds in theme parks."

And as a former amusement park worker of the Cedar Fair variety, I've got one thing to say to that: Preach, Todd, preach.


Marie and I had yet to see Lights, Motor, Action! Would we manage on this trip? Who knows?

Oh wait, I do. :thumbsup2

Overall, we got out of the tour and felt like it was fun to have seen it once. So, we headed out and I allowed Marie to do some singing in the rain.


But now that she'd sung, we had more pressing issues to get to, like food.

Continued in Next Post
Sorry that Muppets was only "Meh" for you ... I think nostalgia is a big part of it as I grew up watching the Muppet Show and have heard from a few people that didn't that they think it needs updating, etc.

That's cool that you got to meet Captain Hook and I find how he has to sign autograph books kinda funny ;)

probably good idea to go on the Backlot Tour while you can. I find it an ok attraction but one that I wish was way better than it is as it could be sooooo cool.
Day 3, Part 5: "Wait, there are extra magic hours?"

Okay, so if you're familiar with Marie's TR "Fine! We can go to Disney, but I'm not happy about it!" (so named after a quote uttered by myself) you know that last year we planned on making it to Pizza Planet but didn't get to due to a series of circumstances with time closing and not knowing. On a side note if you aren't familiar with her TR go read it now, for real, it's good. :thumbsup2

Everyone up to speed on the story from Marie's TR? Good? Good? Okay.

But this year, we were determined not to let ourselves miss out on the Pizza Planet goodness! So we hurried our way over to Pizza Planet like it was our job.


I mean, it's a TOY STORY RESTAURANT?! How can you not love it in here?

We're definitely bringing our friends in May.


I had a pepperoni pizza with caesar salad, a cookie and water. I'm not going to lie, while the pizza was delicious there was way too much visible grease on it so I... I... I blotted! :scared1:

I know, I became one of those people who blots away the grease on their pizza. I don't know what got into me, but I needed to do it to enjoy it. :confused3


Marie got the same exact thing except with a cappuccino cupcake. Also, she did not blot her pizza and told me I was a weirdo for doing so.

Prior to this trip (or more like prior to cancer) I didn't like caesar salad, but they say that going through chemo can change your taste buds and it must have because I really enjoyed that caesar salad.

Marie enjoyed her pizza and her cupcake and we decided it was a must-do quick service. I mean, technically, it's not any different from Pizzafari, but I like the theme better ;)

Once we were done eating, we wandered around some and headed up Sunset Boulevard and looked through some stores but mostly sat down right on the right of the Beauty and the Beast stage and chilled out while waiting for Fantasmic to get closer since we had a FP+ for 6:55 to 7:55.

During that time it started to sprinkle so we put on our ponchos and just sat because I was cold a lot during this trip and I didn't like getting wet. Neither did Marie, even if it's just a little sprinkle when it goes on for ten minutes it starts to get annoying.

So we used our FP+ to get in and because we had me we got set in the Mickey Section! :lovestruc


There are some perks to not being able to walk very far by yourself for very long. ::yes::


Here is Marie all ponchoed up because we don't like rain and wearing the Glow with the Show ears because awesome!

I'd saved my cookie from dinner so I snacked on that during the pre-show and it was a delicious way to pass time before the show started.


Fantasmic, how I miss you.


Marie and I both agree it's the second best nighttime show. We don't agree which is the best ;)

I only took a couple of pictures because I wanted to enjoy it by not watching through a camera and I cried because it's so awesome.

Once we were finished it was the start of Extra Magic Hours and we hadn't been aware of them, so we went to go check some wait times.

Or, I checked wait times and Marie got herself a frozen strawberry lemonade and me a pickle. It was delicious.

Since we had time to kill, we decided to go on TSMM to take advantage of the EMH.



Yes, I got the ears once the show was over. I liked them much. :goodvibes


Marie also liked her Frozen Strawberry Lemonade. A lot. She was like super happy with it.


My favorite joke because everything is so expensive in Canada.


I would and wouldn't like to go through that part of the queue. I would because it seems so cool, but if it were to the point of going through it, it'd be super busy.


Talking Mr. Potato Head! Also, I love that woman's sweater which I just noticed now.


Michigan respect. Goodbye my home state.

That actually concludes the pictures for the day, but I'll tell you the rest of what happened anyway.

Marie won with a score of 117,000 points and I only got 89,000 because I'm terrible at it.

