I wish I could homeschool :(

If you & your child want to homeschool, do your research. There are options. I homeschool mine. I'm a nurse and I work 3 nights a week so I can work with the kids. We have a co-op we attend once a week.
If you & your child want to homeschool, do your research. There are options. I homeschool mine. I'm a nurse and I work 3 nights a week so I can work with the kids. We have a co-op we attend once a week.
I'm a nurse tech and follow the same schedule! OP, give your daughter lots of love right now! Bless her heart.:flower3: I have been that kid crying in the classroom. Its so hard to learn when your miserable. :sad:

We have homeschooled our four kids from the beginning. (We live in Tx. so its pretty easy here). I haven't done a great job necessarily and there are aspects that I'm disappointed with, but the one thing I love is my kid's confidence levels. And the fact that they love to learn! We've had plenty of family and friends who were very verbal about their disagreement with our choice to homeschool, but in the end, its our choice, and it has been wonderful for our kids. In time, they've come around to agree with our decision.

On another note, if you homeschool, you can go to Disney whenever you want!:joker:
Is this same teacher going to be teaching her next year? Or will it be someone else entirely?

I guess I have a hard time writing off an entire school..especially when you're paying for it...because of one teacher. You said she had a great experience in K. The school year is more than 1/2 over, and you mentioned that you'd have to save a seat now for next year because of overcrowding. At this point, I would probably help my daughter find ways to deal with this teacher and try and wait out the year and hopefully get a better teacher next year.

That's not to say homeschooling is a bad option. It's just not one I would go to because of one bad teacher.
I have never homeschooled so I can't give practical advice on that. I do want to encourage you to be empowered to take control of your child's education. I had issues with the public schools and ended up moving mine to private catholic education. I wish I had paid more attention earlier and made a move. I have realized that there is no one size fits all of kids. You know you child best and only you can decide what is right. There are also no permanent answers. You can try homeschooling and if it is not for your family you can change. You started the post with "I wish I could homeschool" as oppossed to "I am having a problem with my daughter and school". I think you may already know what you want to do.
Dear Happiest Mommy,

I'm sorry that you're having problems at your child's school. In your original post, you mentioned only that you can not volunteer at the school. Have you tried having a conference with your child's teacher to discuss your concerns? I am a teacher in public school, and we have conferences like this all the time. Make a list of your specific concerns, and positively and tactfully bring them up in a face-to-face, scheduled meeting. Most teachers are used to this and welcome the opportunity to learn more about the student so they can better meet the student's needs. Also, be sure to listen to let the teacher has to create. She may offer you some insight into the situation that you hadn't considered before. If that meeting is unsuccessful, then you can also schedule meetings with higher-ups at the school such as guidance counselor or the principal. Maybe your child could be moved to a different class at the same grade level. It could just be a problem with that teacher, and changing classes would solve it.

I understand your concerns about your limitations in homeschooling your child. I am a certified teacher with 14 years experience, and I would still not feel qualified teaching my child in every subject. I would feel like I was limiting him in some way. You also mentioned that you're in the process of selling your house, so your child's days at the school are likely numbered. Use your experiences here to help guide you in choosing a new school for your child when you move.
Thank you all for your continued responses :goodvibes I have had meetings with this teacher she knows my concerns and what my DD has been feeling she just says that my DD seems fine, my DD seems very stressed and is afraid of this teacher too, I've spoken with other parents and I am not the only one with similar issues its frustrating, its a private parochial school and to the principal this teacher can do no wrong, I spoke with the school counselor and she is seeing my DD every other week I had to do this because one Sunday as I was getting her uniform ready my DD literally had a breakdown that I had never seen before crying and trembling telling me that she didnt want to go to school its been a rough year, I don't want to pull her since we only have a couple of months to go but I will be taking the summer to evaluate what I want to do, its true one teacher shouldnt be the basis for homeschooling but this year has left a really bad taste in my mouth.
I have so much on my mind and its a very big decision to make I wish my state would allow part time school but we live in NYC and its not allowed my mind is mush just taking day by day and HOPING she doesnt fail and has to go to summer school....
Thank you all for your continued responses :goodvibes I have had meetings with this teacher she knows my concerns and what my DD has been feeling she just says that my DD seems fine, my DD seems very stressed and is afraid of this teacher too, I've spoken with other parents and I am not the only one with similar issues its frustrating, its a private parochial school and to the principal this teacher can do no wrong, I spoke with the school counselor and she is seeing my DD every other week I had to do this because one Sunday as I was getting her uniform ready my DD literally had a breakdown that I had never seen before crying and trembling telling me that she didnt want to go to school its been a rough year, I don't want to pull her since we only have a couple of months to go but I will be taking the summer to evaluate what I want to do, its true one teacher shouldnt be the basis for homeschooling but this year has left a really bad taste in my mouth.
I have so much on my mind and its a very big decision to make I wish my state would allow part time school but we live in NYC and its not allowed my mind is mush just taking day by day and HOPING she doesnt fail and has to go to summer school....

