It's a Stroller Sir, not a Battering Ram!!! NEW PTR LINK POSTED

I am so sorry that I have been neglecting this TR....real life is a little crazy but I hope to get an update down on the weekend and I'll reply to all posts then too!!

Thanks to all our great and wonderful Dis-friends for understanding!!!

Hope all is well!
Finally getting caught up! I so want to go up in Characters in Flight. It looked like you had a great time!

We were at WPE once and didn't like it at all. :( Wondering if we need to try it again?
Queenofallthings said:
I am so sorry that I have been neglecting this TR....real life is a little crazy but I hope to get an update down on the weekend and I'll reply to all posts then too!!

Thanks to all our great and wonderful Dis-friends for understanding!!!

Miss you hon! Hope all is well and that Shan is settling in at University okay. It's a big change for sure. We will be here when you get back. ;)
Wellll.... It's looking good for next July, actually. She actually said, "I'm getting a little back pay from work. I was thinking about putting it towards Disney." :cheer2:
How great is that!!! So happy for you guys!
Your dinner at WPE looks delicious! I'm loving the looks of that salad. What all was in it?
That salad was so was kinda like coleslaw but with a different dressing, wonton chips and yummy!
Sea salt caramel ice cream you say?? I MUST try that... yummmmmmmm! :lovestruc I wouldn't be happy either! :sad:

Can't wait to hear the story about the little girl...
and we are all great, thank you!!

Talk to you soon...
:hug: Carla
Oh you was heavenly! Hope you guys are all well!

Asian salad is one of Declan's new favs. Only salad he will eat!:rotfl2:

Spent the last couple of days cross-border shopping with the girls. Had lots of fun and thought of you:goodvibes

Bought a few more things for our Mickey bathroom...
That's so funny because when my salad came out Shanleigh was eyeing it up and my picky eater finally agreed to try a bite and loved it!

Thought of you last week end when Shanleigh and I headed down....had such a great time altho coming back the border was crazy!

That pizza looks delicious!! Can I have it for lunch and then visit goofy's? haha

That picture of Shanleigh is lovely!!!
That sounds like a great plan to both of us:goodvibes

Thanks Debby, it's the one I have on my desk at work...I love it!

Still following along - and loving it!
Glad you're still here...I am hoping to get back into it soon... I have a few weeks off coming up so I hope to catch up then!

I dont understand why people can't follow the feeding the birds rules either, they freak me out a little bit, not like poor Jeff though :rotfl:

Looks like a great night at DTD :thumbsup2
They freaked Shan out this time too because they were so agressive...yes, Jeff is one of a kind;)

Fun way to end the day, well, except for the birds of course. I don't understand people who don't follow the rules. And trust me, if one of those birds nipped their little Johnny, they'd be suing Disney as if it was their fault.

You got that right Kathy! It's frustrating to say the least!

Loving your trip report. I went to the World about 2 months ago and didn't know they could do custom art work on your TOMs! Oh well another reason to go back next year! :laughing:
So glad you're following along! I think that's a great reason to go back....I see you, like me, can justify anything:rotfl2:

Hey Girl! Been wondering what you've been up to. Glad you're still around! :goodvibes How is school going for Shan? Hope all is good! I figure you are probably planning your next trip by now. :thumbsup2
This real life stuff has sure been getting in the way! I am working tons of overtime and by the time I get home the last thing I want to see is another compter:sad: I have some holidays next month so I amhoping to be all caught up here and to all my threads! Hope you're well my friend:)
Ahhh life does that sometimes! We're all waiting patiently for a time when you get a chance to come back! :hug:
It didn't happen this weekend like I hoped it must be getting super excited!
Hi Oueen! Hope all is well, can't wait to read more!
I am going to try my darndest to get caught up over the next couple of days on my TR and everyone elses over the next couple of weeks! Glad you're still here!:goodvibes
Subbing in! Awesome trip so far!

Thank you for subbing! This week for sure, you all have my word, that I will have another post up!
Hope all is well!
Hello my friend...yes, all is well, just silly busy!
Finally getting caught up! I so want to go up in Characters in Flight. It looked like you had a great time!