After that we were tired enough to head out but we just missed the bus back to the resort. And then that same 7 person obnoxious group from that morning came around again! Ugh! All the luck. :headache:

Plus, there was another huge group of people that seemed to be a family that was annoying me the whole time we were waiting for a bus because they let their kids swing on the chains, played with the gate, line jumped and they were littering! It was like they were trying to do everything wrong to be super annoying. :furious:

We got onto the bus where they played Don't Wanna Miss a Thing for about half a minute and then decided that it was enough and moved onto a song I didn't know and didn't really like. Oh well.

After that we slouched back to our room and I went to grab some sleep because I was super tired. :faint: Marie probably did the same.

Continued in Next Post
Sorry that Muppets was only "Meh" for you ... I think nostalgia is a big part of it as I grew up watching the Muppet Show and have heard from a few people that didn't that they think it needs updating, etc.

That's cool that you got to meet Captain Hook and I find how he has to sign autograph books kinda funny ;)

probably good idea to go on the Backlot Tour while you can. I find it an ok attraction but one that I wish was way better than it is as it could be sooooo cool.

Yeah, I didn't grow up on the Muppets so that probably has something to do with it. Although I did enjoy The Muppets and we own it. Maybe I'd appreciate it more if I watched older movies? :confused3

We were pretty amused at how he signs the books :thumbsup2 I kept wondering what would happen if it fell off or something. Like, that'd be unfortunate.

I agree, I did feel like there was some potential that could have gone elsewhere? Oh well, I like saying that I've done things. I mean, when we take our friends me may or may not go on it depending on time but I don't think it's a must-do by any means.


Why is Disney food only available in DISNEY? (Nevermind your logical explanations)

Also, I do not make the best faces. You do. You just had the camera a lot this time around :P
No need to apologize Amber. MuppetVison, while I do really like it, falls short for me compared to Philharmagic. In fact, I think I actually like the hilarious pre-show more that the movie.

Genie at Characterpalooza?????? WHAT????!!!!!

I've been skipping the Backlot for years now. See, I don't want to get wet!!! :rolleyes1 Seriously, some people.

OK I promise to get over to Marie's TR.

Don't worry Amber, I also blot when necessary. Sometimes you just gotta blot.

Oooh clearly this was before they completely ruined Fantasmic Fastpass.

And for the record... WISHES is best. Period. But I sure do love me some Fantasmic!

OMG I never noticed that sign before (Canadian price) :rotfl2: So very true! OMG


Why is Disney food only available in DISNEY? (Nevermind your logical explanations)

Also, I do not make the best faces. You do. You just had the camera a lot this time around :P

It's only available in Disney to make you go back, silly girl ;)

Nope. you make the best faces and my TR says so!

No need to apologize Amber. MuppetVison, while I do really like it, falls short for me compared to Philharmagic. In fact, I think I actually like the hilarious pre-show more that the movie.

Genie at Characterpalooza?????? WHAT????!!!!!

I've been skipping the Backlot for years now. See, I don't want to get wet!!! :rolleyes1 Seriously, some people.

OK I promise to get over to Marie's TR.

Don't worry Amber, I also blot when necessary. Sometimes you just gotta blot.

Oooh clearly this was before they completely ruined Fantasmic Fastpass.

And for the record... WISHES is best. Period. But I sure do love me some Fantasmic!

OMG I never noticed that sign before (Canadian price) :rotfl2: So very true! OMG

That is exactly how I felt, that it didn't have enough on Philharmagic.

Is he rare at Characterpalooza? :confused3 I mean I guess I just haven't paid enough attention. I was really hoping to meet Bolt! Alas, my life.

Good cause it doesn't get enough love :thumbsup2

Nah, I think it was really just cause I was in my wheelchair that we got so lucky but I'll take what I can get ;)

And for the record, IllumiNations is the best! :yay: Seriously, Marie watched it on Youtube the other day and I cried just listening to it. Honestly, I get all :lovestruc over IllumiNations.

I KNOW! Marie doesn't think it's funny but I do because I always complain about Canadian prices compared to American prices :rotfl:
Day 4, Part 1: Breakfast or Sleep

If you're Marie in this update, you rise at 7:45 for breakfast. If you're Amber, you won't rise until 9:20. ;)

So basically... I have no clue what she did in all that time because that's a long time for breakfast.

However, like a good wife, she took pictures to give me some ideas of what she was up to while walking there.



I have to admit that the ASMu is pretty, even if this walk sucked every day.







Oh look, the lobby looms in the distance.




I was so jealous of people in the Calypso section. Lucky duckies with their short walks.


