It was the best of times, it was the worst of times!


Mostly Caught Up. Hurray to be home (to a clean house even better)

Glad you were able to finally have some fun after your sickness.

Plan away for 5 year old trip. That's what we're here for....right?
I am giving some thought to a trip with my friend. We would have a blast together and we'd both appreciate a chance to do what we want to do at the parks.

Thanks, I haven't been feeling well. Tuesday night I was convinced I had strep throat so I decided to go to the doctor yesterday. It's just a sinus infection but I still don't feel 100%. I'm pretty sure Charlotte is getting sick - or maybe it's just the terrible twos. She has been unbelievably difficult the last two mornings and has spent most of the ride to school hysterical. She has been more difficult the last 2 days at drop off than she was when you first started school in August. I hope whatever is going on with her is over with soon.
First of all... Sorry I haven't been over here in well over a week...

I am glad you are home, and how wonderful that Dan cleaned the house for you! Whatta guy!!! Even better to not have to cook, and eat a few meals out... but I am certain that you are more like me and eating out is more of a pain than what it's worth. But I hope the two of you were able to reconnect and enjoy your weekend just the same. :lovestruc

Bummer that your Epcot day wasn't the best day for you - I am glad you were able to tolerate the most important rides and get a lot accomplished too.

No judging here!!! Any excuse for a trip is a good one for me! :woohoo: I think a Pirate room would be LOADS of fun for both Miles and Dan!!! They could woo you with sword fighting. ;)

Glad to have you home again, my friend - I hope Jennifer is continuing to do well. :hug:

I'm with the group that deals better with heat than cold. After this winter, I'm ready to move to Florida. Now!

oooooh noooooo, I was just thinking as I was reading that it really sucks to be sick on vacation, but at least everyone else didn't get it too......:scared1: This is probably my worst fear for our trip. We have planned for so long!!!! We have outfits and bows, and shoes, and magnets, and everything under the sun. Our ADRs are good, hopefully we will get good fp.....but what if someone ends up with the flu.....:crazy2: I am gonna stock up on vitamins before we go!!!! :lmao:

Well, in all the years we've been going, this was the first time we got sick, so it doesn't happen often. You just have to put it out of your mind.

I LOVE the cinderella skirt!!!! Evie would FLIP over that one! You need an etsy shop!

I am going to open an Etsy shop, but not for clothes. I would be afraid I would get the sizing wrong. It would stress me out. :scared1:

I'm so glad to hear that Jennifer is doing well.....and that you got home! I know it will be nice to enjoy some peace! I'm sure you were more than ready to be home with your prince too!!! :dance3:

Yes, it has been so nice to be home. I'm beginning to meet up with friends and I had a massage yesterday. She told me my neck and back were a mess…which I was well aware!!!:rotfl: She worked me over pretty good and I feel so much better. But…I miss those little munchkins like crazy. I miss my morning hugs and getting in the floor to play games, and yes, even playing play doh! It's so hard to be so far away!

Thank you for all of your encouragement on mom's ptr. It has been so nice to hear the kind words from all of you!!! :hug:

Hey, that's what we do…support each other! I've sure gotten my share of support from all of you. We have a fantastic group of ladies handing out together!!!:grouphug:


Mostly Caught Up. Hurray to be home (to a clean house even better)

Glad you were able to finally have some fun after your sickness.

Plan away for 5 year old trip. That's what we're here for....right?

Hi Ruth! Good to see you. Yes, the fun at Epcot was short lived, but that's for the next installment I guess. Planning a trip for Miles is next on my agenda. If I can ever finish this trip report!!

I am giving some thought to a trip with my friend. We would have a blast together and we'd both appreciate a chance to do what we want to do at the parks.

Oh, yes, do plan a trip with her. It's a whole different experience and one I think you would absolutely love!!:thumbsup2 (Plus, it's nice to split the cost of getting there and the room!)

Thanks, I haven't been feeling well. Tuesday night I was convinced I had strep throat so I decided to go to the doctor yesterday. It's just a sinus infection but I still don't feel 100%. I'm pretty sure Charlotte is getting sick - or maybe it's just the terrible twos. She has been unbelievably difficult the last two mornings and has spent most of the ride to school hysterical. She has been more difficult the last 2 days at drop off than she was when you first started school in August. I hope whatever is going on with her is over with soon.

"Just" a sinus infection you say? Those have been known to lay me low before. I hope by now you are feeling much much better!! Awww, poor little Charlotte. Being two can be difficult at times. I hope she gets over whatever is bothering her soon as well. Meanwhile, hang in there, Mom!!:hug:

First of all... Sorry I haven't been over here in well over a week...

