"It's Fast! It's a Blast! It's in the Past!" - A Nov Solo Trip - The Finale

I totally understand your DHS morning - some Disney days just go that way; the best thing to do is just what you did - get out :laughing:

We're definitely more Christmas people than we are Halloween. We went to MNSSHP in the past and liked MVMCP better. HOWEVER, we are discussing the possibility of going to another MNSSHP this year in the fall when we go for our next trip together. We had a bad experience at MNSSHP when we went two years ago, but I had just had a surgery and my mom was newly diagnosed with emphysema so we were quite a pair; I think this one would go better! Plus we loved the shows and the fireworks.
Oh, I'm so sorry you didn't enjoy MNSSHP! We have been twice and had a blast! I hope you get to try it again!

This shows the ears in action at DLR: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lr18V3grRYs
You are a little evil, aren't you? I totally want to buy those ears now! :rotfl2:

Every kid I saw stared at my head. LOL! But they were a lot of fun. I wouldn't have bought them if I hadn't won them, but once I won them, I would have bought them. Does that make sense? Had I lost them or something, I would have bought another pair - they were that fun. But I didn't know how much I'd like them until I had a pair. ;)
Makes total sense! Hearing about them from you, I was intrigued to SEE them at DLR. Now that you have made me watch them at WOC, I want to BUY them. :rolleyes1 :laughing:
Let's see - entering TSM before 9am and being off by 9:15? Not bad at all! And topping it off with a couple rides on ToT. That works.

Sounds like you really needed that nap! Yay for lunch in Epcot!
Sounds like you had a very successful morning at DHS considering you got on TSM so quick! I think 90% of the morning rush is for a Fastpass.
Disney naps are great, I was never a mid day break type before this trip...I think I will be from now on though!

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Glad you got to ride Toy Story even if you couldn't get FPs for it. The FPs on our trip were gone by 9:28 a.m. on at least one morning. CRAZY!!!

I wish my nice family would let me Disney nap. It hasn't happened since the first trip when DH was uber sick. They don't think that Disney is "vacation". Glad you got in a nice nap.

I wish I would have just detoured and grabbed at FP- right away. If it was too late, I could have just given it away I'm sure!

Disney is definitely vacation to us! My mom and I take Disney naps too. This next trip should be interesting, since we're staying offsite. Hopefully there will be a "decent" shuttle. Can't live without my Disney naps!

I would have been amazed if I was at a park when I least expected it.

Awesome that you met Wendy and Johnny!

Ugh, that sucks that you're missing pictures! I can't stand it when that happens, because you know you took something, and yet they are nowhere to be found. It's so annoying.

The Emporium is always INSANE at the end of the day. I honestly really hate shopping in MK at night. But you gotta do what you gotta do, right?

How cool that they were testing the coaster though!

I'm all about Disney naps. I always take a midday break.

It was nice to have a DISmeet! Especially with such nice people who I'd "met" through the forums!

I hate the missing pictures; it makes me wonder what other pictures are missing. But I know I took pictures on the Jingle Cruise (I have the video still)!

I usually like the hustle and bustle of shopping, but this was just out of control. The Emporium IS always crazy; it dosen't even need to be closing time!!

I loved seeing and hearing the coaster going. I am ready to RIDE it, though. I know it won't be a thrill ride or anything, but it should be cool.
I totally understand your DHS morning - some Disney days just go that way; the best thing to do is just what you did - get out :laughing:

Sometimes it does go that way! I just realized how beat I was after getting home at 1 a.m. the night before!

Oh, I'm so sorry you didn't enjoy MNSSHP! We have been twice and had a blast! I hope you get to try it again!

You are a little evil, aren't you? I totally want to buy those ears now! :rotfl2:

Makes total sense! Hearing about them from you, I was intrigued to SEE them at DLR. Now that you have made me watch them at WOC, I want to BUY them. :rolleyes1 :laughing:

I love the ears. Isn't that AMAZING?? You should have seen them at Osbourne Lights! It was funny to think that my head was flashing like that too!

My mom didn't want to wear them, she wanted to watch them, so she was perfectly fine with me wearing them. I'll definitely take them on our trip next year!

Let's see - entering TSM before 9am and being off by 9:15? Not bad at all! And topping it off with a couple rides on ToT. That works.

Sounds like you really needed that nap! Yay for lunch in Epcot!

That's what I thought - not bad for a morning. Not something I'd be able to do at home. :laughing: I DID really need a nap badly. It was just so tiring and I was trying not to get sick this trip!

