I Can! I Can Stink at 9am! A January TR - 3/8 New TR Link!

One thing I pay particular attention to in TR's is some people post the text before a picture and some after. So of course it took me a second to figure out for your Maharajah Jungle Trek that this picture didn't go with the quote "We got to see this pretty guy""


I had the exact same issue!!! I was confused for just a few moments before I figured it out! :rotfl2:

Your food at Yak & Yeti looks so good. I'm so hungry right now so I'm basically drooling thinking about Y&Y mmmmmm....

DH's comment about DM is hilarious. What a sweetheart :laughing:

Your Up meet was so great. Your shirts really are cute ;) I'm glad you got to show them off.

OMG the baseball gif! That was crazy!

That view from the room.... wow. The picture with the monorail headed your way just gave me chills. Absolutely gorgeous.

You are a super mama for running to DS's rescue and you totally deserve those 2 desserts and more. I can't believe you got there to find out everything was perfectly fine. Although I'm sure it was a relief, I totally get why you wanted to deck DH :eek:
Totally loving your Trip Report!!!! Your son is so cute!!!!

WOW I would LOVE to stay at the GF one day....I told hubby that for our 10 year anniversary we must stay there or at Poly!!!

Can't wait to read the rest of your TR!!!!!
Great updates.

I don't like spicy food but your meal at Sanaa looked lovely.

Can't believe you had to run over to Jambo House for nothing! o_O
LOVE your report! What a nice (almost complete:laughing:) meal at Sanaa! Looks amazing. Might have to get myself over there next trip to try something other than Boma! Looking forward to reading more :thumbsup2
Alicia, I forgot to comment on your Yak & Yeti lunch. That's exactly what we do there too! We split a fried rice and each get an egg roll. It's just perfect! :thumbsup2 I don't want to promise you, but I will try to remember to grab some of the hot sauce on our trip and give it to you at my birthday party. I saw the packets in your picture, but they weren't very clear. If we remember, I hope I grab the right ones.

Oh my gosh, that would be awesome! That hot sauce is so good. If you don't remember, no worries at all! :goodvibes

OMG, how cute is that photo of Calvin on the balcony! :thumbsup2

Sorry about your dinner at Sanaa being cut short and sorry you had to run over to Jambo. But better to find a happy Calvin than a moody one. And maybe you were even "in luck", as we prefer Jiko's desserts to the ones at Sanaa. ;)

I am all caught up again. :bounce:

Well, i'm glad that you said that I wasn't missing out on dessert at Sanaa! Guess I should be happy he threw a fit :rotfl:

Late to the party but reading along! Your family is gorgeous!

I also admit that I just obsessively read your TR for Calvin's 1st trip. :)

We are Disney vets and next month is our next trip. It will be our girls 6th trip, but the 1st trip for our new little guy!! He will be 15 weeks old at the time of the trip. We have never brought an infant before since our girls were 3 and 5 on their 1st trip. Totally got a lot of tips from your TR, thanks! :)

Aw thanks for following along!

Oh my gosh, it was so easy when DS was 8 weeks when we took him. However, we didn't have any other kids to worry about so that also made it easier :rotfl: I hope you have the best time with your whole family!

Ah TR so far! I love that your DH had to limit your mom from buying too much!

Isn't that funny! Next time though, we're making up an official contract that she has to sign:lmao:

hahah I would have killed my DH too if he pulled that one! At least you got 2 dessert out of the deal!!!

Right?! Glad i'm not the only one!

Fun times at AK! Especially the Russell and Dug M&G- you were perfectly attired for that interaction. If my DH had me limit the souvenirs I'd seriously consider "accidently" leaving something of his behind to fit the new swag. Ok, maybe not but I have had to purchase an extra Disney bag before leaving.

Yum! Y&Y egg rolls. Assuming the same as the sit down restaurant.

Oh my. Scooter versus pedestrian. The scooter won but perhaps the kid could learn a few new words in his vocabulary. :P

Oh wow! Yeah,

I can totally see you pulling a DM with the shopping! I like shopping too, only when I have an unlimited amount of space though. Like Disneyland, totally can go overboard while there. As much as I would love to be crazy at WDW, I know i'll have to lug all that stuff through the airport and watch the weight limit which is not fun.