Are you kidding? I know how busy you've been! Good to have you here!

I am glad you are home, and how wonderful that Dan cleaned the house for you! Whatta guy!!! Even better to not have to cook, and eat a few meals out... but I am certain that you are more like me and eating out is more of a pain than what it's worth. But I hope the two of you were able to reconnect and enjoy your weekend just the same. :lovestruc

It is a pain. Especially breakfast since I can't eat eggs or dairy. But, we did reconnect and had a fabulous weekend!

Bummer that your Epcot day wasn't the best day for you - I am glad you were able to tolerate the most important rides and get a lot accomplished too.

Believe me, after two days spent in bed, I counted Epcot a huge success!:rotfl: I hope to continue the Epcot saga today or tomorrow.

No judging here!!! Any excuse for a trip is a good one for me! :woohoo: I think a Pirate room would be LOADS of fun for both Miles and Dan!!! They could woo you with sword fighting. ;)

Oh my gosh! Miles loves swords. Love them!! Yes, I think having two dashing pirates would be awesome. It will come down to price and budget I'm sure.

Glad to have you home again, my friend - I hope Jennifer is continuing to do well. :hug:


Aww, thanks Sweetie! It's so good to be back. I'll update on Jennifer below.:hug:

I'm with the group that deals better with heat than cold. After this winter, I'm ready to move to Florida. Now!


You know, I'm beginning to agree with you. This winter was just brutal! After all, air conditioning is to Florida what a furnace is to the northern climes. I was talking to a CM who retired and went to work for Disney and he was from the north somewhere. I asked him about the hot summers and he said something that really made sense. He said up north when it gets so very cold, we stay indoors and just go out when necessary. In Florida when the heat is it's worst, we stay indoors where it's air conditioned, and only go out when necessary. So, it's a total trade off the way I see it.:thumbsup2


Update for Jennifer: She is doing fantastically! She starts her physical therapy on Tuesday, so will see even more improvement as the weeks go by. She was given a massage and a pedicure from a couple of friends and she made appointments for those and got her hair cut and she's just enjoying being able to drive and get outside with the kids. She is doing her exercises to loosen up her knee and is seeing progress there. So, she's all good! Thanks so much for your concern and support!!

I still can't retrieve my photos from photo bucket. If Dan has time this weekend, I will enlist his help to solve my problem. Hopefully I'll be able to move forward with this report then! I know I want to get through to the good parts….if there are any more good parts….:rolleyes1
So glad Jennifer is doing well.

Be sure to let us know when you open up your Etsy store, I can't wait to check it out.

I was happy with a sinus infection as opposed to the strep throat I was sure I had. I'm feeling decent, although still a little run down.

Charlotte did pretty well this morning. I bribed her with a treat from the grocery store when we do our weekly shopping tonight, so she get ready really quickly for her. She didn't want to leave Peyton's school and gave me some trouble getting back into the car but there were no tears at drop off this morning. Their assistant teacher was promoted to lead teacher in another class about a month ago. Charlotte's lead teacher told me this week that all of the little ones are having some trouble not having the same structure they are used to. I talked to the director at the school this morning and she said the new assistant teacher is staring on the 21st. So, hopefully things will get back to normal soon.
Great news!!! I know she is glad to be back to her "normal" life too. It's wonderful to have someone to help so much as you did, but it's just not the same. It is tough to be away from family though. So many people around here have their moms and dads and cousins and grandparents right around the corner. I envy them that!

Oooooh, sounds like you have been pampered!!!! You earned it for sure!
So glad Jennifer is doing well.

Thanks so much!:goodvibes

Be sure to let us know when you open up your Etsy store, I can't wait to check it out.

Not allowed to mention such things here on the DIS...

I was happy with a sinus infection as opposed to the strep throat I was sure I had. I'm feeling decent, although still a little run down.

Hope you are feeling 100% by now! :hug:

Charlotte did pretty well this morning. I bribed her with a treat from the grocery store when we do our weekly shopping tonight, so she get ready really quickly for her. She didn't want to leave Peyton's school and gave me some trouble getting back into the car but there were no tears at drop off this morning. Their assistant teacher was promoted to lead teacher in another class about a month ago. Charlotte's lead teacher told me this week that all of the little ones are having some trouble not having the same structure they are used to. I talked to the director at the school this morning and she said the new assistant teacher is staring on the 21st. So, hopefully things will get back to normal soon.

What were they thinking changing teachers so close to the end of school??? Of course Charlotte (and many of the other children I'm sure) got upset. Structure is very important to these little ones at this age. Sheesh! I do hope Charlotte will come to love the new assistant and can settle down and enjoy the last weeks of school. Poor thing!

