Is it possible to get out of getting my dtr the flu shot?

I do want to point out that I find it hysterical that people are so adamant that you not lie about your religious beliefs and just take your child out of the school etc. Seriously? For me, my religion states (condensed version w/o getting in trouble for forbidden topics) that I am supposed to care for my children. Meaning I have to decide what is best for them. So in essence, yes, it is not a lie that my religious beliefs would conflict with the requirement. I know, I know, some will say it is twisting it and wrapping a lie up all pretty. Perhaps to some, but I feel strongly enough that it is my job to make the decisions for my children. So, yes, it does conflict with my beliefs.

I do love though how so many preach of not lying etc. and then we see 900 posts from people asking if they can pass their 10 year old for 2, or lying about when they are going on a trip to surprise the kids, or writing a letter to the school about how they are taking an "educational" trip to WDW. You (a general you) can't pick and chose what to lie about and get all self righteous because someone might chose something else. Overall I dislike lying and discourage it. I do however think that sometimes it is not the end of the world. I would never tell a person they look horrible even if they do etc.

Firstly, I don't see people condemning you, or others, for having a legitimate religious objection. As I said earlier in the thread, for example, I have a religious and moral objection to war which would preclude me from serving in the military and so I would object to being forced to serve against my will. What I am reading is people criticizing the OP for choosing to lie, or create an alternate version of reality, about having a religious objection when she does not actually have one and then asking others to endorse her wish to do so. In other words, I see her as one of the posters you are criticizing in the second paragraph.

As to your second paragraph, are the people saying that the OP should not lie the same ones posting about sneaking their kids into WDW or otherwise advocating lying? I suspect they are not, and if they are not, I think your statement that they cannot have it both ways is unfair because they are not asking for that privilege.
Hello. My daughter attends preschool, 2 days a week for 2 1/2 hours. I was just given a letter saying it is mandatory for her to get the flu shot. I called and told them I don't get my kids the flu shot. My oldest had a very bad reaction, and since then I haven't gotten them. She says it is the law for preschool, not older kids. My question is I really don't want to give her the shot, what can I do? She told me if it was a religious reason, only then could I get out of it. Obviously, I am torn and am kinda upset. I mean its the flu, not the measles or some deadly disease. Anyone have any ideas??

Find a new preschool. I think it is unfair for you not to vaccinate, then for you to give my kid the flu when I send my baby to daycare / preschool. :(

I personally think that people who don't want to vaccinate should not work and then keep their babies at home and care for them at home. Personal opinion - just like it is someone's personal opinion not to vaccinate. And I'm a healthcare provider.
I was going to just say the same thing. Sadly, children die of the flu every year.

OP, you said your oldest had a bad reaction to the flu shot. What kind of a reaction was it? Was it a shot or the mist? Maybe the mist would be a better option if you are forced to vaccinate your child.

just because one child had a reaction, doesn't mean the next one will.

just because your cousin in michigan had a reaction to eggs doesn't mean you will.

no reason to withhold a vaccine from one child because a sibling had a reaction. or to lie and say you have a religious reason when you don't - or to break a law if you don't. find a different daycare or keep your kid home and care for them there - or hire someone to care for them in your own home.
OP, I'd go ahead and try the vaccine this year for this child since you like this preschool. Your older child really didn't have a bad reaction if it wasn't enough to even inform your doctor, imo.

My kids are much older, but I kind of remember them having fever after some of their vaccinations as well.

Exactly. A fever is not a "bad reaction". Anaphylaxis is a bad reaction. A fever that does not even need a doctors visit or a phone call is not a bad reaction.
Find a new preschool. I think it is unfair for you not to vaccinate, then for you to give my kid the flu when I send my baby to daycare / preschool. :(

I personally think that people who don't want to vaccinate should not work and then keep their babies at home and care for them at home. Personal opinion - just like it is someone's personal opinion not to vaccinate. And I'm a healthcare provider.

What about the child who has been vaccinated but catches a strain the vaccine doesn't cover and then gives other children the flu?
Hello. My daughter attends preschool, 2 days a week for 2 1/2 hours. I was just given a letter saying it is mandatory for her to get the flu shot. I called and told them I don't get my kids the flu shot. My oldest had a very bad reaction, and since then I haven't gotten them. She says it is the law for preschool, not older kids. My question is I really don't want to give her the shot, what can I do? She told me if it was a religious reason, only then could I get out of it. Obviously, I am torn and am kinda upset. I mean its the flu, not the measles or some deadly disease. Anyone have any ideas??

It's 5 hours a week. The state doesn't mandate you send your child to preschool, it merely States that should you choose to send your child to preschool, they must be immunized against influenza. I can't imagine what is so significant in those 5 hours that you are willing to through so much drama. I mean, either the that 5 hours is more than significant than the potential for a low grade fever or it's not. If I were truly that adverse to the flu vaccine I would take my child out of the center and spend an hour a day doing educational lessons with her. I'd be ahead of the game educationally and financially and I wouldn't have subjected my child to.medical treatment with which I don't agree.
What about the child who has been vaccinated but catches a strain the vaccine doesn't cover and then gives other children the flu?