:rotfl: No kidding! I couldn't believe those words were coming out of such a little mouth.

What's this you say? It was the kid screaming like that? And then they put him in the lap of the scooter driver? I think they knew each other and maybe this kid had it coming....:duck:


Thanks! I'm so excited! I wish it could be sooner but I have obligations here that I have to see through.

I'll go to the place that has the most lucrative job offering. If I'm going it doesn't matter where. They have a government site that has all the available jobs, the more remote the better the pay. I'm up for anything.

I've read about the supply issues, I'm going to have to stockpile my diet dew. That's really the only thing I 'need'. :)

Oh geez, excited to see where you will end up! How remote are we talking here? Like needing to take sleigh dogs 50 miles out to get to your place?! :faint:

Wow! That's very ambitious! Best of luck! What about Conner?

If he's still here in 11 months he will come along for the journey. He's turning 14 in May. He's still got quite a lot of spunk but has periods of showing his age. You never want to think about the worst but it's inevitable.

I'll have many more details in October I'm sure.

OH my gosh Conner would love it over there i'm sure! Please keep us updated on any info you get :goodvibes

I can totally relate to that.

Yep, reading about your 12+ hour day at Disneyland would have made me pass out in the esplanade!

I love how they can still communicate with you without words!

Yup, my wife has that one.:rotfl2:

Yay! She's an awesome DIS'er then!

:sad2: You'd think she would be more worried about those electric scooters. I hear those are dangerous.

Right? Those things can bring words out of your mouth that you never knew you had!


I wouldn't have any idea what to do!

It was very strange! I remember I started scarfing down the first few bites and then realized I had no one to take care of :hyper: I slowed down to actually enjoy my food.

Yes, YES TIMES 100!
I had the exact same issue!!! I was confused for just a few moments before I figured it out! :rotfl2:

#disproblems :rotfl:

Your food at Yak & Yeti looks so good. I'm so hungry right now so I'm basically drooling thinking about Y&Y mmmmmm....

Don't you hate that?! Right now i'm currently eating a stupidly healthy lunch of chicken, quinoa and steamed broccoli and cauliflower:sad: Trying to lose a few poundage before Vegas.

DH's comment about DM is hilarious. What a sweetheart :laughing:

Some things they say to each other would not be allowed on the DIS!

OMG the baseball gif! That was crazy!

Isn't it though! That was a sweet move by the runner!

That view from the room.... wow. The picture with the monorail headed your way just gave me chills. Absolutely gorgeous.

It was amazing, even better at night!

You are a super mama for running to DS's rescue and you totally deserve those 2 desserts and more. I can't believe you got there to find out everything was perfectly fine. Although I'm sure it was a relief, I totally get why you wanted to deck DH :eek:

Thanks for supporting my wanting to slug DH:rotfl2:

Totally loving your Trip Report!!!! Your son is so cute!!!!

WOW I would LOVE to stay at the GF one day....I told hubby that for our 10 year anniversary we must stay there or at Poly!!!

Can't wait to read the rest of your TR!!!!!

Thank you!

For 10 years totally deserve either one of those resorts! I hear the Poly Bungalows are going to be absolutely amazing!

Great updates.

I don't like spicy food but your meal at Sanaa looked lovely.

Can't believe you had to run over to Jambo House for nothing! o_O

Thanks Lisa!

You know, the only dish that had heat was the lamb, but the chicken was divine, no spice at all just really flavorful and to eat with a scoop of rice...ugh, delicious! I do wish they gave a bigger serving of the rice though.

Yep, had to rattle my stomach up for nothing!

LOVE your report! What a nice (almost complete:laughing:) meal at Sanaa! Looks amazing. Might have to get myself over there next trip to try something other than Boma! Looking forward to reading more :thumbsup2

I've heard great things about Boma! I'm quickly on my way to trying all the restaurants that are offered at AKL :banana:
***Sorry i've been slightly absent from the boards this past week. DH got Vertigo on Sunday and finally went back to work today so have been helping him get around the house. And now we're getting everything situated to go on a Vegas trip! If anyone was around last year at this time (which was the majority of you), you'll remember that we went for my 30th bday. Well, DH is now in love with the place so we're going back again! Any show or dining suggestions would be appreciated. Going to do the High Roller so that will be really cool and not sure what else, but very excited!***

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Disney's Hollywood Studios

Sleeping In Sucks

I’d like to say that everyone was so excited that we were at WDW and we just couldn’t sleep in and we were up hours before park opening at DHS. But alas, that was not the case. I had closed the black out curtain to not allow sun in and that totally made me sleep in. Like 9:45 am, sleep in. This is exactly how I looked after checking the clock next to my bed

My brain started working immediately trying to reformulate the plans for today and quickly realized we could at least make 2 of our FP times. Still good! Thank goodness I had made later FP's for today.