We were at WPE once and didn't like it at all. :( Wondering if we need to try it again?
Shanleigh and I were talking about you guys yesterday as we were looking back on our pictures from 2 years ago when we met you guys in the World. Where has 2 years gone. She was saying now that the weather is starting to change it makes her wish we were going in September again!
Miss you hon! Hope all is well and that Shan is settling in at University okay. It's a big change for sure. We will be here when you get back. ;)

Hey sweets...miss youtoo!

She is settling in just fine....first 2 assignments 100%, did I mention she's a smarty pants! So proud of her! She was worried that maybe she wouldn't do as well as she did in high school but so far so good!!
Hi Queen,

I just wanted to say that I can't wait to see more updates when life gets less hectic, although I probably won't be checking in to see them again until we get back at the end of the month.

Way to go Shanleigh...those are awesome marks and she should be really proud!

Hope all is well with you guys and looking forward to reading more later:goodvibes
Hey Queen! Been reading your reports for a while now (BTW - that was one MASSIVE spider :scared1:), but not sure if I've ever commented.

I love reading your reports, because it's so nice to get a fellow Canadian's perspective. Also, you and Jasmine/Shan seem to have so much fun together!

I do have a question for you. I see that you use packing cubes - how helpful did you find them? Did they save space? Do you pack them by outfit (i.e. Monday's outfit in cube A, Tuesday's in cube B) or by item (tops in one, bottoms in another)?

Okay - so maybe I had more than one question....I've been thinking about getting them for a while now, and really wanted to know how useful people find them to be.

Oh, also - WOW to the redo at Winnipeg airport! It's been a few years since I've been there (I think the last time was 2006 or 2007), and what a change! :thumbsup2
Just joining in. Love the TR. It has taken me all day to read ~ reading when I have some down time.

I can't believe I have fallen so far behind on this TR! I kept thinking "I have some holidays coming up in October/November, I'll get caught up then" but that is just too far away so I thought I better get a post done before our very busy day starts!

This lovely morning would be taking us to AK! Not our favourite park but we do enjoy it! If we do nothing but FOTLK there I am a happy girl but Shanleigh had other plans!

We decided to take a different route to the food court and look who we ran into!

When my parents went with my sister and her family in 2004 this is the building they all stayed in...I could just picture my mum by the big wheel and it brought a smile to my face!

Shanleigh and I were going to be coming to spend some time at this pool before the end of our vacation....or at least that was the plan!

This says it all!

We went in and had some breakfast and then headed out to the bus! It was such a gorgeous morning and we couldn't help but think how hot it would eventually get at AK so we better get to it! Crowds, once again, weren't bad at all!

Let The Memories true is this! When I think back on all of our many trips (yes, we are truly blessed) watching my daughter grow up in our pictures from the World, made me a little misty this morning!

Had to grab a picture with the Tree of Life but didn't have time to wait for a PP...grab one shot and run!

Ok, so I lied...maybe two shots!

Yak and Yeti...we'll be back at noon for our ADR and we couldn't wait! We hadn't eaten here since 2008 or 2009....either way, it had been a while!

I loved the look of this little cart!

I'm sure you have figured out by now where we were off too....that's right, EE!

After a great ride we decided we should head over to KS...this would be such a mistake! Never, in all the years that we'd come to this park have we ever waited to do this adventure! Today, start to finish, almost 2 was brutal. The only saving grace was a lovely couple we met in line with their two boys. We chatted the whole time, saw pictures of their brand new home they had just bought and just enjoyed each other's company. I never did find out what the hold up was but we did get stopped for 25 minutes while on safari waiting for some rhino's to move off the road! I took no pictures of the safari, just chose to enjoy it!
We were trying to decide what to do after and it was then that I remembered my friend Mary Ellen (MEK) posting pictures about Flights of Wonder...yup, never have seen it so we headed over! Thank you so much Mary Ellen, it was such a great show!

Isn't he gorgeous....the bird, people, the bird!

Shanleigh thought of Jeff while we were here and how he would be flailing away with the birds flying was then that we decided on our next trip we would arrive early and sit right where all the birds fly over just to watch Jeff!

When FoW was finished it was time to head for Yak and Yeti for our noon ADR! We checked in and waited to be called! It was far busier than the last time we vistited but it was such a nice break to get in out of the heat so I was happy I decided on noon and not 5!