Happens, but less likely - and less intentional than someone who chooses not to vaccinate.

Policies to vaccinate preschoolers are in places because children up to age preschooler by nature are more likely to pass flu due to their hand to mouth habits - they slobber on everything. Toys - crayons - desks - everything.

When the flu strains picked for the vaccine are a good match that year - things are great. The flu strains picked for the vaccine change each year.

When strains included are not a good "match" (or are not the correct strains that are circulating), we are in trouble. The strains that are chosen are usually chosen based upon what is circulating early in the season in Asia. So if the strains included in the vaccine are not correct, it is bad for the entire community. But usually matches are good, but 1 year out of every 4 to 5 can be a bad poor match for some for the strains included. Our last bad match year was about 2008 - the B strain included was off. That was a poor match year and everyone was very sick. It happens. I guess h1n1 could have been considered to be a bad match year, but that strain emerged quickly and we added it as an additional vaccine that year. It is still included in the vaccine I believe.

It doesn't matter though - to decrease our chances of our children getting sick (and ourselves), everyone needs to vaccinate. The very young and the very old are the ones who are more likely to be very ill. The OP should be finding ways to decrease the chances HER baby will get sick at daycare - because daycare is a literal cesspool of germs! ew
Happens, but less likely - and less intentional than someone who chooses not to vaccinate.

Policies to vaccinate preschoolers are in places because children up to age preschooler by nature are more likely to pass flu due to their hand to mouth habits - they slobber on everything. Toys - crayons - desks - everything.

When the flu strains picked for the vaccine are a good match that year - things are great. The flu strains picked for the vaccine change each year.

When strains included are not a good "match" (or are not the correct strains that are circulating), we are in trouble. The strains that are chosen are usually chosen based upon what is circulating early in the season in Asia. So if the strains included in the vaccine are not correct, it is bad for the entire community. But usually matches are good, but 1 year out of every 4 to 5 can be a bad poor match for some for the strains included. Our last bad match year was about 2008 - the B strain included was off. That was a poor match year and everyone was very sick. It happens.

It doesn't matter though - to decrease our chances, everyone needs to vaccinate. The very young and the very old are the ones who are more likely to be very ill. The OP should be finding ways to decrease the chances HER baby will get sick at daycare - because daycare is a literal cesspool of germs! ew

People who choose not to vaccinate are not intentionally trying to make other people sick.
Disney World, day care, church, shopping malls, hospitals, doctor's offices, etc are all cesspools of germs. People touch things all the time, they sneeze, they cough.
I understand the vaccine changes and targets flu strains expected to cause problems.
People who choose not to vaccinate are not intentionally trying to make other people sick.
Disney World, day care, church, shopping malls, hospitals, doctor's offices, etc are all cesspools of germs. People touch things all the time, they sneeze, they cough.
I understand the vaccine changes and targets flu strains expected to cause problems.

I think when you know how preschoolers goober on everything in a 20-mile radius - yes, if you put them in daycare and prek and choose not to vaccinate, that is pretty intentional. It is hard enough to keep babies well - so having them in a class with unvaccinated children makes it very difficult.

That is why they have mandatory programs for kids in optional care (daycare and preschool).
The difference here is that parents are not demanding anything. And resteraunts are not in the business of taking care of/teaching children.

My point is that the poster said they should be done to protect the kids who can't get vaccines. Unless you demand all parents get vaccinated, too the kids aren't protected. If a poster wants to apply the principal that it should be mandated because one child may have a weak system and can't be vaccinated, then we have to look at other children who are at risk in public.areas also (peanut allergy, leukemia) If the children in NJ are so Ill they can't get vaccinations but may die from the flu, do the parents keep them inside and hidden from exposure? Are they allowed to WDW, Hershey, parks? If we are going to tell people that not vaccinating their child may kill another child, we have to make sure that kid gets exposed no where else.
Lying about Santa and Mickey won't hurt anyone else, whereas lying about the vaccine could jeopardize someone with a weak immune system.

Yes, I'm sure that the OP's child will be the one and only cause for the flu going around, all because she lied about her religious beliefs. Well that is IF its one of the strains the vaccine protects against that is.
If a parent has an immunocompromised child they may want to think about not sending them to pre-school since there are bound to be other children there who didn't get the vaccine either, or the teachers, or the parents dropping off........

FTR, I understand the premise of the law, but that doesn't mean I have to agree with it. I have no problem with a person who doesn't want their child to be vaccinated to lie in order to not do it. Again, if ALL children were and they were the only one it would be one thing, but since there are allowances that means that not all the kids are vaccinated so therefore protecting "all" is impossible anyway.
TDC Nala said:
Not in New Jersey.