I quickly got dressed and ready, obnoxiously loud. You know. Trying to make as much noise as possible without looking like I was doing it on purpose. Thumbs up if you do that! :thumbsup2 I went straight to make breakfast and the smell of bacon woke everyone up. Of course. By the time everyone else was up and at the table, it was almost 11

Less than an hour later we were at the bus stop and I took a photo of the time we got there, 11:53am

I absolutely love the wait times for the bus! Hopefully they’ll add this at every resort. There was a CM there who was pretty amazing. As soon as we walked up to the stop, he asked us where we were headed and we told him DHS. He radioed in and asked about the bus location and told us it would actually be coming a few minutes ahead of schedule. And he was right! We actually loaded on to the bus at 11:57

So we missed our first FP for Star Tours, but we sure as heck weren’t going to be missing RnRC or ToT.


We got to the park at 12:15, where I vividly remember asking about taking a PP picture in front of the tree, where I was told by DH that we would get it on the way out. Remember that.

So I took video going past it. And check out those crowds at the bag check. Only good thing about arriving later.


I really wanted to take as many photos as I could with the Sorcerer’s Hat so we went off to find some PP photogs

And we found one! Just the men

Now everyone. One day DS will know to smile and not make such strange faces

Now the boss ladies

So this was an awkward shot when I first saw it online

And then I realized it was a magic shot

I have no idea who this is, but love the video they do now, so I included it


We still had time before our RnRC FP and we had lost a lot of time already so I suggested we go over to the Great Movie Ride.

URL=http://s928.photobucket.com/user/aliciacrow1/media/WDW 2015 Day 4 - Sunday/GOPR0044.jpg.html]

And the wait was 30 minutes. :headache: The longest we’ve ever waited for this ride. But while in line, I called Guest Services to make an appointment for DS to get a haircut. Unfortunately, the only time available was for the second to last day of our trip. I was hoping to get it sooner for photos but beggars can’t be choosers.

I think we only ended up waiting close to 20 minutes so I’ll take that!

Last edited:

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Disney's Hollywood Studios

ToT Fun!

Once the ride ended, we headed towards RnRC, DH’s favorite ride. He was excited but even more excited that he had finally convinced DM to ride. She’s not a coaster person at all. In fact, when we had visited Disneyland back in October for DS’s birthday, DM (and DH’s dad for that matter!) overcame her fear of upside down rides and rode California Screamin’ for the first time ever! She would only ride if DH’s dad rode, so he really had to man up :rotfl2: Hooray to both of them!

Taking pics along the way

And we show up and the gates to enter the RnRC area is closed :sad: At least 5 CM’s are there shouting (nicely of course) to keep checking back and all FPs would still be accepted. Okay, we’ll check back later. So now that RnRC is out for now, we still had an hour before our ToT FP. Let’s cheer up with some sugar over at Starring Rolls of course!

Oh my gosh. So tired of Frozen. I feel like punching Olaf in the face.

I was DYING to get the Butterfinger Cupcake but I knew I should try something different, so the closest thing to that was the Chocolate Peanut Butter cupcake

Very decadent and it hit the spot. Next time I’ll try the Red Velvet!

While I was inside paying for our stuff, DH was outside trying to find a table and started talking to a CM that was clearing and cleaning tables and the CM asked about DS eating greek yogurt that we had purchased. And the CM was talking about how his two kids were so picky when it came to foods and he was impressed DS liked greek yogurt. Not sure how they got onto the subject of his job, but he said something like ‘It may not pay the greatest, but I’m happy!” When we left our table, DH went over to the CM and gave him $5. DH was taken aback by how friendly, excited and happy this guy was and wanted to show him his appreciation :goodvibes

We had been relaxing for a while so we thought we’d do a bathroom break before heading over to TOT. DH stayed with DS while me and DM went in and get ready for cuteness overload! I had no idea this happened until I brought up the photos on the website when we got home.