I know you mentioned she is the only teacher for that grade. My DD was somewhat like that in Grade 1. I took her to an Occupational Therapist so she learned coping skills. You mentioned the teacher is strict but other than that; is there any other issue? How are her grades? I know it's especially hard for children but in life we have to learn to deal with people we don't like sometimes. Why is your DD afraid of this teacher? Because she is strict or is there some other reason? Most teachers in my DD's school are strict. That is just part of her parochial school. As I mentioned earlier, that type of enviornment is not for everyone. Are there other private schools you can send her to that are less strict?

Best wishes, I know it's not easy when our kids are hurting.
Is there an online school in NY? I don't homeschool, and have no real advice other than they've been playing commercials in Iowa for Connections Academy, which is online K-12 school. This page is also giving me an ad for Ohio Connections Academy, so it must be in other states too.

I was miserable in 1st grade too and begged my mom to homeschool me. I was bored and didn't have friends. My teacher was nice though. She told me that she had to have a teaching degree to do that so I had to go to school. Actually, they ended up switching me to 2nd grade after 2 weeks of 1st grade and that made all the difference. I liked my classmates and the harder work. So definitely look into all possible causes of being miserable before making big decisions.

I know it's hard making your kid go somewhere they don't want to- been there with daycare!
Im in Philly, with twins about to enter Kindy, and I wish I could homeschool too. Our public school is NOT good, and so far I've entered 12 charter school lotteries for Kindy and so far 5 have passed with no luck. :( I am hoping in a few years we'll be financially able to live off one income, but I've just spent a boatload of money each month on a daycare/preschool monthly payment that is more than my mortgage. I need time to recover financially.
...I spoke with the school counselor and she is seeing my DD every other week I had to do this because one Sunday as I was getting her uniform ready my DD literally had a breakdown that I had never seen before crying and trembling telling me that she didnt want to go to school its been a rough year, I don't want to pull her since we only have a couple of months to go....

I would pull her this instant.

2nd grade and having a breakdown from seeing her uniform? What on earth is happening in that classroom? If you had a babysitter and your daughter was miserable and freaked out because she saw something related to being babysat, *what would go through your mind*??? What is happening? When children are getting more and more depressed, I know what runs through MY mind as to the possible reasons. What would be going through your mind if the teacher were a man? Why should it be any different? Pull her out of that class. (I'm not SAYING that she's being abused, but it sure would go through my head with the changes in the girl's mental state...and regardless, changes like this mean that SOMETHING is wrong)

I think your mind is mush because you WANT to take her out of school, but are afraid, AND you're dealing with a miserable child to boot. you can take care of one of those things TODAY. Bet everything will be a lot more clear once she is happy.
OP-I feel terrible for your daughter. She sounds so upset and unhappy in her school. I hope that this teacher is not being mean to your dd because you have complained about her. I don't mean to scare you but people (teachers included) can be spiteful and maybe she is taking it out on your daughter. Your daughter should not be having a breakdown because she has to go to school. I would be concerned of emotional abuse towards her. Who's watching this teacher in the classroom? No one, except other 7 year olds. If it was my daughter, I would pull her out or tell the principal you want her class changed, even if there's only a few months left. Why make your daugher suffer anymore? PS Is there anyway you can put some kind of recording device on your daugher to see what is being said to her and the other children in class. Go with your mommy instinct.
I'd find out what is going on in the classroom. Why is your daughter so upset? Do you have time to drop in earlier than dismissal time to see? Stay later after dropping her off?

The school near me is great. One of the Kindergarten parents volunteers every Thursday in the classroom. She was super nervous about sending her daughter and held her back a year (Dec birthday, our cut off is the end of Dec). Her daughter loves Kindergarten, but would have hated going last year. My friend would like to homeschool but decided that her daughter needed time away from her. Our Kindergarten is full day and at the start of the year she was going to pull her daughter out after 1/2 day (so she would only do mornings). Well that didn't last long (her daughter's choice).