What I sat beside while we waited!

The menu!

We both decided to have the same thing....Shrimp Lo Mein....oh my word was it delicious, but we could definitely have easily split this...way too much food!

After our lunch it was time to head over to my favourite attraction (which I've heard rumours could be leaving :worried:) FOLTK. I never take my camera out here, I just sit and watch and sing at the top of my lungs, much to Shanleigh's embarrassment :rotfl2:

I will leave you here and hopefully see you before next weekend with another post! I hope everyone is having a great weekend!

OMG an update!

;) :lmao::lmao:

We've been to Flight of Wonder a couple of times, it is a great show. Same with Yak & Yeti, great food. Been there a couple of times as well (or as Declan thinks, just once).

Nice picture on Facebook the other day. Always nice to get a picture with an Olympic medal.
Yayyyy! I got to see your update as I'm waiting in the airport!
I do enjoy ak, it's a nice relaxing park. Love flights of wonder, such a cool show!
Yak & yeti looks so pretty, can't believe I get to eat there for the first time tomorrow!
Such a great update! We've never done Flights of Wonder:scared1:It's just always too hot when we are there to watch an outside show!!

Rumors that FOTLK ending?!?! O.M.G. I would cry. It's such a wonderful and popular show!!! I sure hope it's not true!!
So happy to see an update Queen! I've been missing your TR! :goodvibes

I can't believe that you had to wait 2 hours for KS :eek: We've never waited either. I wonder what the heck was going on. :confused3

I'm glad that you enjoyed your lunch at Y&Y! We really liked our meals there last trip.

If you guys take Jeff to FoW, will you please post video?:lmao:
Glad you did FoW.........I will NEVER do it!

I have a fear of birds that is horrible! Ever since I watched Hitchcocks "The Birds" when I was little! Between the biting beaks, the TALONS and the poop I am totally, not a bird person!

Click HERE to see a 2 minute version of where my fear came from!

And OH MY.................Your lunch made me drool!
" I simply remember my favorite things and then I don't feel, so bad..."

POP, walking around POP, Declan at POP, AK, EE FoW and Yak and Yeti.:thumbsup2

Great day so far:cool1:
awe shucks I kept checking the pics to see if shan had her toms on but sadly nope :( I'm dying to see how they look and can now say I know what the shoes are i just didn't know the name of them
Hi Queen,

I just wanted to say that I can't wait to see more updates when life gets less hectic, although I probably won't be checking in to see them again until we get back at the end of the month.

Way to go Shanleigh...those are awesome marks and she should be really proud!

Hope all is well with you guys and looking forward to reading more later:goodvibes

Hey girl! I promise to be better at this....I have 3 weeks of vacation to still take before the end of this year so hopefully there will be lots of updates during that time!

Thanks hon....she is a bit of a smarty pants and I have never had to tell her to study .... she does it all on her own!

We are doing great and hope you are too! Can't wait to catch up when you guys get back!

Just joining in :cool1:

So happy that you are here with us;)

Hey Queen! Been reading your reports for a while now (BTW - that was one MASSIVE spider :scared1:), but not sure if I've ever commented.

Hey girl...yes, you definitely have posted because I loved your name!!!
I love reading your reports, because it's so nice to get a fellow Canadian's perspective. Also, you and Jasmine/Shan seem to have so much fun together!

Thanks hon, I love to catch other Canadian's TR's as well. We sure do enjoy each other's company!
I do have a question for you. I see that you use packing cubes - how helpful did you find them? Did they save space? Do you pack them by outfit (i.e. Monday's outfit in cube A, Tuesday's in cube B) or by item (tops in one, bottoms in another)?

Okay - so maybe I had more than one question....I've been thinking about getting them for a while now, and really wanted to know how useful people find them to be.

I am so happy you asked this! I will not ever travel without them again...I am in love! I loved that I could just move the cubes from the suitcases to the drawers! I packed full outfits in each one, most consisted of 2 daytime outfits and one evening and then bathing suits and pj's in separate ones! I used the outside zip to put an index card that itemized exactly what was in each cube (Shanleigh shook her head at this until we got there and then she found those cards extremely helpful!

