In the Spirit of the Season

I am back and all caught up. Great introductions. I'm so glad that Betsy and her friend waited for you and Zoe to arrive. The photo of Zoe in front of Goofy is great, and I love the one of her in the big chair by the Christmas tree.

I promise to keep up now.
Happy New Year! Not sure how I missed this for so long. But I'm here now!

Isn't it amazing how you always get a little more energy once you're off the plane at MCO?

Silly girl, you didn't miss this. You already made an appearance here. ;)

I love that picture of Zoe with Goofy! i think it is so cute that she tried to pose like him :goodvibes

Why did you get a Mears shuttle? That is no fun :sad2:

Not sure why we got a Mears shuttle instead of an actual DME bus.. but it wasn't the end of the world.

I am back and all caught up. Great introductions. I'm so glad that Betsy and her friend waited for you and Zoe to arrive. The photo of Zoe in front of Goofy is great, and I love the one of her in the big chair by the Christmas tree.

I promise to keep up now.

You were not all that far behind. Just one day done. I hope to get another day started now that I have some more pics that I can work with. (my computer ran out of memory space so I couldn't export any more photos to a file that could be uploaded)
To Sleep or to Play? Our first day in DTD

The answer to that question was answered for me quite early considering I finally got to go to sleep (and not just doze) at 5:30am. At about 8:30, I was woke by a knock on the door. Not wanting anyone else to be woke, I sprung up out of bed. Now this is something I would not have considered in staying at Pop (or any other of the non deluxe resorts) When you open the door it is open to the outside where the sun is. If the room is situated just right, the sun shines RIGHT, DIRECTLY onto the faces of anyone who may be sleeping. :scared: So my good intentions were for not. Steve was woke by the bright light and became angry at me over it.

So what was the knock on the door for? Guesses? Did you guess it was our DME papers being delivered? :rolleyes: I had to just laugh about it since we were not using DME just then. I guess since we used it on the way in and we were checking out the next morning they needed us to schedule our DME pick up time.

Between the light and Steve’s grumblings, it was not long before Zoe was also up. Now with two of us up, we figured we should let the ones needing more sleep have it and go to breakfast. We got ready for the day and went to Everything Pop. (which btw, if I haven’t said it somewhere before is an awesome food court) Zoe got the kids mickey waffles plate with bacon. I got a chocolate croissant. At this time I also got my mug for the trip and filled it with coffee.

After breakfast we went back to the room. I had a bit of time to get reorganized. I am not sure why my packing job was so atrocious, but it was. I had promised the guys that we would not “unpack” while at Pop since I was making us practically move in to WL for 11 nights. So it was important to get the suitcases in an easy to manage state.

At about 11:15am I decided I should let Steve and Alex know the time. Steve did not want to get up. He kept telling me that I should just wake him when I leave for the day. I finally was able to get him to wake up enough to make him understand that while we had separate plans, his ADR at Ragland Road was coming up and if I left without him he would be missing his lunch time.

So the guys managed to get up and start getting ready. About noon, I realized that I could now call to Seattle to tell the doctors what had happened to Zoe’s medication. Since it was Saturday, I had to page who ever happened to be on call. Once that doctor called me back we established that she would call in a new prescription to a pharmacy that delivers to the Disney resorts. I then called that pharmacy myself to see what I needed to do regarding insurance and what not. Well, they do not take any insurance. Ok, so what would be the total oop expense for the medication? Well, lets just say that would have taken about a third of my spending money for the entire trip. I quickly called the doctor in Seattle back to discuss other options. She agreed to go with a generic of another drug (one that didn’t need to be refrigerated) that the bacteria was susceptible to.

By the time everything was squared away between myself and the Seattle doctor, the guys were ready. We took a bus to DTD. We stayed with they guys a bit as we walked to Ragland Road. This was Steve’s first time in DTD so the leisurely stroll was nice. We made sure to take one photo before we split up.

Then Zoe and I were off for our own adventure.

Next Chapter: Afternoon Tea at the Grand Floridian
I know we have all been busy because of the holidays. I am not sure though, what I have shared and what I haven't so I thought I would take a moment to go ahead and update. I apologize for any "old" information.

Shortly after coming home from the trip (like on 12/24) we had to return to the hospital with Zoe. The foley she had placed for the trip had gone bad and needed to be removed and I was unable to do so. I now suspect that she had some amount of adhesion growing into it. In any case, the foley was removed and a new one placed.