Sounds like you had a very successful morning at DHS considering you got on TSM so quick! I think 90% of the morning rush is for a Fastpass.
Disney naps are great, I was never a mid day break type before this trip...I think I will be from now on though!

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I'd agree; that FP- line was pretty long and the time was advancing pretty quick!

You have to take a midday nap at Disney! It's the best part of the trip. ;) No really, something about doing an early busy morning in the heat, then coming back to the room where it's cold and dark, is just awesome. You sleep away the hottest part of the day and when you wake up you're ready to head back and get a meal! I took a nap every day but MVMCP day; I was too excited that my mom was coming with me to sleep.
I was headed to Epcot. In spite of my complaining feet and legs (they weren't complaining TOO much), I walked to the International Gateway.

I'd brought my poncho with me. *cue ominous music*

It was almost 3 p.m. as I strolled towards Epcot. I loved this walk! Today, I passed an older woman and her husband; the woman was carrying a pink sketch Dooney and Bourke letter carrier, and I told her how much I liked it.

I made my way into Epcot, and decided to look at some areas I couldn't remember exploring before.

I was going to go on JII, but I realized something in that moment - I hate the new ride more than I like Figment. Plus, they just destroyed that pavilion when they moved out all the interactive stuff! I remember being obsessed with that ride and area when I was a kid. But as an adult, I just walked on by.

I was pretty hungry! Time for a sandwich!

Quite frankly, the turkey sandwich I had was the worst CS food I can remember having at WDW. The mayo was disgusting and I couldn't get the taste off the meat. The meat was rubbery; the bread tasted like a mixture between stale and poorly made - I couldn't figure out which. However, I knew I was very hungry and had a long night ahead of me, so I ate the entire thing.

Back to WS!

Of COURSE I went straight to Mexico!

Then, I just wandered. I had no plans - but I did have FP+ here tonight and I planned on taking advantage of them.

I went back to Mexico in preparation for my TT FP+; I tried to take a decent photo on the ride of the Christmas decorations in the pavilion, but failed.

I really do love this ride.

I went over for my FP+, but the single rider line was a lot shorter! I went through it instead and was on the ride in just moments.

When I got off TT, I just went and got right back in the single rider line. This time, however, I noticed it was sprinkling before I made it in the building, and by the time I got near the front they were announcing that due to inclement weather, the ride may stop at any time.

I asked the female CM what would happen if the ride did stop, and she said "we'll come and get you." Oh. Ok. Hm. Well, I've already explained how I feel about feeling trapped, but I did decide at this time to go ahead and ride. Call it a sick desire to push my boundaries. *cue ominous music*

I got strapped in and was sitting next to a man and woman who appeared to be in their 60s, who were with the adults in the back of the car; but they were having a grand time, laughing and joking and hollering. We made our way through the ride slowly, and then...

We stopped a few cars back from the outside portion. I was sure we were going to stop, but we advanced to the first position, and then started the acceleration towards the outside portion and... it was RAINING! And it was COLD! The woman next to me started laughing like a loon, and then I couldn't stop laughing, and soon the whole car was cracking up while whipping through the rain like a bunch of adult lunatics.

We got off the ride, I put on my poncho, and I decided not to use my FP+ here. It was just too long of a FP line for me. I rode twice in the time it took some to get on once.

I walked to SE, but decided to just shop instead - they used to have astronaut ice cream for sale in those little stores under the SE legs, but there was none (bummer). Instead, I got an AWESOME calendar with 12x18 prints of classic WDW rides! I LOVE IT.

I had eaten the sandwich at dinner, but I had the urge to have a cookie. This is not something I would eat at home, but boy I do NOT hold back on the sweets at Disney - probably because I need the sugar to keep going! So I headed back to Seasons and stopped for one of these:

Holy moly was that cookie DELICIOUS. I annihilated it in moments, and took a pic of where i was heading next.

It was raining outside pretty good, so I just sat and enjoyed Seasons, because my FP+ was coming due. After waiting a bit, I wandered over and asked if I could go in early. "Try it and see," the CM shrugged, and I held my band up to the Mickey head. Sure enough, it flashed green and I headed in.

I love me some Patrick Warburton.

This was my first time back on Soarin' in several years. I just thought it was "ok" before, but didn't want to rush to get FP- in the past so I just skipped it. I struck up a conversation with the people in front of me in line (they're walking in front of me two photos back) and they were talking about how much they loved it. Ok, fair enough.