So sweet. I think at the end, DS was over the kisses:lmao:

I let DH and DM go first while I waited in the lobby with DS. He was getting restless, so I let him 'play' with my GoPro because there wasn't many buttons to it and I know he wouldn't know how to turn it on.

I should know by now how smart this kid is. To unlock the camera, you have to slide the red dot down


When I stopped recording, he knew how to unlock it :headache: One more thing I have to watch him with now.

So first up for TOT was DM and DH. Now I had no idea they were doing videos for this ride! So freakin’ cool! They’re in the second row, outside


Wish I had known about the video, I would have done something more exciting than covering my eyes from the blinding sun :rotfl:


Sorry i've been slightly absent from the boards this past week. DH got Vertigo on Sunday and finally went back to work today so have been helping him get around the house.
Yuck. Glad he's doing better now!

And now we're getting everything situated to go on a Vegas trip! If anyone was around last year at this time (which was the majority of you), you'll remember that we went for my 30th bday. Well, DH is now in love with the place so we're going back again!
Awesome! I've got nothing for you, but I hope you guys have a great time!

Disney's Hollywood Studios
I just saw on Facebook that Iger let it slip that they're changing the park name... Lucasland, maybe?

Like 9:45 am, sleep in. This is exactly how I looked after checking the clock next to my bed
Seems about right.

I quickly got dressed and ready, obnoxiously loud. You know. Trying to make as much noise as possibly without looking like I was doing it on purpose. Thumbs up if you do that!
:thumbsup2:thumbsup2:thumbsup2:thumbsup2:thumbsup2:thumbsup2:thumbsup2:thumbsup2:thumbsup2:thumbsup2:thumbsup2:thumbsup2 You read my TR... :rolleyes1

Of course. By the time everyone else was up and at the table, it was almost 11
Well... bacon for lunch! :rotfl2:

Less than an hour later we were at the bus stop and I took a photo of the time we got there, 11:53am
What is this, your first trip or something? :rolleyes1

So we missed our first FP for Star Tours, but we sure as heck weren’t going to be missing RnRC or ToT.
That's the right attitude! After everything I went through to ride RnRC, missing that one would be inexcusable.

Now everyone. One day DS will know to smile and not make such strange faces
But the pictures won't be nearly as interesting. :rotfl:

I have no idea who this is, but love the video they do now, so I included it
You need to see Big Hero 6. :thumbsup2

But while in line I was able to make DS a haircut.
I had to read this a few times. I thought you meant you were cutting his hair while standing in line. :rotfl2:
Once the ride ended, we headed towards RnRC, DH’s favorite ride. He was excited but even more excited that he had finally convinced DM to ride. She’s not a coaster person at all. In fact, when we had visited Disneyland back in October for DS’s birthday, DM (and DH’s dad for that matter!) overcame her fear of upside down rides and rode California Screamin’ for the first time ever! She would only ride if DH’s dad rode, so he really had to man up :rotfl2: Hooray to both of them!
Both are awesome rides! I'm glad they overcame their fear of upside down rides!

And we show up and the gates to enter the RnRC area is closed :sad:

Oh my gosh. So tired of Frozen. I feel like punching Olaf in the face.

I was DYING to get the Butterfinger Cupcake but I knew I should try something different, so the closest thing to that was the Chocolate Peanut Butter cupcake
I just drooled all over my keyboard. Want. One. Now!!!!!

Not sure how they got onto the subject of his job, but he said something like ‘It may not pay the greatest, but I’m happy!” When we left our table, DH went over to the CM and gave him $5. DH was taken aback by how friendly, excited and happy this guy was and wanted to show him his appreciation :goodvibes
That's awesome... I mean it isn't all about the money. Being happy is what's important. And very nice of your DH to go out of his way to offer a tip.