Within a day or so she got very sick. I have never seen her this sick. She had developed a kidney infection. On top of that, something didn't seem right about how the new foley was draining or how much pain it seemed to be causing her.

About a week ago, things looked fairly bleak and the attending doctor wanted to admit her. I decided not to since the goal was only to get her to keep her meds down and to hydrate her. (both I felt given some perseverance I could do)

Things were not looking better regarding how she was holding things down and in her pain level. Sunday I decided I had enough and pulled the foley myself. Steve and I had been nervous to do so since the doc wanted it left in. Reason why he wanted it in? If we were not able to access her bladder after the removal. Also, from our perspective the screaming she did when at the point of needing to be drained was enough to make us hesitant. We did not want to be unable to drain her and be stuck on the road with her for an hour+ while she screamed in agony. However, the screaming was becoming more frequent and I just went for it and pulled it.

This time it came out very nicely and easily. She almost immediately felt some relief from pain. Now we just had to battle the issue regarding her medication and now cathing. Sunday night she screamed and cried for 3 hours before we finally got her meds in her. You see, normally a child of 6 would be given a suspension liquid. However since it has been the holidays and weekends there have not been the normal staff around to handle getting authorizations for this medication. So Zoe has had to deal with taking a pill. Which, yes we break up now and yes we did try and crush then add to something (and that seriously didn't work) Cipro is a very very bad tasting medication and is hard on the GI tract. So Zoe not only doesn't want to take it because it might leave a taste in her mouth, but she also hates it because once it hits her stomach it almost immediately wants to come back up.

After such a rough night, I was not sure how yesterday would go. Steve had the day off and I did not. Steve and I are a bit at each other's throats lately. I think all the stress of Zoe's health is taking it's tole on us. I worried all day while I was at work yesterday not knowing how it was going. (but felt I couldn't call Steve to find out.. turns out I totally could have since he wasn't mad at me all day. Course, he never texted or called me to let me know :confused: how was I suppose to know he wasn't)

In the end, she had a good day (even though Steve forgot to cath her all day :headache:) So I felt she could go to school today since I would work in town and could leave to go cath her. (I can't have her or the school nurse do it since I am not sure which of them caused the false channel that caused the abscess early in December)

So Zoe seems to be doing a bit better each day. I am so glad I pulled the foley since I think it was not placed correctly (did I mention the resident had to try a couple times to get one in? The first was messed up and so she had to do it over.) Next week she goes in for surgery. I hope and pray she is only there for a few nights. But if I learned anything last summer is it that once they are in the hospital...the don't come home as fast as you would like and the care team definitely does not give you "worse case" but rather the best case. Still... I am hopeful for a "best case" because I dont want to spend a lot of time up there.:goodvibes
I'm glad that Zoe's medication was able to be worked out!

I'm so sorry to hear about everything you guys are going through lately though! I hope that Zoe is feeling better soon, and I will be sending all of you lots of good thoughts!
Oh Ann, I'm so glad you all were able to get in that Disney magic before things got worse with Zoe's health. I'm so sorry you are all going through this. I hope surgery goes well and she heals quickly!
That dress/outfit Zoe is wearing is adorable. She really is a precious little girl and it saddens me that she has to go through all of these health issues. But wow, she must be a trooper!

I'm glad you pulled the Foley. Mom knows best! I'll be keeping y'all in my thoughts for Zoe's surgery next week. I hope they can eventually get this all sorted out so she can go on living like a normal little princess.
I can't believe how tall Alex is! Has he been that tall for a while already and I'm just noticing now?? :rotfl:

So glad you were able to help Zoe feel a bit better. It is very stressful when a family member has health issues. I'll be praying for Zoe, you and doctors next week that her surgery will go well and that things can get better and better for Zoe!
First of all, several of these :hug::hug::hug: I had quite an experience with Max recently, prior to his eye surgery. While we're fortunate that its not more serious, there was still that release form to sign. Scary, scary stuff to go through as a parent. And to be trying to do everything on your own...Another :grouphug: for you.

Second, Zoe's dress at DTD is too cute! :goodvibes

And, just curious, you've stayed at deluxes and values..would I hate POP? How were the busses? It would be for a possible short, solo trip this spring.