Her options at this point are apparently to state she has religious objections, or get a doctor to sign something that says the a kid shouldn't have the shot. And maybe look into getting the law changed. From what has been posted here of the state regulations, it is very clear that the parent objecting to the shot because something might happen is not an acceptable opt-out.

An option is to find a doctor that is a naturopath. They generally don't believe that vaccines are good (my husband's doctor believes they are toxins and should be avoided). That kind of doctor will generally sign a note that it is in the best interest of the child to not get a vaccine.
I think when you know how preschoolers goober on everything in a 20-mile radius - yes, if you put them in daycare and prek and choose not to vaccinate, that is pretty intentional. It is hard enough to keep babies well - so having them in a class with unvaccinated children makes it very difficult.

That is why they have mandatory programs for kids in optional care (daycare and preschool).
Re: the bolded. Do you think most children will catch the flu if they're in class with unvaccinated children? Just because someone doesn't get the vaccine doesn't mean they'll get the flu.

According to the data, between 5 & 20% of Americans will get the flu. Out of 311Million. On the high side, that's 62M. 200,000 get hospitalized. That's 0.06% (if I did my math right).

Please don't make this out like if someone doesn't get vaccinated, everyone around them will get the flu.
An option is to find a doctor that is a naturopath. They generally don't believe that vaccines are good (my husband's doctor believes they are toxins and should be avoided). That kind of doctor will generally sign a note that it is in the best interest of the child to not get a vaccine.

ALL vaccines? And this guy graduated from med school? Wow.
My son and I just got over the flu, he is 8 and brought it home from school. I was a bit shocked because flu never seems to come this early down here in Florida. It has taken about 10 days to really feel like ourselves, and we still have the cough. We have never gotten flu shots but I think we will next year. My husband and oldest son both got flu shots at work and they took care of us without so much as a sniffle!!! I have to admit I was feeling pretty envious as we were suffering thru the symptoms.
My son and I just got over the flu, he is 8 and brought it home from school. I was a bit shocked because flu never seems to come this early down here in Florida. It has taken about 10 days to really feel like ourselves, and we still have the cough. We have never gotten flu shots but I think we will next year. My husband and oldest son both got flu shots at work and they took care of us without so much as a sniffle!!! I have to admit I was feeling pretty envious as we were suffering thru the symptoms.

Yup. Same here. I had the real deal flu in 2003 or 2004...can't recall which year. My kids both had it too. And my husband. We've all been vaccinated every year since then. Once you've had it....and I'm not talking about sick for 24-48 hours that some people call the "flu" will never want it again. It was horrible, and I am a healthy person. I missed work for 7 days (more than a week) I was that sick. Ugh.

This year, the vaccine is a good match for the strains making the rounds. I'm glad I have it.

To weigh in on the OP, I do not believe in lying on official forms. Own your choice. If you choose not to vaccinate, grow a pair and accept the consequences of your decision.
Yup. Same here. I had the real deal flu in 2003 or 2004...can't recall which year. My kids both had it too. And my husband. We've all been vaccinated every year since then. Once you've had it....and I'm not talking about sick for 24-48 hours that some people call the "flu" will never want it again. It was horrible, and I am a healthy person. I missed work for 7 days (more than a week) I was that sick. Ugh.

This year, the vaccine is a good match for the strains making the rounds. I'm glad I have it.

To weigh in on the OP, I do not believe in lying on official forms. Own your choice. If you choose not to vaccinate, grow a pair and accept the consequences of your decision.
I don't believe in lying on official forms, either - especially when it comes to religion. Almost seems disrespectful to me to claim that you are a certain religion when you aren't. Religions have enough issues with people who truly do consider themselves to be that religion but don't adhere to the teachings. When you add in people who claim it, but have no intention of following those teachings, it just doesn't seem right to me.

But, as the poster said, it is your choice.
I don't believe in lying on official forms, either - especially when it comes to religion. Almost seems disrespectful to me to claim that you are a certain religion when you aren't. Religions have enough issues with people who truly do consider themselves to be that religion but don't adhere to the teachings. When you add in people who claim it, but have no intention of following those teachings, it just doesn't seem right to me.

But, as the poster said, it is your choice.

I don't believe one needs to claim to be of a certain religion, only that their religious beliefs don't allow their child to be vaccinated. Maybe her religious beliefs are that we shouldn't inject certain foreign bodies into the body that her God created ;)
I don't believe one needs to claim to be of a certain religion, only that their religious beliefs don't allow their child to be vaccinated. Maybe her religious beliefs are that we shouldn't inject certain foreign bodies into the body that her God created ;)

But other vaccines ARE allowed?
But other vaccines ARE allowed?

I did say "certain" ;)

Who are we to argue what someone's beliefs regarding what they do with their children's bodies are. Why the heck should what their God says even matter. It shouldn't.


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