DH stayed with DS while me and DM went in and get ready for cuteness overload! I had no idea this happened until I brought up the photos on the website when we got home.
That's cool! I can only imagine how much you anticipate finally seeing all your photopass pictures online with your DH sneaking extras in on you like this.
I have fallen dreadfully behind on all my Dissing. But, I'm catching up! I just finished your Tusker House meal! We loved it there, but we did lunch. Your poor DS looked so scared. He is absolutely adorable, though. Those curls!

GF is beautiful! What a gorgeous suite you got!

Looks like you had a fun first night at DTD also. I have to add Raglan Road to my list of places to try!

Also, Percy, your pug, is adorable. I love him.
Wow you're seriously fast! Must have posted right as I submitted my 2nd update.

Yuck. Glad he's doing better now!

Yeah me too! One day he slept for 17 hours:scared1: I joked that he was always complaining about not getting enough sleep and now he did. Don't think that went over to well :rotfl2:

Awesome! I've got nothing for you, but I hope you guys have a great time!

Thank you!

I just saw on Facebook that Iger let it slip that they're changing the park name... Lucasland, maybe?

Seriously? Well, I'd rather have Lucasland than Frozen Land or Arendelle Kingdom or something dumb like that.

Seems about right.

I felt like a total failure.

:thumbsup2:thumbsup2:thumbsup2:thumbsup2:thumbsup2:thumbsup2:thumbsup2:thumbsup2:thumbsup2:thumbsup2:thumbsup2:thumbsup2 You read my TR... :rolleyes1

Of course. Me and you get these things.:thumbsup2

Well... bacon for lunch! :rotfl2:

I refuse that it's lunch time! Anything under 12:00pm is breakfast. The least I could say is brunch.

What is this, your first trip or something? :rolleyes1

Such a noob.

That's the right attitude! After everything I went through to ride RnRC, missing that one would be inexcusable.

Well, I may have to be excused...it never reopened at all that entire day.:sad:

But the pictures won't be nearly as interesting. :rotfl:

Well, now they just get more disgusting as you'll find out.

You need to see Big Hero 6. :thumbsup2

Ah! Yes I do.

I had to read this a few times. I thought you meant you were cutting his hair while standing in line. :rotfl2:

:rotfl2::rotfl: In my head it made sense! I went back to clarify. I mean, i'm a pretty good multitasker, but that would just be beyond my level of multi-tasking! :lmao:
As far as Vegas goes, there is a steakhouse at the top of the Rio Suites...the VooDoo. EXCELLENT FOOD! We ate there in August and I so want to go back.

I want to go on vacation with you. Nice breakfast spread. :)

You did really well with the bus. Do we know how many resorts they have those at now? I know we will be driving in October, but May and July we'll be relying on Disney transportation.

LOVE the photopass pictures and the video one with the girl...whoever she is.

Too bad you missed Star Tours. And then :( on Rock & Roll being down. But at least you got a nice treat out of it (poor Olaf...blame Elsa, not Olaf...he's too cute).

Oh my...the pictures of DH and DS are priceless. I just love them.

I'm glad everyone got their ride on TOT. You didn't know about the video? I love that they've added that to a couple of the rides.
Oh dear, Vertigo is no joke. Glad to hear things are improving. And a Vegas trip seems just like what the doctor ordered (if you have a really cool doctor).

Ugh, I know how painful it is to sleep in when in Disney. It feels like the worst crime against humanity possible. Adding to the pain, I miss Breaking Bad.

Haha, noise may work in getting people stirring. The smell of breakfast ALWAYS works.

:rotfl2: OMG that is the BEST MAGIC SHOT EVER!!!!! There's nothing more I can say about that. Pure awesomeness.

Oh Nooooooooo!!!!!! Closed??????? That is no bueno!!! But I guess if you have to console yourself, there are worse ways than Starring Rolls. I really need to expand my horizons there but that darn Red Velvet gets me every time.

Awww how nice that DH "tipped" the CM. I didn't know they could accept that, but that is just awesome!! :goodvibes
That is nice that you will be going to Vegas.

You got a nice schedule for DHS that day. You all had very nice group pictures at DHS.

That was interesting to see you let your DS play with the GoPro. The video you took with your DS was nice.

The ToT picture was nice.
Still reading along, Dear! I love your updates on DHS! ToT is one of my very favorite rides in all the parks. The theming is fabulous! I'm not a huge fan of sweets, but the cupcakes do look amazing. And big enough to split.