We never swam in the main pool, we always swam in the other.




There you can see the 7 building toward the back of the map. Oh room location, how inconvenient you were. But if we had a car you would have been awesome.




Marie got herself the bounty platter and brought it back to the room to eat it there so not to eat alone in the food court.

To quote Marie's very insightful review ahem- "It was good."

There you have it folks, it's as solid as Rob's review of Pizzafari.

When I got up at 9:20, I took my medicine, at a granola bar and promptly felt very sick because the granola bar was too sweet. Marie had been looking through the trip pictures at this point so the next thing she knew, I was laying on the bed crying because it was too sweet. :worried:

Which meant that despite getting up and dressed and ready to go at about 9:30... we didn't end up leaving our room until 10:40 because it took me that long to get myself together.

I was not the ideal Disney travel partner this trip. Marie is clearly a saint for putting up with that.


But we did leave the best Mouse-Keeping envelope ever (Marie needs to stop with her talents, it isn't helping me look better).

Oh and I almost forgot that while I was busy laying in bed with my head buried into the pillows whining about my granola bars and my stomach and life in general, Marie took the time to pretty up our window some more.


Really gives it the finishing touch, no?

Now that we'd finally gotten me up and over my stomach issues, I was ready to head out so we headed to the bus stop and got into a very long line.

But where were we going? You'll have to wait until next time to find out. :thumbsup2

Continued in Next Post
You know I have never even seen the All Star Resorts. I will have to take a jaunt over there sometime.

O...M...G... Amber :rotfl2: You remembered my electrifying Pizzafari review!!! Hey I'm with Marie, why mince words. Just get to the point. Incidentally, occupancy rates for Pizzafari have sky-rocketed since that review was published (in my head).
You know I have never even seen the All Star Resorts. I will have to take a jaunt over there sometime.

O...M...G... Amber :rotfl2: You remembered my electrifying Pizzafari review!!! Hey I'm with Marie, why mince words. Just get to the point. Incidentally, occupancy rates for Pizzafari have sky-rocketed since that review was published (in my head).

I haven't seen all of them but in just 43 days we'll be at the All Star Sports and then again in September, but All Star Movies is planning on being our destination in 2015. Sometime we hope to hit the POP.

Well how could I forget such an insightful review? :thumbsup2 I'm sure that they did and now the poor workers are like, what's going on with this sudden burst of people? Poor things, you just made their lives so much busier ::yes::
Day 4, Part 2: "Why aren't the dishes singing and dancing?"

So we got into a long bus line and finally arrived to our destination after 11.


That's right, we were in the Magic Kingdom today! And we had a very important FP+ to make.

We had to fight our way through the crowds to try and make it around when our FP+ would open which was at 11:35.


We passed by the Move It! Shake It! Celebrate it! Street party and didn't have time to stop because we were getting close to FP+ time.




Duckies just hang out everywhere. I love you, Disney duckies.


Sir Mickey's!

Where are we heading though?


Clearly not here because it was still looking like this eye sore.


This was our destination!

That's right, we were going to Be Our Guest for lunch! And the line was crazy, let me tell you. It was easily an hour long or more (Marie argues differently) and they were giving water out though so it was nice.

After checking in we were allowed to approach the castle.



Snoring armor.


Always look up.

We made our order and took a seat in the Ballroom because it's where Marie wanted to sit. I'd have prefered the West Wing but c'est la vie.



So we glanced around while waiting.


Marie looks like a cutie.


This serves as both food pictures because I took a terrible one of mine. Marie had the turkey sandwich, lemonade and the master's cupcake I had the braised pork with bottled water and a the master's cupcake.

It was a really delicious meal. We both ate all the things very happily.

After we were done we went to look around the rest of the restaurant.


I have to say that I do really like the Library. I know others don't but I'd rather sit in there than the Ballroom.


I mean, there are cute pictures all over the place.

But next we went to the West Wing.





Seriously, I love the West Wing.




I love this whole restaurant. Beauty and the Beast was my favorite movie growing up and once I dressed up like Belle for Halloween. I'll see if I can dig up a picture to add it to the TR ;)

Continued in Next Post
Day 4, Part 3: "A vampire? A platypus vampire? Perry the platypus vampire?!"

With our bellies happy from all the delicious food that we got to nom down, we headed out into New Fantasyland to find something to do.


We decided that we'd like to pay a visit to Ariel. Except, it was a 55 minute wait. Nevermind, we didn't want to pay a visit to Ariel.

