If You're a Doctor Who Fan


<font color=blue>I know people who live in really
Dec 27, 2008
You'll understand why I'm :banana: :cheer2: :banana: :cheer2:.

I just bought three beautifully matted and framed Van Gogh prints at the thrift store for a total of $9.
:goodvibes That show has caused a lot of things in my life :rotfl:. I can't drive past the Catholic church without glancing at the baby angel statue and making sure its in the same place!
The Vincent Van Gogh episode is one of my all time favorites! And it has my very favorite quote from any TV show:
The way I see it, every life is a pile of good things and bad things. The good things don't always soften the bad things, but vice-versa, the bad things don't necessarily spoil the good things and make them unimportant.

And Skater, whenever I see a statue of an angel, I get a little freaked out
:goodvibes That show has caused a lot of things in my life :rotfl:. I can't drive past the Catholic church without glancing at the baby angel statue and making sure its in the same place!

I have several itsy little gargoyle statuettes that fit into niches in my book cases or into odd little corners in my cupboards as well as a couple of angel statues that I inherited from my DMIL or were given to me after DSIL passed (they both collected angels). And yes, at night, I sometimes wonder. . .

The Vincent Van Gogh episode is one of my all time favorites! And it has my very favorite quote from any TV show:

The Van Gogh episode is just. . .well. I'm tearing up just thinking about it. It displays a very real understanding of mental illness and sympathy for those who suffer from it that I don't think I've ever seen in either television or the movies before, even in well-regarded documentaries. I think sometimes it should be required viewing for anyone with a family member or friend who has a mental illness. Now I'm sniffling again, just thinking about Amy in the art gallery realizing that despite everything Van Gogh did take his own life and the Doctor's understanding that it didn't make their time with him any less meaningful.

Sniff.:sad1: Now, please excuse me, I'm going to go off and cry while I put up my pictures. ;)
Can you look at them without tearing up? The beauty of his art is multiplied by ten because if the insight Dr. Who gave up.
Oh wow what a find! I swear I can't even think of that episode without my lip starting to quiver. Oooh the feels!
Congrats on a cool thrift shop buy!

I have watched exactly two episodes of Dr Who. The first one was Blink. :eek:

Then last night after seeing this post I went and rounded up the Van Gogh episode. There are no words. I get weepy just thinking about it.

Did I just luck out and see both of THE BEST episodes of this series or are they all pretty dang good? LOL
Congrats on a cool thrift shop buy!

I have watched exactly two episodes of Dr Who. The first one was Blink. :eek:

Then last night after seeing this post I went and rounded up the Van Gogh episode. There are no words. I get weepy just thinking about it.

Did I just luck out and see both of THE BEST episodes of this series or are they all pretty dang good? LOL

There are a lot of really good episodes :goodvibes.
Big Doctor Who fan here, particularly Doctor number 10. I even took my Ten doll to WDW once and took all sorts of photos. People must have thought I was nuts-I know my niece, who was there with me, thought so. :lmao:
:goodvibes That show has caused a lot of things in my life :rotfl:. I can't drive past the Catholic church without glancing at the baby angel statue and making sure its in the same place!

Oh I know!!! I took my very much younger sister to a museum once after watching that episode. She kept laughing at me on the staute floor because I couldn't stop looking over my shoulder. I couldn't take it I had to leave!:lmao:
My mom freaked me out at the colosseum in rome when looking at melted old statues "look! They're the weeping angels! Make sure they're not imprinted on you like they did Amy!" :scared:
:goodvibes That show has caused a lot of things in my life :rotfl:. I can't drive past the Catholic church without glancing at the baby angel statue and making sure its in the same place!

Every time I see an angel statue I immediately think of Blink! "The angels have the phone box."

According to what DH was reading on BBCA, it looks like after 50 years we may finally get to know what the Doctor's name is this season!
Big Doctor Who fan here, particularly Doctor number 10. I even took my Ten doll to WDW once and took all sorts of photos. People must have thought I was nuts-I know my niece, who was there with me, thought so. :lmao:

My two faves are #5 and #10. Peter Davison and David Tenant. I still find it weird that their in-laws now. It gives a whole new meaning to the ep "The Doctor's Daughter".
Congrats on a cool thrift shop buy!

I have watched exactly two episodes of Dr Who. The first one was Blink. :eek:

Then last night after seeing this post I went and rounded up the Van Gogh episode. There are no words. I get weepy just thinking about it.

Did I just luck out and see both of THE BEST episodes of this series or are they all pretty dang good? LOL

I think the show is one of the best on TV. I watched it when I was a kid, but I don't remember much, except it was the doctor with the long scarf. I started watching again with the new show and Christopher Eccelson as the doctor. I think the scariest episode is the two part Library episode with the Vashta Narada.
"Hey, who turned out the lights!"
Wow, what a good find!

DS9 is a big Dr. fan. And that is an excellent episode. I too get a little weepy when I think of it. Indeed, the feels.

DD12 has a sick, twisted sense of humor. She wants to buy a small angle statue and put it outside DS's bedroom window. He will freak! :rotfl2:
:goodvibes That show has caused a lot of things in my life :rotfl:. I can't drive past the Catholic church without glancing at the baby angel statue and making sure its in the same place!

You think that's bad... A few months ago I was reading the news online and there was an article about a stone angel found in my town. No one knew where it came from. It was obviously stolen from a cemetery and dumped, but a tiny part of me went ahhhhhhh :scared1:
Wow, what a good find!

DS9 is a big Dr. fan. And that is an excellent episode. I too get a little weepy when I think of it. Indeed, the feels.

DD12 has a sick, twisted sense of humor. She wants to buy a small angle statue and put it outside DS's bedroom window. He will freak! :rotfl2:

Here is another good weeping angel story involving me. I bought an Angel Bob action figure as a joke for a friend. I ended up having it in my house for a few weeks. It was all fun and games until I came home one day and Angel Bob was not where I left him. I still haven't figured out how he fell and landed a good 5 feet from my desk considering I had no pets and I was the last to leave and the first one home that day. After that I kept Angel Bob downstairs instead of in my bedroom.
Here is another good weeping angel story involving me. I bought an Angel Bob action figure as a joke for a friend. I ended up having it in my house for a few weeks. It was all fun and games until I came home one day and Angel Bob was not where I left him. I still haven't figured out how he fell and landed a good 5 feet from my desk considering I had no pets and I was the last to leave and the first one home that day. After that I kept Angel Bob downstairs instead of in my bedroom.

As long as Angel Bob didn't talk to you via radio. Gosh, that would have freaked me out though. We just watched that episode again a few nights ago. I'm still a little creeped out.


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