Did I mention I got them from the shopping channel? They were super cheap compared to a store here that carries them so just search Hey's and see when they are on next! You won't regret it...that I promise you!

Oh, also - WOW to the redo at Winnipeg airport! It's been a few years since I've been there (I think the last time was 2006 or 2007), and what a change! :thumbsup2

Brand spanking new is right beside the old terminal and opened on Oct 30 of 2011. It is gorgeous!

Just joining in. Love the TR. It has taken me all day to read ~ reading when I have some down time.

I am so happy that you're here and moreso that you are enjoying the report! I promise to be better about posting.....:rolleyes1

OMG an update!

;) :lmao::lmao:

:lmao:I knew you would have something smart to say!
We've been to Flight of Wonder a couple of times, it is a great show. Same with Yak & Yeti, great food. Been there a couple of times as well (or as Declan thinks, just once).

We loved both the show and the food...would go back to both!
Nice picture on Facebook the other day. Always nice to get a picture with an Olympic medal.

That young lady should be an ambassador for our great country. What an outgoing, funny, charming girl she is!! She is best friends with one of my young ladies at work and was back in town to get purchase her wedding dress then it was right back to London Ontario!
Yayyyy! I got to see your update as I'm waiting in the airport!
I do enjoy ak, it's a nice relaxing park. Love flights of wonder, such a cool show!
Yak & yeti looks so pretty, can't believe I get to eat there for the first time tomorrow!

You just made my day....Im so happy that you got to read it while waiting for your flight to the happiest place on earth!

I can't wait to hear what you think of Y & Y! Have a great time hon!

Such a great update! We've never done Flights of Wonder:scared1:It's just always too hot when we are there to watch an outside show!!

Rumors that FOTLK ending?!?! O.M.G. I would cry. It's such a wonderful and popular show!!! I sure hope it's not true!!

That was the same reason we've never done it too! Couldn't resist this time tho, it was hot but not crazy hot!

I sister broke the news to me and I almost cried! I am so happy that I have the CD so I can continue to listen to it over and over!

So happy to see an update Queen! I've been missing your TR! :goodvibes

I can't believe that you had to wait 2 hours for KS :eek: We've never waited either. I wonder what the heck was going on. :confused3

I'm glad that you enjoyed your lunch at Y&Y! We really liked our meals there last trip.

If you guys take Jeff to FoW, will you please post video?:lmao:

I've been missing you too|!

Between the wait and the long safari it was over 2 hours...I couldn't believe it!

I wanted to try something different this time and we both ended up with the same thing:lmao:Delish!

I will absolutely post a video, that is a promise my friend! Just the thought of it made me burst out laughing:rotfl2:

Glad you did FoW.........I will NEVER do it!

I have a fear of birds that is horrible! Ever since I watched Hitchcocks "The Birds" when I was little! Between the biting beaks, the TALONS and the poop I am totally, not a bird person!

Click HERE to see a 2 minute version of where my fear came from!

And OH MY.................Your lunch made me drool!

Sounds like you have the same fear as Shanleigh's bf! I don't know if he's ever seen tThe Birds, but I'm going to show him your clip!

" I simply remember my favorite things and then I don't feel, so bad..."

POP, walking around POP, Declan at POP, AK, EE FoW and Yak and Yeti.:thumbsup2

Great day so far:cool1:

Memories are simply the best aren't they! Whenever I look back at old pictures I can't believe where the years have gone! Shanleigh was going into grade 9 the last time we stayed at Pop!

awe shucks I kept checking the pics to see if shan had her toms on but sadly nope :( I'm dying to see how they look and can now say I know what the shoes are i just didn't know the name of them

Oh sorry hon....I read your post and I ran to get the camera!! Here you are sweetie

You're back! I'm so glad that you've just been really busy and not that anything was wrong. Another great update, of course! I'm adding Yak & Yeti as a possibility now for our trip next May. Your picture makes it look so good!
You're back! I'm so glad that you've just been really busy and not that anything was wrong. Another great update, of course! I'm adding Yak & Yeti as a possibility now for our trip next May. Your picture makes it look so good!

I'm so happy that you are still around, I've been so neglectful on this TR! I think everything is back on course now tho!:thumbsup2

It was such a great lunch and our waiter, Khan, was exceptional!

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