Instead we kept walking and then ended up here:


Ooops. That's right, our plan of meeting less characters really wasn't going well.

The standby lines were short so we hopped right in.



Daisy was a cutie.


Such cute, much nice.



Minnie was also a cutie. Honestly, I just love their outfits here.


I mean look at Minnie. She's so precious.


Now that we'd met the girls, we of course had to grab the guys.



Once more, I'm clearly star struck again.


Poor Marie, covered by the whiskers.


But I did get an extra hug.


There was no PP photographer there so Marie and I had to take separate pictures.


I told Donald I liked him better than Mickey and he was clearly very pleased by the information.



We're friends. Obviously.


Now that we were finished, we went through the shop and that's what we discovered it...


A vampire!

No wait, a vampire platypus!


Oh, it's Perry the vampire platypus! That's better. ::yes::

After looking around some, we headed out and saw that there was a show going on.


We didn't stop and watch though because we had a FP+ to use.

Where? That's what you'll find out next time!

Continued in Next Post
Day 4, Part 4: Good Finds and Bad Timing

Oh, I forgot last entry that before we went to go see our FP+ we checked if Peter was out and meeting. Since he wasn't, we continued to our intended destination.

Our walk didn't take us far before we reached our destination for our FP+


Recognize where we were?


Maybe this will help? ;)

That's right, we were at Enchanted Tales with Belle. I have to say that going through the FP+ entrance is a bit anti-climatic. It's just not as cool as going through the house.


This time Marie and I weren't part of the show, we were just there to watch.


And there were lots of cute kids in it. Honestly, I can't wait to have babies and have them in this attraction.

I did hop into line to meet Belle though because she's my favorite princess.



Now that I'd met my favorite princess, we moved on to one of the best attractions in the park.


Mickey's Philharmagic! How can anyone have anything but love for this show?


Except, apparently, everyone does have love for this show because we walked in and got restrained because this was the sight in front of us.


Woah. It's the most people I've ever seen in there and we had a sizeable line behind us too.

Once we caught the show and it was just as amazing as ever, we went ahead and grabbed some Rapunzel FP- for 9:10 to 10:10 and then decided to head out of the park.

I was getting tired though so we went ahead and exited the park where we just missed a bus. So we waited for about 5 to 10 minutes and then hopped on one at around 2:40 to head back to the resort.

Where we arrived at around 3:00 and headed into the gift shop where Marie proceeded to buy the Animator's Collection Aurora doll because they still had the original and not the re-design. She was so thrilled to find it and I held it as she pushed me back to the room where we planned to get changed.

Only, gasp, when we arrived the maid was in our room! (This happened in Mexico too like almost daily. I guess we've got bad timing).


So, we ended up on benches out in front of the building to sit and wait.


I do like the posters.


Here you can see Marie happily showing off her new doll. Isn't she a sweetie?

After about 10 minutes, we headed back to the room.


Milobear (whose clothes I found so he's no longer naked) and Ambear were chillin with the towel art.


And we had these new friends too.

So we got changed into our swimsuits and Marie went ahead to change some of our FP+ reservations before we were going to head to the pool.


Except, that it took so long that we just decided to lay down in the air conditioning and relax for a while. After all, how much fun is it just to relax?

I know, we killed so much Disney time by chilling in our room. It's a little sad.

But when we were done chilling we went to hop a bus to the Magic Kingdom. Except we waited for over 15 minutes or so and during that time 2 Epcot buses came and went. We vowed if another came we'd call it fate and hop the monorail.

Another Epcot bus came so we got onto it and hopped the monorail to the TTC where we then hopped onto the resort monorail because our destination wasn't even Magic Kingdom.

No, instead we were headed here.


Oh my goodness, even walking into the GF made me feel super fancy and also super under-dressed and out of place. I'm not fancy enough for the GF.


Look at it! Fancy oozes out of things.


How can people just lounge like it's not a big deal? I'd be terrified to ruin the fanciness by lounging!



Marie flipped out over the band. Clearly, we need to be more fancy before we even attempt staying here even in lottery scenarios.

So we headed down the fancy elevator that scared the crap out of me because elevators are scary and we tried to figure out where we were supposed to be headed.