I see no PP picture in your future.....
The smell of bacon would wake me up too. You are welcome to come over anytime and make me bacon in the morning.

I absolutely love those new boards too with the bus times! I have no idea what I did without them before.

Hahaha, some chick? You're too funny. That's Honey Lemon from Big Hero 6! Giiirrrrrlllll. Do I need to revoke your Disney card? :rotfl:

I do love that in your ToT video you're so over that sunlight. Hehe.
I'm in a pretty bad habit of oversleeping on a daily basis but doing it in Disney is almost painful! All that planning that has to be rearranged! But it seems like everyone needed a little bit more rest!

Cute hat pictures! Those are extra special now!!

We had a pretty long wait for GMR too - 30 minutes sounds familiar. We headed over there as a back up when TSMM was closed during our FP+ window. And all the boys were totally freaked out by the gangster scene, so parent fail there.

I love the secret shots of DH and DS - too cute!
I quickly got dressed and ready, obnoxiously loud. You know. Trying to make as much noise as possible without looking like I was doing it on purpose. Thumbs up if you do that! :thumbsup2
:thumbsup2:thumbsup2 I have definitely done that.

I went straight to make breakfast and the smell of bacon woke everyone up. Of course.
Ha, of course. :rotfl: Maybe they should make alarm clocks that don't make any sound, but just put out a bacon scent.

I absolutely love the wait times for the bus! Hopefully they’ll add this at every resort.
That looks awesome! I hope they add that. Or put it in the MDE app or something.

the Chocolate Peanut Butter cupcake
Mmmmmm, yummy! I love that cupcake!

And the CM was talking about how his two kids were so picky when it came to foods and he was impressed DS liked greek yogurt.
Funny, we've had people say that to us too. Izzy never met a dairy product she didn't like, so she will happily eat a bowl of plain greek yogurt, but I guess that's not normal? :confused3

When we left our table, DH went over to the CM and gave him $5.
Aw, that was sweet. I'm with Rob, though - I thought most CMs aren't allowed to take tips? :confused3

So sweet. I think at the end, DS was over the kisses:lmao:
Aw, so cute that they did that PP session! :lovestruc

When I stopped recording, he knew how to unlock it
:eek: It's amazing how quickly these kids learn how to use technology! :faint:

I love your Star Wars shirt, by the way! :chewy: :ewok:
***Sorry i've been slightly absent from the boards this past week. DH got Vertigo on Sunday and finally went back to work today so have been helping him get around the house.

Ugh! I had that a couple years ago really bad. I still have it mildly, but it really sucks.

But alas, that was not the case. I had closed the black out curtain to not allow sun in and that totally made me sleep in. Like 9:45 am, sleep in.

Sounds like you needed it though. I wonder if it's the VGF, we did the same thing there. Several times. At BLT all we could do was get up early and go! :lmao:

I quickly got dressed and ready, obnoxiously loud. You know. Trying to make as much noise as possible without looking like I was doing it on purpose. Thumbs up if you do that! :thumbsup2

If I did that, we would be having passive aggressive discussions, therapy style. :sad2:

I went straight to make breakfast and the smell of bacon woke everyone up. Of course.

That's more my style! :thumbsup2

I absolutely love the wait times for the bus!

Except when they keep moving the arrival time back and back and back until it's 45 after the time that was posted when you arrived.

So we missed our first FP for Star Tours, but we sure as heck weren’t going to be missing RnRC or ToT.

I'm not sure, but possibly you might be able to reschedule missed FPs if something is available.

I really wanted to take as many photos as I could with the Sorcerer’s Hat so we went off to find some PP photogs

Personally, I'm glad to see it gone. I couldn't believe when they put it up. I wondered about that.

And we show up and the gates to enter the RnRC area is closed :sad:


Oh my gosh. So tired of Frozen. I feel like punching Olaf in the face.

Wow! Tell us how you really feel!

I had no idea this happened until I brought up the photos on the website when we got home.

How sweet!

Wish I had known about the video, I would have done something more exciting than covering my eyes from the blinding sun :rotfl:

Wow! I didn't know they could do videos now! I never buy the PP at the parks only on the cruises.

I can't believe how smart Calvin is getting!


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