We went in and I was in the third row. Ok, it didn't bother me. But when I put my seat belt on, it was loose. Very loose. Fit another person in there loose. I could have had a child sit on my lap; there was a ton of slack. I expected it to tighten up with the ride started - I mean, the CM didn't say anything when he saw it, so I figured it was normal. Up we went -- but it didn't tighten up. The slack stayed in place, and I held on tightly until we came back down.

I was sitting next to the man of the couple and he looked over and asked how I liked it. I told him I liked it ok, but "was this normal?" and showed him the huge amount of slack in my seatbelt. His eyes got huge and he elbowed his wife and said "look at this!" and her eyes got big. I could get out of my seat without even unlocking my seat belt.

I stopped to tell a CM on the way out and she said that was normal, and usually they "tuck the end of the seatbelt under you" - um, what?? She seemed very distracted while I was talking and had another group of people coming in, so I just gave up and left. Seemed very odd to me! Anyone seen this before?

I stayed for a while longer but the rain continued to come down, drizzling but constant, and I finally gave in to fatigue and just plain irritation at the constant patter of rain on my head (my poncho hood wouldn't stay up).

I headed back to BWV, sad that I had seen my last full day but ready to rest up for what should be a LONG day tomorrow. I made sure I was 100% packed up because I was heading to open the park at MK and planned on being there until right before my ME bus left at 4 p.m. Saturday afternoon!
We only got to Epcot once -- our first day, and none of the Christmas decorations were up. I was so sour!
I hate JII too -- it's the skunk smell that I really hate, I have no memory of what it was like before they changed it.
Cool that you got to ride TT twice, and in the rain! Haha on a warmer day that would be quite nice! Love the mental image I got of a car full of adults laughing their heads off.
I really do love Soarin'. Strange about the huge seatbelt though!
I can't believe you're at your last day! I'm moving so slow on mine!

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Well whaddya know! The pics of your "previously unexplored" areas of Epcot had me smiling! Just two days later, I was standing right there - saying, "I can't believe I've never been back here before! It's so lovely and peaceful!"

Definitely a great place to stop and breathe for a moment. :-)
Hey now, quit hating on my friend Figment!!! lol.....that is one of my favorite rides at Epcot. I love the little guy and know the song ummm almost by heart.

I know, I know, to each his own right? For what it's worth, I have no idea what the original version looked like of the ride or the pavillion. I just know what it is now. Maybe that helps? :confused3
We only got to Epcot once -- our first day, and none of the Christmas decorations were up. I was so sour!
I hate JII too -- it's the skunk smell that I really hate, I have no memory of what it was like before they changed it.
Cool that you got to ride TT twice, and in the rain! Haha on a warmer day that would be quite nice! Love the mental image I got of a car full of adults laughing their heads off.
I really do love Soarin'. Strange about the huge seatbelt though!
I can't believe you're at your last day! I'm moving so slow on mine!

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You only got to Epcot ONCE? Aw, too bad! The Christmas stuff went up slowly over the week; it was so nice to see it all. :goodvibes I feel like I spent so much time at Epcot, just wandering - and drinking. I left out a lot of the drinking. LOL!

Go watch the original on youtube sometime; it's sad how it is now, it used to be like twice the length and have a much more coherent story.

So YOU haven't heard of this seatbelt tucking thing? Hm, I wish this woman would have explained a bit more.

I am trying to get this all done as soon as possible; I want to actually finish a trip report for once. Usually I stop on the last day. I hope to do most of my last day either tomorrow or Friday!

Well whaddya know! The pics of your "previously unexplored" areas of Epcot had me smiling! Just two days later, I was standing right there - saying, "I can't believe I've never been back here before! It's so lovely and peaceful!"

Definitely a great place to stop and breathe for a moment. :-)

HA, that's so funny! I just wanted to take some time, but I really, really wish there were stores or something up there because it's so nice. I did notice that there were locked doors that needed a keycard to open; I wonder if it's a place for merchandise.

Hey now, quit hating on my friend Figment!!! lol.....that is one of my favorite rides at Epcot. I love the little guy and know the song ummm almost by heart.

I know, I know, to each his own right? For what it's worth, I have no idea what the original version looked like of the ride or the pavillion. I just know what it is now. Maybe that helps? :confused3

Like I said to Wendy, go watch youtube and then come back and tell me that the current JII is great. :) Seriously, it used to be the BEST pavilion; you had to drag me out kicking and screaming.

Great update!

Thank you! Final day coming soon!
Dawn broke too, too early for me, but I was determined to make yet ANOTHER rope drop. I got up and scoured my room for everything I owned, because I was checking my bag for the airline before I headed out to MK.