Prayers that Zoe conditions to improve. :goodvibes
First and most important, :hug::hug::hug: to you and Zoe. Things sound a little better and I am happy for that. And, olf course, I will be keeping all in my prayers for the surgery next week.

Love the update. Zoe looks absolutely adorable in her outfit.

Is it my eyes or is Alex taller than your husband? My...he has grown.
So glad to hear that you were able to sort the meds out. Must have been such a relief!!

Love her outfit!! She looks adorable.

So sorry to hear about Zoe. How awful! But what an amazing young lady she is! Will be sending you wishes and prayers for her surgery next week.

Looking forward to hearing about Afternoon tea!
I'm still trying to figure out how i missed this update.. hmm... anyway I digress.

Sucks about all the med troubles. Glad everything got worked out!

Love Zoe's dress. I think it's ridiculous that we were practically in shorts and tank tops two weeks ago and now Tammie is fighting with hat/glove cold weather.

I'm sorry Zoe was going through so much pain. Poor little princess. :hug: for her and :hug: for you! and alexa sends a :hug: to her friend as well!
Hope this surgery makes life a little easier for the whole family.
I'm glad that Zoe's medication was able to be worked out!

I'm so sorry to hear about everything you guys are going through lately though! I hope that Zoe is feeling better soon, and I will be sending all of you lots of good thoughts!

Thank you so much. We are actually feeling a bunch more optimistic. Zoe and I both got a really good night sleep last night. This helps. School for her went ok and I am hopeful that by the end of the week "normal" shall return.

Oh Ann, I'm so glad you all were able to get in that Disney magic before things got worse with Zoe's health. I'm so sorry you are all going through this. I hope surgery goes well and she heals quickly!

OMG! right? I can't believe that after only being home for about 24 hours we were up to the hospital. I am so very thankful it wasn't just a bit sooner or we would have really been in trouble. I will make sure to let you all know how things go for the surgery. I am sure it will go fine. :goodvibes

She really is a precious little girl and it saddens me that she has to go through all of these health issues. But wow, she must be a trooper!

Thank you so much. She is a trooper. Much more than I am for sure. She is so strong.

That dress/outfit Zoe is wearing is adorable.

Thank you, I thought it was pretty cute... you should have seen her today though. Girl loves herself some tutus and had a set of new twinkle toes, black leggings and a very full sparkly pink tutu she wore to school

I'm glad you pulled the Foley. Mom knows best! I'll be keeping y'all in my thoughts for Zoe's surgery next week. I hope they can eventually get this all sorted out so she can go on living like a normal little princess.

:goodvibes Strange as it is.. Moms do know.. but sometimes we really do second guess ourselves. Like last week I had to choose not to admit her to the hospital. I think it was a good choice. I choose to not go ahead and pull the foley as early as I thought it should have been pulled and that was a bad choice.

I can't believe how tall Alex is! Has he been that tall for a while already and I'm just noticing now?? :rotfl:

Nope, in the last few months he has shot up...and gained weight. He officially is the largest guy in the house.

So glad you were able to help Zoe feel a bit better. It is very stressful when a family member has health issues. I'll be praying for Zoe, you and doctors next week that her surgery will go well and that things can get better and better for Zoe!

It can be very stressful for sure! And thank you for the prayers. It definitely helps!:goodvibes

First of all, several of these :hug::hug::hug: I had quite an experience with Max recently, prior to his eye surgery. While we're fortunate that its not more serious, there was still that release form to sign. Scary, scary stuff to go through as a parent. And to be trying to do everything on your own...Another :grouphug: for you.

Thanks so much. It is hard when our wee ones (no matter what the age) are ill or needing medical attention. I just sucks to see them go through it.

Second, Zoe's dress at DTD is too cute! :goodvibes

Thanks. Just wait till you see some of her princess outfits.

And, just curious, you've stayed at deluxes and values..would I hate POP? How were the busses? It would be for a possible short, solo trip this spring.

Prayers that Zoe conditions to improve. :goodvibes

Yes, I have stayed at everything from values to deluxes. The buses at Pop frustrated me on our 9/2010 trip. But.. I think the buses tend to frustrate me no matter where... you just have to be mindful of the time of year you are going. We had absolutely no trouble with the buses at Pop this last time...but we were only traveling to DTD. For a solo trip I think Pop would be perfect. In fact, I like Pop well enough for a family trip. (even Steve who definitely fell in love with WL and I know will likely never want to stay at any other disney resort really liked Pop) One thing I did really like about Pop or POR over WL... they seem to be a bit more centrally located. True, it didn't take long to get from WL to MK... but anywhere else was horrid.