That is WONDERFUL news on Jennifer!!! I am so happy for ALL of you!!!

Have a great weekend!!!

Thanks!:hug: I hope you had a great weekend as well. Mine was good until today, or rather Sunday since it's now Monday I guess. 2:25AM WHAT??? Update below.

Great news!!! I know she is glad to be back to her "normal" life too. It's wonderful to have someone to help so much as you did, but it's just not the same. It is tough to be away from family though. So many people around here have their moms and dads and cousins and grandparents right around the corner. I envy them that!

Oooooh, sounds like you have been pampered!!!! You earned it for sure!

Yes, it is great news and she was put to the test this weekend when her oldest, Selah started throwing up and was sick all weekend! She was grateful she could get around and was able to clean Selah's bathroom in the middle of the night top to bottom. She couldn't have done that 10 days ago!!

I continue to be pampered. Bless Dan!:love:

Great news!!

Yes, it is. Thanks!:hug:


Quick update and prayer request. My Mom was admitted to the hospital today. She had to leave church because she felt faint and Dad took her to the emergency room near their house. They ran a test that said she had a blood clot, but to confirm she had to have a CT scan which they couldn't do at this satellite location. So they went to the main hospital ER and she was admitted. Had the test a few hours later, but the results won't be available until later today (hopefully). Sooo guess where I'll be as soon as visiting hours permit? That is, if I can get my head to stop thinking and get some sleep. I was in bed for an hour and a half and could not sleep. I'm not a worrier, so it's not that. I just have so many thoughts going through my mind sometimes I can't settle down and sleep. I'll give it a shot soon. Thanks for listening to my crazy ramblings. I'll update here as soon as I have any news. Thanks for being here for me yet again!!!:grouphug:
Saying prayers for your mom, and you too.

I keep saying I'd like to move to Florida - the heat I can deal with, but honestly, all of my family (except Jim) are here. I'm not sure I can handle being that far away from everyone. It just pains me to no end that Shannon is in Chicago - it was bad enough when she was in NYC, but at least that was only 4 hours away.

I hope you managed to get some sleep after all.:grouphug:
I hope you got some sleep and that it was a false alarm.

Having been in your mom's situation, waiting for the yes/no diagnosis for a clot is tough.
Oh, I am sorry!!! I hope that you got some rest and maybe have some answers by now........on the upside, typically if they find it early enough, it is much easier to treat blood clots nowadays. I will be praying for your family!!!
You guys are the best!:lovestruc Thanks so much! I just left the hospital and so far a doctor had not been in to see her.:mad: With her Alzhiemers, she can't relay to me exactly what was done, but she had a couple of tests last night after Dad left and one before I got there this morning. I checked with the nurse assigned to her and she said Mom had a chest x-ray, a ct scan and an echocardiogram. They still don't know if she has a blood clot. At least, no one has come in to talk with her about the results I should say. She looks tired, but she's resting comfortably. My Dad is with her now.

Meanwhile, we're supposed to get 3 inches of snow tonight!! It was 71 degrees this morning when I left for the hospital and now is down to 62 on the way to 36. Yeah, no breeding ground for germs with that sort of thing…:rolleyes1

Tess, family is what I think about the most when we talk about moving, whether it's to Florida or SC or wherever. I totally get what you mean about your daughter in Chicago. I have a son in Florida and a daughter in Colorado, so that makes the 6 hour drive to Virginia seem like nothing. We do have a son in Toledo, which is only 2 1/2 hours away, so that's a blessing. Will you get to see your daughter while you're there for the EPIC DIS MEET!! ? I'm sure you will.

I hope everyone is having a great day and will have an even better tomorrow!:flower3:
My prayers are still with you and your family.

we got 3 inches of that damnable white crap last night. :sad2:

Puts me in the worst mood.
Hope you get some real news about your mom today so they can treat her accordingly. Still thinking of you and praying for you and your family.

DH and I are (eventually) going to retire and move further south :) Originally we were thinking of the Villages but then we went to Celebration last year and were completely sold on it. I think we'll wait to see how we actually plan to spend our retirement once it's closer - whether we want a Disney-centered life or more of the structured activity. Either way we're moving closer to Disney!

We are thinking of taking the girls on a trip to see snow in the next couple of years. My parents grew up in a small town in Ohio, and I'd like to take them there and see snow at the same time. They grew up outside of Youngstown - when do you guys usually have snow on the ground?
Blessings be on your family during this time.

I'm lucky enough to be far enough south that we didn't get snow, but we're sitting at 45 degrees right now and that's dern chilly in this neck of the woods.


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