LOVED THIS VIEW EVERY MORNING. God bless you, Disney Angel! You know who you are!

One more:

I took a couple of pictures of the room, just for my own reference later:

Aw, I miss it. =(

I checked in my bag downstairs for my flight. They double-checked with me that I didn't want anything else out of it. I made my way to the buses and waited - not too long! - then got on the bus. Within about 1 minute of boarding the bus, the rain started - and it didn't stop the rest of the day. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention - I packed all my ponchos. Well, I'm too cheap to buy a Disney poncho, so it looks like today will be drowned rat day.

Soon enough, I was here, just in time for rope drop!:

In the rain. As you can see. Oh well, I'm at MK, I will absolutely make the best of it!

I did my usual tour - SM, to TTA; then, staying undercover as much as I could, I headed to Fantasyland and hit PP and IASW!

It's a world of laughter, a world of tears:

A world of hope and a world of fears. And here's mine:

Take a look at these guys when you're on IASW next time. Holy crikies, these fellows are actually terrifying!

Moving on:

I took a Chinese class, so I recognize the Pinyin "Zai Jian" on this sign:

At this time, I walked past BOG and realized how terribly I wanted another one of those sandwiches. But, the line is so long! *faints* I know! I'll get a FP+!

I went online and had a reservation at 11:30 before you could say "meet me by the Tangled restrooms"! I couldn't believe all these people were standing in the rain and I was going to bypass them. I wanted to go tell them all my secret, but I knew most of them would just think I was crazy.

What I actually was, was hungry. Starving. And it was only 10 a.m., so I had quite a while to wait before my FP+ for BOG. What's a girl to do? I KNOW! Go to HM, and then on to CHH for BROCCOLI!

I headed across the park again:

And went on HM, of course. I did some shopping, and then I got my favorite snack in ALL of WDW:

Please note - I am obsessed with broccoli. I eat it pretty much every day at home, so having delicious broccoli at my beck and call at CHH was just heaven.

I wandered around and rode POTC and some other rides (I actually DON'T REMEMBER), and then I tried to go to my FP+ early - and they LET ME!

I, of course, got the exact same thing as the last time.

Oh mother Gothel this was SO DELICIOUS. Just as wonderful as last time. I was so grateful for my smartphone.

I wandered some more....

And then I decided I was tired of waiting in the rain, and time was waning towards my ME bus arriving, so I decided to just go to Epcot.

I headed out in the rain to the monorail to head to Epcot. It wasn't too long, and I was there!
I still have to go on Imagination. I miss the old ride, but I still love Figment. I hope that they take the opportunity to fix it.

Hahaha, sounds like a fun ride out in the rain. Who doesn't love laughing like a bunch of lunatics?!

I think the only place to get the astronaut ice cream in Epcot is at Mission: Space.....

The huge seatbelt on Soarin' is weird. I've never seen that before.

Nice scoring a last minute FP+ for BOG!
So sad that it rained all day on your departure day!! Glad you still had a great time at MK!

How crazy that all of those people will wait in line for an hour just to get in the restaurant when all they have to do is go online and get a reservation!!! We found that on our trip as well!! It's like when you are using a paper fastpass and someone stops you to ask how you got "one of those". Don't these people plan?!?!?!

Anyways, I am enjoying your TR and I wish it didn't have to end so soon!
Sad that your trip report is almost over! I would have been so happy if my mom would make a surprise visit while at WDW! I love unexpected magic like that!

Funny...I've never seen The Disney Food Blog mention broccoli cups! :)
There is no such thing as a flight late enough for me to go to a park on departure day which is really a shame because it always looks like a great way to say goodbye to disney. Despite the rain, looks like a great morning, especially with the surprise Fastpass for BOG!i tried so many times and never could get one. No idea what I'm doing wrong! Lol

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I had a very soggy morning at MK on 11/2. It was the most rain I ever encountered in all my trips to WDW and I was pretty much done by noon.

Love your WS pictures. Boo for the yucky sandwich. Still a fun afternoon/evening at Epcot.

I can't say I have ever done TT in the rain, so I bet THAT was interesting.