First and most important, :hug::hug::hug: to you and Zoe. Things sound a little better and I am happy for that. And, olf course, I will be keeping all in my prayers for the surgery next week.

Love the update. Zoe looks absolutely adorable in her outfit.

Is it my eyes or is Alex taller than your husband? My...he has grown.

Thank you so much for the prayers. I know you have a bit of a week ahead of you too so thank you. :hug:

I thought Zoe was pretty cute in that pic...but I am of course biased.

As for Alex..yep...he is taller.. He just shot up recently and is now even taller than Zach. Then there is short little me in my 5'4" (at best) height I think my boys will be a good foot taller than me. Steve is 6'.. Zach is 6' 2" and I have not brought myself to actually measure my sweet baby boy..but as I said he is taller than Zach. :rolleyes:
So glad to hear that you were able to sort the meds out. Must have been such a relief!!

Love her outfit!! She looks adorable.

So sorry to hear about Zoe. How awful! But what an amazing young lady she is! Will be sending you wishes and prayers for her surgery next week.

Looking forward to hearing about Afternoon tea!

Sorting the meds out was such a relief. However, I am sure there was disney magic involved... but I will get to that.

Thank you for the kind words regarding Zoe. She is an amazing young lady and I adore her. I appreciate the prayers.

And as for tea... that is coming up stay tuned. :goodvibes
I'm still trying to figure out how i missed this update.. hmm... anyway I digress.

Sucks about all the med troubles. Glad everything got worked out!

Love Zoe's dress. I think it's ridiculous that we were practically in shorts and tank tops two weeks ago and now Tammie is fighting with hat/glove cold weather.

I'm sorry Zoe was going through so much pain. Poor little princess. :hug: for her and :hug: for you! and alexa sends a :hug: to her friend as well!
Hope this surgery makes life a little easier for the whole family.

Thanks so much, Ashley! I will let Zoe know that Alexa sent her a hug. :goodvibes

And... I feel so bad for Tammie!! Happy we were warm..but sad that she is sporting winter attire. :sad2:
First off, I was heartbroken at all of Zoe's health issues. Maybe since we don't have kids it might even sound more scary to us ....... but this IS scary, poor little one :hug: and I definitely :worship: you for all YOU do!

Since I knew a bit about the medications I was not so shocked when I read it (not so shocked means I already knew about it ;)) but buy did you have to get through a lot of trouble to replace them.

I never thought about the sun being an issue at Pop, but you are right, some rooms really let the sun in!

Love your DTD day so far!

Lots of :wizard: pixie dust and :hug: :hug: :hug: for the upcoming surgery!
Afternoon Tea at the Grand Floridian

After leaving the guys in DTD, Zoe and I caught a bus to the Grand Floridian. It was on this bus that I a couple calls regarding the medication situation. First, the doctor called to confirm she had indeed found a far less expensive drug and called the prescription in to the pharmacy. The second was from the pharmacy itself needing confirmation of what resort we were staying at. Here is where I think a bit of Disney magic happens. The delivery charge was only a mere $7. Amazing to me. Funny enough, the script cost oop including the delivery for less than our copay for prescriptions is. I will have to keep that in mind. As a side note, I do run my own prescription as a “cash” price rather than use my insurance since it costs less. Looks like I may have to consider this for the future when it comes to medications for Zoe.

I had feared that I would have a hard time finding the Garden View Tea Room. I had never been to GF and it seemed large and honestly a bit daunting. I was happy that it was not at all a problem to find as it was right off the main lobby. In fact, as we waited for our names to be called, I took photos of the main tree.


While waiting it was unfortunate, but Zoe had another cap complication. She plopped down on a chair and some how the pressure of the jump some how shot the cap on the end of her foley right off. Of course this caused a mess and a very tearful Zoe had to change out of her pretty little tutu. :sad2: At this point in the trip, I was very frustrated by this happening. It seemed like she was going through so many outfits just because of the darn tube coming uncapped. I wanted to have the foley removed at that point however, now was not the time since we had a reservation to keep.;)

Just as we finished our clean up and arrived back in the lobby, we were called. We were seated near a window in the corner of the room. I am not sure that this was the best seat in the room, but it was nice to be able to watch people go by outside. From this seat we saw several wedding parties. Some of the dresses were amazing!