Continued in Next Post
wow, fell a little behind

Glad you got good seats for Fantasmic! and that you enjoyed the show (as if not enjoying that show is possible)

Bummer to hear about the issues after eating the granola bar but at least it seems like you recovered fully from it

love the lunch at BOG - though I was a bit disappointed in The Master's Cupcake (plus it sounds like something you shouldn't have ... like "what are you doing?!?!? That is the Master's cupcake!!!! Don't touch that!). I like the chocolate one better

yeah, you aren't doing so hot at the "not meeting characters" thing - oh well. And Holy Crowds at Philhamagic! And holy sweaty guy in said crowd! ;)

after seeing the stuffed Perry Vampire all I could hear in my head was "Mooooom ... Perry turned himself into a vampire!" ('course I haven't watched enough of that show to know if she ever complains about Perry or even knows about him, but whatever)

I do find the feel at the Grand Floridian to be a bit odd in that it is clearly super duper fancy, but then like 90% of the people aren't dressed fancily :confused3
Passing Move It Shake It without stopping es no beuno Amber.

I may have to side with Marie here regarding the wait time (assuming she was thinking it would be shorter) as I have heard the line moves crazy fast. But since I also used FP+, I have no first hand knowledge.

Haha, you nailed the best way to get on Donald's good side. Just dis Mickey. Works like a charm.

Now I feel like I really missed out by using FP+ at Enchanted Tales. Maybe one day I'll get the full experience. Awesome that you got a pic with Belle though.

Ahhh new towel animals. Totally worth the wait.

I felt totally out of place at the G-Flo too until I saw everybody else all sloppy. Then I felt right at home.
wow, fell a little behind

Glad you got good seats for Fantasmic! and that you enjoyed the show (as if not enjoying that show is possible)

Bummer to hear about the issues after eating the granola bar but at least it seems like you recovered fully from it

love the lunch at BOG - though I was a bit disappointed in The Master's Cupcake (plus it sounds like something you shouldn't have ... like "what are you doing?!?!? That is the Master's cupcake!!!! Don't touch that!). I like the chocolate one better

yeah, you aren't doing so hot at the "not meeting characters" thing - oh well. And Holy Crowds at Philhamagic! And holy sweaty guy in said crowd! ;)

after seeing the stuffed Perry Vampire all I could hear in my head was "Mooooom ... Perry turned himself into a vampire!" ('course I haven't watched enough of that show to know if she ever complains about Perry or even knows about him, but whatever)

I do find the feel at the Grand Floridian to be a bit odd in that it is clearly super duper fancy, but then like 90% of the people aren't dressed fancily :confused3

It's okay, I've just been trying to knock it out because I want to have it all finished by our May trip. Only a little over a month to go and I've still got lots of days to finish. :worried:

I adore Fantasmic. Marie and I keep arguing over if we should see it twice in May or not :confused3 I go for yes, she goes for no, but I guess we'll just have to see what happens.

I have to agree that I was also a bit disappointed with the cupcake. I mean, it was good, but it just wasn't as good as I was expecting. Then again, my taste buds were so off this whole trip. Hence the stomach problems all the time. So maybe that's what happened?

I just wanted to meet all the characters once I was there ;)

But I know, every time I see that picture I think of sweaty guy, I just didn't know if I could comment on it and not be rude :laughing:

She does sometimes complain about Perry but not to her mom ;) But it would fit with Candace alright.

I'm glad I'm not the only one. I mean, all the shorts and non fancy clothes give me a feeling of displacement. Like I've stepped back in time but everyone keeps wearing modern clothes. ::yes::

Passing Move It Shake It without stopping es no beuno Amber.

I may have to side with Marie here regarding the wait time (assuming she was thinking it would be shorter) as I have heard the line moves crazy fast. But since I also used FP+, I have no first hand knowledge.

Haha, you nailed the best way to get on Donald's good side. Just dis Mickey. Works like a charm.

Now I feel like I really missed out by using FP+ at Enchanted Tales. Maybe one day I'll get the full experience. Awesome that you got a pic with Belle though.

Ahhh new towel animals. Totally worth the wait.

I felt totally out of place at the G-Flo too until I saw everybody else all sloppy. Then I felt right at home.

Hey we had a FP+ to get to. Besides, I could skip by Winnie the Pooh himself for food when I'm hungry :thumbsup2

Yes, Marie did think it was shorter. But the line stretched back so far, it makes me dubious that they could really get through it that quickly, especially with FP+ people coming up. You know what I'm saying? :confused3

Trust me, sometime you should go through Enchanted Tales without a FP+. The inside of the house is just so awesome and there are such great details put into everything that you'll enjoy seeing it all.