Loving all the Christmas decorations. If only I could have stayed a few days longer.
Despite the rain, looks like a great morning, especially with the surprise Fastpass for BOG!i tried so many times and never could get one. No idea what I'm doing wrong! Lol

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I, too, am curious about the coveted BOG FP+. I do not see it even listed on the FP+ options? Although I've had so many glitches with MDE nothing surprises me anymore. I can do some things on my desktop, but not on my iphone or ipad. Others it's just the opposite. But I digress - that's a whole other thread. :-)

Clearly this BOG FP+ exists - I'm assuming they're just all booked up? Or might it be one of those things that they only offer the day of? Just curious how you were able to so easily nab it.
I still have to go on Imagination. I miss the old ride, but I still love Figment. I hope that they take the opportunity to fix it.

Hahaha, sounds like a fun ride out in the rain. Who doesn't love laughing like a bunch of lunatics?!

I think the only place to get the astronaut ice cream in Epcot is at Mission: Space.....

The huge seatbelt on Soarin' is weird. I've never seen that before.

Nice scoring a last minute FP+ for BOG!

I wonder HOW they could really fix JII now. They've shortened it a ton and done 'so much work' on it that I can't imagine they'd make any big changes besides a new coat of paint.

It was fun to take off into that sheet of rain, but I was NOT prepared for the temperature! It was a lot warmer when I was walking up!


Ok, glad to hear that the seatbelt is odd. I thought it was, too.

I couldn't believe how easy it was to get the FP+; I thought I'd be out of luck.

So sad that it rained all day on your departure day!! Glad you still had a great time at MK!

How crazy that all of those people will wait in line for an hour just to get in the restaurant when all they have to do is go online and get a reservation!!! We found that on our trip as well!! It's like when you are using a paper fastpass and someone stops you to ask how you got "one of those". Don't these people plan?!?!?!

Anyways, I am enjoying your TR and I wish it didn't have to end so soon!

I didn't get too too irritated with the rain; I just soldiered on. I knew I was going to go home to cold temperatures (though nothing like the last few days. It was -1 last night here!).

I wonder about people waiting in that line too. I wonder exactly who is eligible for the FP+? Maybe only those with MBs?

Sad that your trip report is almost over! I would have been so happy if my mom would make a surprise visit while at WDW! I love unexpected magic like that!

Funny...I've never seen The Disney Food Blog mention broccoli cups! :)

I can't believe they've never done an entire segment on the broccoli! ;)

It was awesome to see my mom. At that point, I hadn't seen her since late August so it was so much fun to be in our happy place together. It's funny, I don't remember her really riding things when I was a kid, but I think that's because I always rode with my Dad!

I had a very soggy morning at MK on 11/2. It was the most rain I ever encountered in all my trips to WDW and I was pretty much done by noon.

Love your WS pictures. Boo for the yucky sandwich. Still a fun afternoon/evening at Epcot.

I can't say I have ever done TT in the rain, so I bet THAT was interesting.

Loving all the Christmas decorations. If only I could have stayed a few days longer.

I'm ok with rain in WDW if I'm prepared. If I'd have had the poncho instead of having packed it, I would h ave been good. As it is, I'm going prepared with umbrellas and ponchos when we go next fall; it will still be hurricane season. :guilty:

It WAS a fun afternoon and evening. I couldn't believe how long I made it there without trying to hop someplace else. I love going to whatever park I want and riding whatever I want, when I want to.

The Christmas decorations were nice; but I admit I'm looking forward to seeing the park "regular" next year.
There is no such thing as a flight late enough for me to go to a park on departure day which is really a shame because it always looks like a great way to say goodbye to disney. Despite the rain, looks like a great morning, especially with the surprise Fastpass for BOG!i tried so many times and never could get one. No idea what I'm doing wrong! Lol

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I love leaving late on departure day; it's too bad you can't. :(

The only time it bit me was when I was super sick and just wanted to go home. Then, I had to wait all day and get even sicker, with no place to lay down and rest because our hotel room was over at 11 a.m. and I still had to wait until 7 p.m. to get on the airplane. My ex kept saying "don't look so sick, they won't let you on the plane."

I, too, am curious about the coveted BOG FP+. I do not see it even listed on the FP+ options? Although I've had so many glitches with MDE nothing surprises me anymore. I can do some things on my desktop, but not on my iphone or ipad. Others it's just the opposite. But I digress - that's a whole other thread. :-)

Clearly this BOG FP+ exists - I'm assuming they're just all booked up? Or might it be one of those things that they only offer the day of? Just curious how you were able to so easily nab it.

So, the BOG FP+ isn't on the FP+ options; it's on its' own website:


I just went to that site on my phone, signed in, and voila! There were many times open, and I just grabbed one. It seems like you do have to have a MB and have it registered on the site in order to use the beourguestlunch site.

Also, see this thread for more information on BOG FP+.


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