My stomach was really really bothering me, so as I glanced at the menu I realized that I would have to forgo the package that involved champagne. For Zoe there was only one choice. She had the finger sandwiches and “dark tea”. This consisted of chocolate milk along with ham and cheese, tuna salad and peanut butter and jelly finger sandwiches as a “first course”.


For me, I decided on a similar package. Only my finger sandwiches were much more “grown up”. I had a cucumber and water crest one which was probably my favorite. The egg salad one was also nice, if only a tad too garlicky. The shrimp salad one was tasty but was starting to be a tad on the unusual side. Next was one I couldn’t finish. It was grilled pear and gorgonzola. A curried chicken was even less edible. I am not a big fan of caramelized onions, but this too was set into a tart and served. Finally a bacon wrapped pate was almost scary, even if I did make several attempts to eat it.


What I could not finish no matter how hard I tried.

I then received a next course. A scone and jam tart along with deavenshire cream. That was heavenly. I could have lived all week on the scone. It was however, not like the scones we have here. (which are far denser and drier). I think this was so good I was unable to get any pictures of it as I scarfed it down. :rotfl:

Finally, our last course came. We each got to pick two desserts from the tray. Zoe picked a fruit tart, which she was ever so proud of

and a chocolate covered strawberry. The strawberry was so very large, I joked that it was as big as her head.


I picked a strawberry mouse. This was to die for! One of my favorite desserts on the trip! It had a sponge cake base that was layered with some jam. My second choice was pretty; a cranberry cream filled swan. It was also very yummy.


As we finished up, the guys arrived at the GF. Since their lunch had ended shortly after our tea began, they decided to meet us at the resort so we all view the decorations.

The gingerbread house was quite impressive.


I know this looks odd.. it is edited. It makes me laugh to try and add some holiday cheer.

And this would be why I thought the added "cheer" was funny

Gotta love the teens! I mean at one point even Alex would pose for me nicely like this


The resort as a whole was beautifully decorated, but still felt a tad stuffy. I was happy to hear Steve say he would not want to stay there.

After we meandered a bit we caught the monorail back to MK so that we could catch a bus to Pop.

Next chapter: Our last night at Pop Century
First off, I was heartbroken at all of Zoe's health issues. Maybe since we don't have kids it might even sound more scary to us ....... but this IS scary, poor little one :hug: and I definitely :worship: you for all YOU do!

Since I knew a bit about the medications I was not so shocked when I read it (not so shocked means I already knew about it ;)) but buy did you have to get through a lot of trouble to replace them.

I never thought about the sun being an issue at Pop, but you are right, some rooms really let the sun in!

Love your DTD day so far!

Lots of :wizard: pixie dust and :hug: :hug: :hug: for the upcoming surgery!

Karin, It is kinda scary to me too. I am at a point where I hate to see her go through all this. I can count how many times I have gone under general anesthesia in my life time. I can't count how many Zoe has. I find that troubling.:sad2:

I think the medication sounded like more of a hassle than it was. In fact, the pharmacy and Pop made it almost painless. I just saw the cost show up on my room charges.

As for DTD so far... well, I should have done better with the title. The guys had the afternoon there, but Zoe and I only briefly went there. Our afternoon was spend at the GF having tea. :goodvibes
And another update! You are an update machine!!!!!!!

Zoe looks so cute and proud at the tea, she is just so cute!

Tea itself looks pretty good, I have had 4 reservations at the GV tea room and we cancelled them all. :rotfl2:
Went to do tea on the DREAM and while it was nice we will not be rushing back - and I brought my own tea - their selection is not what I like to enjoy!

I had to :lmao: when I saw Alex looking all bored in some of your photos - just like my pupils act when I tell them to line up for a photo! :rotfl2: Must be an age thing!
Your afternoon tea looks so nice! (Although, I agree, that pate does look a bit scary!) But cream and scones and fruit and puff pastry??? Yum! :thumbsup2
OMG I'm SIX pages late to this!?!? :crazy2: Not cool. Not cool at all


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