I hope you can decide what is best for your family. If you decide to stick it out until the year is over, I would keep her registered for Sept. unless you have to pay a cancelation fee. That way you won't have to worry about loosing her spot. You would also have time over the summer to see if homeschooling works for you and your daughter.
I can honestly say that I thought I would never home school, but here we are 4 years into it. No child should have to endure being "bullied by a teacher":mad:. If you choose to keep your dc there you need to create a stink with the person in charge. Know that you do not need to hs forever, take it year by year. You said you were selling your home. Plan on just a year and see where it leads you, that is how we do it. Secondly, if you choose to hs know that there is an adjustment period for many parents and dc. It took awhile for all of us to figure out how we would work our hs, every hs is different. You need to allow for some down time of just being together, going to the library, cooking, crafts, museum, and just hanging out together. This will give you an idea of how best she learns :idea:. Look into a boxed curriculum the first year, it may not be a great fit but it will give you the tools you need to ensure she gets what she needs, you could even enroll and have teacher over site. Right now you may not know anyone who home schools or of any co-ops but trust me once you start you will be surprised by the number of people who do. A good place to start is to look at activities in your area that are for hs (The YMCA, library, websites, home school conventions, the DIS). You may have to travel out of your neighborhood but you will find us..we are everywhere! Lastly, pop on over to the home school thread here and ask as many questions as you can!!! We are all there to help one another! :)
I am so touched by your responses thank you, thank you, thank you, I can't pull her out she will then repeat the second grade and in her school there is only one 2nd grade class and she failed math so we are trying very hard for her to pass to the next grade the emphasis on testing is mind boggling I would hate for her to go to summer school :sad2: the principle does'nt allow parents to hang around you are to drop off outside the doors and leave, you can't even casually talk to the teachers unless its scheduled, I love the fact that danjoealexis3006 posted I could just try for 1 year and see where it goes that really puts my mind at ease and know that nothing is written in stone, don't know what a boxed curriculum with teacher over-seeing it is but sounds interesting still looking for a group in my area to gather more info during the summer I did send in the money to save her seat until Sept..
A boxed curriculum is a curriculum that is sold with all the subjects together. Some examples of this are:
Oak Meadow
Bob Jones University
If you google these name their websites will come up. So are Christian and some are not. Take a look at them and see if you like them, if you do request a catalog. There are hundreds of curriculum providers but for 1st year parents hsing I would get something in a box.
We're considering homeschooling our children next year and one thing we are seriously considering is online schooling. In MI we have virtual schools that are tuition free. They're fully accredited and you have a teacher available online over the phone. For 3rd grade the online time is 25% and the est is done through books they send you. All the curriculum is set out for you, you just need to complete the assignments each week. Michigan has a free program through k12. Since it is considered a public school option there is no charge. A few of my friends are using it and really like it. K12 is available in other states, not always free though. It may be something to look into. I like the idea that my kids will be home with me, but since I am a little hesitant about my own abilities this seems like it could be a good fit. Whatever you decide I hope things work out for you and your daughter.
When is her birthday? Is she a young 7 in the classroom? What is the school doing to help her with math? Just a couple of questions that come to mind.

DS7 is in first grade and I wouldn't trust a teacher who doesn't welcome help in the classroom in way of parents. We have 2 parents scheduled each day (AM/PM) and it makes a huge difference. His classroom has 25 kids, and it is the main teacher and one aid who is primarily there for one child with special needs. We also have a student teacher this year, which has been great.

I am a fan of homeschooling/eschooling, but for the right reasons. We live in a great district and DS7's best friend's parents chose to try e-schooling this year, so that they could advance his studies as needed (gifted). He started second grade math halfway through the year, and it has been a pretty good experience for them. He is part of a homeschool co-op as well, plays sports, and is in scouts, which helps with the social component.

If this is just a bad match (teacher/child), but you like the school and feel that she would benefit from their teaching styles, push through. If you feel she would learn better in a less structured environment, and are willing to reach out and engage the homeschool community to build a social network for you/she, then go for it. Even with e-schooling, there is a hefty amount of parental envolvement. How does she handle working with you now on topics/homework? I just say that because often DS7 and I come to heads with education...and he is more willing to do things for his teacher than for me.

Good luck! Sometimes it is just a bad match-up with teachers (I had some pretty crappy ones in my time), and sometimes a child will simply perform better and thrive in an alternative environment. Just because 99 out of 100 families/children LOVE a particular school, doesn't mean that it is right for your child.
I highly recommend the book The Homeschooling Handbook by Mary Griffith. It is a good starting point for those thinking about homeschooling. It explains some of the ins and outs and different ways of doing things. It was a very valuable resource when we first considered homeschooling our dd and I was totally lost about how it worked. We are only in our first year, but I love it! If you can't find this book, OP, pm me and I can send you a copy as I have an extra.
letsgoreds its funny you should ask about her age she is actually one of very few 7 year old in the class the majority are 8 her Birthday is in July erinmomof2 I wish my state had a free program like K-12 that would really nice to try GusGus77 I will definitly will be looking for this book thank you so much for offering :thumbsup2 Bless you all!!
letsgoreds its funny you should ask about her age she is actually one of very few 7 year old in the class the majority are 8 her Birthday is in July erinmomof2 I wish my state had a free program like K-12 that would really nice to try GusGus77 I will definitly will be looking for this book thank you so much for offering :thumbsup2 Bless you all!!

Did she fail math this year or last year? Will the teacher offer after school help? My DD's class is young as well.lots of August birthdays. They have been together since K. Only one class per grade. You can tell the difference. There is a huge learning curve. The school has opted to teach to the lowest common denominator so no student is left behind so I supplement at home as well. Although strict, her teacher stays afterschool to help the students. Only 2 or 3 of the 29 students stay. After K her school really limited parental involvement as well. They found it was actually distracting and was not promoting independence. As others have said; did she like the school up until this year? I know you mentioned the teacher was strict. Other than that; is there anything else going on? I will share that at my DD's school a lot of the parents like the strict/disciplined environment and that's whey they send their children there. Is that the case of that particular school as well?

You mentioned moving. How are the public schools where you are moving to? As PP mentioned, you could always try homeschool and if that doesn't work you could enroll her in public (or another private school). It does not have to be the be all end all. Although a different scenario, we are moving my DD from the private school to public next year. If it doesn't work out then we'll cross that bridge when we come to it.

Best of luck to you and your DD.


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