Even with everyone else all sloppy, it just makes me feel like they're out of place too lol Like the real fancy people will march in and be like "What are you doing here?" ;)
Day 4, Part 5: Marie Tries to Kill Me

What were we doing at the GF though? Did we have a fancy dinner reservation? Were we just looking around?

That'd be a no and a partly. Mostly, we were there because we wanted to eat at Gasparillas and feel fancy.

But here's some forewarning. The title of this report comes a lot from this chapter because we got super lost. That being said, enjoy this random lost person tour.

So we wandered around trying to find it.


But upon not finding it, we asked for directions and got promptly lost.


Then we went ahead and looked at a map and thought we knew where we were going.


But we got more lost and looked at a map and then continued to get lost and looked at another map, ending up way out at the boat dock before we finally got our bearings straight.

Finally, we managed to arrive though and we built our own pastas and picked out some cupcakes before heading outside to find a table to sit and enjoy things.


I got a S'mores cupcake and some water. I didn't end up eating it that night. Or in general.


Marie got a.. triple berry cupcake? I'm not sure, I didn't write down the name and some water. She said it was delicious though.

Then we waited for our pasta to come to us.

My exact notes read: "Felt fancy. Went outside. Sat. Felt fancy. Agreed that someday we'd have to stay here. Felt fancy.

Which it did, very soon.


Marie's pasta had no veggies and was chicken and alfredo. She really liked it.


My pasta was marinara sauce with chicken, onions and carrots. It was delicious and we got so full eating that we didn't finish it all. Seriously, it was delicious.

At that point though, Marie sneezed pretty loudly and people looked at us. "Marie sneezed. Felt less fancy."

Don't worry, we sat around for a while and just soaked in the fancy feeling, wondering what it would be like to stay there.

Also, I commented on how they could continue to fancy up the place: "I'm not saying they should discriminate while hiring, but they should only hire British people."

Obviously. Everyone knows that British means fancy.


Here's where we were sitting.


Even looking at the picture makes me feel fancy.

After a while though, we decided that we were going to go find the gift shop because Marie wanted to look around in it.

Except, like usual, we decided not to go the way that'd we'd come and got lost.

Which was why we ended up at the front of the resort. Oh well, Marie wanted to take pictures out front anyway.



I didn't want to take pictures but she made me.


Yes, I was wearing a jacket because I was cold like all trip. Don't judge.



Marie was so amused by the tiny chairs and tiny tables.


Live music of the fancy sort points to fanciness.

Anyway, so we went ahead and tried to find the gift shop. Except we didn't find it and ended up in a random store on the 2nd floor where we looked around.

Then we hopped into the elevator and went downstairs again where we did find the gift shop and Marie bought me a Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh pin and some postcards for the family.

We then decided to go take the boat to Magic Kingdom and I got excited because the movie under the stars there was Halloweentown and I love that movie. So we get all the way toward the dock and Marie thinks the boat might not be good for going on wheelchair.

So what do we do? We turned around, walked back to the lobby and then got up to the 2nd floor and took the monorail to Magic Kingdom.

We'd already decided that we didn't want to go back into the park and we were just going to go back to the room, so we chatted with a mother and daughter on the monorail that were planning to go meet the princesses. Since it was just the two of them, we gave away our Rapunzel FP-s.

And then, Marie almost killed me! Seriously, the girl doesn't listen when I tell her we need to move and instead tries to run me directly into the barrier that's there when you get off the monorail at the MK.

Then she didn't apologize right away. Suspicious. :scared:

Her evil plan not coming true, we went back to the bus line. Except there was no room for me.

Oh well, Wishes was starting and we watched it from the station.







Wishes finished and we got on a new bus not too much later and headed back to our room again.

I embarrassed Marie by singing along to I've Got Friends in Low Places on the way back to the resort and we got to our room shortly before 10, which was good because we were going to try and get an early start the next day.

Continued in Next Post
So let me just double check on this ... was the Grand Floridian fancy? :lmao:

Sorry you didn't get to eat your cupcake, it looks really good!

That's cool that you got around to get pictures by the fancy old cars ... brings back memories of similar pictures we took last trip before our super fancy anniversary dinner at V&A :goodvibes

That was nice of you to give away those FP-s ... that is definitely something that will be harder to execute now that there are only FP+s

a view of wishes makes that pretty much the best bus line wait ever!
HAHAHAHA, I can just picture all the snooty fancy folks staring at a loudly sneezing Marie.

I don't know if British means fancy, but it sure sounds fancy. Except Cockney... not so fancy.

Awww I love that you gave your Punzie FP's to them. And I hate that this can't be done anymore.


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